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Kazujo [Off The Books] Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jul 2021, 12:05 am by Nocturne

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Kazujo [Off The Books] Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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Kazujo [Off The Books] Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

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Nocturne Revy Masahiro


 Kazujo [Off The Books]

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Posts : 2198
Points : 128
Join date : 2008-06-13
Location : ever notice that box behind your house, yeah, that's me

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PostSubject: Kazujo [Off The Books]   Kazujo [Off The Books] Icon_minitimeFri 02 Jan 2009, 3:05 pm

Target's Name: Kazujo-Missing-Nin
Picture: n/a
Physical Description: Always wears a mask on his face, he loves being under the shadows, always wears black clothing and when he is not busy he have a cloak over him and a hood to hide his head. Has black spikey hair when hood is not on his head. Does not have a headband of his village's headband.
Reason for Bounty: he wants to destroy the Mist and tries to destroy the Grass and he made up of his nation, Demon's Headquarters. He has followers and henchman.
Reward: teaching a powerful water technique
Employer's name: Zazuro Xanuzuro
Location to meet employer: Hidden Mist Village, Mizukage's Office.
Drop off location: Mizukage's Office
Additional Information: kazujo lives in the Whirlpool Country in his Demon's Headquarters but he is out a lot, very often. Sometimes comes back with money or ninjas to be his followers. Kazujo loves money, may be in variety of different villages to look for its best place to attack a village when not on gaurd of that village.
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