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 Kikun - Summoning God

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Shishika no Hyuuga
The Fallen Angel
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The Fallen Angel
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Kikun - Summoning God Empty
PostSubject: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeFri 04 Sep 2009, 1:12 am

General Information:
Name: Kikun

Nickname/Alias: Ryu Tatsujin

Weight: 120lbs

Height: 7"11

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Looks: Kikun - Summoning God White_Dragon_Man

Personality: Kikun is very gentle and kind hearted. He is playful and loves to joke around with people even when in fights with people he toys with him just for his own personal amusement. Even though kikun is very skilled he does not brag about his abilities he feels that bragging only makes everything worse instead he makes the opponent think they they are stronger then him maybe even to make them go easier on him because they thing he is weak so that he can suprise them with a very strong attack. No matter what situation kikun is in he is happy and always smiling hiding his heavily damaged heart and sad emotions inside of him.

Clan Information

Clan Name: kuchiyose kamigami or summoning gods

Kekei Genkai: This clan uses summoning to their advantage mastering only the art of summoning as the clan constantly trains summoning techniques and have to grow up in the special village to learn all of the summoning techniques that the clan uses. The clan uses almost no chakra for their summons but because of them focusing almost only on summoning they have no elements which means they can only use non element related jutsu or just summoning. But being that they have no elements they can summon a creature that is any element and also being able to summon three summons max at a time. The summoning techniques also don't require handsigns if the person has a weapon with the special summoning circle they use or it is burned onto their skin and enchanted.

Clan Symbol: Kikun - Summoning God Transmutation+Circle

Rank Information:


Village: Village Hidden in the Mist

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty:Summong, Weaponry

Elemental Affinity: N/A

Special Characteristics: Large chakra reserves

History/Background Story: Academy Arc: Kikun was born into a very poor family his dad being a very weak ninja ninja being only a jounin and the lowest in the villages rank. Kikun grew up in a small village days away from any other village but the leaf village being the closest. Kikun's father owned a farm but only made enough crops to feed his family since he couldn't feed them with the money he gets from ninja missions if he even manages to finish them. As soon as kikun could walked he was put out into the field to work. He was a very small a scrawny child he always was and had a very hard time even picking the small weeds. As he grew older he still stayed his very small size but learned how to farm with ease. When kikun was old enough he entered into the special ninja academy the village had teaching them how to use summoning jutsu. The school looked down upon him since he was born from a family of failure and expected him to be one of the worse students. Kikun was out to prove them that they were wrong but in the beginning he had a very tough time being that failure was in his blood he had to train his hardest just to keep up with the other children. After failing the ninja academy once kikun finally began to master the summoning techniques and surpassed his weakling father very quickly even being an academy student he could keep up in a spar with his father and even his summons were bigger and stronger then his fathers.

Gennin Arc: After becoming a gennin he began to learn a new set of skills and even more advance summonings. Kikun actually went ahead of the other gennin his skills being much more advanced then the other gennin since he spent almost all of his free time training to surpass his father and become a prodigy. Kikun had an odd interest in reptiles mostly taking the specific summonings they had to do for work into dragons or something related to large reptiles. Kikun went through half the year being ahead of the normal gennin and even decided to pick up another thing to go along with his summoning techniques. A musical instrument a guitar with also worked as an axe or a scythe that he could use to attack the enemy at a range with sound based attacks and used his summons to attack close. His master seeing him using a musical instrument and still surpassing the other students in summoning techniques and strength he decided to an actual village to complete the chunnin exams.

Rp Sample: Mog landed his airship on the grassland looking
outside and noticing no one there he walked into the back of the
airship where okami's room was. Okami kept his door closed and a large
sign that said keep out in very large red letters to keep mog out. Mog
just chickled at the sign and kicked the door open and began to yell at

"Get up you lazy wolf we are going wandering!"

sound of mog's voice mixed with the door being kicked in scared him to
his feet. Noticing that it was only mog he kicked him into the wall
holding him there with his foot.

"Look you little pipsqueak i was trying to sleep now don't make me light you on fire like before."

"You never hurt me i'm too cute to hurt."

wrapped his arms around okami's foot and bit down on it. Okami's eyes
growing wide as he started to flail his leg around trying to remove the
moogle. After slamming mog against the wall multiple times he finally
let go laughing and walking back to leave the airship. Okami checking
his leg for a wound walked behind mog yawning.

"Your lucky you didn't make me bleed or i would have to kill you."

smiled and pressed a button before walking out of the ship that quickly
closed the door after him hitting okami in the face. Okami took four
steps back holding his face and growling. Okami put one hand palm aimed
at the door his hand glowing dark red in the center. A laser fired from
his palm that blew the door off the airship. Okami walked out of the
airship chuckling spreading his wings and flying into the air. Okami
looked down very closely noticing something yellow far away that caught
his eye. Okami automatically knew what it was and grabbed mog before he
could complain about the door. Mog pulled his bell from his back okami
throwing him at the chocobo mog's armor sprouting wings. Mog struck the
bell stopping the quick moving chocobo almost instantly. Mog landed
next to the chocobo and took the object out of its mouth and looking at

"Why would this chocobo have a hat?"

Mog looked around for someone who would want this hat back. Okami landed behind mog pointing ahead of them.

"Some weird creature is coming this way and i think it wants that hat."

chuckled and stuffed the hat into his armor so that it wouldn't be
visible and struck his bell again to snap the chocobo out of the
temporary coma and it instantly began to run again.

"Well now we are going to have some fun."

Last edited by MysticNoob on Fri 04 Sep 2009, 1:31 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The Fallen Angel
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Kikun - Summoning God Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeFri 04 Sep 2009, 1:23 am

Elemental Lizards

Mature Lizards
The mature lizards are the almost fully grown version of kikun's lizards. These lizards have grown much larger since they were petit. Each dragon has a wingspan of 15 feet and stand at 20 feet tall. The appearance of the lizards has drastically changed since this is the last stage in their grown that they will change their appearance and at further ages they will just grow in strength and size. The lizards still possess the ability to preform elemental attacks without handsigns.

Name: The Lizard of Wind: Fuuton
Element: Wind

Name: The Lizard of the Flames: Katon
Element: Fire

Name: The Golden Lizard of Earth: Doton
Element: Earth

Name: The Lizard of Water: Suiton
Element: Water

Name: The Lizard of Lightning: Raiton
Element: Lightning

The god lizard
By sacraficing all of his lizards kikun is able to summon the ultimate lizard goliath who can use all of the jutsus the five lizards he used to sacarafice had. The lizard god also can be the only one that is summoned. The large lizard is very swift for its size standing at 45 feet tall and 20 feet wingspan. Being that the lizard is five together it can use up to five jutsu at the same time but they all have to be different elements.

Name: Multi- Headed Lizard: Goliath
Element: Water/Wind/Water/Fire/Lightning

Last edited by Kikun on Tue 08 Sep 2009, 2:20 am; edited 12 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeFri 04 Sep 2009, 1:23 am

Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins
Kikun created this three very strong demons in his spare time. The seven demons all have different powers some stronger then other. Most of them are slightly bigger then humans besides sloth and gluttony who are both 12 feet tall and lust who is only about 4 feet.

Name: The First Sin: Envy
Element: Lightning
Description: Envy is a demon that longs to be something stronger. So instead of trying to become stronger he just takes over peoples bodies so that he can feel the joy of being a stronger person even if it is only for a few seconds. Since kikun obtained this demon he has learned multiple new jutsu and even an element as kikun climbed iun the ranks. This demon no longer wishes to be another person more as to he wishes to control the person. Envy has also learned how to make his hair move like some elements so that it can cause more damage to the enemy or to cover a large area to control the enemy. Being that the element of lightning is new to him lightning based attacks do still require handsigns.

Name: The Second Sin: Sloth
Element: N/A
Description: Sloth is a giant demon that takes the form of a suit of armor that has nothing inside. Sloth has changed from a mostly defensive demon to an all defensive demon besides some jutsu. Instead of an axe he now carries two large shields and has also increased in size now standing at 20 feet tall each shield being 10 feet tall but lighter to him now. The shields now have blades around the edges so that he can dig them into the ground to protect kikun or to use at close range and he has taking a liking to the earth element. Sloth still has no perfected the earth element but uses it in mostly defense jutsu but still needs to preform handsigns. Even though his name is sloth his speed is rather high allowing to keep up with most ninja at close range and has gained very quick reflexes.

Name: The Third Sin: Gluttony
Element: N/A
Description: Gluttony is a fat demon who only thinks about eating. If he is bothered by someone he will just eat them so that they will leave him alone.

Name: The Fourth Sin: Wrath
Element: N/A
Description: Wrath is a very brutal and strong killer. Wrath has gained a large set of armor since he has joined kikun and has also become much stronger and faster. He still is a very brutal and angry fighter but has learned multiple new jutsu to greatly increase his abilities. Wrath despises elements and has decided to stay away from them using only non elemental attacks. Wraths gloves also has a very sharp claws allowing him to cut through most materials with them while enraged.

Name: The Fifth Sin: Pride
Element: N/A
Description: Pride is a demon that thinks he is the best and the best that will every be. Being that he is very swift for a heavily armored warrior and is very skilled with his sword he is one of the strongest attackers in kikuns seven deadly sins arsenal but refrains from telling him that so his already big head won't get any bigger. Since joining kikun he has learned to use his own special type of chakra that is almost like fire but is a dark chakra that can do multiple things. Pride prefers kenjutsu but does sometimes use ninjutsu.

Name: The Sixth Sin: Lust
Element: N/A
Description: Lust is a demon that kikun uses to seduce his enemies and if that doesn't work he uses her hypnotizing eye techniques. Lust has little to no defenses but if the enemy looks into her eyes it is very hard to get out of.

Name: The Seventh Sin: Greed
Element: Fire
Description: Greed is a demon that cares only about money. Since being with kikun greed uses money instead of trying to steal it from people every chance he gets since his armor and weapon is made of solid gold and his desires have been met. Since joining kikun he has took to the fire element being able to heat his gold making it like golden lava also allowing him to cool it so that it will stick to a persons body a making it heavier. Just like all the other sins that have picked up an element he still has to preform handsigns to use jutsu.

Last edited by Kikun on Mon 12 Oct 2009, 6:01 pm; edited 7 times in total
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The Fallen Angel
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Kikun - Summoning God Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeFri 04 Sep 2009, 1:24 am


Name: Summoning Gloves

Rank: C

Owner: Kikun

Appearance: Kikun - Summoning God Roy-mustang-gloves

Length: 1 foot

Width: 6 inches

Material: Iron

Weight: 2 lbs

Abilities: The gloves that the summoning circle for kikun burned onto them allowing him to summon his creatures just by touching the ground with the gloves. The gloves are made of metal so they can also be use for blocking and hitting.

Last edited by MysticNoob on Sat 05 Sep 2009, 11:16 am; edited 4 times in total
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Shishika no Hyuuga
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Kikun - Summoning God Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeFri 04 Sep 2009, 7:49 am

There are no more newbie apps for anything above Genin/Academy Student. Fix your rank.

~ No mach 2 speed, your a summoning God which means you specialize in Fuuinjutsu and Jujutsu - Otherwise, you wouldn't be a SUMMONING GOD. You have Fuuinjutsu, and Weaponry - Not Taijutsu.

~~ You dont have sound manipulation, so take that effect off of your axe. You can however, change it so that you can make an extremely high pitched sound that could POSSIBLY damage ear drums - But not permanantely. You could make it so they cant hear for a short amount of time.

~~~ You never stated if you run fast enough to even sustain the 300 pounds that is locked around your leg.
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The Fallen Angel
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PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeFri 04 Sep 2009, 1:31 pm

fixed it
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PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeSat 05 Sep 2009, 6:53 am

That Axe you can not have it for i already posses something that looks like it, and possible have the same ablities, I have a total of four weapons maybe more i gotta check but its still mine and i never past anything down to anyone.
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PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeSat 05 Sep 2009, 11:28 am

Approved, Full Metal Alchemist. Rofl. XD
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Kikun - Summoning God Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeSat 05 Sep 2009, 10:40 pm

SO this is my enemy in the Chuunin Exams, I should fix my Fuuinjutsus now
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Kikun - Summoning God Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeMon 07 Sep 2009, 8:30 pm

The Lizard of Ice: Hyouton

Unapproved, Ice is a KKG type element thing only, not only wind and ice is used, the summon would need wind and water element, + have the ability to freeze it at an instant, which is where the KKG comes in.
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PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeTue 08 Sep 2009, 2:21 am

edited my elemental lizards can some one please re approve them
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Naizu Nimakee
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PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeTue 08 Sep 2009, 4:30 am

Elemental Lizards APPROVED
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PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeTue 08 Sep 2009, 4:32 am

I thought only the ice one was unapproved
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Naizu Nimakee
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PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeTue 08 Sep 2009, 4:35 am

So did I so I made it in general because I see nothing wrong with the elemental lizards.
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Kikun - Summoning God Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeTue 08 Sep 2009, 4:51 am

Those are fine, the only Elements your summon cant have is Lava/Ice/Wood, and any other Kekkei Genkai, or Bijuu only element's. any element a normal ninja cant use.
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The Fallen Angel
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Kikun - Summoning God Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 6:03 pm

bump reworked a few of my sins

envy/sloth/pride/greed and wrath

p.s. pride does not use shadows he uses a dark chakra that is like fire but i call it shadow because i couldnt think of another name a kasei already said it was ok as long as i dont get op with it
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Oriena Nimakee
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PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 7:19 pm

you need to set a post limit on these of around 4 post for them to be available in battle as well as set a limit to how many summons you can have out in battle at each lvl (ex: genin-1 chunnin-2 jounin/anbu-3 aka/kage-4)
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PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 7:24 pm

ive never had to have a post limit on them before why now thats like putting a post limit on a puppetiers puppets? they are growing in strength because i can learn any jutsu so i give them all the jutsu and its already be decided that i can summon five summons as long as they are in the same family and thats the max and u get that ability and chunin
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Oriena Nimakee
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PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 7:32 pm

ok, if you summoned all your lizards and sins, that's fighting just to see how lng you can survive if your opponent is equally chunnin. I knew nothing of this 5 post rule so I couldn't take it into consideration.
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PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 7:33 pm

no im allowed to have 5 summon max out during a topic and if one dies thats when summon a new one in the family and im a jounin now no1 changed my title just my name color
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PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 7:54 pm

I think some type of how long these summons last for is needed, either that or you can only have one or two at a time.
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PostSubject: Re: Kikun - Summoning God   Kikun - Summoning God Icon_minitime

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