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» Memories
Thane Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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Thane Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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Thane Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

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Thane Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

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Thane Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

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Thane Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2012, 8:04 pm by Revy Izumi

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Thane Empty
PostSubject: Thane   Thane Icon_minitimeTue 04 Aug 2009, 8:15 pm

General Information:

Name: Thane

Nickname/Alias: ...

Weight: 160

Height: 5'10

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Looks: Avatar

Personality: Thane is a quiet person, not talking much only when needed. Just like most akatsuki he keeps his reserved. But he enjoys fighting and becoming stronger. He has no motives besides going with the flow,

Clan Information

Clan Name: none

Kekei Genkai:

Clan Symbol:

Clan History:

Rank Information:

Rank: Jounin

Village: Grass village

Skill Information:

Skill Specialty: taijutsu, and ninjutsu

Elemental Affinity: Lightning, Wind

Special Characteristics:

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story: Lalo came from a very poor family. His father was a simple baker and his mother was a stay-at-home-mother. Lalo wasn't interested in becoming a shinobi until a raid hit his local town. His father died; killed by a raider's sword. He become cold and direct ever since, he was only a wee little lad, 6. His mother and him then entered and became citizens of the Village of grass. There, Lalo trained to become a Shinobi of the law. He progressed rapidly in Taijutsu, however he couldn't use Genjutsu at all. he was teased for his oddly shaped head. Lalo confronted his Mother about the problems and his power in Taijutsu. there he learn t that he was special, he was an Nara Clan Member. To this day, he still has not yet learnt the Clan full power. his journey starts here. Lalo went through many trails in his life, when he became a genin at konoharu he struggled to keep up with the other ninja, but he seemed always lacking something. so he left to find greatness he wanted to be the best , one day he met a odd man by the name of orochimaru. He said he wanted to train him a be his mentor. lalo coudnt refuse so he joined up with him a few years later a young shinobi Killed orochimaru... shame left and started thinking only of himself trusting no one. he never achieved a rank past Genin but he is a verry powerful shinobi, , but he came back to his home village and accepted the consequences he had put on himself... After a few years lalo was a jounin and was ready to start a new life,

Last edited by Thane on Sat 05 Sep 2009, 4:57 pm; edited 14 times in total
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Thane Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thane   Thane Icon_minitimeTue 04 Aug 2009, 8:15 pm

Rp Sample: Walking through a never ending forest,he found a small clearing in the about two miles from his house. The view was beautiful with a small pond in the north-western side of the clearing. It was very quite and peaceful, very few insects and absolutely no noisy animals, and the temperature was just right. He didn't see how anybody couldn't want to live in this small paradise. He stopped and breathed lightly so he could take a moment and let his eyes rest in this wonderful view. He then popped his neck and dropped his backpack of supplies by a near pale white rock. he remind quiet, stretching his back and other limbs to prepare for a day of hard trainning.

Standing in the clearing of the forest, he closed his eyes and then tried to remember the hand signs. Getting a vision in his head he starts using hand signs that match the hand signs for Grande fireball jutsu. After matching the hand signs he focuses chakra not to hard but hard enough to form a large fireball. He shifted his right foot 2 feet to the right as his stomac swelled with chakra. He closed his eyes a spit a very large fire ball toward the small pond causing it to go up in steams on impact. He took a step back an admired his progress. he stood up straight and started thinking how to focus his chakra more and lower the consumption. After a short five or ten seconds he then started performing hand signs again that matched the grande fire ball jutsu. he finishing up his hand signs and shift both feet to the side as the wind blew heavily, he then focused his chakra not as hard but more relaxing. He then made a larger fireball but used less chakra. The fire ball smashed into turning more of it into steam. He said slowly wiping sweat from his forehead. Taking an hour off swimming in the pond(which was now a small hot tube like pond) he then dried off and decided to go back to training. artimus was wondering how he could increase the heat of the fireball. He then once again performed the hand signs for grand fireball technique except at average speed. He focused a little to hard and concentrated more chakra into a dense ball of chakra that sat in his stomach, artimus let out the ball and it seemed brighter an hotter than before. Performing the hand signs once again he then uses the fireball technique again but making a bigger ball and using less chakra by relaxing more and having better control. after 3 hours of practicing the technique over and over again he mastered the fire ball technique. It being 10:00 pm he decided to spend the night in the forest. He was just too drained of energy from his chakra consumption to travel back to the village so he will have to leave tomorrow morning after his rest.

He slowly headed toward a large tree the had several leaves piled at the bottom. the leaves would make an uncomfortable bed but a bed at that. He frowed at the thought of sleeping on leaves and twigs, but for now this was gonna have to do. He rested his body on the ground inching his way toward the leaves smashing and crunching the leaves as he layed on them. His head rested on the bottom of the tree near a large root but sadly the boy had bad luck with sleeping due to the constant crunching sound of the leaves not to mention the feel of it. Artimus stood there looking up at the stars that seemed to sparkle in the sky like dimonds.

Artimus's peace was quickly interupted by the sound of what seemed to bear a large beast. The sound of it put him on high alert causing him to jump straight up onto his feet. Artimus was ready to either kill or run but due to his ego he was most likly gonna kill the beast. He scaned the area and quickly focused his attention toward a bush that shook restlessly. Artimus dropped to a fighting stance as he gripped his kunai in his right hand. A single bead of sweat trickled down the back of his neck as the secounds seemed to become hours. the bushes opened up like a shell and a large brown bear about 6 feet tall and 400 pounds appeared out of the woods. The bear was a dark brown that seemed to blend in with the darkness around it. Its teeth were showing and its mouth was covered in a blood thirst look. Artimus faced the bear with out fear and stared it down directly in the eye.

The bear took this as a challenge and charged at Artimus with lightning speed that would seem like a blur to the naked eye. Artimus could hear the bear as it came closer and lifted its body on two feet. The bear's left claw pulled back to attempt to slash Artimus's face, but as quickly as it came Artimus ducked the slash and slamed his body into the bears chest holding the kunai so it would be shoved into the bears heart. Artimus's blowed pushed the bear to the ground but the bear wasbt done. It quickly thre Artimus off him and reared up on all fours to charge agian. Artimus's hand was covered in the beas blood and seemed to be useless because he can no longer get a good grip on it. Artimus's threw the kunai into the charging bears shoulder having no effect. He quickly jumped back while doing handsigns and focused large amount of chakra into his stomach. Artimus's nerves quickly weakend as the bear got closer and closer. He waited for the right moment, just when the bear got closer and released the fireball directly at the bear just before it was in range of another claw attack. The fire ball covered the bear in flames burning it to a crisp. Artimus did a long sigh of relief as he peared over the dead bear. Artimus dropped to the ground and looked at the stars as the sense of safety returned as he watched the sun rise peek over the herizon

The sun rose slowly, sending a heat wave to defrost the cold earth. The animals, the fish, and the bugs all stood still to greet the rising sun, and for a brief moment the woods were at peace. Artimus sat at the bottom of a tree resting his arm on his knee. He tried to relax and focuse on the area around him sending waves of chakra around him to attract several small animals. He smiled as several bugs passed him, but the bugs wasnt what he was looking for. Artimus made wave after wave bigger and bigger cause te bugs to flee and much bigger animals to come. Several animals came dear, birds, everything except exremly big pray. Once agian he focused more and more chakra and eventualy the dear left and snakes came. The snakes were intranced by the chakra and came to Artimus in a relaxed way(not feeling threated).

Artimus looked at each snake, taking carfull note on each of them but sadly none of them were big enough. He closed his eyes and relaxed more as his chakra control over the snakes got better and better by every passing secound. Artimus was needing a friend, or more like a toy. He quickly scaned the area again and looked for the perfect toy. His eyes quickly focused on what seemed to be a fallen tree but at closer inspection was actually a very very large snake(about 20 feet long and 6 feet wide). Artimus frowed at the snake he was about to use as a toy. His plan was simply almost kill it and posses it.

Artimus shifted his weight slight to dodge the snakes just below his feet, he quickly did a few handsign while his stomach swelled with chakra. He released his jutsu and let loose a large fire ball toward the snake. The fireball hit the snake but seemed to have very little effect on the snake, The snake merly raised his head and slivered close to Artimus. The shinobi shifted his wieght slightly and pulled out severl kunai that were connected to paper bombs. Artimus dropped his legs and thrusted upwards to jump high in the air. He waited for the snake to open his mouth revealing very long fangs, and flung the 4 kunai into the snakes mouth. The snakes hunched back as each bomb exploded inside him causing blood to flow out his mouth. The snake dropped to the ground just as Artimus landed.

He smiled as the snake was still breathing and was alive. The snake was beateh but bot destroyed. Artimus set his hands on the snake and felt the very hard dimond like texture the was the reason the fireball had little effect. Hugged the beast as he focused several waves of chakra inside the snake to heal it just enough for it not to die. Artimus bite his his thumbs and wrote several signs and markings on the snakes.

The snake calmed down as the marking began to glow. Artimus pulled out a large scroll and shoved it directly on the snake. The marking seemed to magicaly flew of the snake and into the scroll. as Artimus did hand signs with one hand. " seal....frozen" Artimus said as the snake stayed completly still. Artimus walked to the snakes mouth and climbed right into it.
The snake smelled horrible as Artimus got closer and closer. the slim stuck to him making the job very nasty. Artimus climbed deeper and deeper just before he reached the stomach cavity. Artimus pushed his hand untill he felt it tingle. Then he focused alot of his own chakra into the stomach of the beast. He climbed out of the snake's mouth covered in slim.

He stood there and quickly took his clothes off and walked to what was left of the pond and jumped in to wash off the slim. His body glistened in the light as the water drops reflected it. Artimus climbed out of the lake and walked back over to the snake who was still still due to the seal over him.

He frowed as he pulled out a inch thick wire from his bag of supplies. He stretched the wire through his hands and focused most of his chakra through it. He frowed and slid back into the snake pushing the wires through the snakes insides untill it reached the main stomach. He then shot the needles down into the stomach and down deeper inside of the snake. this network would later serve as a type of chakra network.

Once again he climbed out covered in slim and looked at the snake in the eyes. He released the seal and sat down infront of the snake. the snake raised his head like it was about to attack Artimus but instead it wrapped itself around him in a pertective way. The snake was thankful of the shinobi and was now gonna follow his orders like a long as Artimus feed it and filled it with chakra
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Thane Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thane   Thane Icon_minitimeTue 04 Aug 2009, 8:17 pm

I do believe we are not allowing people to join up as S-ranked missing nin...or maybe it was just joining up and jumping into Aka.
PM revy about it
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Thane Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thane   Thane Icon_minitimeWed 05 Aug 2009, 3:14 pm

i fixed it ill just be a jounin
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Thane Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thane   Thane Icon_minitimeWed 05 Aug 2009, 3:19 pm

Eh. Approvable to me.

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Thane Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thane   Thane Icon_minitime

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