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 Strife Mayakashi

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Neona Tala
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Strife Mayakashi Empty
PostSubject: Strife Mayakashi   Strife Mayakashi Icon_minitimeSat 26 Sep 2009, 7:27 pm

General Information:
Name: Strife Mayakashi

Nickname/Alias: Sky Of The Night Light

Weight: 135 Pounds

Height: 5'10"

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Looks: Strife Mayakashi Noctis-render

Strife has flaming orange eyes, light black hair that is somewhat spiked back. He wears a black leather like fabricated shirt with small thread designs on parts like the collar, around the sleeves ETC., on his waist are black leather pouches that hold many things, The shirt opens in the front with a small dark silver zipper that goes from the top to bottom, the shirt is designed as a trench coat, it extends down long behind him to the point where if it is zipped all the way, it would circle him from his neck, to his knees. Under that is black somewhat baggy pants, with large blackish brownish boots on his feet that extend up to the middle of his lower leg. On his hands are black leather gloves that he almost always wears.

Personality: Strife is a quiet guy, he wonders around sometimes, or will stay in a single place for a while if he sees it fit. He always speaks the right thing, and examines what is going on without even making any signs of doing so, he is very quick to react and it is sometimes said he can "see behind himself" from his amazing reactions and senses. Strife doesn't pay that much attention towards others unless they are someone he really knows, he spends most of his time wandering around wondering what the meaning of everything is.

Over all, Strife is a pretty shy person, but tries to hide it by "Acting Cool"

Clan Information

Clan Name: Noctic Lucis Caelum

Kekei Genkai: The Noctic Lucis Caelum offers many different abilities that only holders of this Kekkei Genkai can obtain and use. One of their main abilities is the ability to conjure multiple swords and weapons in the air and manipulate them around themselves, the weapons can cloak, and uncloak at the users will making them great for surprise attacks. When the weapons are are summoned, every time they move there will be a slight cut in the air that only lasts for about a second. Every time the weapons are hit by a attack, they will become transparent and look a little frosty floating in the air but will clear up fast. When one of them are grabbed by the user, the weapon will turn completely visible.

Name: Sekisho
Rank: B
Element: -
Description: This can simply be activated at an instant at the users will, once activated, what looks to be a transparent force field will be in front of the user, it has blue lights that fly around the user at all direction that look as if they were magic, the user has the ability to extend the field in front, or around him, and anyone else as long as they are right next to him. If any type of attack such as Kunai, or projectiles similar to those hit the force field, they will instantly stop and fall to the ground, when they hit the force field, it will look as if the air in front of the object froze and looks very frosty and instantly stopped the object. (This can not block projectile Jutsu of rank C+)

Name: Hirameki
Rank: A
Element: -
Description: This skill is highly similar to what is known as "Teleportation", at the will of the user, they will glow a bluish color for only about half a second, then instantly disappear, then re-appear in another spot as long as that spot is in range, and can be seen. This can not be used to pass through objects, or dodge any type of actual Jutsu, only used to dodge simple stuff like a regular weapon. the farthest one can go is up to 30 FT, but if this is used in combination with Strifes sword, he can instantly go to wherever his sword is if it is not with him. (Has a 1 post cool down, and can be used countless times outside of battle. Can not be used to dodge massive(Things other then punches, or direct attacks such as beams ETC.) C rank + Jutsu , and uses a very small unnoticeable amount of Chakra. Can be used without any actual type of activation as apart of the KKG)


Users will be able to touch objects, any size or material, and be able to see the history of the object by simply closing their eyes, allowing them to understand the past of specific objects.


By simply touching another person, they will the ability to feel the emotions, thoughts, hopes, desires, and dreams of others, though most people dont care much of using this skill


Users of this clan, with a quick close of the eyes, activation of the skill, then reopening their eyes will be able to view the spirits of the deceased, but make no communication, or contact with them


Clan Symbol:-

Clan History: The clans history is mostly unknown throughout the world, thousands of years ago the clan lived as a empire, they were very skilled in crystal manipulation and conjuring objects. The empire was destroyed by the appearance of a unknown beast thought to be a Bijuu, most members of the clan had died during the attack, very very few were left so they traveled out. The clan was very unique for its abilities, and was often looked at as "gods", currently there are only around 2-3 members of the clan left on the world, and are normally spread out all over the planet making them rare, and unique. The sword are great for making invisible walls of defense in front of the user, when anything hits the swords, they will slightly be shown transparent like glass but will turn invisible again quickly.

Rank Information:
Rank: Missing Nin

Village: Takumi Village

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu

Elemental Affinity: Lightning, Fire

Special Characteristics: Large chakra reserves, incredibly fast reflexes and senses.


Name: Caelum Renda
Rank: A
Element: Clan
Description: After the activation of the conjured blades, the user will throw their sword at the target, the cloaked blades will dash at the target, still cloaked but there will be lines in the air, the blue magical looking lights that fly with them, once they reach the target it will stop and float infront of them pointing at them, there will be a small flash of a light, almost at an instant, the blades will form a dome around the enemy with all the points of the blades facing the enemy and will uncloak, with a small motion, or squeeze of the hand, the user can make all the blades stab in towards the center.

Name: Noctic Mamori
Rank: A
Element: Clan
Description: After summoning of the weapons using the Noctic Lucis Caelum KKG, the cloaked weapons will spin around the user incredibly fast, , as they spin they will still be cloaked, but they will be slightly see-able and transparent. This is useful for blocking almost any Jutsu up to A rank, and any type of explosion.

Name: Shattering Thunder
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Description: This jutsu allows the user to create a wave of electricity from the user's hands. This jutsu can vary in power from a small surge to shock an opponent to a powerful stream of lightning capable of ripping through solid rock. It is ideal to use in conjunction with a water jutsu.

Name: Limelight
Rank: A
Element: Lightning
Description: Limelight is a lightning-based technique that is used when all four users are placed in the cardinal directions. They will then join their lightning-chakra in the form of four connecting streams that shoot high into the sky above the target area. It will then create a lightning blast powerful enough to turn everything into ash within the area. According to Asuma, this technique is regarded as the most powerful of all lightning techniques.

Name: Lightning Hound
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Description: By manipulating lightning chakra into the dominant hand, the user can make the lightning expand to can create the form of a hound. The hound-shape remains connected to the user's hand with a bolt of lightning, allowing them to control it during its attack.

Name: Lightning Tornado
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Description: The user will do the required hand seals then hold 1 hand to the sky sending a portion of chakra up, after so, a very thick and large bolt of lightning from the sky will shoot down in front of them, it will form a mini tornado made of lightning and will spin at the enemy with incredible spinning speed.

Name: Kage Bunshin
Rank: B
Element: -
Description: Similar to the Clone Technique, this jutsu creates clones of the user. Unlike the Clone Technique, these clones are actual copies, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing jutsu on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. They can also disperse on their own. The clones will be created in roughly the same condition as the original.

Name: Lightning Release Shadow Clone
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Description: This technique allows the user to make a shadow clone infused with lightning. Because it is a shadow clone, it is able to perform jutsu and interact with the environment due to it having physical substance. If the clone is injured, it will revert to its natural lightning-state, at the same time electrocuting whatever it is touching.

Name: Lightning Destruction
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Description: The user places his hands to the ground after converting their chakra to lightning. The user then sends an enormous bolt of lightning that cuts through the ground towards the target. The shape of the bolt is a triangular figure with the base in front of the user and the tip headed towards the opponent. It causes devastating destruction on its way and generates with enough heat and power to destroy whatever it comes into contact with.

Name: Flashing Strike
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Description: Upon activation of this Jutsu, Strife will surge lightning chakra into whatever blade(s) he is holding, at his will on swing, a crescent moon like shape of lightning will shoot out and fly at the targeted area, the slashes are a little large and in the shape of a half moon, each slash that sends out the attack will flash for a split second, not bright enough to blind the enemy, just great as a distraction or surprise. This will stay active for 10 posts, or until canceled by the user.

Name: Great Fireball Technique
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: After performing the necessary hand seals, a ninja inhales air via their mouth and, gather up chakra in their chest, then spews a large fireball from their mouth after blowing through a ring made by the thumb and index finger of the user, incinerating everything in range. The fireball ignites externally (as evidenced by Kakashi Hatake's ability to use the jutsu without burning his mask).

Name: Shadow Shuriken Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: -
Description: Upon throwing a shuriken, or Kunai at a enemy, once activated another Kunai or shuriken will be hidden in the shadow of the one thrown, it will come out on the users will and strike the opponent surprising.

Name: Lightning Senbon
Rank: C
Element: Lightning
Description: After doing the required hand seals, 10-20 Lightning senbon will be made in the air floating completely still, with a single motion of the users hand, the senbon will pierce at the target with good speed.

Name: Transformation Technique
Rank: E
Element: -
Description: This jutsu allows the user to assume the appearance of another person, animal, or object. This is one of the basic jutsu taught at the Konohagakure Ninja Academy. Fundamentally, all ninja know this jutsu. The transformation technique is considered to be among the more difficult E-ranked techniques, since it requires constant emission of chakra while mentally maintaining the form. On top of that, the user would be, most likely, interacting with the environment. This puts much mental strain on the inexperienced ninja.

Name: Zap
Rank: C
Element: Lightning
Description: Upon touching something, or someone, they will be shocked continuously with a mildly powerful surge of lightning from the user.

Name: Size Jutsu
Rank: E
Element: -
Description: Upon doing the hand seals for this Jutsu, a small poof of smoke will surround the user, when it clears the user will be the size they chose, from either really small, or very big. This can be mastered to a point where it only requires a single hand seal to perform.

Name: Flash Snap
Rank: E
Element: Lightning
Description: By snapping their fingers, the user can make a very bright flash of light come from their fingers, it isn't strong enough to blind anyone and may only be affective if used at close range.

Name: Lightning ball
Rank: D
Element: Lightning
Description: By gathering chakra into their hand, the user can create a ball of electrical energy and launch it at the enemy. shocking them if it makes contact.

Name: Replenish
Rank: E
Element: -
Description: Upon activation of this Jutsu, a small green aura will glow around the user which is actually their chakra, it will heal any very small scrapes, bruises or cuts. This Jutsu requires no hand seals and must have full concentration.

Name: Flame Bullet technique
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: The Fire Release: Flame Bullet technique resembles the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique; but it is more of a stream than a ball. The technique is executed by user gathering oil in their mouth, spits it out, and ignites it, sending a streaming fireball to the enemy.

Name: Ash Pile Burning
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: The user spews superheated ash from their mouth. The ash is hot enough to cause third-degree burns on the victim. Because it's composed entirely of ash, it stays in the air around the victim like a cloud. If the user clicks their teeth, the stagnant ash will ignite, creating a violent explosion.

Name: Dragon Fire Technique
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: The user breathes fire along a cord or any other type of long object, if it hits the enemy, it will immediately ignite them in flames.

Name: Flame Crater
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: By placing the users hand on the ground, fire chakra will be sent out all over the ground and fill in any types of cracks or holes, such as craters, or cracks recently made from battle, at the users will, the chakra will activate and begin to boil incredibly hot, the user can also make the cracks, or crater explode with the fire chakra making a devastating explosion creating even more craters and cracks.

Name: Fire Dragon Flame Missle
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: This technique exhales a long stream of incredibly hot fire from the user's mouth like that of a flamethrower. Strife has mastered this to a point where the flames are so hot, they appear dazzling white. (1500 °C (2730 °F))

Name: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: This jutsu sends multiple balls of fire at a target. It is also possible to hide shuriken within the fireballs, creating an unexpected secondary surprise attack. For the most part, however, this jutsu is used as a distraction.

Name: Roaring Flame Sphere
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: After inhaling, the user will blow out a meteor sized bright fireball that will carry the enemy away, destroy anything in its path, and make a enormous explosion afterwords.

Name: Running Fire
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: This jutsu will create jets of fire that can be manipulated into several forms (so far, rings of fire or a circle of fire) before striking the target.

Name: Small Fire Stream
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: The user will release a small stream of fire that will whip rapidly towards the opponent, once hitting them it will engulf them in hot flames. This does not require hand seals and can be used at will.

Name: Exploding Tag Technique
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: The user places their hand on the ground and releases a large number of exploding tags made of fire chakra, which stream to the target and wrap around their legs. Once in place, the tags explode, heavily damaging the target's legs.

Name: Caelum Ignis Artum
Rank: S
Element: Fire
Description: This is an incredibly devastating technique invented by Strife. This jutsu requires 5 posts to activate. During each post Strife will place one of his cloaked blade, either using a clone, secretly as its cloaked, or any way possible forming a giant circle on the ground, the blades in the ground will be stabbed in forming a giant circle approximately the size of whatever the battle field may be, 9 will be placed as the outer circle, and the last one will be placed in the very center of them all, once the last one is placed the Jutsu will activate, all the blades will uncloak and show their positions to all who can see them, almost an instant after, walls of flames will connect from blade to blade, once that's complete, long trails of flames will shoot out of the outer 9 swords and aim directly at the middle sword, the instant they hit the center the trails of fire begin spinning around at a incredibly fast pace connected to the walls of fire, and the center sword. Here, the user has the option to use even more chakra and extend the ability even further, with a quick removal of the center sword holding everything together, around 5 seconds after the removal, the area will explode in a titanic sized explosion killing or wounding anyone near it.

Name: Incendi Volucris
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: This is a powerful areal attack used by Strife, When Strife is in the air above the target, he will point his sword directly down then flip around in the air so hes upside down, the cloaked swords around him will uncloak only for a split second until they ignite in flames and begin circling Strife really fast, the sword hes pointing out will take the head of a phoenix in flames, and his whole body will be covered in the flames, he will look like a phoenix as he slams down on the target, right before impact he will flip over and slam down on his feet as the fire hitting the ground spreads out all around him then disappears.


Name: Kansha
Appearance: [Sword In Appearance]
Rank: E-S
Special Abilities: Using the sword with Strifes Kekkei Genkai, Strife can immediately appear at it if it is ever out of his hand, no matter how far away it is, or where it is, Strife will disappear, and re-appear at it.

If fire chakra is put into the well designed guard like engine of the blade, the blade will get extremely hot and make it easier to cut through things.

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story: Strife grew up without any parents, his appearance, and looks sometimes scared the other kids away

Academy: Strife was put into a academy on force by the leader of his village, his sacred and unique abilities of his clan were very powerful and could be used in many ways to help the village of Takumi in the long war with Konoha, though the leader was to late. Strife did somewhat well in the academy but never payed much attention to the other students. Strife was a more quiet student and separated himself from the other students a lot, almost every assignment or test he had to do he passed easily. Strife was given a headband from his teacher and graduated to Genin.

Genin: Once Strife had become a Genin, he was sent on various missions that had to do especially with Konoha, such as spying, attacking, or any of the sort. Strife did well on all his missions and was put into team 1, it was as if he led the 2 other Genin in his group and was a more advanced Genin then most of the others. On a mission Strife went out alone, it was to escort a group of travelers safely to their village from the mist village, on the mission a group of missing nin attacked the wagon of people, Strife left a few clones of himself at the wagon and led the group of nin away from it. As the clones led the wagon to the village safely, Strife fought the group of Nin, using his unique abilities, he scared away 2 of the nin as 1 stayed to fight him, Strife easily defeated the ninja, even though the nin was almost 3 times as powerful as he is. Upon returning to the village, the travelers told the leader of Strifes brave actions and he was then promoted to Chuunin.

Chuunin: Upon becoming a chuunin, Strife went under the care and training of a technological blacksmith that designed incredibly powerful radios, and swords for both combat, and long range communications. Strife and the old man grew attached like father like son, the man began working on a sword for Strife and would give it to him as a present once he became a Jounin, the sword took a very unique design, and was almost unbreakable, it took exactly 4 years to make alone. One day when Strife had returned from a village, he was quickly informed of the death of his master, his master had died of old age and left a present for him in a chest in his smith, Strife left the present and left the village wondering what he should do now.

Missing Nin: Strife wandered around, visited most of the towns, and simply wandered around aimlessly, during his traveling, he never thought about returning to his old village to retrieve what his master had left him, as he completely forgot about it. Upon traveling, Strife had encountered the 2 missing ninja from before, they had returned to defeat him, and are much stronger. Strife battled both of them pretty easily without much struggle, as one was about to get a surprise attack on him, he turned around and held his hand out in a fist, not knowing what he was doing, and why he couldn't control his hand for a few seconds, a sword instantly appeared in his hand, the blade was shining silver and had a grey what looked like a motor, or some type of technology as the guard, with a long handle behind it. The sword blocked the attack, shortly after the appearance of the sword, Strife defeated the 2, but spared their lives and instantly disappeared. Until now Strife had been traveling around aimlessly wondering what to do, visiting villages, just wondering what purpose in life he has.

Rp Sample: The female ninja who was now standing on the flat of her large blade as it laid on the ground, saw how the ice began melting and stopped in its tracks, watching as the ninja repeated even more hand seals, she hopped back off of her blade, now standing above the handle she reached down and quickly lifted it in front of her with both of her hands on it, seeing balls of lightning speed toward her, she sighed and expected no less from that of a lightning manipulator. Hoping to the side quickly still holding her large sword, a swish sound was made as she dodged the balls of lightning, as they flew past her she heard its static which caused her hair to stand up a little.

The female Swordsmen placed the large sword on her back slightly crossed, she pulled out 3 Kunai from a hidden pouch under the backside of her gown, all 3 of them had string's attached to them that were practically invisible to the naked eye, placing the palm of her hand flat on the ground, ice quickly formed in sheets and shot outward in a large circle covering the whole floor of the field in ice. If the other Ninja had stayed on the ground during the ice's formation, his feet would be caught in its forming and be frozen to the ground in place. The women secretly placed each Kunai in the ice as it formed under her hand, the Kunai sunk deep enough so they're out of sight, the strings stayed above the ice still secretly in her hand between her fingers, as each Kunai was placed in position, they began to travel through the ice and each planted themselves in different hidden spots all over the field under the ice.

After doing so, the woman stood up quickly and threw out a few hand seals, a large Rhino made of ice crawled out of the sheet of ice on the ground and sped directly at the male ninja, the Rhino ran quickly with its large horn directly out, each step it took made a loud thump sound, hard, but not hard enough to fracture the sheet of ice under it.

Last edited by Strife Mayakashi on Mon 28 Sep 2009, 2:42 pm; edited 12 times in total
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Strife Mayakashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strife Mayakashi   Strife Mayakashi Icon_minitimeSat 26 Sep 2009, 7:29 pm

Why is your alias your first name?
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Neona Tala
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PostSubject: Re: Strife Mayakashi   Strife Mayakashi Icon_minitimeSat 26 Sep 2009, 7:34 pm

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The Mad Hatter
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Strife Mayakashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strife Mayakashi   Strife Mayakashi Icon_minitimeSat 26 Sep 2009, 7:41 pm

Looks good, you have my approval.

Though an admin may need to say, yes as it is a high rank.
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Strife Mayakashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strife Mayakashi   Strife Mayakashi Icon_minitimeSat 26 Sep 2009, 11:04 pm

Looks good to me .
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Strife Mayakashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strife Mayakashi   Strife Mayakashi Icon_minitimeSun 27 Sep 2009, 5:27 am

Approved by me too.
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Neona Tala
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PostSubject: Re: Strife Mayakashi   Strife Mayakashi Icon_minitimeMon 28 Sep 2009, 8:51 am

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PostSubject: Re: Strife Mayakashi   Strife Mayakashi Icon_minitime

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