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~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~ Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jul 2021, 12:05 am by Nocturne

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~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~ Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~ Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

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~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~ Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2013, 6:37 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~ Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

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 ~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~

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~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~ Empty
PostSubject: ~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~   ~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~ Icon_minitimeMon 31 Aug 2009, 8:07 pm

General Information:
Itami no Tsukuyomi


43.9 kg

5' 7"



~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~ Lady_r10

Itami was distinguished by total lack of emotion which she often masks with a false, cheerful, yet transparent facade. After much mental conditioning and training while in The Foundation, Itami had suppressed almost all of her emotions, laying all of her loyalty to whoever commands her, and thus making it easier for her to accomplish dangerous, unpleasant, or unethical missions. Due to this training, both her own lack of social experience and personal initiative cause for Itami to have great trouble in understanding how bonds and friendships between people can motivate others. Itami is very observant, and is always focused on her missions. She pays much attention to detail, allowing her to notice if something is not as it appears or should be. This strong awareness seems to span beyond the trials of duty, as Itami was later quick to understand the nature of Hybris` inner burden, stating that she shared a similar fate.

Clan Information

Clan Name:

Kekkei Genkai:
Ink weavers. The same clan Sai has hailed from, which is currently unnamed. They have the ability to draw things on a sheet of specially designed indestructable paper that allows them to activate hidden jutsu to make it come to life and attack/defend the possessor of the abilities. However, Itami had mastered this technique while training in The Foundation, and she became capable to edit her inks properties, and even gain the abilities to potentially modify herself and create new substances and figures, despite the fact that Itami is a human. Its also to be known, Itami possesses a more powerful version of anatomic ink for more powerful drawn figures with specialized properties, and is capable of drawing on any surface and create a figure off of it, that is in conjunction with the properties that the drawing was created on. (If the drawing is on concrete, the drawing takes on additional stone-like affinity properties.) Another notable feature is that Itami possesses great speed with her hands (like that of Kakashi during hand seals), which makes her drawing abilities essential for strategic and fast combat.

Clan Symbol:

Clan History:

Rank Information:

Hidden Stone Village

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty:
Mastery Supplementary/Weaponry
Skilled Taijutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Polyphosphorus Ink

Special Characteristics:
Ink Weaving KKG, Extremely large chakra reserves, special elemental affinity, she has a registered IQ topping over 200.

Rp Sample:
-.-... PENIS.
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PostSubject: Re: ~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~   ~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~ Icon_minitimeMon 31 Aug 2009, 9:14 pm

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~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~   ~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~ Icon_minitimeTue 01 Sep 2009, 12:15 pm

Name: Super Beasts Imitation Picture
Rank: B
Element: Supplementary
Description: By infusing his chakra into the ink beforehand, Sai can draw objects with a brush on his scroll (something he can do very quickly) to animate the ink directly off of the page. These creations grow to life-size once they have been brought to life--similar to Deidara's Exploding Clay constructs. Sai typically creates giant birds for long range transport, lion-like monsters for attack, or objects like umbrellas for everyday use. For discreet communiques when he is undercover, Sai is able to turn the words he writes into small animals, allowing them to travel to their intended target unnoticed.

Since they are made of ink, a single blow is usually enough to dispel them. The one exception to this are snakes, which are used as living ropes to apprehend a target; they have been shown to be abnormally difficult to tear.

Name: Ink Clone Technique
Rank: C
Element: Supplementary
Description: This clone, made from a small amount of ink, carrying chakra, is different from the ordinary Clone Technique in that it has actual substance and mass, making it difficult to see through. As a member of the Foundation, Sai is able to make use of the clone for missions involving surprise attacks, infiltration, and assassinations. However, experienced ninjas such as Orochimaru are able to see through this technique.

Name: Ink Flush Technique
Rank: -
Element: Supplementary
Description: By pouring some of his special ink into the ground, Sai can summon several ink snakes to strike from underground and restrain his opponents. Should the opponent prove strong enough to break the binds, the snakes can reform around the target, making struggling pointless.This jutsu can travel through any element be it Earth, or even Fire.

Name: Ink Mist Technique
Rank: C
Element: Supplementary
Description: Similar to the Body Flicker Technique, the user wraps their body in chakra-infused ink to hide themselves and leave the area by choice.

Name: Tanto
Rank: -
Element: Weaponry
Description: Simply a small Katana. The type of blade that the Foundation uses are double-edged and has no tip. It is usually carried on the back of the users shoulder.

Name: Spark Tag
Rank: -
Element: Weaponry
Description: This tag looks just like an explosive tag. However, when activated it will create a small flame. If used in conjunction with ink, oil, flammable mist, or wind ninjutsu, it can create a torrent of flame.

Name: Ink Hawk and Lion Technique
Rank: -
Element: Supplementary
Description: Sai uses his Ninja Art: Super Beasts Imitation Picture Dragon to create three lions and a hawk. The lions hit the opponent rapidly and send them upward, where the hawk waits and shoots some razor sharp ink feathers at the opponent.

Name: Danzo's Unnamed Doujutsu Technique
Rank: -
Element: Doujutsu
Description: Apparently unique to Shisui Uchiha, this technique allows the user to control the mind of their opponent. It was a dōjutsu of the highest class, as the victim doesn't even realize they are being manipulated. Danzo subsequently used it to manipulate Mifune into almost giving him the supreme command of the alliance of the Five Villages. When this is discovered, Danzo responds that he cannot use the ability multiple times a day.

It also seems that like a number of other Doujutsu related techniques, it requires direct eye contact with either of the eyes, seeing how as Danzō never removed the bandages that hid his other eye from view.

Name: Ink Acid - Technique of An Artist's Scolding Desire
Rank: A
Element: Supplementary, Polyphosphoric Ink
Description: By writing on an indestructable and well placed scroll, Itami will use her extremely quick speeds to quickly draw up a large firework drawing. Then, by activating the jutsu abilities, the firework will shoot high into the air with extreme speeds. Once the firework makes it to a near 75 feet, the firework will explode, giving off a loud booming sound. In the midst of the sound, the ink will rain down from the skies above in a mere instant. The ink contains polyphosphoric acidic properties, which will burn and seep into the enemies skin, completely eating away their body. If the ink rain remains on the enemy for 1 post, it will begin to eat away the skin, showing the meaty parts. If the ink rain remains on the enemy for 2 posts, it will eat away the meat, causing extreme amounts of blood and exposing the bone. If the ink rain remains on the enemy for 3 posts, it will eat away the bone, completely dissolving the enemies body part, making it no longer existent.

Name: Ink Acid - The Burning Ambition of Art Technique
Rank: -
Element: Supplementary, Polyphosphoric Ink
Description: This jutsu acts as a passive ability that is used in almost every single on of Itami's jutsu and techniques. Itami is completely unaffected by her ink's properties. The ink is infused with a special type of acid called polyphosphoric acid, which melts things in a mere instant. If a drawing of hers in any way shape or form is destroyed, the ink will immediately disperse and head into the direction the enemy was in, and begin to burn with crippling pain. The ink is extremely sticky too, making it incredibly difficult to remove. If the acid remains on the enemy for atleast 2 posts, that specific enemies body part will be reduced to mere bone. If the acid remains on the users bone for 1 additional post, the bone will be eaten away, rendering the opponents body part completely useless, as it will no longer be there.

Name: Ink Acid - Ocean Landscape, Death from Below
Rank: S
Element: Supplementary, Earth, Polyphosphoric Ink
Description: Using her incredible earth and ink manipulation, Itami will produce an extremely large quantity of acidic ink inside of her chakra gates. Then, secretly secreting the deadly acid into the ground - The ink will immediately travel through the roots of concrete and plants underneath the battlefield, and arise into an extremely large range of 300 feet. The ink will rise above the surface of the ground and corrode the entire space with crippling acid. This acid is incredibly flammable, but only to Itami's techniques, and she can extend the range of the Ink at any time, as long as she builds it up in her body before exertion. The acid will burn the enemies feet, causing them to fall, which would result in almost instantaneous death due to the properties of the acidic ocean. If the opponent somehow resists the burning attack from under, in conjunction with this techniques first effect, Ink clones will begin to arise ranging in the near hundreds if enough Ink is present. The ink clones will head into battle for Taijutsu combat. If the clones are destroyed, the ink will take on a mind of its own and immediately cover the enemy in a pool of acidic ink. As always, this ink is incredibly destructive, flammable, and sticky as all hell. As said by her Kage, Karei, this combination of attacks essentially makes Itami practically invincible. This technique completely wastes Itami's Ink supply, and she will take 2 posts to fully regenerate her Ink storage.

Name: Ink Manipulation - Artists Motion
Rank: C
Element: Ink
Description: This allows Itami to manipulate any source of Ink or Ink-ish substance in the world, making this extremely useful technique one of her essentials in modern and strategic combat, this allows her to use her specialized techniques in Ink combat to their fullest potential. This technique, however, only allows Itami to control Ink within 400 feet of her standing point.

Name: Ink Manipulation - Monkey See, Monkey Do Technique
Rank: A
Element: Ink, Supplementary
Description: Itami will be capable of drawing up a figure of art, no matter the size and mass of the targeted foe or creature, on any surface in the world. The ink will specially pertain to the elemental affinity that Itami draws them upon, as well as still pertain to the acidic properties of her natural ink modification. (If she drew the figures on bricks, the creature will have an Earth affinity, and be able to use Earth techniques, as well as partain to the acidic abilities its already given, etc..). In addition, due to Itami's personal expertised skill in sketching, she is capable of moving, and keeping her eyes wide open in combat, drawing what she sees and still keeping her mind in the midst of battle, or a simple every day thing, where she sits by a tree and draws freely. Then, by activating her KKG, she will make the drawing into a 4D creature, capable of mass destruction.

Name: Acidic Ink Cartridge x6/Acidic Ink Summoning Scrollsx10
Rank: -
Element: Supplementary
Description: Itami will have 6 seperate Acidic Ink Cartridge's which contain reasonably high amounts of Itami's 'Special Ink'. They are indestructible, and can only be opened by a specific type of channeled chakra, a type of which Itami possesses. They are found in multiple places which cannot be seen, as they are hidden from sight at all times. Another object Itami possesses are scrolls that are made of the same material her natural KKG's scrolls are made of, making them indestructible. Once channeled by Itami's chakra, extremely large amounts of her 'Special Ink' will be supplied, giving Itami a potential never-ending amount of 'Special Ink', where ever she goes, despite the fact that her natural chakra gates produce the ink.

Name: Ink Acid - Book of Dread, Tsukuyomi's Deathstock
Rank: -
Element: Supplementary
Description: Itami will carry this book, or more rather - A scroll around wherever she goes, as it is made from her KKG's scrolls material, this book and its pages are completely indestructible. This scroll is incredibly long in length, going about 80 feet, and has even more blank space to spare. This scroll contains a drawing of everything Itami has thought about and created from the time she was 2, to now, 17. Its filled with undead pictures, dragons, assailants, gorgons, chimeras, and even 100 ft. tall abominations from hell itself. At any given time, Itami can immediately unravel the scroll and instantly point out the conjured drawing she desires to summon, and activate her KKG, summoning it with 4D properties. All of these creatures have hidden abilities that are reasonable for their stature. (No imp with a fucking 400 ft. fireball that is as hot as the sun, etc.) Another notable feature is, if lived through, the creatures like always still partain to the acidic ink's elemental affinity. It is also said, that these creatures have formed such a bond with Itami, that they even supply her with extra amounts of chakra during combat to make sure their 'Master' doesnt fail.

Image of Scroll:

Name: Ink Manipulation - No Strings Attached Technique
Rank: E-S
Element: Ink, Supplementary
Description: Itami will be capable of drawing up a figure of art, no matter the size and mass of the targeted foe or creature, on any surface in the world. The ink will specially pertain to the elemental affinity that Itami draws them upon, as well as still pertain to the acidic properties of her natural ink modification. (If she drew the figures on bricks, the creature will have an Earth affinity, and be able to use Earth techniques, as well as partain to the acidic abilities its already given, etc..) This acts in conjunction with Itami's personal Ink manipulative abilities. Itami is capable of drawing a figure, no matter the size or mass, and create it physically and mentally. She can give it a mind of its own, as well as its own personal set of abilities. These puppets have the same acidic properties as the rest of Itami's jutsu and are always with her at all times.

Name of Ink Puppet:
Zannin - But, Itami calls him Brutal due to his barbarian-like behavior.
Rank of Ink Puppet:
Specialization of Ink Puppet:
Sheer brutality and raw power.
Elemental Affinities of Ink Puppet:
Acidic Ink, Fire, Wind
Height of Ink Puppet:
12' 6" (feet&inches)
Purpose of Ink Puppet:
To stand by and protect Itami at all times. To sacrifice its willing life to its master in order to ensure her safety.
Personality of Ink Puppet:
Zannin is your typical barbarian, confined of straight up raw power and devastating strength. He does not let anyone get near Itami unless approved of by his master herself, and noone has ever gotten past him in a confrontation. He will stand at attention, and is only and completely loyal to his master, Itami. Of course, knowing the importance of the secrecy of Itami's true name, he calls her Tsukuyomi.
Image of Zannin (Brutal):
Jutsu of Ink Puppet:
Name: Burning Spirit Technique - Reduction to Ash
Rank: -
Element: Fire, Wind
Description: Since Wind Chakra naturally feeds into Fire Chakra, Zannin's wind jutsu increases the intensity of his own fire jutsu, increasing the flames destructive potential. Zannin's wind jutsu also provides the ink from Itami's jutsu with more pressure to deliver more force, causing the area to be be filled with an extremely flammable and burning substance. The wind-enhanced ink-blast, followed by the wind-enhanced flames, creates an inferno of such magnitude that, within an instant, the target and the surrounding area will be reduced to cinders.

Name: Ash Pile Burning Technique
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: Similar to the Fire Release: Flame Bullet technique, this jutsu also produces a combustible material prior to ignition. The user spews superheated ash from their mouth. The ash is hot enough to cause third-degree burns on the victim. Because it's composed entirely of ash, it stays in the air around the victim like a cloud. If the user clicks his teeth, the stagnant ash will ignite, creating a violent explosion.

Name: Blade of Wind
Rank: A
Element: Wind
Description: This jutsu creates a blade of wind. The blade is said to be impossible to block because of its intangible nature. Unlike the Cutting Whirlwind Technique, this jutsu requires no tool.

Name: Blade of Wind Hurricane
Rank: -
Element: Wind
Description: In conjunction with the Blade of Wind technique, Baki makes a giant hurricane using his Blade of Wind that draws enemies into the hurricane, violently slashing them.

Name: Tongue Tooth Sticky Acid
Rank: -
Element: Acid
Description: This is a technique where Katsuyu spits out a torrent of acid from her mouth, which is strong enough to melt through anything with ease.
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Shishika no Hyuuga
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~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~   ~ ! ~ Itami ~ ! ~ Icon_minitimeWed 02 Sep 2009, 4:52 pm

Jutsu #2
Name: Ink Acid - Heightened Aspects
Rank: C
Element: Ink
Description: Itami will use this technique to reinforce her artwork, making it stronger, larger, and more dangerous. After creating an artwork and summoning it, she will reinforce it with her own chakra, making the creations strong as steel. The creations will explode upon her command, not only releasing acidic ink but also igniting that ink increasing its deadliness and over all effect. This technique, like Karei's own clay technique, allows her to enlarge, or even decrease the size of the artwork at will with the right hand seals. The level of the explosion depends on the level of chakra and size of the creature.

Name: Ink Acid - Blazing Strikes
Rank: A
Element: Acidic Ink
Description: By channeling her production of Ink Acid to her hands and feet, Itami will increase her attack speed by a somewhat large amount - And her hands will begin to secrete a large supplement of Acidic Ink, dripping on the ground. Any taijutsu, or ninjutsu strike from Itami will cause the acid to literally shoot through the opponents body, eating away the enemy's skin and clothing. Itami is also capable of rapidly swinging her arms in thrusting, or circular motions to potentially launch the acidic ink like a missile or a bolt, incredibly damaging anything it touches with a large combustion.
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