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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

Posts : 1017
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Village: Konohagakure

Invitational. Empty
PostSubject: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 7:39 pm

Daedalus hit the ground hard, rolled once, continued to run. Kicking off a tree trunk, he was back in the air, hopping from branch to branch, Kumogakure wasn't far now. Landing on what appeared to be a sturdier foothold, Dae leaned back against the tree, an envelop staring up at him from his hand. On it's surface were the names Metaru and Hybris, and various other words, like to and from, but they weren't really necessary. Pocketing it, he continued on his way.

All that he really knew about Metaru, was that he was once a leader of Akatsuki, but lost to Zodiark. Any reason why Zodiark was carrying out this request was beyond the puppet master. After all, it was to his understanding that, the leader took it all, and among the organization, that meant all of his opponent's respect and humility. Why on earth Zodiark had stooped to this was inconceivable. But alas, he needn't worry about it much longer, there was Kumo's walls. Pushing off a final branch, Daedalus soared above the trees, a faint moonlit shadow trailing him on the ground. As he neared the wall, his hand shot out. literally, shot out, trailed by a chain and grasped onto the storm drain of a residential building within the walls of the city. Dragged in, Daedalus hit the ground and spun into an alley way. Two ANBU units passing.

Do not alert the village.

That's what Zodiark had told him. It was ridiculous. Why send someone with so much unbridled power for such a low key task. Then again, there had definitely been a guard increase lately, regardless though. Moving through the alleys and shadows, Daedalus reached the home a few minutes later, taking another glance at the envelop and nodding to himself. leaping, he was in through the open window, and crouched low on the floor. He took a slow look around, a bedroom, well, there was a bed in it at least. Taking a step forward, the floor boards creaked. Not subtly either, a loud, obnoxious groan. Daedalus cursed, his cover had been completely blown, and something was stirring.
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PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 8:41 pm

A shadow was able to be seen in the darkness, a blanket moving over someone or somethings head. As it was pulled off, a white haired female could be seen through the darkness, faintly, but she was able to be seen. Hybris awoke, and looked around. She noticed a tall figure standing nearby the window, the moonlight glinting in through the empty opening in the window, revealing an even more imposing figure. "Wh.. What is that!? Who is it?" Hybris leaps out of her bed, immediatly witholding an offensive fighting stance, instantly revealing forearm bones from her elbows.

who.. or.. what is that

She thought as she asked once more. "Who are you?! What are you doing in my room! Answer me." she neared him slowly, trying to get a good facial picture, none could be seen through the dullness of the dark shadows surrounding them.
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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Village: Konohagakure

Invitational. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 8:49 pm

Daedalus relaxed, standing tall. Her reaction was less then he was expecting, as he didn't have bone bullets riddling his wooden body at this point. As the light shone past him, it lit his target's face, giving him a better vantage point then she presumably had. Sizing her up, he noticed the bones, highlighted by a faint glow. So that's why he wants her. Then, before she could react, the letter was fished out of his pocket, and thrown in a spinning manner, until it was impaled on her forearm, the entire action taking only a fraction of a second.

"I am known as Daedalus, the Puppet King. I am a member of Akatsuki."

he continued to watch, quite aware of what a trained Kaguya could do. Not that he felt or showed any fear, for he was closer to an inanimate object then he was a human now, but even still, he was ready for anything.

"You had been invited, to join us, by our former leader. I am here to follow up on that invitation."
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Invitational. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 8:57 pm

The girl takes the letter from her forearm, using her jutsu to impale a bone through it, and then healing the wound quickly.. Well aware of the fact that a Akatsuki member was standing in her room, in the middle of the night no less. She slowly unfolds the letter and begins reading.

After a minute or two, she sets the letter down on her bed and retracts the bones. "I see.. My name is Hybris Kaguya. Do you need me to follow you, or something? It's not every day a member of the Akatsuki arrives in your room in the middle of the night; ya know?" She asks and states puzzled.

She stood ready, still a bit weary at what this nin could be capable - but was more understanding then aggressive at this point in time. The dim moonlight slowly brightened her face as she walked towards him slowly.

"Please excuse my clothing.. I'm not used to visitors at this time of night.. " She blushes a bit. "What is it you need from me?"
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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Invitational. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 9:00 pm

Daedalus nodded to himself, a strange habit of his.

"Unfortunately, it won't be as easy to get in as it would have been previously. The organization's gotten stronger, and you'll need to prove yourself."

He then gazed down, noting her attire, coughing once.

" And you would do good to follow me, although you may want to wear... something." He lost his words a bit, then turned to face the window.
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PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 9:05 pm

"Yes, of course.. sorry.." Her tribal marks start to light up bright red as she walks over to her dresser, putting on her Nin clothes. She equipped herself with kunai and shuriken - just in case she would've needed them.

"I'm ready, you can look now. Eh.. " She mumbled a bit, walking towards him. "Shall we go, Daedalus?"
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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Village: Konohagakure

Invitational. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 9:15 pm

Daedalus nodded once more, then was gone, his body becoming a blur. Moving into the night, he did not look back, expecting her to keep. Roof top after roof top he would eventually stop, looking down into the street. It was his belief that nin needed to be ready, at all times, if not especially cautious in the dead of night. As he looked down, he noted the stall across the street, then waited for Hybris to appear beside him.

"The man down there, tending to his customers, has a family, a wife and children. He has been given the gift of life, and he has given it in return. See how happy he makes the people around him, spreading joy and cheer?"

The akatsuki member then turned, plucking a kunai from Hybris' jacket. "May I?" He paused but didn't wait for any confirmation. He then turned his head back to the street, and let the kunai fly. In moments, it struck the man, in the neck, cutting off multiple nerves and slicing through major arteries. He was dead in seconds.

"And I've just taken all of that away, that life, that cheer. Your mission for the akatsuki, will be to collect a bounty. Any one of the ones placed upon the board here in the village will do. I, have been sent to accompany you, to aid you in the task. But the kill, the responsibility for taking a life, stealing away such joy... will be yours. After that, you'll be accepted, and taught, and you'll learn, grow. You will become a god among insects. You only have to accept."
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Invitational. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 9:21 pm

Hybris stared as the man dropped bleeding to death, her eyes filling with tears. "I..." She begins a sentence; wiping the tears from her eyes. "I .. accept. You're very fast both with weapons and on your feet.." She noted in her mind.

if I had that speed and strength... if I had it... She thought.

"May I try and have a go at it? I'm not good with Kunai.. but I can show you another projectile I can use.." I says looking at the Akatsuki member, waiting for comfirmation from him.
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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Village: Konohagakure

Invitational. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 9:30 pm

Daedalus looked at her, long, hard. If she wanted to kill this early, then it was her decision. Zodiark still wouldn't accept her until she brought in a bounty though. He thought for a moment.

"You may, but remember, that if these killings are connected to you, the chance of you bringing in a successful bounty will be gone, and our leader won't accept any other proof. However, as your new sensei, I am curious as to what you can do, the choice is yours."

He then turned, focusing back down on the crowd that was now gathering around the man. Some of them still in nightly wear. Two, were crying, a woman and a young child, holding each other. the remnants. Daedalus' hand stretched outwards, a finger uncurling to point them out.

"There, them. We are akatsuki, we are the purge. They are the sickness. Kill with your heart, not with your mind."
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Invitational. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 9:35 pm

Hybris slowly straightens her arm, pointing it at the woman and child. She closes her eyes and takes one deep breathe, opens them..

Jutsu Used:
Teshi Sendan - Ten Finger Drilling Bullets-

-Teshi Sendan is a Taijutsu technique utilized by the Sound ninja Kimimaro. Using his bloodline abilities unique Shikotsu Myaku (Corpse Bone Pathways) ability, Kimimaro will use his fingers to fire his distal phalange bones as bullets. As the bones fly through the air, they will rotate and drill into their target once they make contact.

In a single flash, she shoots a surge of bones out of her fingers, whistling past nearby remnants, they penetrated the woman and childs backs and necks. Hybris' eyes got red with anger and pain. "Noone shall stop me." She then turned to her sensei. "Shall we go now?"
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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Village: Konohagakure

Invitational. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 9:39 pm

Daedalus nodded once again. Moving off into the night.

"Our first goal is to determine a target, and you will go over the list alone,a s it's located in the town center. When you're finished return to me, I will be waiting at the village gates. I will then accompany you, to aid you, all while teaching you the ways of Akatsuki. Once we are finished, you will be admitted entrance."

He then bolted off in a different direction, heading for the gates, ad leaving Hybris to her orders.
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Invitational. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 10:09 pm

Hybris bolts from the town center onto nearby pipes, and roof linings. She lands on a roof, recovering from a flip and immediatly runs as fast as she can across the top of the town, the moonlight shining down upon her, leaving marks of her fading footsteps as she seemingly glides across the roofs with grace. About 2-3 minutes from then, she lands at the front gates of the city.

hmm.. wonder where he is.. She looks around.

She sits on a nearby bench waiting for her sensei to show. "Hmmm....."

if I do this.. theres no turning back, nothing to look back upon. No regrets from this very moment..

She starts to lose concentration on reality and drifts off, thinking of what will benefit her, even if she knows she is losing much as well.
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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Village: Konohagakure

Invitational. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 10:12 pm

"You've chosen your target..."

It was less of a question then a reassurance. If she hadn't she was backing out, and that meant Daedalus would have to destroy all traces of what transpired. Currently, he was standing on the back of the bench, having soundlessly stepped onto it while she was lost in thought, her mind overwhelming her senses.

"Who is it? Where are we going?"
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Invitational. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 10:20 pm

Hybris nearly fell off the bench, as she looked up at her sensei. "Yo .. You scared me! Agh." She picks herself up, handing him a scroll with the name 'Saishoki Willow' written across it.

"My target: Saishoki Willow." She nods, staring at him. The wind gently moved her hair over her face and off of it.. giving the moonlight a slight shimmer as it shined into her emerald green eyes. All was quiet, except for the little mishap we'd caused earlier at the Ramen shop.
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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Village: Konohagakure

Invitational. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 10:27 pm

Daedalus nodded, returning the scroll to his new student. It was commendable, most people couldn't take down a Willow. He almost let out a sigh, stifling it, Better not let Miyuki know about this one. He then hopped off the bench.

"Last I heard, Saishoki Willow was still in the Hidden Mist Village, meaning conventional means of travel are no longer an option." He then shrugged off his robe, it falling down his arms to expose his chest. reaching with his right hand, he then opened a panel on his left breast, a drawer like mechanism sliding out, containing scrolls. Plucking one, he opened it on the ground.

"Blue Secret Technique: Servant of the Puppet King."

When the summoning smoke cleared, a large metallic dragon slumped to the ground in front of the two, completely immobile. Throwing his cloak back over his shoulders, Daedalus leapt onto it's back, then stretched out his fingers. Instantly, chakra strings brought the puppet to life, and it twisted it's large blue eyes, eyeing over Hybris. Daedalus then reached out to her.


Aoihigi: Kerai no Kugutsu Kingu [Blue Secret Technique: Servant of the Puppet King]
Rank: A
Kerai no Kugutsu Kingu is a technique developed by Daedalus, used to control his large Blue Puppet of Sea and Sky. This jutsu gives him the control over the puppet to use it properly, in air and water.

Blue Puppet of Sea and Sky:
Invitational. Images-1
One singular puppet designed by Daedalus. To control it, he must use the blue secret technique, also developed by him. The puppet itself is revolutionary, made of light polymers and brimmed with water tight seals. It's wings, are then large enough to quickly carry it's mass and more through air or water, making it useful in situations where the standard puppet won't do.
~Flamethrower embedded in jaw.
~Bladed Wings
~Air to water torpedo launcher in chest.
~Twin missile launchers on back.
~Poison tipped tail.
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PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 10:34 pm

Hybris reaches her hand up to him, lifting herself upon the dragon holding on tight. "I'm ready.." She says lightly, gripping her arms around your waste.
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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Village: Konohagakure

Invitational. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitimeSat 03 Jan 2009, 10:37 pm

The dragon took off, slowly at first, then gaining speed. Soon, they were out of the mountainous region, and crossing the vast expanse of sea to Kirigakure. The trip itself would take days, thankfully Daedalus needed little concentration to control a single puppet perfectly, even nodding off a few times. As day broke, they left the borders of Kumo's territory, and were well on their way to their target village.

[Topic Closed, Continued in Hidden Mist Village]
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PostSubject: Re: Invitational.   Invitational. Icon_minitime

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