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 Iris Atelier

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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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Iris Atelier Empty
PostSubject: Iris Atelier   Iris Atelier Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 8:46 am

General Information:
Name: Iris Atelier

Nickname/Alias: Iris

Weight: 90

Height: 4'7

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Looks: Iris Atelier Hot_anime_girl_on_a_cross

Iris is half Chinese, half Japanese, though she speaks full Japanese and a good ammount of Chinese, she looks a little more chinese, her eyes are more sharper then others, she has bright long green hair that reaches down to the top of her waist and light orange mixed with a little bit of brown eyes.

Personality: Iris is normaly a quiet girl, she is sometimes clingy but is very kind hearted, sometimes she will get jealous easily. Iris sometimes looks very emotionless the way she just stares at a battle or something just wide eyed.

Clan Information

Clan Name: Yottsugan (Eye Of 4 Seasons)

Kekei Genkai: The Yottsugan is a very unique kekkei genkai, so far only Iris is known to have it. The Yottsugan allows the control of the 4 season, fall, winter, summer and spring, it allso allows the quick learning of 1 more element that has to do with the season, Summer - Fire, Winter - water (If trained enough, even snow), fall - wind, Spring - Earth, though earth is the weakest of all the elements and is not required to use spring stage. to have this kekkei Genkai, the user must have 2 of the 3 types of elements used in it. The user will be able to shift through stages of the Kekkei Genkai at will, each stage contains a certain season wich increases, and gives the user stronger and more advanced skills. The user will also be able to change the season in the entire area by activateing the stages ability for each stage theyre in.

Summer: This stage turns the users eye orange, similar to the sun, it will look hot and bright. In this stage the user has the ability to change the season around the area so it is as if it is Summer, it will ber very hot, and the sun will beat down hard. This also increases the heat of eny fire jutsu used.

Winter: This stage turns the users eyes snowy white and light blue, The user will have the option to turn it winter outside, snow will fall hard, and quickly build up sheets of snow on the ground with a very cold breeze blowing by. This also increases the strength of eny snow jutsu used.

Fall: This stage will turn the users eyes light red and orange, they will have the option to make it as if it was fall outside, heavy winds blowing and leaves turn red or orange and quickly fall from trees. This also increases the strength of eny wind jutsu used.

Spring: This stage will turn the users eyes completly blue, the user will have the ability to creat spring showers, flowers in the area will bloom very quickly and it will constantly rain. This also increases the impact eny water jutsu abilities used

(5 post cooldown on season changes)

Clan Symbol: None

Clan History: Not much is known of this clans history yet as Iris has been the only one with it so far, the clan wasnt even known of until she had unlocked it in special training as a Genin, what was known as the history is this:

The clan had lived meny meny years ago, there were 4 founders of the clan who were each born with special abilities in each of the 4 seasons, Shunkashuutou who was born in summer with great summer like abilities, Uxinta who had great winter like abilities, Tenraku who had great Fall like abilities, and Shunkashuutou who had great spring related abilities, they were known as the sage of each Season because of theyre great strength, they ruled over the small clan of those who posessed great abilities, the sages wernt happy of theyre limited abilities and how they were each at theyre strongest only dureing theyre own season so they thought out a new way for tham all to share the unique abilities and have control over the season that they choose. Each sage went under training of diffrent elements, after a few years they were happy what the abilities they all had but still wanted to find a way to change the season at theyre will, Tenraku went out on a travel for a while far far away from the clans home, while away he learned of the "Doujutsu" wich allows unique abilities with eyes, he quickly reported back to the rest of the sages about this wich gave them all a plan, they would begin to creat a Doujutsu that allowed control of the season around them, after years and years of hard workthey only accomplished very little, each sage could only summon theyre own season like they were limited in some way, they began to fight over whos season was when and it turned into a all out war of the sages, due to this war the clan was killed off slowly with each clan member chooseing a side to fight with, they all had elements that balanced each other out, after the war all was gone but the sages, the seasons were out of hand around the entire world continously changeing day by day. The sages had continued theyre battle for a very very long time, until a man named Xhu Zhu had enterd theyre battle aimlessly as he was a chinese traveler with meny unique and rare power that has been unknown of even to this day. Xhu Xhu was tired of all the battleing going on in the area so he had made a answer for theyre problems, as the old mythical looking man he was, his powers were great to, he fused the 4 sages together to make 1 strong and powerful sage with the power of the 4 seasons all in 1, shortly after this process the man had died on his travels. the new Season sage known as Yottsu had great appreciation for the man, they gave him a huge funeral and respected him greatly for solveing the problems that could end the world greatly if it had continued eny longer. After he had lived for meny meny years, Yottsu finaly died, always greatful to the old man who had helped him before, his grave was said to be next to that of Xhu Zhu's as well.

This was also a chinese and japanese mythical tale that was often told to kids

Chinese Version: There was a legend of a wise old man named Xhu Zhu, he was a wizard of sorts and was highly skilled, he often helped the villagers in eny way his power would let him, after meny meny years the man had become very sick, he traveld out in search of a cure, after days and days of traveling, he came across 4 elements that were at a constant battle with each other, Xhu Zhu had calmed the elements down and solved theyre problems, but useing such power led to his death shortly after. It is said even today sometimes miracles may happen throughout China that is said to be the work of Xhu Zhu, he is always watching over them.

Japanese Version: The japanese version is prety much the same as the clans history.

Rank Information:

Rank: Konoha Genin Team 1
Village: Hidden Leaf Village

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu

Elemental Affinity: Fire (Wind: Locked until Chuunin) (water: Locked Until Jounin)

Iris will unlock the new elements as a part of her kekkei genkai as she becomes stronger, each certain stage of her Kekkei requires that element, also, water she has trained for, Fire and Wind are her normal elements and water is the special element trained as apart of the Kekkei Genkai.

Special Characteristics: Kekkei Genkai, Large Chakra Pools, very good with weapons


Name: Door Slam No Jutsu
Rank: D
Element: -
Description: Iris will slam a door, sometimes without even touching it at it.

Name: Stick Smack No Jutsu
Rank: E
Element: -
Description: Iris will smack someone incredibly hard with a stick.

Name: Rock Throw No Jutsu
Rank: E
Element: -
Description: Iris will throw a rock really hard at someone, often hitting them in the head.

Name: Roundhouse Kick No Jutsu
Rank: E
Element: -
Description: Iris will ROundhouse kick someone in the head, similar to a Chuck Norris technique, Iris' is almost as powerful.

Name: Backhand No Jutsu
Rank: D
Element: -
Description: Iris will backhand something or someone with great force.

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:

Academy Ark: Iris was a very bright academy student, she was born with a Japanese dad, and a Chinese mother, her eyes were more sharper then normal girls eyes because of her Chinese side, she took after her mother a lot more then her father, she was the age 6 when she enterd the academy and slowly began to learn well as a normal student like most others, as she was in the academy, she learned the Door Slam No Jutsu and often slamed the door in the teachers face, or just for no reason, while she was outside she learned the roundhouse kick no jutsu and threw a rock at the teachers head. In the academy training, they had to practice hand to hand combat to learn the breakdown of it, as she was training with a boy in her class, she performed a roundhouse kick very well inventing her Roundhouse Kick No Jutsu, the boy got back up and was very mad, he ran at her at full speed, as he got close to her Iris backhanded him away inventing her Backhand No Jutsu, shortly after she was given her headband and promoted to the rank Genin at the age of 8.

Genin Arc: Iris was immediatly pulled out of her missions as a Gennin for special training by the Kage himself. The Kage believed Iris held something special like a unique kekkei genkai of sorts, she trained for 7 years, in the training her Kekkei Genkai was revealed, she went under tough training and masterd her Kekkei Genkai by the age of 15, Iris began to train for the element Water to complete her Kekkei Genkai, she went through rough training, such as battleing agenst water, constantly being around water, meditation under the strong force of a waterfall and much more, shortly after she had obtained water chakra. The Kage of her village was very surprised of the abilities she held as he thought only the 4 season sages had the abilities of this Doujutsu, he also mentioned that before the war in Amegakure, he visited the library there and learned of a childs folklore of the legend of the sages. Till this day Iris has been an undercover Genin that had been watching over the other Academy student and Genin that were in the village

Rp Sample: Revy Roundhouse kicks Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris isnt even fazed, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks back twice as hard hitting Revy

Last edited by Iris Atelier on Fri 21 Aug 2009, 10:16 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Iris Atelier Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iris Atelier   Iris Atelier Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 9:21 am

,Approved and whats sup with the chuck norris crap .... LMFAO
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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Iris Atelier Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iris Atelier   Iris Atelier Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 9:22 am

Cause chuck Norris can kill enyone, even Madara
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Iris Atelier Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iris Atelier   Iris Atelier Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 2:40 pm

1. No Rasengan. It has to be taught by me. Also, its a A-Rank Technique. Genin can't have jutsu no higher than C-Rank. Special Genin can only have ONE B-Rank technique.

2. Special Ninja are surpose to be skilled in ONE. So its either genjutsu or ninjutsu.

3. Genin can only start with ONE element. Your second element can't be unlocked till Chuunin. Also, EVERYONE can ONLY have a limit of TWO ELEMENTS.
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Revy Izumi
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Iris Atelier Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iris Atelier   Iris Atelier Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 7:13 pm

I removed Rasengan, and can i lock 2 of the elements then? and unlock them 1 at a time as i rank up to Chuunin and Jounin? the reason i was took out of missions was so she could learn the final element for her kekkei genkai, the kekkei itself allows the easy use after training of one of the elements that have to do with the kekkei itself, if i have to remove it it ruins my app completly ==

Last edited by Iris Atelier on Mon 17 Aug 2009, 7:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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Iris Atelier Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iris Atelier   Iris Atelier Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 7:54 pm

Hmm.. That seems kinda fair =o
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Iris Atelier Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iris Atelier   Iris Atelier Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 8:42 pm

I agree. Kitapproved
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PostSubject: Re: Iris Atelier   Iris Atelier Icon_minitime

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