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Kunkato and itazuk's House Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jul 2021, 12:05 am by Nocturne

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 Kunkato and itazuk's House

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3 posters
Kunkato Yoru Uchiha

Posts : 199
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Join date : 2008-11-27
Age : 29
Location : Behind you back! You look, you're DEADMEAT!

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Ninja Rank: D rank
Village: Mist

Kunkato and itazuk's House Empty
PostSubject: Kunkato and itazuk's House   Kunkato and itazuk's House Icon_minitimeSun 30 Nov 2008, 12:39 pm

Kunkato is walking in from the front door, "Brother, I'm home now!" Kunkato said, there was no answer for few moments.
Maybe he's out for a bit. Kunkato only sighed and went and fixed the table up then got himself to eat. Once he's done eating Lunch. he left the room and sat on the floor
He heard huge footsteps, he noticed those footsteps. Kunkato looked behind him, its the female wolf, Umisukai. "Hey Umisukai" Kunkato said, petting her.
"What do you want to do then, Umi?" Kunkato asked, waiting for her reply.
Umisukai purred and made noises. "You want to go fetching..." Kunkato said, understanding what umisukai said. Umisukai just shook her head from right to left and lifting her huge paw on ZKunkato's right shoulder. Umisukai heard something outside, she went to the front door and yapped. Then Umisukai opened the door. "Hey! Wait up, where are ya going, Umi?!" Kunkato called Umisukai then Kunkato went outside to go after Umisukai. Kunkato sees Itazuk walking up the house with Kurohoshi.
"Hey Itazuk! Lunch is ready for ya, sorry, i kinda already ate." Kunkato said.
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Kunkato and itazuk's House Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kunkato and itazuk's House   Kunkato and itazuk's House Icon_minitimeSun 30 Nov 2008, 1:40 pm

"Hello kunkato, Lunch is ready? I am pretty sure that I am hungry alright." Itazuk said to his younger brother.
"So what's serving today? Riceball and Steak with sauce I am guessing." Itazuk said, smelling the food from the kitchen. He let Kurohoshi in then Umisukai in then Kunkato and he came in last and shutted the door behind him.
"he sat at the table eating his meal, so how you doing today then?" Itazuk said, asking Kunkato proudly.
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Kunkato Yoru Uchiha

Posts : 199
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Age : 29
Location : Behind you back! You look, you're DEADMEAT!

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Ninja Rank: D rank
Village: Mist

Kunkato and itazuk's House Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kunkato and itazuk's House   Kunkato and itazuk's House Icon_minitimeThu 04 Dec 2008, 5:46 pm

Kunkato sat at the table after him.
"I'm doing great! Anything well happen today?" Kunkato asked excitedly.
Kunkato filled his bowl of ficeball and sauce on it and steak on his other plate along with a cup of white milk.
"I think today..I want you to train me after lunch, that's why i got out a awesome lunch meal!!" Kunkato said, cheerfully and loud. Making a large grin across his face.
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Location : ever notice that box behind your house, yeah, that's me

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PostSubject: Re: Kunkato and itazuk's House   Kunkato and itazuk's House Icon_minitimeThu 04 Dec 2008, 5:47 pm

((kunkato, your app has been unapproved, please refrain from rping until it has been re-approved))
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Posts : 542
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Join date : 2008-07-18
Age : 29

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Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Sand

Kunkato and itazuk's House Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kunkato and itazuk's House   Kunkato and itazuk's House Icon_minitimeSat 06 Dec 2008, 7:31 pm

((Yes, Kunkato you need to stop posting unless you are approved again or else I'll do something about it or at least. Please))((Okay, you guys probablt wondering why I kept RP here, okay, just don't wasste posts and Kunkato rushes me to post so bah.))

Itazuk just heard what he said.
"Mmhmmm, you want me to train you, are you sure about that?" Itazuk wasn't really asking a real question.
Itazuk add, "If you want me to train you, my training will be very hard, not very easy to complete my techniques within your hands. Understood?"
"Otherwise you can't do any techniques I have here and you would need to go to the 26th training field, you should know where that is. But first, eat up all your lunch and get good weapons with you. I'll meet you there." Itazuk said, making a serious face. Itazuk stood up from the chair and walked to his room and opened a drawer and took the books out and opened a little door at the bottom of the drawer and he took out a small picture of when Kunkato was just a tiny thing..a small baby boy. Itazuk starred at it then he quickly put the picture back and a breeze came through causing the picture to fly out of his hand onto the floor but Itazuk didn't notice. He had already left his room with nothing.
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Kunkato Yoru Uchiha

Posts : 199
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Join date : 2008-11-27
Age : 29
Location : Behind you back! You look, you're DEADMEAT!

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: D rank
Village: Mist

Kunkato and itazuk's House Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kunkato and itazuk's House   Kunkato and itazuk's House Icon_minitimeMon 08 Dec 2008, 5:59 pm

Kunkato heard what he said. he made a grin, larger than he could make.
"Oh, yeah!" Kunkato hollered queitly to himself.
..Why does he always go to his room after lunch and came back out with nothing in his hands..??! I'm going to go and see what is he doing there, though. Kunkato thought to himself.
Kunkato stood up from his chair and went into Itazuk's room and he kept walking and he stepped on something.
Now what? Some papers?
As Kunkato took his foot of the paper he had stepped on.
Its looks like..a photo? I never seen it before, not even once. Kunkato thought again.
Kunkato looked at the picture closely..a baby boy wrapped with cloth inside a crate..a wooden crate..
This picture looks so old..
Kunkato flipped over the photo to see who is this boy but there is nothing on the back..its all it said..
"Boy" and it was my brother's writing...
Who is this boy? Kunkato wondered. kunkato shoved the picture in his pocket and ran out of the door.
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PostSubject: Re: Kunkato and itazuk's House   Kunkato and itazuk's House Icon_minitime

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