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The Fallen Angel
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Mezuki (DONE) Empty
PostSubject: Mezuki (DONE)   Mezuki (DONE) Icon_minitimeMon 28 Sep 2009, 3:54 pm

General Information:

Name: Mezuki Tetsu Genkotsu

Nickname/Alias: The Weapon Master

Weight: 60lbs

Height: 3'0"

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Personality: Mezuki is a very kind person caring for all even people to try to harm him. He will never fight someone with a killing intent unless they attack him first. Mezuki is almost always happy and always has a smile on his face. Mezuki loves steamed buns stuffed with barbecued pork and its almost the only thing he eats. At a young age he fell in love with the buns and even carries a large amount of them on missions so that he can eat them as he travel a long the mission. Most people think he is a very careless person and sometimes rude because he will even pull out a pork bun and eat it while he is mid conversation with another person. When fighting he prefers to think quick and being that he is a very small person most people do overlook him and challenge him thinking they have an easy win but once they actually find out how strong that he is their perception of him quickly changes. Mezuki is known as the weapon master since he has trained to make even a feather into a weapon.

Clan Information

Clan Name: Tetsu Genkotsu

Kekei Genkai: The shinobi born into this clan are born with extraordinary speed and strength soaking up taijutsu techniques like a sponge allowing them to master taijutsu techniques quickly and with ease. The shinobi in this clan focus so hevily on taijutsu and weaponry that they completely forget about any other jutsu besides tai jutsu past academy level. The shinobi in this clan are also only allowed one element and can only use that element in taijutsu and weaponry techniques. The shinobi in this clan must start trainging at a young age if they wish to master all the taijutsu techniques they can. The children do have a choice in which to push to the fullest but only strength or speed can be choosen not both. Besides strength and speed training the shinobi in this clan must also train in defense and endurance so that they can use the 8 gates of power with less injury to the body and so that they withstand more attacks.

Clan History: It was said before that the Tetsu Genkotsu clan was to be the strongest of there time, and the main protection of villages. Although they were the protectors of there villages they never vowed to stay forever or signed certain contracts, so if one of the members of this clan were rubbed wrong or talked to with such disrespect they could leave if they wanted to. Then one day thats exactly what happened a small boy that was a part of the clan was told by an instructor that they were no use for the villages protection. So once that word got to the leader of the clan they made a decision to leave and were never heard from. Some villages suffered, but some villages did alright. But none of the villages were the same without the Tetsu Genkotsu clan. Now some of the clan members have emerged out of hiding becoming apart of villages doing the best they can to protect it.

Rank Information:

Rank: S-Ranked Missing Ninja

Village: former konohagakure

Skill Information:

Skill Specialty: Taijutsu/ Weapon Master

Elemental Affinity: Lightning

Special Characteristics: Mezuki's eyes look exactly like the first stage of sharingan but actually have no effects of it which is why he is almost always mistaken for a shinobi of the uchiha clan. Also after the ritual his chakra changed to black a large black tiger tattoo on his back.

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story: Mezuki was born in the leaf village with black hair and eyes. He was born into a very wealthy family his parents the two guardians of the hokage. When he was born he was one of the largest documented babies in the history of the konoha village being 75cm in height and 12 pounds his father already proud of him for breaking a record and being the first born and a male. At a young age he became an eating machine eating anything that couldn't run away from him and sometimes even trying to eat things that could but quickly found out that they weren't as good tasting as dead things. Mezuki began training at a young age just like all other children in the Tetsu Genkotsu clan his father deciding to train him instead of having another person from the clan do it. Mezuki only grew slightly since he was born standing at almost 3 feet at the age of three. Most of every clan member in the village was shocked when they heard that he chose to train in strength instead of speed figuring he would prefer speed because of his small stature. His father knew he had to be careful not to hurt his son so he first started him on push-ups. The first test was to learn to do push-ups with two hands. Mezuki could easily do two handed push-ups so his father added thirty pounds weights on his back. Mezuki could still do push-ups just not as easy. His father then told mezuki to use only one hand which proved to be tough for him. His father had found what he was looking for a spot where he could train the strength of his son. Mezuki's father first told him to try one handed push-ups with ten pound weights on his back for hours a day which mezuki saw no point in since he could do them easily but he listened to his father. After doing the push-ups with weights everyday for hours after seven days his father told him to try the thirty pound weights again. Mezuki could do the thirty pound weights but not easily. Mezuki's father told him to keep practicing the one handed push-ups with the thirty pound weights everyday just like before for hours everyday. Mezuki followed the training to the point where mezuki could do one handed push-ups with weights on his back for hours without even breaking a sweat and on either hand at the age of 8. Mezuki was growing in strength rapidly and his father decided to move on to another type of strength training teaching him to use the first gate opening ability as he joined the ninja academy. Mezuki's dad also taught him the first gate but warned him never to use it until he finished his training.

At the academy all the students looked down on being three feet tall but none of them could beat him in a test of strength which made him a feared child but most children still had no problem befriending him because they knew he would never beat up a person just because he could. Mezuki had to begin lifting weights instead of push-ups because his father felt that it would be a faster way to train him. Mezuki started off with 150lb weights which he trained with almost constantly a long with his jutsu's for the academy trying to keep up with the work for ninja school a long with strength training. Mezuki's father began to have conflict with the new hokage that had been promoted and being that he was the current leader of the Tetsu Genkotsu in the leaf village he could tell them all to leave and move to a different village to live. Mezuki feared that he would have to stop his training if they moved and begged him not to make them leave. His father decided to listen to his son putting up with the hokage so that he could finish the training with his son. Mezuki quickly climbed in the heaviness with the weights and was able to juggle weights that were 500lbs around as if they were feathers. Mezuki graduated the ninja academy and had to skip his first year as a genin to train his legs and feet so that they would be as strong as the rest of his body. Mezuki had to wear 600lb weights on his arms wherever he went being able to break stone with his hand with them on but with the weights off he could break the rocks with a flick. Mezuki first had to train his legs and feet by wearing 150lb leg weights and he had to run around for a very long time to build his endurance and his legs strength. Doing this training did also increase his speed as well but being that he was so far in the speed training he couldn't do the most important part that would fully increase his speed to amazing capabilities like his strength would be. Mezuki began to climb in the strength of the leg weights being able to wear 500 leg weights and having the same strength as his arms and also being a lot faster then most ninjas with his weights removed. After finally finishing his training mezuki had to undergo a ritual so that he could have his strength fully released. His body was placed into a large circle with a star in it and a circle in the middle. Mezuki was placed in the middle five shinobi from the clan that also chose strength one at each point. Mezuki would begin to levitate as the shinobi began to preform a very long string of handsigns finally ending with the tiger which created a large red demon which quickly flowed into his body turning his hair and eyes blood red. Mezuki could now wear 1,000 leg and arm weights allowing him to move very quickly and have god like strength.

Mezuki began to train as a genin but halfway through the training his father had another conflict with the hokage and couldn't take it anymore. Mezuki's father ordered the shinobi in his clan to move out of the village into another village that also requested their protection. Mezuki had nothing to say to his father he already knew that his father would have only left the village if he had been disrespected in a way he could never forget he knew his father loved the village. Mezuki began his endurance training after arriving at the village they would be protecting now. The village had no kage it was actually a very small village which is why they really wanted protection in case of an attack. The village was around almost all forest allowing mezuki's dad to take him to train. In the forest he told his son to repeatedly kick and punch the trees until they bled. Mezuki did this for multiple days until eventually it took much longer for him to bleed when punching and kicking the trees. Mezuki also had to train his forearms and shins like his feet and hands so that they wouldn't bleed after repeatedly hitting something very hard. Mezuki's skin became very tough after this training but not tough enough. Mezuki's father also had to train him to be much more immune to weapons. Mezuki was cut frequently with blades so that his skin would toughen and make it harder to cut his skin. After this very painful training mezuki moved onto one of the toughest trainings that sometimes even killed shinobi. Mezuki had to practice opening the first gate that he learned before and train with it every other day until he wouldn't be injured as much when he used it. Mezuki's father also taught him the other gates up to the seventh and taught him how to use them much longer then most other people and without as much fatigue as others. Mezuki told his dad that he wanted to become a missing ninja and become a personal protecter of others and mezuki's father was very proud of him and gave him one more very powerful technique before he left. The technique allowed him to fully release his chakra and give him the god like speed that others had but only for a temporary time and the jutsu would drain almost all his chakra. Mezuki had to practice this technique on his own so that he would be able to use it and not be fatigue even if he was low on chakra. Mezuki stayed and trained the technique and began to learn taijutsu techniques now that he mastered his strength and endurance training. Mezuki and his father had a spar before he left his father being trained in speed thought he would be able to defeat his son. In the end he did win but the battle was very close both of them using the chakra releasing technique but his father using a special taijutsu style that weakened his body slowly. Mezuki father was very surprised in his multiple styles and even a few styles he made himself. Mezuki then left the village after the spar to become a personal guardian.

When mezuki first became a missing ninja he feared for his life daily but as the days passed he became very relaxed but he had no one to protect. Mezuki focused on mostly training in more taijutsu techniques going to villages proving that he meant no harm and learned taijutsu from the ninja there. Mezuki also began to train in attack speed practicing on hitting things multiple times making his attack speed much faster then normal. Every time mezuki entered a village he would leave some styles and gain some styles and also increase his attacking speed. Mezuki even picked up a recipe for barbecue pork buns which made him addicted to them. Mezuki on day met up with a man who looked at his eyes and quickly drew his weapon. Mezuki had no idea what was going on and just walked passed the man ignoring him. When he walked past the man swung his sword mezuki blocking the swing with his arm which he felt nothing and jumped back. The man preformed handsigns and made a large plant sprout from the ground and try to entangle mezuki. He knew now that the shinobi belonged to the senju clan which was very weird to him because the thought that the senju clan no longer existed. Mezuki knew he couldn't defeat the shinobi at his current state and just made a diversion so that he could escape. Mezuki began to train even harder trying to fix his flaws and learn more taijutsu techniques. Even later into his life he met up with the senju and had to ask him why he wanted to kill him and the senju replied that he had the uchiha blood. Mezuki had no idea what he was talking about at first until the thought about his eyes which looked exactly like the uchiha's sharingan but did nothing. No matter how much mezuki tried to tell him the shinobi ignored him and he had progressed quickly while the senju stayed the same. Mezuki defeated him by opening the first gate and killed him so that he would no longer bother him. Mezuki was now known as a murderer and most of the village would shoo him away and not even want to hear his side of the story. Mezuki is still teaching himself taijutsu and is willing to learn from any other taijutsu user that has new styles but since being banned from most village his training has been slower.

RP Sample:

Last edited by Kikun on Mon 12 Oct 2009, 4:03 pm; edited 3 times in total
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The Fallen Angel
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Mezuki (DONE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mezuki (DONE)   Mezuki (DONE) Icon_minitimeMon 28 Sep 2009, 5:15 pm

Academy Jutsu

* Name: Clone Technique 分身の術, Bunshin no Jutsu; Viz "Art of the Doppleganger"* Type: E-rank, Supplementary
* Hand Seals: Ram → Snake → Tiger
This technique creates intangible copies of the user. The clones are simply illusions and will dissipate when they come into contact with something. The illusions can be seen through by the Byakugan and the Sharingan. A person with normal eyes can also distinguish the clones from the original, since the clones will not disrupt the area around themselves with their movement (won't kick up dust, crush grass, etc.).

* Name: Transformation Technique 変化の術, Henge no Jutsu
* Type: E-rank, Supplementary
* Hand Seals: Dog → Boar → Tiger
This jutsu allows the user to assume the appearance of another person, animal, or object. This is one of the basic jutsu taught at the Konohagakure Ninja Academy. Fundamentally, all ninja know this jutsu. The transformation technique is considered to be among the more difficult E-ranked techniques, since it requires constant emission of chakra while mentally maintaining the form. On top of that, the user would be, most likely, interacting with the environment. This puts much mental strain on the inexperienced ninja.

* Name: Body Replacement Technique 変わり身の術, Kawarimi no Jutsu
* Type: E-rank, Supplementary
* Hand Seals: Ram → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake
This jutsu lets the user quickly switch places with another nearby object, such as a plant (normally a section of a log), an animal, or even another person within reach, leaving the opponent open to a counter-attack. Exploding tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise. Fundamentally, all ninja know this technique.

The anime has a number of other objects being used for this jutsu, such as a boulder, mud, a scarecrow, and even a large rolled-up carpet. These items are usually nowhere in sight, suggesting that they are merely gags meant to lighten up the situation and not an actual part of the jutsu. Additionally, the normal practice of switching places with a section of log is done in several places that have no such thing anywhere nearby.

* Name: Body Flicker Technique 瞬身の術, Shunshin no Jutsu
* Type: D-rank, Supplementary
This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and their intended destination. Shisui Uchiha was feared as "Shisui of the Body Flicker" (瞬身のシスイ, Shunshin no Shisui), likely referring to this technique.

The Body Flicker Technique has various variations among the different hidden villages, all of which involve some extra element aside from the movement itself. The extra element is usually some sort of substance used to distract the opponent, such as leaves or sand. Gaara, for instance, uses the Sand Body Flicker (砂瞬身, Suna-Shunshin), which uses sand to cover his movements. Other varieties include the Mist Body Flicker (霧瞬身, Kiri-Shunshin), Water Body Flicker (水瞬身, Mizu-Shunshin), and Leaf Body Flicker (木ノ葉瞬身, Konoha-Shunshin).


Chakra Manipulation
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
When this technique is used mezuki's body becomes engulfed in his own black chakra which seems like flames. The chakra greatly increases his speed to match his god like strength. The technique can only be held for 10 posts but it also drains almost all his chakra if he uses it leaving only the ability to use E ranked jutsu.This is a family jutsu that most of even the clan members down know that mezuki's family is trying to keep a secret.

suuten Kyaku - Bruising Sky Leg
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Tsuuten Kyaku is a Taijutsu technique utilized by Mezuki. Using his monstrous strength, Mezuki will raise her leg in a high arc, and bring it thundering down causing massive damage to whatever it impacts. If one of his kicks or strikes were to connect, they would kill a normal ninja.

TarenKen and TarenKyaku - Multi-Connecting Fist and Leg
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
TarenKen is a Taijutsu technique utilized by mezuki. Using his body's quick speed, Mezuki will move his arm to multiple locations during each strike. This allows a higher spread of damage to the area targeted.

Shishi Rendan - Lion Combo
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
ShiShi Rendan is a Taijutsu technique developed by Uchiha Sasuke after he used his Sharingan to copy the movements of fellow Leaf ninja Rock Lee. Sasuke first uses the Konoha Kage Buyou to manuever his opponent in a vulnerable aerial position. While shadowing his opponent, Sasuke will attempt to strike them from a vulnerable angle. If he is unable to make a clean strike, he will strike anyway as a feint, to draw his target's attention and defense to one area. He can then strike the undefended area and begin knocking them downwards towards the ground. As the enemy falls back to the earth, Sasuke will deftly rotate his body around to deliver a full force kick to their chest.

Seishun furu pawaa! - Springtime of Youth Full Power!
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Seishun furu pawaa is a Taijutsu technique utilized by Rock Lee. Lee will go all out against his opponent by first launching them into the air. He will then kick them and follow up with another powerfull kick, which will send them crashing back into the earth below.

Konoha Dai Senkou - Leaf Great Light Rotation
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Konoha Dai Senkou is a Taijutsu technique utilized by the Maito Gai. After charging his opponent, Gai will unleash a powerful kick which will spin his opponent away.

Konoha Dai Senpuu - Leaf Great Whirlwind
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Konoha Dai Senpuu is a Taijutsu technique utilized by the Leaf ninja Rock Lee. Like the normal Senpuu, Lee uses his quickness and agility to deliver a series powerful spinning kicks to his opponent.

Konoha Gouriki Senpuu - Leaf Strong Whirlwind
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Konoha Gouriki Senpuu is a Taijutsu technique utilized by the Leaf ninja Maito Gai. Like the normal Senpuu, Gai uses his quickness and agility to deliver a powerful roundhouse kick to his opponent.

Konoha Kage Buyou - Leaf Shadow Dance
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
Konoha Kage Buyou is a Taijutsu technique that is used to position a ninja's opponent into a vulnerable aerial position. The ninja will first quickly appear below their opponent, then with a switch upper kick they will launch their target into the air. The ninja will then jump into the air to "shadow" the target with the target's back to their chest. Rock Lee uses the Konoha Kage Bayou to place his opponent into a position to do his Omote Renge technique. Uchiha Sasuke would go on to copy this move to set up his opponent for his Shishi Rendan technique.

Konoha Raiken - Leaf Thunder Fist
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Konoha Raiken is a Taijutsu technique utilized by the Leaf ninja Rock Lee. Lee will spin to gain momentum and then lay a powerful strike into his opponent.

Konoha Reppuu - Leaf Violent Wind
Rank: D
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Konoha Reppuu is a Taijutsu technique utilized by the Leaf ninja Rock Lee. Using his quickness and agility, Rock moves low to the ground and spinning kick to sweep his opponent off their feet.

Konoha Senpuu - Leaf Whirlwind
Rank: D
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Konoha Senpuu is a Taijutsu technique utilized by the Leaf ninja Rock Lee. Using his quickness and agility, Lee charges at his target and spins his body to do a flying round house kick on those opponents within his range of attack.

Konoha Shoufuu - Leaf Rising Wind
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Konoha Shoufuu is a Taijutsu technique utilized by the Leaf ninja Rock Lee. Using his quickness and agility, Lee with do a swift upwards kick at his opponent or at a weapon his opponent is wielding.

Oukashou - Cherry Blossom Collision
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Oukashou is a Taijutsu technique used by Haruno Sakura. Using the skills passed down by her teacher Tsunade, Sakura is able to utilize powerful strikes. Sakura will first build up a high amount of chakra to her fist and then release it in an instant.

Omote Renge - Front Lotus
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Omote Renge is a Taijutsu technique which was forbidden due to the strain it puts on a ninja's body. By opening the first of the Celestial Gates, the Initial Gate, the ninja is able to release the restraints in the brain and push the body farther. In Lee's case, he was able to increase his speed and power. To utilize the Omote Renge, Lee first loosens the bandages around his arm. With a quick dash he is suddenly below his target and a quick upward kick sends his opponent skyward. Lee then jumps into the air to place his chest to the back of his opponent. He then wraps his arms and the bandages around his opponent to prevent escape. As the pair begin their fall back to earth, Lee begins to spin downwards at a high rate of speed, driving his opponent head first into the ground. At the last moment Lee himself releases the bandages and jumps to the clear. Though the technique injures his opponent, it also takes its toll on Lee's body as well.

Last edited by Kikun on Mon 28 Sep 2009, 6:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Fallen Angel
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Mezuki (DONE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mezuki (DONE)   Mezuki (DONE) Icon_minitimeMon 28 Sep 2009, 5:33 pm


Suiken Ryuu - Drunken Fist Style
Rank: C
Suiken is fighting style utilizing alcohol to loosen the body's muscles and the unstructured movements make the users attacks harder to predict. By being in this drunken state, the user can take more damage without feeling the pain, gain higher agility and provide a natural fluidity to their movements.
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The Fallen Angel
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The Fallen Angel

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Mezuki (DONE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mezuki (DONE)   Mezuki (DONE) Icon_minitimeMon 28 Sep 2009, 5:39 pm


Name: Venom Kunai

Rank: A


Info: The blades of the kunai's are dipped in a venom that is very close to the venom of a bullet ant causing excruciating pain to anyone who is stabbed by the kunai's the venom can be rendered useless if the wound is doused in citrus.

Name: Reaper Shuriken

Rank: A


Info: The giant shuriken that mezuki's uses are filled with powders that mix together when they hit something like the ground or if they are blocked making them explode like an explosive tag.

Name: Bamboo Ton fa's

Rank: A


Info: These ton fa's are made from the strongest bamboo and are stronger hten some of the strongest steels. These are very light even though they are very sturdy allowing mezuki to attack in rapid successions with them.

Name: Time Reaper

Rank: A


Info: This is a scythe that is rather large but mezuki can still swing it as if it were small and light. The orb of fire in the back can shoot a burst of flame at the enemy if he spins it around.

Name: Ebony & Ivory

Rank: A


Info: The crystal sword named ivory shines rainbow around mezuki in the sunlight while the other sword named ebony emits black smoke from the center of the sword.

Name: Nun chucks

Rank: A


Info: Mezuki has a pair of nun chucks that have a white tiger on the bottom. The nun chucks are used mostly for close range combat but he sometimes uses them as a ranged weapon.

Name: Reaper Claws

Rank: A


Info: Mezuki also wears the claws on his feet used along with his speed these claws are very deadly. The claws were made by mezuki's dad after his ritual his dad trying to make them like cat claws resembling his tiger tattoo and the tiger he decided to be fused with.

Name: Weapon Scroll

Rank: S


Info: This scroll was made by mezuki's dad for his son so that he could store his weapons in it. Since leaving the leaf village he has removed the symbols but the scroll once opened has a large amount of signs on them when he puts his hand on the symbol it will summon the weapon in front of him.
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Mezuki (DONE) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mezuki (DONE)   Mezuki (DONE) Icon_minitimeMon 28 Sep 2009, 8:22 pm

I have many problems with this. But lets just start with the info and work on the jutsu later.

FIRST: I would expect no less than three well-developed paragraphs in personality, and appearance. No, making things bold doesn't help things to look bigger. Its just obnoxious.

SECOND: Unless you have a birth defect you won't be three feet tall at the age of eighteen.

THIRD: Your clan is not only the least original thing I have ever seen, but a waste of my time >.>

I haven't even begun the jutsu and history, but I am sure I will have more to add later.

ALSO: The eye thing should go, there is no reason to have a sharingan besides being a part of the clan. If you want to be an uchiha taijutsu specialist who somehow lost the powers the sharingan gives, be my guest.
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