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New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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 New Xarias -.-...

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Naizu Nimakee
8 posters

Posts : 114
Points : 285
Join date : 2009-09-20

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank:
Village: Iwagakure

New Xarias -.-... Empty
PostSubject: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeSun 11 Oct 2009, 11:05 pm

General Information:

Name: Xarias

Nickname/Alias: Hourglass (As referred to by Sunagakure ninja, and men for a different reason >>.. <<..)

Weight: 45.4 kg

Height: 5' 7"

Age: Is actually 19,324 - But appears to look around 19, to 20.

Gender: Female

Looks: This pragmatic kunoichi is mildly tall and has a graceful, but small build. Her keen and sharp eyes are glowing yellow auras, with deepened hues of goldenrod shade. She has curled and styled, silverlined and white hair worn in a style that indicates that she is a fairly fashionable ninja. Her outfits are practical and include a set of armbands on each side of her that go up to her lower-shoulder, and cut to her large breasts, and split down her cleavage.

She has a star tattoo on the bottom of her right eye, in the right corner. Her eye lashes are bold and beautiful, her skin is tanned and elegant, kept bright and smooth by her eternal youth. Her black cat ears, extending from both sides of her head are pierced at the bottom base of their base. Her earrings, black crosses, each with a pristinely shining diamond in the center, where they normally spread each wooden branch. She wears a black necklace, going all the way around her neck, its pendant is large. Oval shaped, gently wavering just above her busty features, it attracts more than just a simple mans attraction, as it nearly blinds all who look at it in the midst of sunlight.

Personality: Xarias appears to be indifferent, caring only for a few things around her. She spends a considerable amount of time training and working in technological advancements. Despite showing initial dislike towards nearly all of her teammates, Xarias has grown fond of them, and is willing to risk her own life to protect them at all costs.

Artemis, a friend of hers, claims that Xarias is a prodigy at the art of murder, as she has a habit of chopping off her victim's limbs before beheading them. Xarias has a passion for collecting exotic swords and items: she made it her goal to collect all the swords from the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, and anything else that she becomes interested with. Among these exotics, it is apparent that the only true things she bothers to steal, are weapons.

It appears that Xarias has a certain love for killing, but she refrains from satiating this desire due to her tacit fear of inner hatred growing once more. However, there are several occasions where she has killed people when she believed other people or ninja wouldn't notice. Xarias has been shown to have thoughts such as "just this one" and "he'll forgive me". This shows the darker side to Xarias` personality, and a sign of things to come.

Clan Information

Clan Name: The Eta-Naru Clan (Dragon Teir Possessers)

Kekkei Genkai: Kishou Doragon: Rising Dragon (tier 3)
Clan members of this level develop a white scar on the back of their dominant hand that has a resemblance to a dragon. Its tail curls upwards around the forearm.

This level is usually achieved by the time a shinobi of the clan reaches the level of a genin. One of their their naturally heightened senses are capable of reaching 7.5x its capacity through direct stimulation from kyoton techniques. This is also the level where they are taught how to systematically shut down each and every one of their senses. It is a mandatory ritual that everyone must go through at least once per day for the complete duration of an hour. If the ritual is not met the mind begins to suffer from severe sensory overload and lack of recovery which will destroy mental functions if not dealt with immediately. The longest a clan member has survived in this state was three minutes before collapsing. The individual was said to be a vegetable for the rest of his short life.

Also at this stage the individual is capable of achieving accelerated response to internal and external stimuli by entering various neurological states through the use of clan techniques. Their thinking capacity increases in this state to a point where the world around them can be understood on a highly intellectual level. Their memory is able to retain a larger amount than it could previously. A young boy from the Eta-naru was noted to have been capable of reading an average size text within two hours and be able to recite a fourth of its contents with precise accuracy. Neural regeneration rises to the point where damaged functions can be fixed in a ten minute period.

It is at this tier that the Eta-naru initially show the first signs of psychological instability. Weaker willed individuals develop a second personality, and begin to depict signs of increased aggression. Those unable to handle this level usually revert to only their primal instincts. They are killed by clan members before they do something their former selves would regret.

Saikou Doragon: Supreme Dragon (tier 2)
Clan members at this stage develop a second white dragon scar on the back of their non-dominant hand. Its tail also curls upwards along the forearm

This level is usually achieved by the time a shinobi of the clan reaches the level of a chuunin. Three of their naturally heightened senses are capable of reaching 9.5x its capacity in the former manner. Also at this stage the individual are capable of increased accelerated response to internal and external stimuli. Their reactions occur almost a second away from instantaneous. Their thinking capacity improves to a state where the world around them can be understood on a scholarly level. Their memory retention is near perfect. A young man from the Eta-naru was stated to have been capable of reading two large texts within two hours and be able to recite the entirety of its contents with precise accuracy. Neural regeneration rises to the point where damaged functions can be fixed within two minutes of rest.

It is at this tier that the Eta-naru’s psychological instability becomes progressively worse. Every individual develops a second personality, and begin to depict signs of increased aggression. The body begins to hunger for raw meat. Primal instincts are always on the edge of the mind, clawing to be put into action. Those unable to handle this level turn into animals whose only wish is to please themselves. They are killed by clan members before they do something their former selves would regret. Those who wish to lead fruitful lives and live to the clan’s normal life expectancy stop their training here. Many of those who hold power within the clan are of this level in order to promote some sort of stable infrastructure.

Tenshu Doragon: Dragon God (tier 1)
Clan members at this stage have eyes that glow with their natural eye color. A white scar depicting a dragon now appears along the neck with its claws stretching slightly beneath the chin. Only 3% percent of clan members ever achieve the third tier. If the number ever increases the addition is sought out and eradicated, or one of those who seek to do the eradication are removed therefore restoring the balance.

This level is only gained after a shinobi of the clan reaches the level of a jounin. Their naturally heightened senses are capable of reaching 12.7x its capacity in the former manner. Also at this stage the individual is capable of predicting movement before it occurs when stimulated by the right kyoton chakra technique. Their accelerated response to internal and external stimuli results in a reaction time that is simply incalculable. Their mental capacity improves to a state where their understandings of the intricacies of the world are on a philosophical level. They remember anything they come in contact with. Those who reach this level are capable of reading any text within ten minutes as well as having perfect retention of the knowledge attained. Neural regeneration rises to the point where damaged functions can be fixed within moments of initial destruction.

It is at this tier that the Eta-naru’s psychological instability is unfathomable. It varies for every individual. They constantly wrestle with their primal instincts every moment of the day, always teetering on the edge of sanity. Those at this level are extremely dangerous to both friend and foe. The only ones immune to their actions seem to be their own offspring. The body hungers for blood. The very sight of freshly spilt blood seems to be the only thing capable of calming them. Those unable to handle the chaotic balance of this level either burn themselves out from overuse of chakra, die in endless combat, or must be put down by a fellow clan member of their same stage of infection. These members are the leaders of what is left of the Eta-naru Clan.

Clan Symbol: Clothing colors.

Clan History: If only those in the future took more than a passing glance at the sins of their past. Perhaps the world in which they presently resided would be able to change. However it would seem that the deeds of the present convolute the future based upon mistakes of the past. Everything is interlocked in a web which continues to spin throughout the pages of history, further entrapping the actions of those it controls with pin-point accuracy. Wouldn’t it seem that despite the world’s greatest struggles to repair, to revert, or to change, that it is destined to fade like the dwindling embers of a campfire.

The Eta-naru clan, officially called Hyoukyo Doragon Eta-naru (Eternal Dragon’s Taint) after their lifelong curse, was founded by a man named Eta-naru Yuudai. Until this day, Yuudai’s origin is still a mystery that continues to baffle his descendants. Legend has it that he appeared in the midst of an ancient battle between the ancestors of the Sunagakure and Iwagakure with eyes that burned with an unnatural light. The skies screamed in agony as lightning tore across its face and thunder rolled as if to announce the presence of one who commands fate at his whim. On that day it would seem that the gods had come to judge both nations for the atonement of their actions. It was said that by the end of that battle, even the heavens mourned for the dead by raining crimson upon the face of the earth. Eta-naru Yuudai, who was merely a child at the time, sat contentedly upon the corpses of both Iwagakure and Sunagakure warriors alike, licking the blood of his foes from his fingertips whilst darkness descended upon the face of the earth.

Although Eta-naru Yuudai eventually passed away, giving up his title as the Dragon to the very son who slew him, his clan continued to live on even if it was in a broken fashion that split them into four warring factions. They evolved into a warlike bunch that lived only for themselves. What better aid did they receive than the genes of their former leader? They were gifted with a tremendous power born from a combination of genetic mutation and kyoton based techniques, however most were unable to master the psychological detriments of the very strength they loved the most. The genetics passed down through Hyoukyo Doragon Eta-naru was a two-edged sword which the clan would grow to call both a blessing and curse. This is the exact reason a clan which once boasted great numbers was diminished to a miniscule portion of their former self from civil war.

[approved previously: :please dont overlook that]

Rank Information:

Rank: • Missing-Ninja

Village: • Sunagakure

Skill Information:

Skill Specialty: • M:Ninjutsu • S:Taijutsu • S:Genjutsu • Fuinjutsu • Jujutsu (Seals)

Elemental Affinity: • S:Water • M:Lightning • S:Storm • D:Blaze

Special Characteristics: • Elemental Affinities • Dark Chakra Leech Inhabitor • Eternal Youth • Kyoton Chakra • Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan • Insane Strength, Speed, and Raw Power • Cursed Seal Giver • Earth Grudge Fear On Her Left Arm • Eye Sockets in her Palms • Oekagan(Nimakee Doujutsu) In Right Hand • Byakugan(Hyuga Doujutsu) In Left Hand • Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan in Left Eye


Name: Innate Mangekyou Sharingan Ability - Reversal Graveyard, Vortex of Elements
Rank: S
Type: Ninjutsu, Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan
Element: Blaze, Dark Chakra, White Flame Sharingan Ability, Storm, Water, Lightning
Description: By focusing her vision, she can activate this ability while the eternal mangekyou sharingan rotates in her left-eye position. By utilizing every single element she has, and emitting a massive amount of surpressed dark chakra into the ability, anything within a one hundred-ninety-degree angle of her vision is enveloped in an extremely white and blinding light beam. The beam strikes in the blink of an eye, and anything caught within the beam is immediately disintigrated into pure nothingness. This can only be used once a topic. After the technique is done, its so powerful that even the pain suppression provided by the dark chakra isn't enough to overcome the after-effects. Xarias will not be able to move as quickly and effectively as she used to, and time will be moving considerably slower for her, for 5 posts.

Name: Storm Release: Laser Circus
Rank: -
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Storm
Description: Darui uses his Storm Release to create several bright beams of electricity that shoot at his enemy. The beams are able to alter their direction after being shot. They explode on impact.

Name: Blaze Release: Katsutsuchi
Rank: -
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Blaze
Description: Named after the Shinto God of Fire, this technique shapes the inextinguishable black flames of Amaterasu into spikes that both shield the user as well as burn and pierce the opponent if they touch them. This technique seems to be controlled by Xarias` left eye, as she was covering her right.

Name: Echoing Mist Technique
Rank: C
Element: Mist
Description: Hybris will simply activate this jutsu after her Mist Technique envelops an area. By the use of this jutsu, it allows Hybris to make the mist play somewhat of an 'illusion' on the enemy, making them hear random noises that consist of running, walking, and even Hybris` very own voice, seeming to lull them into a deep state of anticipation, driving them mad.

Name: Optical Derangement Mist Technique
Rank: C
Element: Mist
Description: Hybris will simply activate this jutsu after her Mist Technique envelops an area. By the use of this jutsu, it allows Hybris to make the mist play an accurately powerful optical illusion on the foes that are trapped inside, making them see images of Hybris` running at them, and even multiple images of Hybris will be displayed. However, when the image is struck by an enemy, it will simply disappear, and another image will attempt a strike. In addition, if the image just so happens to land a successful attack, and it hits the opponent - The mist around them will sharpen, increasing the attacks impact.

Name: Never-Ending Hidden Mist Technique
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: This jutsu acts as a Hidden Mist Technique. This jutsu simply is what the title proclaims it to be. The mist will never be taken away, blown away, or ended unless told so by Hybris. This mist cannot be blown away, seen through, manipulated, smelled through or heard through by anyone besides Hybris.

Name: Mist Ignious
Rank: S
Element: -
Description: Hybris will release a powerful and deadly toxin into the mist that surrounds her and any enemies present. The toxin DOES NOT effect Hybris whatsoever, but however - If breathed in by the opponent (who would be unaware of the toxin, might I add since this jutsu is done without handsigns or movement), they will be rooted in place due to the inhalation of toxic gas. Then - The second stage of the Ignious puts an extremely lethal flamable substance into the mist which makes the mist resemble that of an A-Bomb if everignito flame touches it. Luckily, if Hybris were ever to be caught in the explosion, she would quickly use her speed and Kinkotsu abilities to get out the area in less then a split second.

Name: Hitoshirenu Ansatsu Tekkunikku (Unseen Assassination Technique)
Rank: A
Element: Mist
Description: During the Hidden Mist Technique, Hybris will completely extract the human and matter that makes up her body and make it unseen by any eye. Her atoms will completely break down into a smaller size than molecular potentiality, making her completely invisible and unseen. She will also become completely unhearable. Since these potential needs for combat have been extinguished from the enemy during the activation of this jutsu; this makes it one of the most effective assassination techniques ever created.

Name: Earth Grudge Fear
Rank: -
Element: Hiden
Description: This technique transforms the user's body into something similar to that of a rag-doll's, which is held together by hundreds of thick black threads. Kakuzu was able to manipulate these threads for many purposes. He was capable of sewing up any injuries that he or others might suffer. However, it appeared that this ability was somewhat limited, as he warned Hidan not to move his head too much after he had sewed it back on, saying that it might fall off again. He could detach parts of his limbs and then manipulate them, to the point that he could even send them underground and then reattach them when he was done with them. He could also use these threads to sew up the damaged bodies of others, as demonstrated with Deidara's arms and Hidan's head.

The most significant aspect of these threads were that they granted Kakuzu a form of immortality (although he declined to think of it that way). In addition to sewing up his injuries, he could use the threads to tear into a victim's body, steal their still functioning organs, and integrate them into his own body, thus extending his life. Kakuzu usually used this method to steal hearts from powerful shinobi, and was able to store up to four spare hearts in his body at any given time (meaning that all hearts must stop functioning in order for Kakuzu to die). He can also put one of those hearts into his limbs and have them move individually, as seen when he used his hand to remove a shadow-enhanced trench knife that prevented the rest of his body from moving.

These hearts Kakuzu had taken from others were stored in various animal masks that were sewn onto his back, granting him vast amounts of chakra and numerous elemental affinities. He could detach these masks and have them take on a body of their own, composed entirely of threads. These masks were capable of attacking separately, unleashing devastating blasts of elemental chakra.
These threads could also compact together to form a spider-like body around Kakuzu, allowing him to fuse the attacks of his masks together in order to increase his attacking power.

Name: Muon Satsujin Jutsu (Silent Homocide Technique)
Rank: -
Element: -
Description: Xarias has mastered this art.

Name: Jutsu of Mist Travel
Rank: A
Element: Water
Description:After Hybris emits her mist jutsu, or is already surrounded by mist - She can then quickly disintigrate her body into the mist, dissapearing completely. Or so it seems. She is actually just swiftly jumping through the mist, but so quickly it cant be seen by the keenest human eye. Once concealed, she will be submerged, and unnoticable by the opponent. She will then strike from above, below, or behind to assassinate her target(s) quickly and clean.

Name: Never-Ending Hidden Mist Technique
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: Once the Hidden Mist technique has been activated, this jutsu acts as a Hidden Mist Technique. This jutsu simply is what the title proclaims it to be. The mist will never be taken away, blown away, or ended unless told so by Hybris. This mist cannot be blown away, seen through, manipulated, smelled through or heard through by anyone besides Hybris.

Name: Kunai' Oite Sono Kiri (Kunai in the Mist)
Rank: B
Element: -
Description: Hybris will use Hidden Mist Technique in conjuction with the throw of a kunai coated with her swords diseased properties, into the mist at will. Once the kunai enters the mist it will dissipate and dissapear, turning into the mist itself. While the kunai is in the mist, the enemy falls prey to Hybris` will to quickly send the kunai in their direction. This goes great with Hybris` ability to sense movements and vibrations when surrounded by mist. If the kunai pierces the enemy, they will be injected by a cancerous virus which will poison them, and eat there body from the inside out.

Name: Shuriken' Oite Sono Kiri (Shuriken in the Mist)
Rank: B
Element: -
Description: Hybris will use Hidden Mist Technique in conjuction with the throw of a shuriken coated with her swords diseased properties, into the mist at will. Once the shuriken enters the mist it will dissipate and dissapear, turning into the mist itself. While the shuriken is in the mist, the enemy falls prey to Hybris` will to quickly send the shuriken in their direction. This goes great with Hybris` ability to sense movements and vibrations when surrounded by mist. If the shuriken pierces the enemy, they will be injected by a cancerous virus which will poison them, and eat there body from the inside out.

Name: Shurikunai Danmaku Kara Sono Kiri (Shuriken and Kunai Barrage from the Mist)
Rank: A
Element: -
Description: Hybris will throw a scroll into the mist which will dissapear and form into the mist itself. Once the scroll has been enveloped by the mist, it will create hundreds of kunai and shuriken. The projectiles will be consumed by the mist, and dissapear completely. Hybris is capable of with-holding the jutsu due to her massive amount of chakra. She can do this, even when in the heat of battle. Once the opponent(s) are surrounded by mist, they will fall prey to Hybris` will to immediately disperse of the illusion and the kunai/shuriken will appear from the mist, heading in the direction of her enemy(ies). If the opponent(s) are struck by the shuriken or kunai they will be injected with a cancerous virus. Since there are so many projectiles at once this will increase the cancers effect massively. This virus burns the enemies insides, and rots there organs.

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:
.. Since the Beginning..:

When Xarias was born, the world was in shambles, rocks everywhere, no modern technology, not even so much as thousands of people inhabiting the Earth. Still, being born from the Eta-Naru, she was a royal person indeed, and was trained strictly by her mentors and teachers. Perfecting every move, fighting style, and technique that they taught her she kept at her whim, the small benevolent yearning for true life. The meaning of it.

Why was she here? Why was anyone.. Here? Without knowing, Xarias ended up murdering her entire family after a mentally psychological breakdown that she experienced when a large group of assassins invaded their clans home.

The power and life that Xarias would live after that would have never been the same. The ninja, born of what is now known as the Rikudo, clansmen of the Rikudo Sage, would forever hunt her for her misdeeds.

.. On the run..

Xarias was now on the run, scared, and forever engaged in a war that would eventually lead up to her fighting again. It was a risk she had to take however, for she did not want to fight; but would gladly murder any who tried to kill her first. It was a simple and misunderstood law of life. A statute, that will never be able to change.

Eventually, as she predicted, her primal instincts caught up with her just as fast as the Rikudo did. The small girl didn't even think twice about acting, for it was not truly her that was acting, but her more violent alternate personality which apparently surfaced all too quickly. Still, without being concscious in a familiar term, she came out as the more effective person, and stole their clothing, customizing it to her liking. Still, this did not take away from what she now knew about herself. Her more violent side is certainly more effective, and alot more brutal. As an attempt to potentially hide herself from the world, afraid she might end up destroying more, she hid in a cave near an area that is currently labeled as the Rock Village.

.. Lost and Found..

Some odd years later, she was a more grown-up individual with a true outlook on life, as she has pursued an even more harsh life than most would have guessed. With no other choice however, she had to resort returning to the real world to fortify her life once more, making sure that she didn't become obselete, or.. Useless. So, finding comfort as a tool of nothing more than destruction was her fate, under control of whom is now Madara Uchiha.

While killing for him and causing endless destruction, he taught her valuable information, and informed her on what true life really is. Its basically an optical illusion, and just like every other illusion, its mask will be revealed by a greater purpose. Unmistakeably, she refers his words to often say "There is no purpose in valuing the very fabric of life, because.. Eventually, it will all end. Despite every effort man makes, despite everything man may do, or has done to try and somehow bend an alternate reality, life will end, and that is a simple fact that even the most powerful ninja like me have to accept."

Since then, she left his aid, and thanked him for his true words of kindness and act of graceful help. He granted her a power, however, and sealed what is known as the Reibi inside of her body, which didnt have the cost of her life, nor his life to allow it to inhabit her. He told her to pay attention to the hatred and misery that she may build in the future, because a special chakra will begin to leak out from her body, and it will plunge the world into chaos. He told her to be careful with the actions she made, despite her love for killing and bloodshed.

Yet again, she thanked him, and left.

.. Civilization?..

Traveling, she came across a large and wonderfully colored city. Entering the gates, she was amazed by the sheer number of people walking among the streets. She smiled. She was told by Madara not to mention his name, ever. So, she only refers to him as, "Him, or He, or her God." She wears a necklace that Madara gave her, which looks like a large number of tomoe hanging from a string. She has a unique wardrobe now, wearing clothing that is fit for combat, but fit for seduction as well.

After a numerous number of years, finally, she began deciding that she no longer wanted to live in the hustle and bustle of a major city, and that it wasnt quite 'hot' enough there, seemingly referring to the weather. This in addition to her moving to Sunagakure mainly influences that sole belief.

Throughout her time living in Sunagakure, she was ranked accordingly to her superior skill in combat and strategy. Still, finally deciding to no longer be officially affiliated with any single village, she promptly decided to become a missing-nin and only serve as such, a neutral fighter, not taking sides in any nation. She will however, protect those she loves and cares for, which is mostly everyone in Sunagakure, for they all know her name, and they are 'close' to her.

.. Living It, Loving It?..

Ever since then, she has done nothing but roam the streets of Sunagakure, and live a peaceful and prosperous life for over a thousand years, becoming even more famed inside of Sunagakure as "Hourglass", for her infinite youth, and time being there. She now has Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan thanks to her newly found ally and partner, Artemis Nara.

Rp Sample:Xarias was walking through the land of the Yukagore for a time, after not being there for what seemed like an eternities time. He wanted to see if he could remember a bit of his past. Judging from the unweary sleep that she was entering, it was assured to her she would re-live her past in an alternate reality.

A swift breeze entered through the dark woods of the forest, the sun shining brightly overhead. Small streams of light flowed through open areas in the tops of trees, giving small amounts of light to the forest. If looking up, the sky was cascaded in a web-like pattern due to the pristine sunlight, glaring upon the heavens.. Small footsteps came from Xarias's sandals, small bits of dirt flicking in the air in front of her. She was simply bored, and trying to see if she could remember anything about her past. She knew she had something to do with the forest, but the memory was wiped out long ago. She wondered why, but it wasn't important right now. As she approached a tree on the side of the trail, a small bird chirped it's voice in the air, just before flying to a bug and swallowing it whole. It was just nature he guessed, just continuing to walk.

As she approached a small clearing, Xarias immediately remembered the area. Petrified trees, dust, bones, bloodstains on the crushed trunks of trees showed in the flattened land of the clearing. Her eyes widely opened, letting memories just fly past them, remembering all too well.
Hundreds of soldiers, shinobi, Kunochi, warriors and massive weaponry were marching towards one person, Xarias herself. Xarias was simply standing at the end of the forests' clearing. She held her scythe, Sairax, at hand, her right palm simply moving with the crimson leather handle. The steel was hidden under it to keep it's shade. As the army moved closer to Xarias, weapons raised, her eyes were lit up like the demon she was, she was in a state of anger and hatred, the armor covering her entire body was thrashed, and dented from the battle before this, the same army had reformed it seemed.. Black engravements of the 7 Sins in her Wrist, arm, leg, shin, foot, and wing armor, glowing with a flow of black and white chakra. This wasn't to Xarias's will, the scythe had shared her own emotions, her body, her very strength and will of living. This was the mark of the discovery of a new.. One.. True power. The power of the UnderGoddess.

Xarias's marked arm swirled into the air, slashing a massive burst of black/white mixed chakra, in a massive wave of power. As the sword slashed it's way towards the army, the wave sent a resonating cutting noise through the air, and smashed through trees in its path, pushing back the army with a massive, and more intense surge of strength. The wave of power ripped through the bodies of the shinobi, tearing through their hearts, their skin and bones destroyed. The blood dispersed from their body in gallons, the ground beneath them screaming of pain itself. The Kunochi were torn to shreds, bones flying to the ground, burning their very reminisce. Warrior's shields and blades were shattered in just a motion of the black/white mixed chakra, tearing through their heads, and slashing their bones to dust, burning them to nothing. A single stroke of a scythe, Sairax, killed an entire army of warriors. Fires races across the broken set of warriors, beginning to race towards the center of the stroke, racing around in a complete circle. Xarias, without any emotion whatsoever let her right palm flow towards the ring, saying in a dead, painful voice, "Rampart Release.." the words she let out of her pale, crimson lips somehow triggered a massive explosion. The ambition of burning, explosive energies slashed through every corner of the forest, of that area, burning through trees, petrifying them, charring the environment. This, was her battlefield. Her life was thrown away with the motion of her wrist... Again.

Falling to her knees in despair, Xarias set her palms on her face, her fingers through her hair. She closed her eyes in pain of the memory, tears streaming down her cheeks. She remembered something she didn't want to remember, yet provoked it.. Something horrible. "Why.. Why did I do such a thing.." she thought to herself, the grass under her knees swaying over in a cool, and gentle breeze. Sairax, on her back simply glowed with a white and blood-red chakra. It seemed to remember it's triumph, with Xarias's at hand. She would never abandon the blade, or abandon her life like she had before. No emotion. No regret. No will to live, nor die. No known fear.. But to live again.

Last edited by Xarias. on Mon 26 Oct 2009, 6:32 am; edited 26 times in total
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Join date : 2008-07-28
Age : 32
Location : Nishihiroshima, JP.

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Ninja Rank: S Rank
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PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeSun 11 Oct 2009, 11:05 pm


Clan is too OP. Cannot do that.
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New Xarias -.-... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeSun 11 Oct 2009, 11:07 pm


Last edited by Xarias. on Sun 11 Oct 2009, 11:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeSun 11 Oct 2009, 11:08 pm


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New Xarias -.-... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 11:04 am

-You have to put Age, Weight and Height.

-Need more than 'Avatar' for looks. C'mon, your good at making that. << Put some work into it.

-What the hell is Kyoton?

-The rest of the clan seems fine. All it is it higher intellectual standing and memorization, with some slight sense heighten. I see no problem with that.

-Name your Elements what's Major and what's Minor.

-Same with Specialties.

-Your not a Uchiha. Your can't have EMS. Nor can you. You have a Clan that does not have any trait to 'Steal' KKG, nor will i allow it. Remove it.

-Your Jutsu is too OP, Crushing everything? Does it have a weakness? (Every Jutsu has one.). Put a rank on it.

-Fix your History accordingly to above.
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PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 12:18 pm

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New Xarias -.-... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 12:25 pm

M'kay, everything seems to be in order. <<


Second Admin approval needed.
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PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 12:30 pm

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PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009, 7:14 am

Special Characteristics: • Elemental Affinities • Dark Chakra Leech Inhabitor • Eternal Youth • Kyoton Chakra • Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan • Insane Strength, Speed, and Raw Power • Cursed Seal Giver • Earth Grudge Fear On Her Left Arm • Eye Sockets in her Palms • Oekagan(Nimakee Doujutsu) In Right Hand • Byakugan(Hyuga Doujutsu) In Left Hand • Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan in Left Eye

When did these get added?
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Naiko Aburame
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PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009, 9:01 am

Skill Specialty: • M:Ninjutsu • S:Taijutsu • S:Genjutsu • Fuinjutsu • Jujutsu (Seals)

Elemental Affinity: • S:Water • M:Lightning • S:Storm • D:Blaze

Special Characteristics: • Elemental Affinities • Dark Chakra Leech Inhabitor • Eternal Youth • Kyoton Chakra • Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan • Insane Strength, Speed, and Raw Power • Cursed Seal Giver • Earth Grudge Fear On Her Left Arm • Eye Sockets in her Palms • Oekagan(Nimakee Doujutsu) In Right Hand • Byakugan(Hyuga Doujutsu) In Left Hand • Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan in Left Eye

Just seeing this things, my mind shouts OP really really loud.
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New Xarias -.-... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009, 4:14 pm

When we approve peoples apps..move they cannot edit them afterwards. Thats why we got a section for it.
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Naizu Nimakee
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New Xarias -.-... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009, 4:49 pm

These need to be removed, I gave no authorization to use my kekkei in this manner and I doubt those others were approved, please remove them pronto. Character is froze for this process.
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PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009, 7:58 pm

Actually, Xar here compremises people to create a certain clan, then donate one of their doujutsu to her.
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Naizu Nimakee
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New Xarias -.-... Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009, 8:24 pm

No Nimakee has done that, and I don't think any hyuga has either though I'm not sure bout that. Regardless, dou implanted in palm? Seriously? This is an outlandish character but I suppose its up to the admins to approve these things.
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PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009, 9:18 pm

just a question. How many characters have you made???
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PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009, 11:07 pm

I'll be a slave and fetch the topics for you, if you'd like. Tenshin said he got what he has (op as hell things) through hard work.

Well.. I worked for what I have. Too bad you little people cant keep up.
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PostSubject: Re: New Xarias -.-...   New Xarias -.-... Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009, 11:36 pm

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