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 Trying me was a mistake kyou

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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 1:57 am

Shion stood on the roof of the village in the hidden sand.You fool kyou come out.I know your here he said coward if your really as strong as you say you are come fight me.
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Zenjirou Tankou
Zenjirou Tankou

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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 2:10 am

Kyou was a bit cocky for his entrance on facing on the person named "Shion". Kyou was a little bit sleepy for he yawns like he don't care or he don't know about the situation."Hey .." he smiled sweetly and continue what he is saying, [color=blue]" .. What's up ? You're kinda excited .. Don't worry .. I'm ready for this fight ' . He yawn after he said it.

-Just ninja sandals
-blue T-shirt with a sign (I'm a Goodboy)
-white short pant
(he has random weapons inside his pocket/clothes)
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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 2:23 am

Whats this shion stood speechless while not really as he was quite talkative today.
is this a joke he looked at the guy wearing a shirt that said ima good boy
and white short pants shion came ready for a war with a chunnin level ninja.

A cold silver armored vest that resembeled a tank top it covers his back and his chest. He had a series of arm armour each a different shade of black studded with metal. the armour continued onto his hand which were wrapped in black gloves, which had a metal plate with the leaf ingsignia .The armor Shion wore had been carefully thought out. He made it so he could be protected as well as possible without ever restricting his movement or slowing him down. This is his way "fail to prepare and prepare to fail". Black pants that were long and wrapped around his feet tucked into black taped up tabi boots that went up to his knee. They were surrounded by belts and secret pockets. not only for show these hold many secret moves shion values. He threw on a black mask that covered his face up a little past his nose. A dark red coat that went down to his legs like a trench coat, finished this off the coat was a dark red almost black. Shion bought it when he realized it was exacly the same colour as his eyes. It was exacly the same kind of coat naruto wore back when he was alive"

Trying me was a mistake kyou Fullou10
Like this

Trying me was a mistake kyou Cost10
Like this but the coat Is Black but shines red

This dosent seem worth my time i doubt this guys even a ninja still he posesses the right name.
fine he threw a kunai at him and a hidden kunai attached to a paper bomb in the direction he thought hed dodge.
its over if hes not ninja the normal blade will kill him if he is the hidden blade will blow him up.
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Zenjirou Tankou
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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 2:34 am

When seeing Shion,he was not amazed but he was very curious about her outfit. " Hey .. Shion-Chan .. Looks like you have a rich family to buy that kind of outfit .. Or its just a costume from the ninja holloween ? Ohh .. are you sure you're kage won't be angry to find you wear that .. ? . For what Shion sees, Kyou is a very cocky and loud guy and what Kyou see from Shion is the same feeling as revenge. Shion didn't made any words just like an ANBU, she threw kunai to Kyou. While Kyou made a basic ninja move to dodge it. "Hey .. I'm a weapon master too .. is that a common tactic ?". Kyou covered the surrounding by a fog while making some unpredictable tactics.]

Name: Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique)
Rank: D
Element: -
Description: The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly. To facilitate the movement the ninja will often use nearby elements such as mist, sand or leaves to mask their appearance or disappearance.

Name: Hidden Mist Jutsu
Rank: D
This jutsu envelops the surrounding area in a dense mist, reducing visibility within the affected area. The density can be controlled by the user, allowing them to create a mist so thick that even they can't see through it.
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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 2:47 am

"huh the body flicker technique i know it well".He stared at kyou. "your a fool chunnin" he looked around the hidden mist technique a ninja that uses such a tactic from the sand village this was defidently he who made waves in the leaf village "in that case.He used the flicker technique and apperaed behind him now akina get ready. Art of beast mimicry trasformation now take this gatsuya.his attack came closer ripping through the smoke and was a dead lock for the ninja

Name: Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique)
Rank: D
Element: -
Description: The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly. To facilitate the movement the ninja will often use nearby elements such as mist, sand or leaves to mask their appearance or disappearance.

Name man beast clone
Rank D
A modified version/mix of a Transformation Technique and a clone technique, this jutsu, unique to the Inuzuka clan, allows a canine-user to transform their animal companion into a perfect copy of themselves. When combined with the Four Legs Technique, the user and the animal become virtually impossible to tell apart, since both act equally animalistic. Like any transformation, the jutsu can be broken by identifying and attacking the animal, thus dispelling the transformation. This jutsu is often followed by the Dual Piercing Fang.

Gatsuuga - Dual Piercing Fang
type taijutsu
rank c
descriptionGatsuuga is a supreme Taijutsu technique of the Juujin Bunshin style of combat. After the familiar transforms into a copy of the clan member, both the familiar and ninja will begin a spinning attack. The preferred time to attack is when their opponent is showing an opening. Using this chance the fast rotating of the two attackers will cause a damaging impact on their opponent when they connect with their claws. While using this technique, both attackers are able to rotate and strike from multiple angles.
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Zenjirou Tankou
Zenjirou Tankou

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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 3:16 am

As the mist/fog covers the whole area,Kyou heard the oppoent murmuring. Instead of attacking, Kyou stayed in an area and made some childish tactics. The attack is getting nearer and cleared an area due to its extreme rotation. Shion hit Kyou by her direct/straight attack but Kyou dispersed (it was a clone). Shion fall at Kyou's trap, Kyou put some exploding tags at Shion's area bfore the attack. Kyou appeared above Shion and performs a fire release jutsu which will burn its targets and make the tags explode by the fire .

(Sorry for late post)

Name: Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique)
Rank: E
Element: -
Creates a copy of the ninja without substance. The copy resembles the ninja in every way. This clone can function as a distraction or as means to confuse one\'s opponent. As soon the clone gets attacked or comes into contact with an opponent, it will disperse.

Name: Great Fireball Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fire
Description: Katon • Goukakyuu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does the necessary hand seals, draws chakra from their mouth into their chest and them immediately exhales it. They then blow a stream of fire which erupts into a large sphere of flames. To better manage the flames the ninja will bring their hand to their mouth to control it. Katon jutsu such as this are seen as a rite of passage into adulthood for Uchiha clan members. Once the member can manipulate fire, they are finally recognized as no longer being a child.
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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 3:30 am

What a clone Shion said as he noticed the paper bombs that were near his feet. a brilliant trap he first made the screen so i wouldnt be able to see him create one.And now a fire balls coming when it hits the fire its over i cant alow that.He jumped high into the air Shadow clone jutsu.
5 clones came out andd surrounded kkyou you wont survive this they all had a kunai attached to paper bombs from all sides now attack.huh that technique requires alot of chakra " he thought breathing heavier

Kagebunshin no Jutsu
Rank b
Descritpion: Similar to the Clone Technique, this jutsu creates clones of the user. Unlike the Clone Technique, these clones are actual copies, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing jutsu on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. They can also disperse on their own. The clones will be created in roughly the same condition as the original.
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Zenjirou Tankou
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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 3:48 am

(You have a B-Rank ninjutsu for a Genin ???)

Kyou thought he would finish the girl. " She has a B-Ranked ninjutsu .. wonder if she still have a trump card. " . Kyou was then surrounded by the kage bunshins so he made his next childish tactic. As the weapons were thrown, Kyou made the " mole hiding jutsu " to avoid the attack. In this case,Shion won't find Kyou. After few moments,Kyou rise up from the ground after finding the real one. He punched Shion with great force and then grab her to made an eye contact. Kyou think this will be an advantage because Shion don't know that Kyou is so powerful to have Sharingan.

Name: Mole Hiding Technique
Rank: C
Element: Earth
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Doton • Moguragakure no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. This technique allows the ninja to burrow into the ground and hide out of sight. This allows them to avoid attack or travel underground.

Name: Eye of Power
Rank: -
Type: Kekkei Genkai [Supplementary][Genjutsu]
Element: -
Description: The Sharingan is a powerful KKG that has been in the Uchiha clan for generations. It is a weapon, a tool, and a power that originated from the Sage of Six Paths. When someone looks into the sharingan, they feel immense power which houses within it. They can become very frightened, or feel overwhelmed by its power. This could be the effect of a Genjutsu, although it could be a natural ability. This only works for someone who faces the sharingan for the first time, those who are use to its power are not effected by this attribute. Although this does not do any psychological damage, the effect is still noticeable.
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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 4:02 am

that was my trump card and that wasnt the real me you should have activated your little trick before grabbing my clone one of the ninjas that threw the kunai was indeed shion.the clone he was holding was actually attached to a paper bomb."You should have stayed in your hole kid" Shion activated the seal blowing up his clone.Now this is truely over string reeling technique. it wrapped around kyouu biinding him to a large pole sticking out of the roof. He held the wire in his mouth this will finish it Fire style pheonix flame jutsu.If this dosent work then.

Name: Ayatsuito no Jutsu - String Reeling Technique
Rank: D
Description: Ayatsuito no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing wire. This string can be used in rappeling, or as a method to tie down and restrict the movement of an opponent. The wire allows the user to pin down an opponent, and then unleash a torrent of fire upon them.

3.Ryuuka no Jutsu - Dragon Fire Technique
Rank: C
Type: Attack
descripiton: After binding the opponent, the ninja uses a guide wire to unleash a large torrential fire burst onto the target.
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Zenjirou Tankou
Zenjirou Tankou

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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 4:11 am

(Ohh .. Shion,be careful of your posts next time,don't forget that I have the Sharingan to know the orgininal from fake .. )

Kyou was wrapped by string and blasted with a fire jutsu. After few moments, there nothing happened with Kyou , " Stop making some jokes .. ". Kyou walked calmly to Shion with powerful Sharingan staring at Shion .

Name: Affinity of Katon [Resistance] (Used in B-Ranked)
Rank: C - S [Supplementary
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fire
Description: Having a affinity for fire allows a person to utilize Katon techniques with greater ease then someone who doesn't. Takira has discovered the when circulating Katon chakra threw her chakra circulatory system that she is more resistant to heat and burns from fire. This in turn gives her some what of a natural immunity to burns and flames from techniques weaker then her. This skill ranges with many ranks, the more adept one is to Katon the more resistant they have with fire. This is a passive technique that Takira has.
C = Immune to D- burns from Katon techniques
B = Immune to C- burns from Katon techniques
A = Immune to B- burns from Katon techniques
S = Immune to A- burns from Katon techniques
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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 4:15 am

then its over shion fell to his knees he had absoloutly no chakra left he let it all ride on that last move.
Your chakra protected you from my fire attack. I see he lowered his head as the chunnin walked out of the flames but his stupid shirt was in cinders

ooc yea but you didnt activate it untill you grabbed me remember
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Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 5:18 am

kamoku had been cleaning his house out from the outskirts of the sand village so he could transfer to the leaf village. tired as he was, the sun beat down on his white head and blurred his vision with atoms of sand and the different minerals made his head spin. he then took a deep breath and utilized the buddhist clarity techique that he had learned from an old relative. his metal hangings and the size of his package made his travel slow since he didn't plan on blazing through the sand in the morning. no, he would wait for the night to do that. soon he heard a familiar sound coming from his left and the smell of dew. ' a mist jutsu...' he thought, remembering when reiki showed him her techique. kamoku dropped his stuff, grabbed several weapons that he favored and ran with the speed and agility as fast as the body flicker techique. he soon triuphed a dune to reveal his student fighting a chunnin that had used the mist jutsu. recognizing as one of the sunakagere shinobi that he himself had seen going to the academy a few years ago set him on edge to anger.
kamoku then apeared in front of shion and was ready for the chunnins attack. " where did you learn a hidden mist jutsu, chunnin." kamoku growled. his eyes slowly turning black. due to the mist, the sand was wet and packed, making it easy for his eyes to spot the chunnin through the water dropletts that filled the air. " tell me now or i will have to send a hitlist to the mizukage."
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Zenjirou Tankou
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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 7:48 am

(Im back ! Oh .. Shion, I used an eye ability,it means I activated it .. )

(Kamoku .. Im walking .. I'm not attacking yet ..)

As Shion surrendered from Kyou,he deactivated his Sharingan to avoid chakra to be wasted. When the jounin or Shion's sensei appeared with anger, Kyou said "Ohh .. Hi there ..". " Where did you learn a hidden mist jutsu, chunnin. Tell me now or i will have to send a hitlist to the mizukage." said the jounin .. "I ... I .. The truth is .. I just copied it from fighting a Mist ninja .." Kyou answered.
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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 7:53 am

not surrender ran out of chakra theres a difference well see how lucky u are next time lol
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Zenjirou Tankou
Zenjirou Tankou

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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 8:03 am

" Ohh .. heheh .. " Kyou just smiled until he realized that his shirt was burned. Kyou shouted like a baby after realizing it .
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Kamoku Willow

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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 3:16 pm

kamoku nodded. he then turned around and kicked his student so hard that the boy went flying. " next time you try to fight a chunnin in such a state- an uchiha no less- without even having a smidgen of training first or studying his movements ill give you a 48 hours worth of laps around the forest of the dead wthout the reception call." kamoku grumbled, looking back at the chunnin. " you fought good, though if you keep your mouth shut and smile, people will be scared shitless. if you open your mouth and talk big, they get confident because your ignorance shows like a sore thumb." kamoku then watched as the gennin landed. " kamoku then walked away and pulled out a few logs of wood from his pack, came back and lit a fire. " you should go back to your village, chunnin." kamoku grumbled, his pointed teeth flashing.
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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 7:07 pm

Yesss sennnsai`he screamed as he flew through the air like he was sky diving he had nothing left so he had noway to land softly and he fell hard. Trying me was a mistake kyou 664734
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Zenjirou Tankou
Zenjirou Tankou

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Trying me was a mistake kyou Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 11:17 pm

Kyou tries to cover himself because his clothes that were turn into ashes. Kyou stop crying like a baby after the jounin kicked Shion. . " You fought good, though if you keep your mouth shut and smile, people will be scared shitless. if you open your mouth and talk big, they get confident because your ignorance shows like a sore thumb." the jounin said. Kyou bowed and said "Thank you .. It's a pleasure to receive an advice from a Jounin.". He wave his hand while saying "Thank you for the fight Shion !!".

Kyou's mind: " Ohh .. my shirt .." Nose Picker!
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Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: Trying me was a mistake kyou   Trying me was a mistake kyou Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 11:56 pm

kamoku nodded. he then dragged the gennin next to the fire to tend to the wounds. " take care, and train hard." kamoku siad half-heartedly. he really did wish his move didn't have any witnesses but he couldn't really kill the boy in front of inuzaka. " go home." kamoku grumbled and threw one of his spare shirts at the uchiha. like all of kamokus shirts, there was titanium netting interwoven with the shirt so no sharp objects could tear through.

[topic closed]
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