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 Taski Hayashi

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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 8:14 pm

General Information:
Name: Taski Hayashi

Nickname/Alias: Haya Taski


Height: 5"6

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Looks: (Put a picture of your character or write a descriptive paragraph or two of what your character looks like. Doing both would do well in your favor.)

Personality: Taski has long red hair he wears a orenge suit but has alot of decoration. Taski is 130lbs and is 5''6. He carries a blade with himat all times. Taski looks like he from a war.Taski has a six pack and he ties a red scarf around his shoulder. Taski has a bandage on his face. Taski has a pack of kunai on the back of his pants.His hair is all weird and tangled Taski has red eyes and wears a black cape. He keeps a medic pack under his shirt. Taski would do anything just to save his squad from danger. Taski likes to eat rice.Taski is a nice guy but if you get him mad he will fight back Taski lost alot of friend but he knows how to make new ones but Taski has alot of friends but he wish to get revenge on the Akatsuki that killed his team Taski would love to be strong and defend his new friends Taski is really funny and strong hes a nice guy to hang around with and his favorite food is rice ^_^ he loves rice and noodles even ramen If Taski gets money he will use it in a second and a half .

Rank Information:
Rank: Jounin

Village: Hidden Leaf Village

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty:Main:Tai Sub:Nin

Elemental Affinity:Main: Lightning sub:Fire
Special Characteristics:Curse Seal

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:Taski at a very young age he always imitated one of his ninja friends.He use to always call him self Taski the brave man ninja. As Taski grew up he learned being a ninja was hard so he trained hard for it.Taski had a sensei his name was Tank Ranko a brave warrior ninja of the leaf. Tank Ranko was a wise man who give good advice like for example he use to always say stuff with a meaning like a parable. Tank use to say "Selfishness is a ninja's worst enemy in a battle" or "If you fear death then being a ninja is a hard thing for you". Taski respected and adored Tank they use to have laughs and they used to go fishing and eat ramen.Taski was a academy student at the time.

Tank was bruttally murdered on night when all was quiet but a couple of men in black coats came wearing tar covered bamboo hat with white explosive notes all around it. Taski then learned that no one is trusted.Taski would always look at a picture of his sensei and always visit his funeral home.Taski one day built a cathedroe in his sensei honor.As a boy at a young man noone would help him they would laugh at him so he built a little house.Taski then came back noticing that his little house was burned down but on on of the trails was a ripped piece of a jacket .Taski will hunt down his enemy no matter what.Taski was promoted as a gennin.

Taski was overpowered with rage.He forgot the most important rule "keep your friends close but keep you friends closer.Taski left the village with enough food to last for a month. Taski traveled through forests climb mountains swim across to other sides of oceans rive streams and ponds he will do it.Ever 29 Taski would sit down and take a brake. Taski would train by him self like put alot of rocks in his back pack and tieing his shoe to a big chunks of cinder blocks and walks 5 miles. Taski soon ran in to a group of people that was wearing black jackets and bamboo hat.Taski almost jumped to them with a kunai but was stopped by his teacher. After he was then a chuunin swearing that he will take his revenge.

Taski was brought back the the village and was punished for what he has done but for a young boy with no male role model in his life he coulden't even care less he just made the village more worst and worst every day. He put buckets of hot boiling water on a roof and pour it on people. But one day a male came through the village and tied up Taski. Taski did not fight back. Taski then looked at the face and some how it was his sensei back from the dead but he then noticed a earring on the man ear Taski was so mad. But after that day he learned that revenge is his best option so far.Taski is going to murder the people who killed his sensei for the first time Taski actually thought of someone else first the himself. . Taski was hated through out the city but Taski doesn't even care they can rot in hell. as a Jounin he only cares about the one who is nice to him.

Rp Sample: (Give us a sample of how you RP)Taski was walking down a street on a dark and stormy night noticing that his sensei was dead and he has to take care of himself "why me out of all these people it has to be!!!" Taski said in anger. "I dont know what to do im confused..." said Taski. Taski the feel on his knees as his tears roll down his face.Taski the got up and wiped his face and said "I swear to you im going to have revenge for you sensei im willing to kill a friend just to kill the person who killed you. " As Taski kept walking down the street of depression. Taski then fell scraping his knee. "DAM!!!!!! I F***ing hate this" said Taski in a really hard core tone of voice. "ITS NOT FAIR NONE OF THIS IS FAIR WHY CANT IT BE THOSE PEOPLE WHY ME!!!." Asked Taski to the air. Taski the jumped on the roof of a house with a kunai "ITS NOT GOING TO BE ONLY ME THAT IS DEPRESSED" said Taski in a crazy tone of voice, Taski broke into the house about to stab a man noticing a kids face. "Dam that looked like me before sensei died.I can't do it " said Taski letting go of the man and jumping out of the window in a flash "What has become of me?" said Taski running with fear "Im all crazy now i need help" said Taski vanishing

Last edited by Taski Hayashi on Tue 23 Jun 2009, 10:46 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 8:37 pm

Lightning Jutsu

Last edited by TaskiHamo on Mon 22 Jun 2009, 9:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 8:38 pm

Fire Jutsu

Last edited by TaskiHamo on Mon 22 Jun 2009, 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 8:41 pm


Last edited by Taski Hayashi on Tue 23 Jun 2009, 10:40 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 9:01 pm

Nice... 8 S-rank Jutsu for a Jounin. Unapproved.
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 9:19 pm

woops edited
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 9:28 pm

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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 9:44 pm

Chidori (1000 Birds)

Rank: A
Chakra cost:30
Damage Points:60
Description: A lightning jutus that is concentrated in the users palm and trusted at the
opponent at high speeds.Very difficult to counter an incoming on the user counter attack
unless you have the Sharingan.
Chidori Nagashi (1000 Birds Current)

Type:Attack/Defence (can be both at same time)
Rank: A
Chakra cost:30
Damage Points:60
Description: A full body chidori that can also be charged into metal objects or be spread
out into the air or ground.
Chidori Senbon (1000 Birds Needle)

Rank: A
Chakra cost:30
Damage Points:60
Descripton: Chidori in the form of needles that can be thrown to pin down an opponent or
to injure them.
(Chidori Eisou) - Thousand Birds Sharp Spear

Rank: A
Chakra cost:30
Damage Points:60
Description: The user is able to shape the Lightning Element to form an extending blade
of lightning. Though unstated, this blade probably takes on Chidori's characteristics,
including it's ability to cut through anything which stands in its path, allowing the sword to
strike its target with ease. This attack may also be similar to Chidori Nagashi, causing the
target to go numb from the electrical charge.


Kaguya Clan Taijutsu


Yanagi no Mai - Dance of the Willows

Rank: C
Chakra Cost:15
Damage Points:30
Description:Yanagi no Mai is the first of five Kaguya dance forms. Using the ability to manipulate bone structure, The user will grow and extend a forearm bone through the palm of each hand to form stabbing instruments and impale their opponents.
Tsubaki no Mai - Dance of the Camellia

Range: Short
Chakra Cost:15
Damage Points:30
Description:Tsubaki no Mai is the second of the five Kaguya dance forms. Using the ability to manipulate bone structure, The user removes a long bone in the form of a sword from their shoulder. Because of the bloodline, the density of the bone can be increased many times so that it is as hard as steel. Using fluid and precise acrobatic movements, they cut down any opponent within striking distance.
Teshi Sendan - Ten Finger Drilling Bullets

Chakra Cost:20
Damage Points:30
Description: Using the Shikotsumyaku ("Dead Bone Pulse") the user is able to fire their distal phalange(finger-tip) bones as bullets. As the bones fly through the air, they will rotate and drill into their target once they make contact. Because of the Kaguya Clan's fast regenerative abilities, the rate of fire from and supply of bones can become limitless.


Karamatsu no Mai - Dance of the Larch

Chakra Cost:25
Damage Points:40
Description: Karamatsu no Mai is the third of the five Kaguya dance forms. The User creates a mass of razor-sharp bone spikes all over their body. The user can grow these bones at an extremely rapid rate so they can stab an opponent even as the bones are growing. Since the Bones are harder than steel,
they can be used defensively to block or trap an opponent's strikes.
This technique is a great surprise attack and it makes the user basically untouchable at close range. When an opponent is close to the user, they spin very fast, rapidly slashing the foe in multiple areas of their body.


Tessenka no Mai Tsuru - Dance of the Clematis Vine

Rank: A
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 35
Damage Points: 60
Description: The First half of Tessenka No Mai, the fourth of the five Kaguya Dance Forms. User removes their spinal column from their back to create a flexible yet extremely sharp bone vine. Because the vine is flexible, it can wrap itself around an opponent to rip them to pieces.
Tessenka no Mai Hana - Dance of the Clematis Flower

Rank: A
Type: Attack
Chakra Cost: 35
Damage Points: 60
Description: The follow up to Tessenka no Mai Tsuru (Dance of the Clematis Vine). Using this technique (Flower) the user forms a large spiral shaped bone spear which he can use to pierce any shield his opponent raises. The spear is said to be nearly indestructible.

Not in the Kaguya Clan

(Choudan Bakugeki) - Butterfly Bomb

Chakra Cost:20
Damage Points:28
Description:A taijutsu attack that is a comprised of one super Strong punch.
Requirement:Red Secret Pill(Only Akimichi clan members posses this)
(Chou Harite) - Super Hand Smash

Chakra Cost:N/A
Damage Points:20
Description:A taijutsu attack were the user smahes down with therehands on there enemy.
Requirement:Super Expansion Jutsu

Not an Akamichi

(Hakkeshou Kaiten) - 8 Trigrams Heavenly Spin/Rotation

Rank: D
Chakra Cost:10
Damage Points:N/A(+20 if used to block an attack)
Description:The user pushes chakra out of all there tenketsu and spin createing a dome shield that can fend off most attacks.
(Tenketsu Shouda) - Chakra Point Pound

Rank: D
Chakra Cost:10
Damage Points:20
Description:The user hits the tenketsu of the heart with gentle fist causing damage to there heart.


(Chou Hakkeshou Kaiten) - 8 Trigrams Giant Rotation

Rank: C
Chakra Cost:15
Damage Points:30
Description: A rotation on a bigger scale that leaves behind a huge crater.
(Hakkeshou Kuuten) - 8 Trigrams Heavenly Sky

Rank: C
Chakra Cost:15
Damage Points:30
Description:A rotation were the user makes his/her chakra into razor sharp lines and spins to attack and defend all in one move.
(Hakke Kuushou) - 8 Trigrams Air Palm

Rank: C
Chakra Cost:15
Damage Points:30(+5 if they hit an object)
Description:The user pushes chakra out of there palm that blows away there opponent.
(Hyaku Retsushou) - 100 power palms

Rank: C
Chakra Cost:15
Damage Points:30
Description:A weaker version of 64 plams where the user strikes 100 times with gentle fist.This justu cuts chakra flow of opponent by half for one turn.
(Shugo Hakke Rokujuuyonshou) - Protective 8 Trigrams 64 Strikes

Rank: C
Chakra Cost:15
Damage Points:30
Description:A defence tha can block off attacks and an attack that closes 64 tenketsu and limits chakra flow for one turn after the opponent is hit by it.
(Hakke Rokujuuyonshou) - 8 Trigrams 64 Strikes

Rank: C
Chakra Cost:15
Damage Points:30
Description:Attack that closes 64 tenketsu and limits chakra to half for one turn after the opponent is hit by it.


(Hakke Shinten Kuushou) - 8 Trigrams 4 Heavenly empty palm

Rank: B
Chakra Cost:20
Damage Points:40(+8 if opponent hits an object)
Description:A burst fire of empty palms that do mor damage.
(Hakke Hyakunijuuhachishou) - 8 Trigrams 128 Strikes

Rank: B
Chakra Cost:20
Damage Points:40
Description:Attack that closes 128 tenketsu and limits chakra to half for three turns after the opponent is hit by it.

Not a Hyuuga
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 12:12 am

im gonna register as a hyuuga
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 12:17 am

Clan Information

Clan Name: Hyuuga

Kekei Genkai: The True Byakugan

And now, to prove my insanity, I present to you thorough explanations of how Byakugan and Sharingan might work if they were real. Mind you, this is just my opinion as a scientist/otaku, so don’t take this too seriously- this is supposed to be as entertaining as it is informative, not a term paper.

Now, Byakugan is the Hyuuga’s bloodline limit, which consists of an all-white eye that enables the user to see 360º (except for one blind spot at the back of the neck), see through solid matter (obviously, as 360º vision would require seeing out of the back of one’s skull), and see Chakra, which is for the most part usually invisible.

Clan Symbol: Taski Hayashi HinataSign

Clan History:The Byakugan (白眼, Byakugan? literally "White Eye," Viz "Evil Eye") is a special pupil condition (瞳術, Dōjutsu?, literally "eye technique") that naturally occurs in members of the Hyuga clan (and thus only characters from the Hyuga clan possess it). Byakugan users are characterized by their lavender, pupil-less eyes. When the Byakugan is activated, their pupils somewhat appear and the veins near their temples bulge.

A person with the Byakugan has a nearly 360 degree field of vision, except for a small blind spot behind the first thoracic vertebra (near the back of the neck), which is its only known weakness. Byakugan users can detect anything around them within a 50-meter radius (able to increase radius), making them close-range combat experts. The Byakugan also gives the user the ability to see through basically any matter over extremely long distances. This seems to be a combination of x-ray and thermographic vision. A small degree of telescopic vision is also present, as a Byakugan user can focus on a single object at any point within their range of vision. The degree of focus seems to be dependent on the skill of the user. The Byakugan's sight cannot be blocked, except in the case of something like Ranmaru's kekkei genkai ability, unlike the Sharingan, which can be blocked by any sufficiently opaque substance. It is however, possible to impede it slightly through the use of certain powerful seals. The Byakugan's insight capacity makes it useful for searching, tracking, and identifying targets.

One of the most powerful aspects of the Byakugan is the ability to see the inner chakra coil system, which is the key aspect of using the Gentle Fist style to attack said system. If sufficiently developed, the Byakugan is able to see individual chakra points, potentially allowing the user to shut off the opponent's chakra flow completely, such that the opponent cannot perform techniques that require chakra. However, the user can increase chakra flow as well. Seasoned Byakugan users are even capable of killing with a single blow.
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 1:08 am

Your a Raiton and Suiton, not a Katon, Remove all Fire Jutsu.
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 7:20 am

(Gatsuga) - Fang Over Fang

Rank: C
Chakra Cost:N/A
Damage Points:15
Description:A taijutsu attack were the user must first use All Fours Jutsu and Beast clone to use.They user and his dog then rotate at a fast speed and attack there foe.(This jutsu requires a dog compaion)

(Dainamikku Maakingu) - Dynamic Marking

Rank: D
Chakra Cost:N/A
Damage Points:N/A
Description:This jutsu is were a dog urineates on the opponent marking it for Garouga.

(Nikudan (Hari) Sensha) - (Spiked) Human Boulder

Rank: C
Chakra Cost:N/A
Damage Points:18(+3 if done as spiked human boulder)
Description:A taijutsu attack done after the expansion jutsu were they attack the target as a huge boulder.
Requirement:Expansion jutsu (Only Akimichi clan memebers can perform this jutsu)

(Garouga) - Double Wolf Fang

Chakra Cost:
Damage Points:30(-10 if not hit but near attack )
Description:A huge spinnig jutsu that thy user spins so fast they can see so dynamic marking is best used with this jutus.Even if the attcks misses the opponent still takes damage if in close range.
Requirements:Man Beast Transformation

(Tensouga) - Sky Fang

Chakra Cost:N/A
Damage Points:25
Description:A huge spinnig jutsu where the user and there dog jump into the air and combine there spinning attacks to make one huge attack that drills there enemy and themselfs into the ground.
Requirements:Dog companion

(Hien) - Flying Swallow

Chakra Cost:12
Damage Points:20
Description:A taijutsu attack that makes use of trench knives and the user slaches then in a fury of punches of a 18 hit combo.

The Flying Swallow techniques use wind chakra with the trench knives, which you don't have
(Chou Nikudan (Hari) Sensha) - (Spiked) Human Boulder

Chakra Cost:N/A
Damage Points:26(+3 if done as spiked human boulder)
Description:A taijutsu attack done after the expansion jutsu were they attack the target as a huge boulder.
Requirements:Super Expansion Jutsu (Akimichi clan only)

The rest of the jutsu I posted are not in your clan, take them out.

Also, if you want the Lotus techniques you need the gates
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 1:09 pm

ok i mite get gate later
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 8:49 pm

If you don't have it now take out the lotus techniques
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 9:13 pm

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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 10:38 pm

Saruno - "Pr0n God" wrote:
Your a Raiton and Suiton, not a Katon, Remove all Fire Jutsu.
i meant to type in fire
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 10:40 pm

deleted all unneeded jutsu edit my application
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeWed 24 Jun 2009, 10:21 pm

Can somone approve please...
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeSun 28 Jun 2009, 12:55 am

Can somone approve please...
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeSun 28 Jun 2009, 1:15 am

Name:Fujiyori(the blade) Hayashi (The Scythe)


Skill: Blade is use for healing and fighting
Scythe is use for darkness type move.

Blade Tech 1: Heal the Hurt
Tech 2: Web of great fire [This web will trap everyone. When Taski says Fujiyori burn the web will burn everyone]
tech 3: Change to scythe
Tech 4: Scythe summons a shadow which surrounds the enemy to make him/her feel blind.
Tech 5: Surrounds Blade user and then Disappear
Tech 6: Slash the air and a lightning shape tech goes to the enemy. [It is made out of Darkness not lightning]
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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeSun 28 Jun 2009, 1:18 am

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Taski Hayashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitimeSun 28 Jun 2009, 4:54 pm

Raiton: Kirin (Lightning Style: Kirin)

Rank: S
Chakra cost:40
Damage Points:80
Descripton: After using Great Dragon Fire to throw fire into the air a thunder storm forms
from the heated sky. You use Chidori to take control of the lightning and make it strike the
opponent. This jutsu cant be avoided unless with space/time jutsu.


Chakra Cost:80
Damage Points:N/A(if this jutsu hits the match is over automatically)
Description: This jutsu is know as the most powerful lightning jutsu to every be
created.This jutsu can only be used by the for highest lightning masters.These ninja are
four of the konoha "12 Ninja Guardians" .To perform this jutsu the users must get into
place(shaped like a cross).
This takes three turns and if anyone the users are stopped this attack is canceled.Only
can use this jutsu. Note: the user must summon Kitane, Tou'u, Seito and Nauma (the
lightning masters of the 12 Ninja Guardians)
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PostSubject: Re: Taski Hayashi   Taski Hayashi Icon_minitime

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Taski Hayashi
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