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Aori's Second: Zetsu! Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

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 Aori's Second: Zetsu!

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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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Aori's Second: Zetsu! Empty
PostSubject: Aori's Second: Zetsu!   Aori's Second: Zetsu! Icon_minitimeMon 24 Aug 2009, 10:39 pm


General Information:
Name: Zetsu

Nickname/Alias: N/A

Weight: N/A

Height: 177cm

Age: N/A

Gender: Male

Looks: Zetsu is easily distinguished by two large venus fly trap-like extensions that envelop his head and upper body, giving him a plant-like appearance. When his extensions are open and his head is visible, it is revealed that Zetsu has two different colored halves of his body, the left side completely white and the right side black.

Personality: To go with his appearance, Zetsu seems to have a split personality, as in the Japanese version of the manga the black half of his face speaks only in Katakana while the white side uses Kanji and Kana, and in the English episodes the black side has a different voice actor than the white side. The two halves also converse with each other, and occasionally differ in opinion (the black half is more serious and intelligent while the white half is carefree and easygoing).[1] They also seem to communicate through their thoughts. He also has unusual teeth. To further his venus fly trap theme, Zetsu is a cannibal.

Zetsu is seemingly very trustworthy, being entrusted with knowledge of Pain and Tobi's true identities. He has apparently been working with the latter for some time, Tobi first appearing as his "subordinate" and Zetsu later commenting that Tobi's plans had been in the works for a long time.

Zetsu's main role within the Akatsuki is to function as a spy, often acting as a hunter-nin for Akatsuki. He has been shown able to move his body and take part in the tailed beasts sealing ritual simultaneously which, in addition to being unique to him, allows him to act as a lookout while the sealing takes place.[2] When an agent to Akatsuki, or possibly even a member, dies, Zetsu is sent to devour their bodies so as to not have their secrets revealed.[3] Zetsu is also the one sent to retrieve the rings of dead Akatsuki members.[4] Due to the role he plays, Zetsu is the only member of Akatsuki to act without a partner on a regular basis. Despite this, Zetsu serves as a sort of superior to other members, as they often reported directly to him instead of to the actual leader, Pain.[5]

Clan Information

Clan Name: N/A

Kekei Genkai: N/A

Clan Symbol: N/A

Clan History: N/A

Rank Information:
Rank: Missing-Nin

Village: ?

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu, Kinjutsu

Elemental Affinity: Earth, The Sun

Special Characteristics: Large Chakra Pools, Mayfly Technique, Sun's Corona Absorption for Power

Name: Mayfly Technique
Rank: -
Element: Earth
Description: Zetsu can merge his body with the ground and plants to move at very high speeds through the networks of roots and water veins. Once merged, Zetsu's presence is completely concealed, making it almost impossible to detect him. This makes this jutsu perfect for up-close spying and infiltration.

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:
Part II Arc: Zetsu appears frequently throughout the series. In addition to serving his various Akatsuki duties, he watches battles of interest and then reports the outcome to the other members.

Hunt for Itachi Arc:
During the fight between Sasuke and Itachi, he also acted as a commentator, giving the reader some insight into the techniques both of the Uchiha were performing. He later appeared to inform Tobi of the result of the fight and then led him there, where Madara then asked if he had recorded everything, to which Zetsu confirmed.

Five Kage Summit Arc:
After Itachi's defeat and Sasuke's recruitment, Zetsu takes a more active role in Madara's ongoing plans by marvelling at the effort that went into getting Sasuke to work with Akatsuki. He was later revealed to have watched the entire fight between Pain and Naruto Uzumaki, and appeared next to Tobi as he argued with Sasuke about what his next objective was. There he revealed that Konoha had already been destroyed, and, when Tobi asked, he revealed that Danzo had been named the acting Sixth Hokage. He then proceeded to explain the outcome of the battle between Pain and Naruto. When Taka agreed to go to the Kage Summit, Zetsu revealed his ability to split in half, and the white half proceeded to lead Sasuke to the Kage Summit.

The black half remained behind, and discussed with Madara that they might lose control over Sasuke and would therefore lose their last chance to have someone sync with the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. Madara then declared that he was tired of hiding, and explained that they need to speed up the "Moon's Eye Plan".[6]

The white half stays with Taka, which is currently in the Land of Iron, observing the meeting of the Five Kages whilst trying to figure out a way to successfully assassinate Danzo. After identifying Danzo, the white half has managed to leave them and slipped into the conference room, telling the five Kages that Sasuke is somewhere around. The black half is with Madara, both hidden in the Land of Iron, with Madara telling Zetsu to "begin".

After telling the five Kages of Sasuke, the Raikage grabs the white Zetsu's neck, asking him where is Sasuke, and threatening him that he'll use force. Zetsu mockingly says he would give a hint, which only angered the Raikage, and he hardens his grip on white Zetsu's neck and he collapses, leaving his ultimate fate unknown.

Rp Sample: Once upon a time, about 1320 A.D., a samurai named Oribe Shima was banished by a chieftan named Hojo Takatoki. He was sent to a small island called Kamishima, of the Oki islands. Oribe had a beautiful, eighteen-year-old daughter, whom he loved very much, and who loved him. Her name was Tokoyo.

Alone in her old home in Shima Province, Tokoyo wept night and day over the banishment of her father. Finally, when she could no longer stand the loss, she resolved to reach her father or die trying. Tokoyo was a very brave girl, and was experienced in matters of the sea. As a child, she would dive with the women of her village to collect awabi and pearl-oyster shells.

Tokoyo sold what she could and journeyed out to a place called Akasaki, from which the Islands of Oki could be dimly seen on a clear day. She tried to persuade the fishermen to take her to the Islands, but her money was nearly all spent, and they refused. Tokoyo, bold and valiant, found a small boat and sailed off to the islands by herself.

Once she landed, Tokoyo looked for her father, but could not find him. After several days, she came to a little cape of rocks, and she lay down to pass the night there.

She had only slept an hour before she woke up and heard a girl sobbing. She looked up and saw a beautiful girl of fifteen weeping, and a priest clapping his hands and mumbling “Namu Amida Butsu’s.” They were both dressed in white. The priest finished his prayer and led the girl to the edge of the rocks, and was about to push her over into the sea, but Tokoyo rushed to the girl’s rescue.

The man was not angry, but responded patiently to Tokoyo’s intervention. He explained to her that there was a mysterious dragon named Yofune-Nushi who lived in a cave deep beneath the Oki Islands. For decades, he had terrorized Oki’s small, coastal fishing village. Every year, on June 13th, he forced the people of the nearby village to sacrifice a virgin to him. He threatened to conjure up a terrific storm and destroy their fishing fleet if they did not comply. Fishing was the only source of income to these humble people, so they had no choice but to submit. It was this priest’s sad duty to superintend this ceremony, which Tokoyo interrupted.

Tokoyo, having a broken heart because she could not find her father, volunteered herself as a sacrifice to appease the serpent’s wrath, so that the girl could go free. The priest accepted her offer. Tokoyo took off the girl’s white robe and put it on herself. She placed a small dagger in her teeth and jumped into the water. The priest looked on with astonishment, the girl with thankfulness.

She swam downward in the clear water, which was illuminated by moonlight. She passed many silvery fish which swam around her. She discovered a cave which glittered with awabi shells and pearls. Within this cave was a wooden statue of Hojo Takatoki, the man who had exiled her father. She felt angry and tempted to destroy the statue, but then she thought it would be better to take the statue up to the surface.

As she readied herself for an ascent to the surface, she caught a glimpse of a horrible monster. It was in the shape of a snake, but with legs and phosphorescent scales. It was twenty-six feet long and had fiery eyes. It was Yofune-Nushi, the dragon which lived in the sea.

The unsuspecting dragon must have assumed Tokoyo was the virgin sacrifice. Bracing herself for combat, Tokoyo determined to kill the monster and save the village from this barbaric tradition once and for all. When Yofune-Nushi was within six feet of her, she moved sideways and struck out his right eye. Reeling away in pain, the stunned creature tried to move back to his cavern, but Tokoyo blocked his way. She struck him in the vulnerable underside of his neck, and he perished.

She carried the body of the dragon and the wooden statue to the surface. The priest and the little girl were surprised when they saw their brave hero return, for they had thought she had been eaten by the dragon.

The priest dashed down the rocks and pulled Tokoyo’s half-insensible form ashore. The virgin ran to the village and sought help, which arrived shortly. After Tokoyo had recovered, she was celebrated of the heroine of the hour. The priest reported the whole event to Tameyoshi, the lord of the island, who in turn reported it to Hojo Taktatoki.

Tatatoki had been sick with an unknown disease for some time. The recovery of the wooden statue made it clear that his sickness was caused by a curse. Now that the statue had been brought to the surface, the curse was over, and Tatatoki got better. To show his gratitude, he ordered the immediate release of Oribe Shima, who was confined in prison. He was reunited with Tokoyo and they lived happily ever after.

Last edited by Centella, Aori on Mon 24 Aug 2009, 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Revy Izumi
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PostSubject: Re: Aori's Second: Zetsu!   Aori's Second: Zetsu! Icon_minitimeMon 24 Aug 2009, 11:03 pm

read the rules -.-
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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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PostSubject: Re: Aori's Second: Zetsu!   Aori's Second: Zetsu! Icon_minitimeMon 24 Aug 2009, 11:03 pm

What rules did I break exactly?
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Revy Izumi
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PostSubject: Re: Aori's Second: Zetsu!   Aori's Second: Zetsu! Icon_minitimeMon 24 Aug 2009, 11:21 pm

well, Naruto said you cant RP as Zetsu, youl need his approvel for this
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Shishika no Hyuuga
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PostSubject: Re: Aori's Second: Zetsu!   Aori's Second: Zetsu! Icon_minitimeMon 24 Aug 2009, 11:26 pm

He already fixed what he said about that.. Try again.
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Revy Izumi
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PostSubject: Re: Aori's Second: Zetsu!   Aori's Second: Zetsu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 12:05 am

If Naruto said you could play as Zetsu then approved
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Raitera Nito
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Aori's Second: Zetsu! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aori's Second: Zetsu!   Aori's Second: Zetsu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 6:28 am

Any proof (like screenshot) that Naruto let you use Zetsu. Also, you must have 500+ posts to have a second char. Read the rules =|
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Revy Izumi
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PostSubject: Re: Aori's Second: Zetsu!   Aori's Second: Zetsu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 7:07 am

Aori has much more then 500 posts, she should have over like 2k by now but her previous accounts were deleted becuase of stupid hackers, same goes with mine, i should have about 2k posts now

and Naruto will deal with it if she isnt allowed to have him when he gets on
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Shishika no Hyuuga
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Aori's Second: Zetsu! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aori's Second: Zetsu!   Aori's Second: Zetsu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 10:13 am

I actually have about 3.8k - around the same as Kamoku. Learn about your fellow communion, Raitera - Helps you not be a dumbass :)
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Aori's Second: Zetsu! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aori's Second: Zetsu!   Aori's Second: Zetsu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 11:38 am

Actually, I don't remember saying she could. Oshiroku and Eiichiro agreed not to let Akatsuki cannon's join, and I respect that idea. So Zetsu is a Missing-Nin instead.
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Shishika no Hyuuga
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PostSubject: Re: Aori's Second: Zetsu!   Aori's Second: Zetsu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 11:50 am

I made him MN.
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Shishika no Hyuuga
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PostSubject: Re: Aori's Second: Zetsu!   Aori's Second: Zetsu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 12:25 pm

Oh well. DECLINED. I'll make a new char.
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