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 The Demons of Mist

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PostSubject: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeThu 18 Sep 2008, 11:06 pm

Hearing someone coming, Masahiro's body slowly lifted out of the water between the white swells surrounding the shallow cove. The water here was not all that deep, and having it swirl around the rocks created quite the current. The Fujiwara loved it, the water here never calmed, making it unpredicatable and harder to cast jutsu from. I mean, it's rather difficult to target water with chakra then have it move away before you can really harness it. The crashing waves made quite the ruckus too, the sound reflecting off the hollowness of the cove, making it hard to hear much of anything.

He was grinning too, he couldn't remember much from the previous Mizukage's techniques, and so he knew nothing about the current kage, even if techniques had been passed on. This battle would certainly be one to churn the very ocean. However, the Kage had made the mistake of letting Masahiro know what he specialized in. Water, Sound, both were easily counterable by Masahiro, as long as he saw them coming.

True, this would be interesting.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeFri 19 Sep 2008, 4:42 pm

((lol you tried to make this area as much for your benifit as anything...Don't think that will help any))

Silently Oshi arrived at the shore standing in the sand about 40y from Masahiro. He had realized a couple things about this battle. Masahiro had done his homework and had picked a locatoin that he thought would not bode well for Sound Jutsu. Masahiro also knew that he was probably better at water jutsu. Oshi on the the other hand still had a small advantage, his sound jutsu would work extra well in the hollow cove and his third ability still out there to use. This would be fun. Taking a step forward Oshi yelled out to Masahiro "Are you ready?" Oshi asked, weirdly loud for the distance between them.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeSat 20 Sep 2008, 2:10 am

Rising on a wave Masahiro returned the shout.

"Of course, Kage, we'll see what you can do."

He then opened with a defensive maneouver. Without forming a single hand seal, water rose up and around his ankles, then covered his entire body. Indeed Masahiro had done his homework. Seeing that Oshiroku was blind, he instinctively knew his opponent needed some other means to locate him, with water coating his body, his natural motions became muffled, and instead of the normal sound of rubber on water that Oshiroku would be used to fighting on this terrain, the most he would get was subtle splashing. Additionally, this would block out and sound induced Genjutsu as the water continued to rise and completely enclosed Masahiro's ears, making him deaf. In moments his entire vision was coated in a blueish hue, as the water covered his eyes. Although it was slightly distorted, Masahiro was already accustomed to this.

Now let's see the extent of his true sight.

The next technique he used did involve hand seals, and after forming four water clones, each reached for a kunai, tossing it in Oshiroku's direction.


((Jutsu Name: [Still in Translation] - Water Demon Armor Technique
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu, A rank, supplementary.
Description / Effects: This skill uses chakra to take a large amount of water and compress it to the users skin. A very useful skill as it lets the user carry a supply of water with him, it also functions as high grade armor, deflecting most weaponry attacks. The armor is still vulnerable to impact attacks, and of course lightning elements. The ninja must keep his face exposed, unless he has a method of breathing through the water.
Chakra Consumption: The technique consumes quite a bit of chakra, as it's very hard to keep the water compressed to a point to where it is durable, especially while utilizing the same chakra to keep the pressure of this compression from crushing the ninja.

Jutsu Name: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu -Water Clone Technique
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu, C rank, 0-20 meters.
Description / Effects: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Mizu Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. The range of the clone is limited; however, it can not travel very far from the original body. If the Mizu Bunshin is injured, the clone will usually revert back into its natural water state.
Chakra Consumption: Roughly one twentieth of the user’s chakra per clone, increasing with sustained clones for longer periods of time.))
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeSat 20 Sep 2008, 4:55 pm

((I added your jutsu to your post for you.))

Oshi smiled at Masahiro's feeble attempt to block out his Sound Jutsu sinking into the ground. Doing hand signs while underground 12 Oshi's rise up from under Masahiro surrounding him. None of the Oshi's mouths moving Masahiro hears in his ear "Sound travels faster and stronger through water than jutsu will be stronger with you in this state" Quickly doing hand signs the Oshi's all turned a shade of purple as Masahiro found himself unable to move then suddenly his arms and legs pulled to the side unable to move his flesh melting off his bones Oshi's voice still in his ear "I guess you should have done less studying on my style and more on science...this should be fun...I will soon welcome you into my first new genin"

Dochuu Eigyo - Underground Fish Projection
Character Use: Kagari, Mubi, Oboro
Rank: C
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Effect: Doton • Dochuu Eigyo is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. Using the Oboro Bunshin, the Rain Genin use the clones to confuse their enemies and then hide within the earth. From the shadows of the clones, the actual ninja can then attack their target. ((No clones this time though))

Mateki • Mugen Onsa - Demon Flute • Illusion Tune Chains
Character Use: Tayuya
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Supplementary
Effect: Mateki ~ Mugen Onsa is a Genjutsu technique utilized by the Sound ninja Tayuya. To use this illusion she needs to enter her cursed seal level two form. When she plays the music for this illusion on her flute, her opponent's mind enters a barren wasteland. While in this illusion the ninja feels retrained by chains which bind the user as their skin and muscle begins to melt off their bones. Because they feel restrained in the illusion, they are retrained in real life as well.

Shiin's Kanashibari Music (Unnamed)
Character Use: Shiin
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Supplementary
Special Note: Anime Only
Effect: This unnamed Genjutsu technique is used by Rice Field Country ninja Shiin. Using his clan's well known musical abilities, Shiin will play a tune on his flute which will bind in place anyone he targets.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeMon 22 Sep 2008, 11:34 pm

((Sound doesn't work when it's going through changes in density. If you play a sound with a flute, it travels through air, then the decibel levels are compromised as it travels into water. The volume would be the same, but that's why it kind of sounds like someones talking through a really long tube when you're underwater. You could never make it out. If you generated the sound underwater, and it stayed underwater, it would work. But, as a flute, or your vocal chords, are designed for air, you could never produce the sound necessary for your technique. Keep in mind, Genjutsu by sound is done by playing specific notes that stimulate the brain patterns, if it's garbled or changed, it won't work.))

Masahiro tilted his head lightly. Someone was trying to talk to him, and then he heard a light humming. He stood still for a moment, his clones looking between each other for answers. The original smiled. Heh, sound genjutsu. It was a nice attempt old man, but I've countered far too many sound nin with simple techniques. This method is tried and true. But, it's now time for my counter attack. Masahiro formed a single hand seal, the water around the feet of his clones exploding and forming a giant swirling vortex, protectively impairing them from sight, and if need be, the solid wall of water would prevent echolocation. Looking at his clones, Masahiro nodded, and each of them formed an independent hand seal.

The nearest two to the front of their pack, used their own water, converting themselves into an over sized mole and badger. Over sized in the fact that each stood over four feet tall on all fours. The one behind Masahiro and to his left turned into a large albatross, one so large, that it needed to gather an excess of water from the ocean to fit it's twenty foot frame. The final two turned themselves into what appeared to be vitamin induced hedgehogs, their spikes sharper then steel. The two giant rodents then clambered into the albatross' beak, and as it took off, the two burrowers broke the water wall and made for shore. As they reached it, the albatross was high overhead, and soon the badger and mole were already underground, trying to snuff out their target with razor blade claws.

And if you think you can hide, aheh, I can already detect the hydrogen levels in your body.


Jutsu Name: Mizu No Tatsumaki - Tornado of Water
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu, B rank, 0-5 meters.
Description / Effects: A technique where water is made into a large spiraling vortex that spins around the ninja. This technique can be used both offensively and defensively. Offensively to attack the opponent, and defensively to deflect attacks. This is the sister technique of the Great Exploding Current in which the water drains downwards, instead of exploding upwards.
Chakra Consumption: Dependant on the water source, moderate.

Jutsu Name: Mizu Moujû no Jutsu - Art of Water Beast
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu, B rank, all ranges.
Description / Effects: This jutsu uses a nearby source of water to create an aquatic animal. The animal manifestation has all the abilities of its real familiar. The size of the animal is limited only by how much water and chakra is used in the technique. Additionally the animal may be forced to explode, by overloading it with chakra. This explosion is mild, as it uses no combustible and simple lets the water burst quickly from the animal, causing a shock wave.
Chakra Consumption: Depending on the animal, it can be very little for most water release users. Only a master is capable of replicating larger animals however.
Hand Seals: Relative to the animal created.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeTue 23 Sep 2008, 10:15 pm

((Uhhh you can counter my genjutsu this time but for next time be aware...Sound vibrations would be garbled while changing filters but with my control over vibrations of all kind it doesn't matter...I can change the strength and sound once they enter the water giving the same effect...could you also tell me how many clones you have total...just so it doesn't get confusing))

Oshi split into 12 more leaving 13 Oshis standing at the bottom of the ocean. Each doing a hand sign they turned purple as a purple mass of liquid floated up. As it reached the burrowing animals it covered them hardening and squeezing destroying the clones. Still continuing it reached Masahiro's feet exploding spraying purple goo all over his body.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeWed 24 Sep 2008, 12:53 am

((The amount of clones was in the post above. In fact, it's in the same sentence that I made them in. And, purple liquid, didn't find anything about that in your profile, if it's a jutsu or technique of any sort, please tell me what it does?

Oh, and as a hypothetical question, would it even be possible to control vibrations through something compressed tightly enough, and that something being imbued with another ninja's chakra. I've never seen a nin ever turn a technique back on the user, say use his own water technique to create a new one. And I assume it's because one chakra blocks out the other.

Oh and thirdly, sorry, this must be annoying for you by now, locking me into a genjutsu automatically, is a godmod. Spraying purple goo all over me, is a godmod. Setting up a genjutsu then waiting for my reply, is not a godmod. Splashing purple goo in my direction in hopes that my reply lets it latch onto me, is not a godmod.))

As the goo splashed unto Masahiro's body, he dispersed the water armor, allowing himself breathing room from the unknown technique. Better stay away from that liquid, it may be very dangerous to my health. But alas, I grow tired of these games. My turn. Pulling a slip of paper from his pocket, water was quickly dabbed onto it, darkening a pattern which actually was the kanji for water. Raising it into the air, Masahiro began to shout.

"This is a technique Oshiroku! Watch closely!"

He then formed six different hand seals, tossing the slip onto the shore.

"Suiton: Yuuenmeikyuu!"

Quickly, water surged from the seal, forming high walls and roofs. From there, it formed the start of a labyrinth. As it grew, it stretched down into the ocean floor, and systematically trapped Oshiroku's clones, before heading for him.

"But I'm not done yet!"

The hedgehogs then dropped from the albatross. They quickly reformed into a water clone with one of Masahiro's hand seals, and tossed him a rock. Catching it, Masahiro pricked his finger, placing it on the smalll stone. He then tossed it into the air. In seconds, rain started to fall, and it started to sizzle. It was highly acidic, and would eat apart any form of life, except for Masahiro of course. The blood sacrifice had made him immune. Now it was entirely his playing field. In moments, the rain water would seep into the ocean, well, small fish had already begun to die. Oshiroku could either strive it out within the labyrinth, or attempt to swim for it. Either way, he was at Masahiro's mercy.


Jutsu Name: Suiton: Yuuenmeikyuu - Water Release: Grand Labyrinth
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu, A rank, all ranges.
Description: After placing the Kanji for water on a seal, Masahiro will place it on the ground, forming handseals. When the technique is completed, walls of water will form out of the ground, creating a giant labyrinth with the opponent at one end, and the seal at the other. Hard to navigate through as it's almost like a glass maze, the water is completely enclosed, but still lit up as it's roofs are clear. Masahiro may enter and exit at will, the walls opening and closing for him, but the opponent cannot break the walls without deactivating the seal. From the walls Masahiro will conjure rabbits and birds that will explode, to form various traps for the enemy. Additionally the walls will cave in and kill anything remaining in the labyrinth after ten minutes. The labyrinth is roughly five twisting miles, from start to finish, even if the seal and opponent started next to each other, a wall will prevent him from capturing it that quickly, making the path as long as possible.
Chakra Consumption: Vast by most standards, small for Masahiro.

Jutsu Name: Suiton: Ameyomi - Water Release: Rain of the Underworld
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu, S rank, all ranges.
Description: The user first sacrifices blood, placing it on a stone or kunai. After the sacrifice is done, the item is thrown in the air, whereupon it explodes quite majestically, only to have highly acidic water rain down on the surrounding area. To the user, this feels like normal water, as the blood sacrificed renders him immune. Masahiro created this technique by studying Jiraiya's Swamp of the Underworld move.
Chakra Consumption: Depends on the length of the showers.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeWed 24 Sep 2008, 8:11 pm

((You could turn my jutsu against me but only if you could control sound

The purple goo is called Solid Sound is in my application

Also I'm sorry about the gmodding...some times my mind runs ahead of me because I know that you can't dodge and I just say that it happens. About the genjutsu though I can say that you are in it. You can't just dodge a genjutsu but you can break it once it happens though. Excuse me about the goo though. I was in a rush...I will take more time from now on))

Raising their hands the Oshis also made quick hand signs sinking into the dirt below them as the purple goo, in a circle around Masahiro, again shot out right towards him from every direction speeding like bullets. As the goo shot towards Masahiro small purple balls rose towards the surface reaching the top and floating about. Almost 100 sat around Masahiro un-bothered by the acid their purpose unknown.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeWed 24 Sep 2008, 8:21 pm

As more potentially dangerous objects reached the surface, Masahiro dived beneath it, narrowly dodging the purple liquid looking substance. Meanwhile, his water clone returned to a large mole like forming, burrowing again. As it dug, it managed to seek out the odd clone it ran into, tearing into them. It still could not find the real Oshiroku though.

I need to reduce his cover. no more of this hide and seek.

As the water around him began to slightly shift in density, masahiro could tell the poison had fully mixed in. If only he could just get it to Oshi. Forming the hare symbol. Dozens of watery rabbits appeared upon the ocean floor. Their slightly thicker forms just barely been made out against the water surrounding them. They then exploded in sequence, tearing apart the ground, revealing a few more feet. Nothing, Masahiro did it again, hoping that eventually he'd dig up a Kage.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeWed 24 Sep 2008, 8:48 pm

Sinking lower to keep out of reach from Masahiro's attacks Oshi did a few more hand signs the balls sinking down following Masahiro as the goo sank also swirling around gleaming purple with a slight silver tint. Oshi drew one of his swords the other sword gone and held it in his hand as he waited for his balls to work.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeWed 24 Sep 2008, 9:17 pm

Screw this noise.

It was of no avail. Oshiroku was still hiding. There was only one thing to do, and it was Masahiro's greatest defensive and offensive technique.Closing his hand tightly, the freshly made cut spilled more blood. He then aimed the same palm at the sea floor. In moments, a cave appeared.

Out of that cave came Genbu, in the form of a giant sea snake. Quickly, it swirled up and enclosed Masahiro in it's mouth, protecting him indefinitely. It then twisted downwards, it's scales shimmering as they glistened with chakra, protecting itself from the acidic properties in the water. Telepathically, masahiro spoke to the giant beast.

Thanks again Genbu, the target is buried under the ocean floor, do your thing.

Genbu dived even quicker hearing this. Tunneling straight into the rock floor. From within the protection of Genbu's closed mouth, Masahiro gave it directions, being able to sense Oshiroku's location even still. Occasionally Genbu would whip out it's tail, destroying another clone.

Only a matter of time now.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeThu 25 Sep 2008, 3:07 pm

Popping out of the ground on the shore Oshi knelt three clones with him as all of the balls and goo from the ocean raced toward him like a snake. The goo swirled around the 4 Oshi's as the balls came to a stop surrounding the Oshis. Hearing the giant snake underground Oshi realized his predicament and then found a solution. Biting his thumb it began to bleed, and he touched it to the inside of his Vest (Jounin/Chuunin vest with some improvements) hitting a seal and in a puff of smoke a large bell appeared. The bell, almost as big as Oshi himself had a series of signs on it and glistened purple in the sun as Oshi made more hand signs three more bells appearing for his comrades, then again he made a sign thrusting his hand in the air yelling "The Skies Cry...Bird Summoning". When the large mass of smoke cleared Oshi and his clones were standing on top of a giant owl the size of a large building. “Long time no see Chumira” Oshi said smiling at his old friend “How are you” the owl took off into the sky turning its head and speaking to Oshi in a deep hooty voice “I am well young one…why do you require my services” Oshi chuckled “It’s a long story” he said as they reached about 500ft off the ground. “We can talk about it later”.
Name: Cadence: The Bell of Strength
Effect: This bell is infused with a special seal, put on it by Oshiroku’s father. This seal bounces sound waves and vibrations off the bell that can only be controlled by a Roku. The bell itself weighs around a ton and is virtually indestructible because of the vibrations bouncing back and forth off its surface. Oshi utilizes these vibrations to lift the bell of the ground focusing them to certain areas.

Name: The Skies Cry: Bird Summoning
Rank: S
Range: -
Effect: This jutsu is a specialty of the Roku clan. Having signed a special bird summoning scroll all the Roku’s can summon the vast quantities of birds in its realm. Being the only Roku left Oshiroku possesses this scroll and can summon the various birds. Each bird has a special property to it that sprouts from it type. Chumira an owl is the leader of the birds and can control sound waves to her bidding.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeFri 26 Sep 2008, 12:40 am

Masahiro sensed another being now, larger, larger then Genbu currently was. However, it was in mid-air, and evidently, Oshiroku had forgotten about his albatross... But could he have seriously forgotten about the rain, unless the other nin could come up with a defense towards it, the acidic properties of the rain would eat through all of the Oshi's even the owl itself. However, Masahiro did not leave things up to Oshi to decide upon. Quickly, the albatross darted in towards the owl, attempting to explode in it's face. This was simply a distraction though, as Genbu took another form. With a deafening roar, three new heads, serpentine still, rose from the water, their necks following them. Then, a body rose out of the water, showing that all three heads were connected to the same core.

It was a hydra, and Masahiro was nowhere to be seen, though he was definitely hiding somewhere. Before that could be discerned however, the mouths of the hydra opened, and out poured a small ocean's worth of water, all in a solid stream, attempting to wet the bird's feathers.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeFri 26 Sep 2008, 10:09 am

Masahiro noticed the rain falling over Chumira and her passengers. It stopped about 3 feet short of hitting anyone. To weakly for a normal person to hear Chumira's whole body was sending off vibrations of sound and blocking out all of the rain. Noticing the Abatross finally Oshi yelled "Now Chumira" and the giant bird opened its mouth. The albatross still 100 feet away was destroyed on the stop seconds later the sound of Chumira's mighty hoot coming to Masahiro's ear. Chumira her head spinning saw and heard the giant snake thing coming out of the water gaining altitude as the jets missed her and firing off multiple sound bullets about 100 feet in diameter at the thing.

Description: Chumira is the Queen of the birds. Having total control over sound Chumira is very powerful. Her hoots travel at the speed of sound and have been known to blast through 40 feet worth of concrete. These hoots are actually very powerful Sound Bullets

Name: Sound Bullet Jutsu
Rank: C
Range: 0-50 yards
Effect: This jutsu creates bullets out of sound. The creating sound must be sharp and a whistle is the best. These bullets can be anywhere from half an inch in diameter to 2 feet and can puncture weaker metals in a small form.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeSun 28 Sep 2008, 1:06 pm

Masahir's body rattled when he heard the sound jutsu, but from where he was it had little to no physical effect or damage on him. Perhaps it was time for Masahiro to play hardball. The rain clouds vanished, as did the Hydra, in a large puff of smoke. Masahiro was then standing on the water's surface, waving his opponent down.

"C"mon Kage, I expect you to be able to get through this battle without using some kind of flying record player. Let's see what you can do without so many helpers."
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeSun 28 Sep 2008, 1:23 pm

The Oshi's all laughed and then one spoke out, his voice amplified "Don't try to goad us into getting rid of our allies...are you just scared of our power" At this one of the Oshi's jumped down, bell in hand, and fell gaining speed while entering his bell. Doing hand signs his hands turned purple and then he was out of site, the jutsu he used unknown to Masahiro.
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PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeSun 28 Sep 2008, 1:31 pm

Masahiro grinned.

"Not at all Kage, but with oh such terrible powers, it doesn't seem you've been making good use of them! Why don't you show me what you can really do!"

He waited for a few moments, then sunk slowly into the water's surface, waiting for the Oshi's to come to him.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeSun 28 Sep 2008, 1:36 pm

The bell hit the water and continued on somehow moving to follow Masahiro.
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PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeSun 28 Sep 2008, 1:39 pm


Masahiro formed the hare hand seal once again, a mass of rabbits collecting on the bells surface. Then, he tightened the seal, attempting to blow it straight to hell.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeSun 28 Sep 2008, 8:55 pm

The smoke underwater dissipating quickly Masahiro was surprised to see the bell unharmed only scorched in areas. Now only 15 feet from Masahiro the bell flew through the water faster striving to reach Masahiro. From above Oshi stood determined making hand seals "Now you will see my rain" he said as from Chumira and the Oshi's bodies Solid Sound in goo form began to drip into the water.
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PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeMon 29 Sep 2008, 2:05 am

Masahiro ducked sideways, pushing against the bell then using the vortex jutsu to deflect it. He was quickly getting sick of this, and thus he guided the speeding bell into the entrance to the rock cove, collapsing it. It was now completely enclosed, and as high as Chumira was in the air, she was still within it's walls, the exit now a few hundred more feet over her head.

Let's see how well your rain deals with this.

He then formed hand seals, prepping the water collision waves technique. This technique created an enormous amount of water in sheer seconds. now, that, coupled with the amount of water Genbu had already created, did mean that the acid in the water was now far too diluted to affect anything seriously, however, it did mean, that Masahiro could now generate enough water, to engulf everything in the area. Interestingly, the owl's biggest advantage, now became it's biggest disadvantage, as it no longer had enough room to angle itself in order to fly up. Or atleast, not in order to fly up quick enough.

Here I come!

Water burst forth from Masahiro's mouth, and the surface level bursted upwards as if it were threatening to explode in a volcanic display from the mouth of the cove. Meanwhile, torrents of water tornado's tore through the surface tension, coating the water's surface in what might be physically noted as a grinder. This destroyed nearly all of Oshiroku's rain, however, it stopped just before the surface reached Chumira's feet, the water still continuing upwards however, threatening to envelop the bird and everything aboard it.

Masahiro was now deep beneath the water's surface, his water armor now effective again. Without it, he would have been crushed at this pressure level, including anything thing else that happened to be down that deep. Even metals, large and durable, would be rendered immobilized, just as Oshi's bell, sat silently in a corner. But now the game of hide and seek had been reversed, if Oshi wanted to attack him, he would have to get at least a little closer, and even at that, he would need to learn how to hold his breath for longer periods of time, or perhaps simply attack in short bursts. If anything...

A good defense...
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeMon 29 Sep 2008, 7:09 pm

((Wait I'm confused why can't Chumira fly any higher than she already is))

Oshi smiled slightly not out of happiness but of knowing. Seconds later the cove in which the bell had been suddenly erupted many Sound Grenades having been detonated. Again unharmed, seemingly indestructable, Oshi's bell shot toward Masahiro trailing purple balls, which Masahiro realized were Sound Grenades. Every foot or so the bell would drop another grenade as it quickly gained on Masahiro. From directly above him Masahiro heard a splash as another bell entered the water from above. Weighing and unbelievable amount the bell quickly sunk coming closer to Masahiro as it sank. This bell trailed a purple stream of goo. Oshi and two clones stood on top of Chumira all holding their bells and making another series of hand signs.
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The Demons of Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitimeMon 06 Oct 2008, 2:40 pm

((Owls have to circle to climb higher, or build enough velocity and angle themselves to climb. She doesn't have enough room anymore. Sorry, I've been away for awhlie too.)

Damn it, Masahiro wasn't getting anywhere with this. Forming a long string of handseals, a dragon of water swept by, pushing him out of the way as the two bells collided. Perhaps if they're both indestructible, they can stop each other. Masahiro then burst from the water's surface, riding the head of his dragon straight for Chumira. As it neared, he leapt off, backflipping away from it into the air. He then performed more hand seals, watching his target as he fell.

In response, the dragon changed, into a large spinning drill of water, that drill heading straight for Chumira's chest. Masahiro then landed back in the water's surface, as it the water was still increasing in amount, water from the sea wall pouring into the basin.
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PostSubject: Re: The Demons of Mist   The Demons of Mist Icon_minitime

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