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 Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only))

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Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Empty
PostSubject: Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only))   Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Icon_minitimeTue 14 Apr 2009, 9:56 am

Senki appeared at the front gates of the Hidden Sand Village in a flash. Ashes swirled around her as the flames she had used as a medium for transportation dispersed. The sun was high in the air, having just passed the mid-point of the day. With a confident smirk, she began to walk toward the closed doors. She raised her hand to the sky, her thumb and middle finger touching. With a sudden flick of her fingers, she snapped. The sound resonated through the silent area, followed by the sound of crackling flames. A torrent of flames seared the air as it traveled toward the massive, wooden gate. The entire gate was consumed in flames in a matter of minutes, the wood being consumed like meat in a lion's den. Senki stepped through the fire, unafraid to get burned. Today she wore her make-shift akatsuki tunic. It resembled her everyday tunic, except it was made of black silk and held the traditional cloud patterns of the Akatsuki. She stalked through the ash, fire, and smoke like a demon through hell. Her eyes burned and glowed in the firelight, as her fingers met one more time. With another snapping noise, the small stand where Jounin guards stood was set ablaze. With a twisted grin, she continued onward. Reaching into her tunic, she produced several explosive tags. These tags flew through the air like arrows, sticking to the sides of buildings. The tags erupted into flames, sending the rubble flying into innocent bystanders. Smoke filled the air, sending the world into the abyss of false-night. The air was now filled with the cries of both angry and afraid. However, one noise that resonated above all others was the laughter of a devil. Senki continued through town, slaying ninja left and right with her trusted blade, turning others into piles of ash.
"Where is the challenge? Feed my hatred you pathetic mortals! Come, bring your strongest and challenge the Goddess of Ashes!" She declared, thrusting her blade into the sky. Her tunic billowed around her as heavy winds picked up, her eyes and blade glowing in the firelight. She stood there for several minutes awaiting a challenger worthy of her time.
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Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only))   Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Icon_minitimeWed 15 Apr 2009, 8:09 am

Kitsuke was taking a walk in some parts of Sunagakure, observing what is currently on and new. He walked in a store, and looked for a new cloak, it looks like the same with his old cloak, only its colored red. As he went out, a large explosion caught nearby, almost wrecking Kitsuke's ear with its explosion sound. " Damn, there someone who is going to destroy Sunagakure now? , I haven't got my vacation yet. " Although as he went out, he quickly felt the strong chakra of the new comer. He quickly fled to the area of explosion, he didn't expected to see another akatsuki. " I thought I am just gonna meet another thief who thinks Sunagakure is a circus, yet I was surprised to see another cloak with red clouds, I really love that cloak, mind if you give me one?..." Kitsuke mocking the akatsuki.

Raijuu spoke " Damn, what are you doing kid?, can't you see his pretty dangerous? " Kitsuke replied with a chuckle , " Hey I used to see person who are dangerous, there's nothing new with this one, same old cloak, same old strategy..." Raijuu just growled...

Observing the battlefield right now, there's a burning building nearby, the gate is onfire, and Kitsuke's opponent is a girl. " Hey I don't really hurt girls, I am a gentleman, although if you insist on destroying the village, I might change my mind and kick your butt which is not good " As his opponent is pretty and looks dangerous, Kitsuke drew a wooden sword, " This should be enough to defeat you, this wooden sword would swat you like a bug, or I'm just joking and you may have a chance to kick my butt, Ahahaha" , Kitsuke was trying to distract his opponent, by playing like a fool. " Go easy on me, I'm too weak to fight someone like you..." From where he is standing, lightning began to travel underground, crumbling the earth. It has a target set, of course the girl.

Although from where he stand, Kitsuke suddenly felt something, " Her chakra..., its the same with Kairai (NPC) , and Saruno...could she be a Kazura also? , if that's so, I'm in a for another fight of my life..." Kitsuke knew that Kazura's are dangerous opponents, and she could be. Raijuu this time chuckled " What did I tell you about being scared?, and I thought there is nothing new with her? ", Kitsuke laughed " Hey, I was just thinking something "
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Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only))   Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Icon_minitimeWed 15 Apr 2009, 10:56 am

Senki smiled maliciously as a massive wind caught on. She pushed off of the ground, destroying the land she once stood on. Now, using the speed of her launch and the wind that caught underneath her wings, Senki shot toward Kitsuke like a bullet. The lightning he had launched shot into the air a split second too late to catch her. Then, she disappeared. Suddenly, she reappeared just above Kitsuke. With her right leg extended, she aimed a smashing kick to his face. She could feel the chakra pulse through her body, all aimed directly toward the point of impact that would be her heel. Her Akatsuki tunic billowed in the dark, smoggy, breeze as she crashed down upon her opponent. Her hair went in every direction, some of the strands being burned away by stray ashes that flew at them from the burning building. There was a sudden explosion as one of the buildings erupted into flames. Obviously it had been made of some form of clay or brick, and it did not take to the intense heat well. This only increased Senki's blood thirst, her smile growing more malicious and her eyes glowing with an even more intense form of insanity.

Jutsu Used~
Name: Konton: Sutoraiki no Ranmyaku -Chaos Release: Strike of Chaos.-
Rank: A
Type: Taijutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Utilizing the Kazura clan's Chakra manipulation, like the Destruction technique, 'Angelic Smash', they can instantly rush to an opponent and slam their fist/foot/desired part of the body to crush an opponent within a moment. The speed of a desired part of the body increases in speed, damage capabilities and much more, depending on the health status of the user, he/she can preform this a bit faster, and much more efficiently.
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Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only))   Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Icon_minitimeThu 16 Apr 2009, 7:55 am

" This girl seems wild, ...." Kitsuke murmured as he sees the akatsuki sped in the air. The akatsuki was about to hit Kitsuke, when he caught the heel of the girl, although Kitsuke was able to caught it, still its impact , destroyed the ground around where Kitsuke was standing, like an earthquake was taking place. And Kitsuke's feet buried in ground as he caught the akatsuki's attack. He propelled her infront of him (Kitsuke threw your heel infront of him) maybe unbalancing the girl. " Your quite fast, but I've fought a Kazura once,...." He looked at the eyes of the girl, waiting for her to look at Kitsuke's eyes, casting a genjutsu...Hidden Leaf Illusion [Hitoshirezu Konoha Meimu No Jutsu]! . Yet Kitsuke knew Kazura's are expert in genjutsu, and this wouldn't be enough. Kitsuke's feet the was buried in the ground smashed and threw him in the air, where he threw large amounts of lighting bolts, as many as he can leaving the akatsuki girl no chance to evade it. It took no chakra cost at Kitsuke as it is being supplied by Raijuu himself.

Even though if the lighting bolts does not hit its target, it would continue it move in the ground, and seek its target once again. " I will not stop until I make this girl stop "...Based again on observation " My wind attacks would be quite useless against this girl, as she has full control on fire..., it would be quite stupid to attack using wind.."
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Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only))   Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Icon_minitimeThu 16 Apr 2009, 9:30 pm

Senki landed a few feet away after skidding on her hands. She instantly pushed off of the ground with her hands, righting herself in the air and beating her powerful wings. The wings propelled her toward her opponent, a string of chakra beginning to form in the palm of her hand. In a flash of chakra, it expanded and widened, solidifying as she swung it. It whipped through the air, cutting it like a knife. Arching through the air, the chakra whip slashed at the area where Kitsuke's midsection was. Not waiting to see how that went over, she snapped her open hand's two fingers together. Suddenly, a pillar of flame shot down toward the ground. It met with the lightning, matching its power and nullifying the attack.
"Chakra is a Kazura's thing. Ninjutsu and genjutsu are just not smart ideas." She said. She hadn't looked into the man's eyes, so she hadn't noticed that he tried a genjutsu. She had only added in the part about genjutsu to make her seem more powerful. With a confident smile, she moved her arm lithely through the air. The whip snapped back, before launching itself forward one more time. This time, it aimed for his knees.
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Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only))   Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Icon_minitimeThu 16 Apr 2009, 11:39 pm

" This girl is quite predictable..." Kitsuke murmured, as he sees the girl again sped in the sky attempting to crush Kitsuke, which at the moment is pretty impossible. To defend himself against the chakra whip slash of the akatsuki, Kitsuke released lightning around him, protecting his mid-section against the slash. The akatsuki attacked him without looking at his target back, he revealed his own ideas about himself and the Kazura's when the girl mentioned about " Chakra is a Kazura's thing ." " Yes Chakra is a Kazura's thing, by the way you fight, you use fire easily, like playing with it as a toy, like I play with lightning ." The akatsuki, didn't let Kitsuke finished as again she returned for another attack. Yet like Kitsuke said, this girl was predictable, using his ability to travel from lightning bolts to another, the akatsuki's slash missed as Kitsuke disappeared. He appeared meters away from his original position, where a random lightning bolt happened to passed by...

" This would be unavoidable..." Kitsuke murmured Whispering Winds [Sasayaki Kaze no Jutsu]! instead of activating it through eyes, this genjutsu is activated via wind. It sets the target in a peaceful weadow, and a voice was singing the target would feel drawn to the voice following where it is coming from, leaving her open for another attack. Kitsuke believing that the girl was already drawn in the genjutsu. Kitsuke sped in the air going towards the akatsuki, forming massive lightning around him, until yellow lightning speeding the air was only visible, yet that wasn't Kitsuke's only attack, large humming birds were forming around him ready to plunge one by one on the flesh of the akatsuki, there were about 20 humming birds forming position around Kitsuke. They all have the same target the akatsuki.


Raiton • Mure no Haoto Tori no Jutsu [Lightning Release • Swarm of Hummind Birds Skill]
- A technique utilizing Lightning Chakra, and Materialization
- Handseals: Monkey, Ra,
- Rank: C
- Effect: A skill where the user utilizing Lightning Chakra, various sparks of lightning appear within the air. Within moments they transform into humming birds, giving off this loud humming sound, The humming birds will then rush the opponent, spreading out to hit even multiple targets.

Whispering Winds [Sasayaki Kaze no Jutsu]
- An audio and visual genjutsu which sets the opponent in a calm meadow. As their name is being sweetly called from afar, they are drawn to that single voice. Leaving them open for attack
- Handseals: Dragon, Boar, Ram
- Rank: C
- Effect: A technique which will not only change the setting to a calm meadow, but will have a voice they recognize sweetly calling them from afar. This genjutsu will cause the user to wish to abandon what is currently happening in order to seek out that single voice. However, with that there is a chance of leaving them open for attack.
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Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only))   Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Icon_minitimeFri 17 Apr 2009, 12:01 am

Senki fell to the ground in a sparrow dive, as soon as the shinobi had disappeared. When she landed she was in a meadow, which was her first hint that something was up. The next hint was the voice of her dead mother calling to her to come home. It felt as if she were little again,being called home to supper. Suddenly, her chakra flow stopped. With extreme efficiency she forced all of her chakra into her core, before firing it out in a massive flood of chakra. This broke the genjutsu. She landed on the ground, turning toward the ninja who was advancing on the air where she once stood. Her eyes glowed with a malice that no one would believe possible. He used her dead mother against her and for that he would die. Her hair spiraling in the ash-filled wind, she raised both hands high. Though both hands were burned, and scarred they were in good condition. Her clothes were not. Her tunic lay in ruins beneath her, her top being covered by a black, tight fitting, tank top. Her black shorts were charred and torn. With a sudden eruption of loud, powerful snaps, the air was ablaze with dozens of pillars of flame. The flames collided with the humming birds, destroying them as well as themselves. All others were aimed toward her opponent. She began to feel the drain of everything, so she released her second-state kekkei. Bringing it back down to the first state.

Jutsu Used~
Name: Katon • Souken - Fire Style • Creation
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fire
Description: Katon • Souken - Fire Style • Creation is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. This technique is what earned Arca her nicknames. First, she coats her fingers in fire chakra. Then, by snapping, she creates a spark. The spark will then burst into a larger flame which can be further controlled by Arca. Using her kekkei genkei, which allows her chakra manipulation abilities, she can expand and shape the flames she creates with this technique since they are simply heated chakra. This allows her to create weapons, creatures, and massive flames from one simple technique. More advanced creations require extra control, and would be ranked up to A.
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Shinobi Info
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Village: Sunagakure

Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only))   Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Icon_minitimeFri 17 Apr 2009, 1:12 am

Kitsuke continued to charge himself to the girl akatsuki, when Kitsuke and the girl's attack collided it made a large explosion, covering a 50 meters explosion. Smoke and mist covered the area, the area looked no one would ever survived such destruction, although from smoke, a shadow stood, Kitsuke was still alive although he cough blood, the explosion cause damage on his body all though it was really fatal. Although using his medical knowledge, Kitsuke's hand glow in the color green, he gently placed it on his 1st degree burns around his chest and arms. It was healed it just a minute, as its not that fatal. Kitsuke still can't tell if the akatsuki is still alive, yet seconds passed, he felt the alive chakra presence of the girl, " So still she survived the impact..."

Kitsuke murmured to Raijuu, " This is where the real fun starts..." with Kitsuke's good relationships with Raijuu, he is able to summons the bijuu's powers in just a blink of an eye. 1 Tail began to grow on Kitsuke's back, large chakra - lightning cloak around Kitsuke , covering a 20 meter radius, anyone or whatever touches the lightning cloak without defense would quickly turn to ashes with its high voltage. " Grrr..." Fangs started to grow in Kitsuke's mouth, he was releasing "Grrr" sounds. His senses including his chakra senses was enchanced, he was able to see the position of the girl from far away. Kitsuke started to large amount of air, charging the lining of his throat with lightning, Kitsuke was able to change the air into large lightning blast, and released it towards the girl, yet a normal person can only expel one large lightning blast, but with Kitsuke's bijuu Raijuu, his was able to release hundreds of bullets towards the girl akatsuki.

After that attack, Kitsuke disappeared from his position, his speed was enchanced by the lightning cloak around him. Although it made him nearly invisible the lightning cloak made him visible, Kitsuke was running towards the girl, aiming to exterminate him using lightning attacks, appearing and disappearing from all angles, sending massive lightning blasts and bolts.


Name:Raiton:Hekireki Dangan no Jutsu(Lightning Release:Thunder Bullet)
Description:This technique requires the user to ingest a large amount of air via an extremely deep breath, the user then uses chakra to charge the lining of their throat with electricity and expells the result in one large blast.
What is expelled is basically a large, concentrated mass of electricity with the vauge shape of a bullet, earning it its name. This Jutsu has a high enough voltage to kill on direct contact, but will mostly cause extreme pain, vision and hearing disturbance, and reaction slowing. Once the bullet hits a solid object it releases its electricity into the sorrounding 10 circular feet, shocking anybody in the radius and causing the above symptoms excluding death. This jutsu costs a relatively large amount of chakra to perform.
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Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only))   Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Icon_minitimeFri 17 Apr 2009, 9:38 am

Senki didn't move from her position, instead she just raised a fist. Then, in a dramatic action, she smashed her hand into the ground. The massive layering of chakra within her muscles worked with her to enhance her strength immensely. She could feel the muscles begin to tear, but she didn't care. Suddenly, all of the ground around her flipped upward, making a barrier around her. The lightning impacted with the circular barrier, sending shrapnel and smoke everywhere. When the smoke cleared, Senki was gone. However, suddenly and in a flash of black and white, she shot up underneath Kitsuke. Using her Fukyuu blade, she covered it in fire chakra and stepped toward the sky. The result being a solid spear of flame that charged just meters in front of her, making sure that she'd hit him without actually touching him.
"So, you are the bijuu who holds the Raijuu? Interesting, then I suppose I cannot kill you." She said with a disappointed sigh.
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Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only))   Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Icon_minitimeFri 17 Apr 2009, 11:18 am

Even if the attacks was just few meter's away from Kitsuke, he was able to escape the attack at high speeds, yet he didn't left the area. He propelled himself in the air, launching lightning bolts towards the girl. In a mere second Kitsuke was able to release and launch hundreds of lightning bolts to the akatsuki, he was shooting at everywhere. The lightning bolts hit the ground, the impact of the attack created massive shockwaves everywhere, even if the attack didn't hit its target the shockwave would surely tear the akatsuki apart. Kitsuke landed infront of the smoke, " Yes, I hold Raijuu...and I will make sure, I'll be the one who will stand and win..." Still lightning cloak ran around Kitsuke, protecting him from any harm outside it. From the lightning cloak, a part of it seems to separate itself from the cloak and make its own body, it was a lightning clone. Kitsuke sended the clone to the smoke, aiming to attack and explode in the mist and kill the akatsuki.

Meanwhile, the real Kitsuke can feel the where the akatsuki girl is, for when he came crushing down to the akatsuki, and they collided, Kitsuke secretly transferred large amounts of lightning to the body of the akatsuki. With one handseal Kitsuke began to focus, he now sees the lightning in the body of the akatsuki as Raijuu's ability to see lightning as an eye. In his one tailed form, Kitsuke was able to control lightning from the inside out of the akatsuki girl. Carefully sparkling his nerves in both arms and legs, with this sparks, it would unable for those parts (Arm and legs) to even move a finger. " Ahhaahaha..." Kitsuke silently laughed, lightning was still sparkling around him, like his pulse was connected to it. For the next moments, the lightning wouldn't just spark the nerves but damage it permanently.


Name: Raiton: Shinhai no Jutsu - Lightning Release: Nerve Control Technique
Rank: A
Range: -
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Description:The set up of this technique is like Kitsuke's Electrocution Technique, where he just gets a bit of his Lightning Chakra into the enemy. Then, via the Raijuu's of advanced lightning control, he'd be able to send it up to the opponent's brain, either knocking them out, or just getting it throughout. If Kitsuke's lucky, he'll get the Lightning Chakra to the opponent's brain before their knocked out, so this technique will be a success. What this actually does, is send electrical messages from the opponent's brain, to other parts of their body, which is too advanced for just about any Raiton using Shinobi, without lightning control like Raijuu's. At it's weakest levels, one would just cause accidental movements, but at it's highest levels, the even controlled when the opponent breathed. At Kitsuke's level he can fully control the lightning inside the body of the target not only capable of controlling the nerve's but completely damage it.
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Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only))   Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Icon_minitimeTue 21 Apr 2009, 5:14 pm

((Sorry it took so long))

Senki landed on the ground heavily, seeming to be paralyzed. Looking down at her arm, she smirked. Suddenly, she exploded into a flash of lightning chakra. From behind a tree, Senki appeared clapping. With a deadly grin, she looked to him. Her clothes were burned, and she was scarred, but she looked completely fine. Cocking an eyebrow, she looked over her opponent.
"It appears we have gotten serious. Well then, have at it!" She declared, motioning with her open hands for the demon to charge her. Both hands were covered in chakra, and it appeared she was readying herself for an attack. She knew the demon would sense this, and possibly even figure out what she was doing. However, this attack didn't require any form of surprise, only the accuracy of its creation. Her hair blew in the breeze created by her increasing chakra, as dust swirled around her. Whatever she was planning, it was big.
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PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only))   Akatsuki Raid((Senki and Kitsuke Only)) Icon_minitime

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