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 Sendo and Enishi's battle

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PostSubject: Sendo and Enishi's battle   Sendo and Enishi's battle Icon_minitimeSun 15 Feb 2009, 8:31 pm

Sendo walked along the side of the road, the grass rustling as the green blades were crushed beneath his booted feet. With each step, the soles got more and more damp, the dew off the grass soaking the rubber slowly. With each breathe Sendo took, he could taste the moistiure in the air. It was a beautiful thing, the only thing he appreciated in life next to seeing blood flow freely fromthe body at his will. When the air was saturated with moisture, he was usualy content. He began spinning a kunai around his finger, thinking thoughts of which are better left unsaid. Then to his surprise, his pleasure was increased. He sensed nearby was a shinobi. Blood. Blood he would have to work for in order to spill. He smiled, his breaking open in a line of white, red, and saliva. He retreated off into the trees of the small woodland on the side of the ditch he was in, and let out a fake, but very convincing cry for help followed by a shriek, a quick sob, and a little moan. This was his specialty. His mastery of sadism had granted his ears with these melodies enough that he could replicate them and no one could tell the difference. He waited for his prey to fall upon his clutches.
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PostSubject: Re: Sendo and Enishi's battle   Sendo and Enishi's battle Icon_minitimeSun 15 Feb 2009, 8:41 pm

Enishi was walking through the fielded area, drinking from his gourd every 8 steps or so, swaying back and forth, looking as if he would fall over each time. After whistling for a few seconds, Enishi started singing the same song that he always sang. "Gather round ye' lads and lass and set ye for a while, and harken to me mournful tale about the Emral' isle" but was cut off short by the screams of someone close and thought to himself Crap, why does shit happen when i've got free time. And slowly began to shamble over to the place where he heard the screaming come from.
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PostSubject: Re: Sendo and Enishi's battle   Sendo and Enishi's battle Icon_minitimeMon 16 Feb 2009, 10:36 am

Just after he had let out his various noises of mock pain and suffering, Sendo used chakra to scale one of the nearby trees. He rested on a branch about thirty feet up. He used his kunai to cut out a piece of the wood from another branch as he waited for the shinobi to arrive. He made a few handsigns, applying the freewill explosion jutsu to it. Now all he needed was to make a single handsign, and it would detonate the piece of wood in a small scale explosion. Considering the nature of the wood, it would virtulay become a shratnel gernade, not only exploding causign a small bit of fire, but it would also send splinters of wood flying in just about every direction at deadly speeds. There would also be some very small chunks of wood that would fly through the air burnng hot, and while not on fire, would sitll be quite painful to be hit by. Due to the effects of gravity and the height he was at above the ground, Sendo would be safe from his own weapon.

His prey finnaly arrived. He did not seem to be anything to special and appeared to be drunk. Sendo did not get over confident though. He knew that there were batttle styles in this world which required hte user to be inebreated. However, the vast majority of these styles were taijutsu, and Sendo was fairly certain he could defeat most tiajusu that came his way. Then again, the purpose of the drunken taijutsu styles was to make the user unpredictable which would take away one of Sendo's key asvantages over most shinobi. His calculative mind would mean almost nothing here. Instead he would have to rely on sheer talent to get him through.

He waited for the right moment, timing it just right, and let go of the piece of wood in his hand. It was timed so that it fell just behind the man as he walked by, trying to find the source of the noises Sendo had made. As it fell even with the mans back, Sendo made the needed handsign, and the block exploded.

Name of Jutsu: Free Will Explosion
Rank: C
Range: far
Type of Jutsu: ninjutsu
Clan(optional): Ketsueki
Elemental Affinity: acid
Note(s): dangerous to use

Description: Sendo uses this on a specific inanitamite item. The technique is followed by Sendo using a hand seal of his own making. After the technique is finsihed, when ever Sendo uses that hand sign again, the object will explode.

Weakness(es): When this has been used on many items, he has to be careful as to which handsign he uses to avoid exploding the wrong object so this technique can be accident prone.
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PostSubject: Re: Sendo and Enishi's battle   Sendo and Enishi's battle Icon_minitimeMon 16 Feb 2009, 11:08 am

Just as the piece of wood was falling behind Enishi, his foot caught in a small pot hole in the road. Falling forward, the piece of wood exploded, the force of the blast pushed Enishi forward even faster, moving him out of the way of a majority of the shrapnel, only getting hit in the small of his back by a small pieces that did little more than break through his vest. Laying on his stomach for a moment, he tried to figure out what was going on, he knew he heard people, but when he looked around, he couldn't see anyone. Thinking that his mind was just playing tricks on him, he didn't think about it again and decided that since he was already laying down, he would just relax here. Rolling over onto his back, Enishi looked up at the clouds and saw a person sitting in the tree, and immediately shouts "Hello person, rather high up aren't you?" as he waved his right hand at the person.
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PostSubject: Re: Sendo and Enishi's battle   Sendo and Enishi's battle Icon_minitimeMon 16 Feb 2009, 11:42 am

Sendo watched as the target escaped his attack by sheer luck. His anger rose for a moment but he quickly surpressed it. Anger was not his style. Calm, collective and insightful. Most people of his psychotic being failed in their lives because they let their emotions control them. The stranger was now on his back yelling something up to him. What was with drunken fools and speakign to him as if he were just another person to crack open a cold one with. Oh ya thats right, they were drunken fools. He made three quick handsigns and both of his hands began to gloq with chakra. This was the chakra absorption technique. If he coudl make contact of any kind with the man, he coudl drain his chakra, making things much easier for him. He leapt off of the branch and fell down, his descent would carry him right on top of the man in a single fluid motion. This part was chancy. It could end in succes or failure, but by no means was he open for an attack at this point. He was alert and very much aware. He continued to drop and reached out with his hand.

Name of Jutsu: Chakra Kyuuin Jutsu - Chakra Absorption Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type of Jutsu: attack
Clan(optional): no
Elemental Affinity: none

Description: The user's hand will glow with chakra. When he touches his palm on his opponents body, he can withdraw the physical and spiritual energy out of them. By reducing their chakra, it greatly increases his advantage over his opponent.

Weakness: Must make contact with the opponent the whole time for the jutsu to work
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PostSubject: Re: Sendo and Enishi's battle   Sendo and Enishi's battle Icon_minitimeMon 16 Feb 2009, 11:50 am

Enishi lied on the ground for a moment, continuing to wave before saying "Oh, coming down to say hello, let me get up first." with a smile Enishi rolled up towards his head, somehow managing to stay there doing a hand stand, his back facing the rapidly falling Sendo. Bending his arms, Enishi launched himself up, the top of his head clearing where Sendo was now in the air, and flipped over so that his feet were right above Sendo's back, as Enishi began to fall right behind Sendo, trailing behind no more than an inch or so.
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PostSubject: Re: Sendo and Enishi's battle   Sendo and Enishi's battle Icon_minitimeMon 16 Feb 2009, 12:14 pm

As Sendos target came up behind him, he laughed, the opponet was fast, and had brought himself extremely close to Sendo's back. He had set himself up for one of Sendos main attacks. They were about ten feet off the ground and so had plenty of time. With a single motion, he drew a kuna and cut his wrist, spraying blood upward at the opponet. He felt no fatigue from blooloss for as the blood left his body, he created new onew to replace what was lost. After a few moments the blood cloted, sped up by his bloodline and he deployed another jutsu, "Hemo Acidosis." All the blood that had exited his body became acidic, having the power of stomache acid and able to burn through almost anything. The only thing that could cancel it out was one of his own jutsus. None of the blood was on Sendo for he used his bloodline to manipulate it and keep it off of him. As they continued to fall, Sendo grabbed a lower tree branch and pulled himself out from under the drunk and flipped around to survery the results of his mauevers.
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PostSubject: Re: Sendo and Enishi's battle   Sendo and Enishi's battle Icon_minitimeMon 16 Feb 2009, 12:23 pm

Acting quickly, Enishi quickly stretched his leg down and used his sendo's back as a platform to push off of to spin his body at an incredible speed. As enishi spun, any of the acid like blood that got onto him was flung off in all directions before it could burn through more than the outer layer of skin, and causing so little pain that enishi didn't even notice it due to drunkenness. Landing on the ground, Enishi slowly stopped spinning. Once he had completely stopping he smiled for a moment before he covered his mouth with his hand and ran over to the tree and bent over as he began throwing up. after a few seconds, enishi walked back to where he landed and looked up at Sendo as he said "what's wrong, don't you want to be friends, i'm a nice guy..." he paused for a moment to take a sip from his gourd than continued "most of the time."
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PostSubject: Re: Sendo and Enishi's battle   Sendo and Enishi's battle Icon_minitimeTue 17 Feb 2009, 4:43 pm

Sendo made the blood hover next to him as he watched the stranger puke up all his inards on the ground. Curious. He leapt down and was level with Enishi, roughly five meters between them. He glanced over the man and saw that he was clearly in good physical condition. There were many routes to take, a few of which could potentialy kill the opponet out right, but this was not the way of a sadist. A sadist drew things out and made it more prolonged than necesary. Sendo was a master sadist and was all to capable of pulling this off while slowly securing his victory. The key was usualy deffense, but the opponet would be reluctant to attack unless provoked in some manner since he was drunk. He probably didnt realize that Sendo was trying to kill him and if he did, he was doing a good job of playing dumb. Sendo left nothing to chance and assumed the man was playing dumb as this would not hurt him if he was wrong. He reached out with his hand and touched the tree he had been perching on a moment ago, using his touch of blood. Instantly the tree turned maroon and then collapsed into a pool of crimsom blood. This blood was not yes acidized, but could easily become so. "Well thats the difference between you and me isnt it stranger. I am anything but a nice guy."
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PostSubject: Re: Sendo and Enishi's battle   Sendo and Enishi's battle Icon_minitimeTue 17 Feb 2009, 5:29 pm

"well is you're not a nice guy, what kind of guy are you" Enishi swayed in the wind for a moment as he took a sip from his gourd. "maybe you're the kind of man who likes a little fight." smiling he moved forward, closing the gap between the two of them almost instantly. When Enishi was about a foot or so from Sendo, he went to throw a punch at Sendo, but fell forward, causing him to flip end over end, flinging both of his legs at Sendo's chest.
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PostSubject: Re: Sendo and Enishi's battle   Sendo and Enishi's battle Icon_minitimeThu 19 Feb 2009, 4:45 pm

Sendo watched with very little interest as the man came at him head on. WHat a fool. Even a taijutsu master should know better than that. It was unlikely that when you attacked any shinobi worth their salt head on that you would wind up being successful. Sendo was deffinitely not one to be underestimated and attacked like this. Not at all. It was a simple matter for him to counter the opponet in this instance. As soon as Enishi tripped and fell forward, Sendo flicked his wrist and the blood that had been floating beside him moved and was now inbewtween them, hanging their like a vertical liquid cloud. To reach him, the opponets legs would have to pass through the acidic blood, surely brining his body harm, whether he could feel the pain or not due to his drunkness. Damage was damage and what was done was done. Sendo didnt leave it all to chance however and quickly bent his legs and flipped to the side to avoid the opponet. He stood in a ready stance, prepared to follow up with a dozen different methods to choose from already flowing through his mind for different situations.
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PostSubject: Re: Sendo and Enishi's battle   Sendo and Enishi's battle Icon_minitimeThu 19 Feb 2009, 6:14 pm

As soon as the wall of blood appeared before him, his body stopped moving almost instantaneously, letting only the bottom of his shoes touch it for a moment before backing up a foot while still doing a handstand. Pushing himself of the ground for a moment, he brought his hands together and formed a few hand seals, keeping his balance by pushing off the ground with his fingers between each one. After he finished, his face became contorted as if he were going to vomit again, but this time when he opened his mouth he began to spew out water that formed into a wall between him and the blood. As soon as the wall was formed, it immediately began to spiral before reaching out to the wall of blood and absorbing it into its own mass before shooting out in a massive spinning drill of water and acidic blood heading straight for Sendo.
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PostSubject: Re: Sendo and Enishi's battle   Sendo and Enishi's battle Icon_minitimeSat 21 Feb 2009, 1:02 pm

Sendo watched as Enishi gobbled up his blood with a technique of his own and began using it to attack him. It would be all to simple for Sendo to revers this attack. His blood was within it and he could still control the blood. There fore he would have some modicum of control. Then again, maybe he wouldn't be able to reverse it, just stop it in its path. However, Sendo wanted to take the oppurtunity to play a little. He supposed going offensive for a moment wouldnt hurt. After all, his next attack would be swift, leaving almost no room for the opponet to take advantage of it and score a hit on him. Lightning jutsu was good that way. Lightning could also be amplified with water.

Enishi had given Sendo the tools he would need for this particular strike. As the drill came rushing towards him, Sendo began making handsigns. When it was about halway to him he opened his mouth and blurted out, "False Darkness," which was followed by a jagged balst of lightning. The bolt sped forward and hit the drill head on, causing the water to disperse, scattering it and the blood in every direction, it was too far away to land on either Enishi or Sendo. However, the water had amplified the porperties of the lightining, causing it to slightly grow in strength. The larger bolt split off into four smaller ones. These would cause only temporary paralysis, but would give Sendo the oppurtunity he needed. One came at Enishi from the top, one from the left, another from the right and another head on. If Enishi went backwards, the bolts would reform where he had once stood into one single bolt and continue after him. If they were together in one, it would be a deadly blow. Sendo smirked and watched to see if his opponet could manage to evade this one.
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PostSubject: Re: Sendo and Enishi's battle   Sendo and Enishi's battle Icon_minitimeMon 23 Feb 2009, 5:56 pm

Enishi jumped back, avoiding the balls of lightning and putting a few feet between him and the attack. Quickly flipping through a few hand seals, Enishi moved his hands in a circular motion in front of himself and created a large blast of wind to shoot out towards Sendo, catching the lightning in the middle of it, dispersing its power and rendering it useless. Using the wind rushing towards Sendo to his advantage, Enishi quickly drew several shuriken from his pouch and threw them into the gust, tripling their speed and making them even more lethal.

Reppushou - Gale Wind Palm
Rank: C
Fuuton • Reppushou is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. After forming the needed hand seals, Nagato will send a strong gust of wind towards his target. When acting in conjunction with another thrown weapon, the wind can increase its power and deadliness.
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