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 Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)

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Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Empty
PostSubject: Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)   Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 8:14 pm

General Information:

Name: Mezuki Nara

Nickname/Alias: Man Hidden in the Demon Mist

Weight: 120lbs

Height: 5'9"

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Mezuki wears a long cyan robe with a large black cloud on his back which is his favorite symbol to use since the akumu has no specific clan symbol. His body under the robe is rather muscular but not a buff as some people. Mezuki has long cyan hair the he prefers to wear down one of his eyes almost always covered. Mezuki's eyes are a cyan color and he wears a white and cyan hat when he travels but during fights prefers not to wear it. Mezuki has very weird eyes he doesn't actually have a normal pupil he has normal of a spiral like pupil it sometimes freaking out people. Mezuki prefers to wear cyan shoes that he crafted himself that make no noise so that he can not be heard in the mist. He has made sure to sound proof all his clothing so not even the swooshing of his robe can be heard in the mist to prevent him from being captured.

Carried Equipment: Wire, Exploding pouches, and exploding tags

Personality: Barbecued Pork Bun Obsession: Mezuki has been obsessed with barbecued pork buns since he was a small child. These delicious steamed buns where once his favorite thing to eat but they have turned into his only meal but he has a very fast metabolism allowing him to eat as many as he wants and still stay very slim. He also somehow has stayed very healthy even though he has eaten a large amount of these buns. Mezuki even carries them along with him where ever he is going even when he just traveling short distances. He at first just bought them in bulk and kept them but that began to get boring and disgusting being that if he didn't eat the soon they would become very mushy and old so he had to find a perfect recipe for them. After traveling around from village to village trying the ones that had barbecued pork buns. Mezuki actually did come across a very incredibly nice tasting bun but it seemed different which was when he found out it had beef in it. He payed for the recipe and held on to it while he continued to look for all pork recipes. He came across someone who sold very nice pork buns and decided to mix recipes. He finally found created a perfect recipe and it has became his only food and he has actually created his own farm with pigs and cows so that he could make the barbecued steamed buns.

Fighting Style: Being that mezuki is a mist user and a shadow user he his pretty much a tactical assassin. Being that he was trained to attack at a long range at a very young age he has never changed his ways, He prefers long range over any other range but will get close range if needed to immobilize and defeat an enemy. The one thing mezuki does hate to come across in combat is a person who always thinks they are gonna win even if they are in a very tight spot. Most people do not act like that but when he does come across a person like that he does prefer to kill them slowly. Mezuki has killed a decent amount of ninjas since he has become missing ninja but has managed to hit their deaths so that no village would hate him and thing he was a killer so that he could have free access to villages as long as his killings were not discussed. Mezuki prefers to train alone and is somewhat of a team player when there is something in it that he wants, Mezuki is a very tricky person to work with because if something that is said that angers him he will quickly leave the group to continue working on his own.

Attitude: Mezuki is a very happy person most of the time but can get cocky and won't even notice it. Being that he has killed a few ninja and has also managed to hide them he like to talk trash to people even though he might be able to defeat them and doesn't notice the trouble he has gotten himself into until he has gone to far. Mezuki does like to play around with people in his spare time but not to harm them just to scare them so that he can have a good laugh. Mezuki has been known to use his shadow control to make scary projections that follow people to scare them or even makes a very scary creature to scare people but does not scare kids at all. Mezuki loves to be around kids and has always been like this since he was 15 but if forced to he will still fight a child if it is a matter of life and death. If the child is nice to him and he actually has known the child for a long time he actually treats them like it is his own child going back to that village a lot to check on the child multiple time in a month. Mezuki prefer to befriend ninja children then just normal children so that he can teach them things to use in future training but does hate to lose a child during a mission if he is teaching them. He grew the closest to one child and actually stayed in the village with the child and worked as his team leader but one time after he let him fight on his own he was killed which actually sent mezuki into a deep depression as if his own child had died. He later got over the death and vowed to never grow that close to another child again unless it was his own but he still grows as close to some children but refuses to go as far as he did last time.

Clan Information

Clan Name: Nara clan

Kekei Genkai: The Nara Clan is known for their manipulation of shadows. They are able to extend there shadows to perform powerful techniques.

Clan Symbol:

Clan History: The Nara Clan (奈良一族, Nara Ichizoku; Literally meaning "Nara family") is known for their manipulation of shadows and tending of deer, which graze in a large area of Nara clan forest. They have kept a book with medicine preparations and effects for generations which imply they are skilled in the area of medicine. Among the medicine described in this book are the secret pills used by the Akimichi clan. The men from this family are very lazy, tend to be attracted to overbearing women, and are apparently geniuses.

The Nara clan seems to have a special relationship with the Akimichi clan and Yamanaka clan. For at least two generations, members of these three families have formed an "Ino-Shika-Cho trio," named after the first part of the names of the members. The Nara members are the Shika in the trio. "Ino," "Shika" and "Cho" are the names of three cards needed for a highly prized trick of "Inoshikacho" in the Hanafuda.

Rank Information:

Rank: Missing Ninja

Village: Mist Village Leaf Village

Skill Information:

Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu/Genjutsu

Elemental Affinity: Main: Water Sub: Fire

Special Characteristics: Large chakra reserves and the ability to mix his shadows with his elements.


Childhood Arc: Mezuki was born into a average family that had the akumu bloodline and lived in the mist village. Mezuki was an only child so his father could work only on mezuki to teach him how to use the akumu bloodline to its fullest. Mezuki's father azure loved to sit and watch his son play in water or chase his shadow already knowing that he would love to learn about his abilities to use both of the elements. Mezuki actually had a very traumatizing accident when he was very young. His father left him alone to go get something for them to eat. They were having a boys day out being that his father had no mission and his mother felt like being alone for the day, Mezuki and his father were near a pond thinking that mezuki could handle himself around the pond even though he was only 5 he figured his son would not do anything dangerous. When his father left mezuki tried to swim in the water even though he knew that he couldn't swim. His father luckily came back after only 20 seconds forgetting to ask him what his son wanted saving him from drowning in the pond. Mezuki from then on hated being around water and would run whenever he could even see water. Mezuki joined the ninja academy but being that he was in the mist village they were gonna try to teach him how to use water based jutsu which meant that his father azure had to snap him out of the fear before he failed the ninja academy.

Academy Arc: Mezuki joined the academy and actually loved being in the academy and learning how to become a ninja. Meanwhile while his father was at school his father tried to figure out a way to make mezuki like water to prevent him from failing the academy. After days of thinking he finally figured out a great idea and decided to teach him to swim. Azure took his son to a large pond that was behind their house that he was afraid to go near. Mezuki held on to part of the house and wouldn't let go no matter how hard his father pulled. Azure decided to show him that there was nothing that would happen if he went into the water by swimming around and even doing a few of the clan exclusive jutsu. Mezuki watched his dad swim around which didn't make him feel safe because he couldn't swim but when he began to manipulate the water and preform clan jutsu he began to walk near the pond trying to do the same which made azure laugh and also happy that his planned worked. Mezuki slowly learned to swim while going to the academy his father was very happy that he convinced him to like water again. Mezuki actually never did learn water jutsu while in the academy but taught himself low strength water jutsu and actually had small spars with his dad and learned how to use the water even better. When mezuki finally learned to swim he was like a fish almost always swimming when he returned home from the academy not even talking to his parents just running in and running into the back to swim. They had to come to him if they wanted to talk to him for the first couple of hours of him getting home. Mezuki passed the ninja academy but was not a top star student he was more of a middle student he felt that he didn't need to try and be a top student when it really did nothing for him. After graduating the academy his father was so proud of him knowing that he was ready he taught him one of the first clan jutsu that any shinobi in the clan learned involving shadow control which was when he became fascinated by the shadow manipulating jutsu.

Genin Arc: Azure mezuki's father introduced mezuki to the jutsu that the akumu clan learned being a branch of the nara clan that changed mezuki life when he first learned it called the shadow imitation jutsu. When he learned to use the shadow imitation his father told him that from there he has to create his own shadow jutsu. Mezuki was very excited to be both a genin and to also be learning to use part of his bloodlines powers. Mezuki trained with the shadow imitation jutsu and began to create his own jutsu at home and also joined a ninja group so that he would be prepared for the chunin exams. Mezuki learned many shadow jutsu some of his favorite being long range attacking jutsu using his own shadow and began to become more and more long ranged based as he began to train with using shadows more. Mezuki actually worked well with his group and became the best long ranged fighter in the group and was very happy that his father taught him that technique. Before his father could actually teach him mezuki began to learn water jutsu from his special jounin group leader but not learning the secret mist jutsu from his father not just yet. But during one mission mezuki found out the hard way where to put his weapon pouch to prevent hurting himself. While fighting in his group each person having to fight one person he used shadow imitation to take control of the persons body but had not moved his weapon pouch like most shinobi in this clan do and ended up killing the shinobi but also almost killing himself. Luckily there was a young medical shinobi that could heal him but they had no idea that mezuki would ever even get that hurt. At the age of 13 and almost at the end of his genin training and almost time for the chunin exams azure taught mezuki the special mist technique that the akumu clan uses. Mezuki began to think about leaving the village but waited until the chunin exams were over. Mezuki's team stopped going on missions and their group leader wanted them to train hard for a large amount of time before the chunin exams so that they would be prepared. Mezuki trained alone unlike his other two teams members he began to train his shadow jutsu more and more mist based jutsu so that he would be stronger. Mezuki entered the chunin exams and was one of the very few genin to pass the test the mist jutsu and the water jutsu he taught himself also helping him and actually the main reason he made it.

Leaving the Village Arc: After passing the chunin exams his father was very proud of him but noticed that mezuki began to look unhappy and asked him if he was tired of the village. Azure already knew his response would be yes and actually wanted him to leave the village to keep him happy. At the age of 15 azure showed him a barbecued pork bun stand and it was when he became obsessed with them. Mezuki left the village but bought a large amount of pork buns to take with him when he left. His mother understood that he grew tired of the village and his dad had already accepted it and as he left the village he said goodbye to his friends and his mother and father and said he would come back soon. Mezuki left the village but found a small village with a few naras in it. Mezuki trained with the naras on how to use his shadow jutsu and trained his mist jutsu alone and began to mix his shadow jutsu and his mist together as he practiced making almost all his jutsu stronger. Mezuki trained in the small village and he was known as the strongest nara in that village until he left to begin his travel and training as he longed to do since he became a genin. Before he left mezuki came across a barbecued pork bun stand but it wasen't as good as the one he had foundi n the mist village but still stocked up on the pork buns being that he had run out of his pork bun stash just before leaving he decided to leave.

Traveling Legend Arc: As mezuki began to travel and train he began to be known as the man hidden in the demon mist for his special mist jutsu based off his clans main power and the nara clan powers he possessed. Mezuki began to kill people who attacked him because they thought they could beat a legend that used few jutsu and still defeated people. Most of the people died before mezuki could even use three jutsu just because they underestimated him and he had to hide the bodies to make sure he was still allowed in all villages as long as his kills were not talked about. Mezuki actually did a very good job of hiding the bodies but sometimes had to frame other people so that he would not be in trouble. Mezuki began to visit his parents more often but also began to visit the leaf village as he found a small child in the leaf village that reminded him of himself when he was younger just from a different clan. At a young age he was an orphan and feared water which is why he became very attached to him and its why he decided to stay in the village and adopt him while the child grew up. Mezuki also went into the village so that he would stop being known as a nara legacy and just be a normal missing ninja.

The Death of a Loved One Arc: Mezuki loved to train with the small child he named nezuki after him and taught him how to swim so that he wouldn't fear water anymore. Mezuki found a person to train nezuki in his blood line being that he couldn't do it himself and actually found out that he was a uchiha which was a very interesting clan to him, Mezuki watched as he train very hard and learned that the uchiha were very skilled genjutsu users and as nezuki grew in strength and became a genin mezuki train him himself requesting him on his team of three. Mezuki and nezuki worked very well together and worked very well in the ground making his team known as one of the strongest four man team that had three genin and could complete a ranked missions. Mezuki requested an s ranked mission after the group became bored with a ranked missions but it turned out to be to much for them. Mezuki let nezuki fight a jounin while he fended off an s ranked missing ninja and the other two team mates fought jounin and at first it was no problem but nezuki was hit with a cheap shot and was poison and died before they could get help for him. Mezuki was very sad but managed to save one of his eyes and keep it so that he could possible replace one of his eyes and use the uchiha blood line. Mezuki misses nezuki and slipped into a deep depression for a very long time and he had to leave the village just to get rid of his depression. Mezuki kept the eye preserved and made sure not to look at it just in case he slipped back into depression but as the leaf village he did come across an amazing barbecued pork bun recipe that he could mix with his own and allow him to make a great barbecued pork bun.

An Amazing Missing Ninja Arc: After leaving the leaf village mezuki still began to train shinobi in other village until they made it to genin which is where he stopped and let them work on their own. Mezuki began to visit his parents much more being that he had more time and actually gave his dad the amazing pork bun recipe that he made. His mother and father grew very old and actually died when he was 18 and actually when he became known as a missing ninja. Mezuki decided not to go back to the mist village because it brought back to many memories and decided to create a large farm with pigs and cows so that he could make his own barbecued pork buns. Mezuki trained his jutsus while living at the farm and does wonder from time to time making sure he keep a large amount of pork buns with him where ever he goes. Mezuki still has the rank of s ranked missing ninja and actually loves being at a very high ranking but prefers to keep it secret. He still is looking for a medical ninja to replace his eye with his close friend nezuki so that he can always have a memory of him.

Rp Sample:

Last edited by Kikun on Wed 14 Oct 2009, 2:49 pm; edited 9 times in total
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The Fallen Angel
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Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)   Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 10:37 pm


Name: Kage Mane no Jutsu - Shadow Imitation Technique
Rank: -
Element: -
Description: Kage Mane no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara clan. It's original purpose was as a skill to help delay any pursuers. After forming the needed hand seals, the clan member is able to manipulate their shadow along any surface. By using other nearby shadows they can further extend the reach of their shadow, however they are limited to the surface area of the original cast shadow. Once the clan members shadow reaches the target shadow, it will attach itself. While attached the target will be frozen, only able to replicate in mirror form the actions of the clan member. If the clan member is low on chakra, the Kage Mane will falter and the shadow will return to its normal form.

Name: Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu - Shadow Neck Bind Technique
Rank: -
Element: -
Description: Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara clan. To perform the technique the clan member will first bind their target using the Kage Mane no Jutsu technique. Once the target can no longer move, they form the needed hand seal to initiate this technique. The clan member uses their shadow to form a hand which will creep up their opponents body to their neck. Once the hand reaches the neck, it will constrict in such a manner so as to strangle the opponent. However, the clan member will need to be careful. If their target has a lot of chakra, they can turn back the shadow hand and prevent it from binding their neck.

Name: Crushing Shadow Palm
Rank: C
Element: -
Description: Mezuki's shadow transforms into a giant hand that attempts to crush the enemy. The hand can be easily dodged but as long as the enemy is within range the hand can continue to attack the enemy. The hand is a solid object and if attack will return back behind mezuki and turn back into mezuki's shadow.

Name: Never-ending Mist
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: After preforming the required handsigns mist will begin to come from his mouth. The mist cover a three mile radius and reach up to three miles high. This mist is not like any other being that it cant be blown away and is very thick making it impossible for someone to even see their hand in front of their face. This jutsu also follows mezuki where ever he moves being that he mist sprays from his mouth.

Name: Chakra Draining Mist
Rank: A
Element: -
Description: The mist that mezuki creates stays thick but is able to drain chakra. The mist drain 1% of chakra per post that the enemy is in it and its impossible to tell that the enemy is being drained by the mist unless they get to 50% chakra which is when they begin to feel drained.

Name: Thermal Vision
Rank: D
Element: Fire
Description: When this jutsu is activated it allows mezuki to see through the mist and see a person body heat in red and also see cold blooded creatures in blue.

Name: Inferno
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: Mezuki preforms a string of handsigns and touches the ground the area around him becoming engulfed in flames lighting up anything in the area and continuing to spread as long as there is something for it to touch.

Name: Shadow Octopus Tendrils
Rank: C
Element: -
Description: Mezuki preforms a string of handsigns and his shadow turns into eight large tendrils that defend him from attacks and also attack anyone that comes within a close range. The tendrils are much harder to destroy then all of his other creation jutsu because they can only be completely stopped if they all are destroyed at once and if they they regenerate quickly. The tendrils have a very large range and move very quickly even though they are large.

Name: Mist Body
Rank: -
Element: Water
Description: By preforming a single handsign this jutsu is active turning his body into pure mist. This jutsu allows him to dodge almost every attack but at the same time he cant retaliate when he uses this mist body technique it only allowing him to get a safe distance away from the enemy before his body re solidifies.

Name: Mist Form
Rank: -
Element: Water
Description: By preforming a string of handsigns mezuki's body becomes almost transparent and he begins to heal both chakra and physical whounds while in the mist. This jutsu can only be activated and stay active while in shadow mist or normal mist. If the jutsu if activated and his mist disappears then his body automatically returns normal. In this form he is still able to attack the enemy.

Name: Exploding Clone
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: Mezuki preforms a string of handsigns a puff of smoke erupting around him. He is then surrounded by a clones ranging from one person to five. The clones then charge the enemy exploding when hit or when they preform a single handsign.

Name: Hellfire Breath
Rank: B
Element: Fire/Shadow
Description: A jutsu that is preformed quickly with a single handsigns to coat his throat with chakra. After the handsign mezuki takes a quick breath and exhales a stream of hellfire or shadow infused fire. This can be blasted in a stream or he can use his hand to concentrate the hellfire into smaller balls of fire that have a farther range then the stream.

Name: Water Jets
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: Preforming a string of handsigns mezuki's feet begin to shoot water out of the bottom allowing him to move much more swiftly and move much more silently then normal.

Name: Mist Assassination: Weapon Death
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: While in mist if mezuki is visable he suddenly fades and reappears behind the enemy with a weapon in hand but is very quiet and then attempts to slit the throat of the enemy. Without being able to see through the mist some how this jutsu is very hard to dodge.

Last edited by Kikun on Wed 14 Oct 2009, 2:48 pm; edited 8 times in total
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The Fallen Angel
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Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)   Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 11:00 pm

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The Fallen Angel
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Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)   Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 11:00 pm


Name: Time Reaper

Rank: A


Info: This is a scythe that is rather large but the material it is made out of makes it light enough for him to hold and swing with ease. The weapon also has a orb of fire floating opposite to the blade that once spun around can act as a flame thrower and cause bad burns at a close range. The weapon has been sound proof so that the enemy cannot hear the swings.

Name: Shocking Kunai's

Rank: B


Info: These kunai's have a shocking mechinizim in the that send jolts of electricity into the persons body once it stabs into them. Just like all his weapons these kunai have been sound proofed so that the enemy cannot hear them coming.

Name: Sound Proof Kunai

Rank: C


Info: The same as any normal kunai but have been sound proofed to prevent the enemy from hearing the coming.

Name: Holed Senbon

Rank: C


Info: These senbon have holes in them which trick the enemy making it sound as if the senbon are much farther away then they really are making the enemy much more confused. The holes can also be used to tie exploding pouches to them making it even harder for them to dodge.

Last edited by Kikun on Tue 13 Oct 2009, 7:59 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Naiko Aburame
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Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)   Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Icon_minitimeTue 13 Oct 2009, 7:15 am

I dont want to approve this

REASON: Two Kekkai Genkai Mixed in one clan.

Let others check,

I'll watch.
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)   Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Icon_minitimeTue 13 Oct 2009, 7:26 am

I'm not approving this, either you're nara or you're nin of mist. Only Naras have that affinity kik, please choose
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The Fallen Angel
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Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)   Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Icon_minitimeTue 13 Oct 2009, 12:27 pm

if you read this clan it allows the ability of nara and the use of mists and this clan has already been approved so it shouldnt be an issue. Also from what i was told anyone from the mist village would be allowed to use mist based attacks
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Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)   Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Icon_minitimeTue 13 Oct 2009, 12:58 pm

1. How is it called the "Fukurou Family" when your clan is called the Akumu Clan?

2. Just because the village in called "Hidden Mist Village" doesn't mean they use mist. Konoha is called "Hidden Leaf Village" and they don't use leaves. Its hidden in its surroundings. Since its surrounded by mist, the village is known as the Hidden Mist. Mist ninja mostly use water jutsus. Also, the village is no longer known as the "demon mist" or "bloody mist".

3. No changing or manipulating water techniques.

4. No S-Rank Missing-Nin. You earn S-Rank title by killing poeple, if your a bad missing-nin.
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The Fallen Angel
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Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)   Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Icon_minitimeTue 13 Oct 2009, 4:19 pm

changed my rank and clan
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Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)   Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Icon_minitimeWed 14 Oct 2009, 2:58 pm

Approved. Needs approval from one other Admin.
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Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)   Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Icon_minitimeWed 14 Oct 2009, 8:12 pm

Approved....This is great Arty and me got a new Cousin..... -.- ... Dont disappoint the family kid... You should add that to your app...... The three cousins... Sounds good, Then again It sounds lame.
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

Posts : 1040
Points : 1613
Join date : 2009-07-05

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Hidden in the Mist

Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)   Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Icon_minitimeThu 15 Oct 2009, 3:50 am

If he dies....I won't ruin your moment lol, no pressure Mezuki
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Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)   Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!) Icon_minitime

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Man Hidden in the Demon Mist (DONE!)
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