Two man laughing was heard from afar. Following that was footsteps of one man, but it sounded as twom men were talking. Soon you could hear what the men were saying. "Would you hurry up!" One of them said. The other sighed and shook his head. "I am not going any faster than this! You will just have to f**king wait!" Soon he arrived at a man sitting down. The two brothers laughed at the same time. "Well, I haven't seen you around before." They were two twin brothers, who looked as if they were fused together. There was one full body showing, but two heads. "I'm Yottsu and This is.." The other brother stopped him. "I can talk for myself you know!." Yottsu sighed and yelled back "Yea, Roku! I know!" Roku then looked at Rukon. "Yea, I'm Roku" Yottsu was the one that had the full body and Roku was the one with just his head showing. "Seems like you are a little bored. Wanna Spar?" They both shouted out at the same time.