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 Shion Awesome jutsus

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PostSubject: Shion Awesome jutsus   Shion Awesome jutsus Icon_minitimeTue 24 Nov 2009, 9:37 am

Fire Style Jutsu



Other jutsu

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PostSubject: Re: Shion Awesome jutsus   Shion Awesome jutsus Icon_minitimeTue 24 Nov 2009, 11:14 am

.Name:Fire Style heat vision

Rank:C to B



Description:using this shion can sence body temperture.He can see an enemy right away the second he begins to sweat at chunin hell be able to see right away.Using this technique he can see through any blinding jutsu such as infinite darkness and so on.

RP Sample: Where did he go this blackness i cant see a thing"Fire style heat vision" There!!.

Godmod, sorry. Unapproved. The techniques you speak of that "CANT BE SEEN THROUGH", cant be SEEN through for a reason.

2.Name:Fire style Machine gun fire ball jutsu

Rank:C to S



Description:after performing the seals required of the fireball jutsu. Shion can spit 100 fireballs in fast succession these fire balls are small but very fast.At the higher levels he spits 100 more untill hes at hokage level and can spit 1000

RP Sample: He dodged my fireball this is no normal enemy in that case "Machine gun fire ball jutsu" you wont dodge them all."I just need one to hit"

.. ? That'd take INSANE amounts of chakra, even at a low rank like C. You didn't even describe the ability in detail.. Unapproved.

3.Fire style Fire flash jutsu




Description:Shion will throw A blade into the air after setting it ablaze in his hand.This will distract enemy at which time Shion will flash under there Eyesight and cut them down using his hidden blade it is said he will kill them before his blade touches the ground.

RP Sample: Huh what was that his enemies eyes were drawn to the air"Big mistake" shion said in his ear as he was already behind him and had allready cut his enemy in half.

.. What the HELL, does this even mean?

4.Name:Fire style Rain hell Jutsu

Rank:C to S



Description:after performing the seals required well saying the prayer or mantra. The fire of one will melt us all the one who brings death and desruction in its wake.Let the rain bleed and set the world ablaze fire style rain hell jutsu.It wont work if this isnt stated loud at the low levels the ninja will only be able to make it rain for a few seconds and targeting is hard.At the highest level it will rain fire for 24 hrs completly devastating a village or any enemy caught in it. this is hokage level.

RP Sample: I have one trick left If this dosent work.. The fire of one will melt us all the one who brings death and desruction in its wake.Let the rain bleed and set the world ablaze fire style rain hell jutsu.. Shion leaped into the air to find a hiding spot this is best suited with a ninja who knows earth techniques to hide me thanks suna warrior.

There is no set "time" system here, so take out the 24 hours one. You havent described the damage these fireballs can cause, even at S-Rank/Kage level. Your leaving out ALOTTTT of key details that REALLY have to be added.

5.Name:Fire style Fire Message jutsu




Description:Shion will summon chakra to his hand after taking aim he will write whatever message he wants in his head.imagining it on the target soon the words will appear on his enemy at which point he thrusts his hand forward to permantly burn it into them. works on any surface

RP Sample:Ahhhhhh the warrior rang out after his back was on fire What have you done. I may have lost here but now everyone will know you for the traitor you are. I suggest you dont go swimming haha.Be safe konaha uhh he said with his last breath.

Godmod, unless you dont have an enemy trapped in any way shape or form, they will be able to dodge this. Im telling you now. XD, leave it up to anyone else to approve this.

6.Name:Fire style insane heat up




Description:While under water Shion can heat his body up to a point.the water becomes steam this only kind of works whiles hes in a river this will work wonders if hes ever stuck in a water prison jutsu

RP Sample: I got you now drown in my water prison jutsu. Hmm I dont think so shion said focusing all his energy through his skin heating himself up to a point the water satarted to evaporate.`huh that took alot of chakra.

This would be considered E-S rank considering the body of water you wish to turn into steam. Even at S-Rank however, I believe you'd be JUST be able to evaporate a river; and even then you might be nearly out of chakra.

7.Name:Fire style Smoke screen




Description:Shion can lower the effect of his fire into a lesser form smoke blanketing the field and giving the chance to escape or whatever.

RP Sample: Now you see me now you dont.Shion breathed smoke as it filled up the arena.The enemy said what is this a smoke bomb no its too big for that.

Sure, that can work. You do know however, smoke it only harmful when it is breathed in for an extended period of time? Ok, good.
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PostSubject: Re: Shion Awesome jutsus   Shion Awesome jutsus Icon_minitimeTue 24 Nov 2009, 11:21 am

1.Name:Moonlight Seance Jutsu Blinding light




Description:after Being put into an extreme situation like being choked out.Or being cut basically on the verge of death this jutsu will activate spreading out 30 ft whoever is caught in the blinding light will be trasferred to a different plane where their worst nightmare will be

RP Sample: Ahhh I cant breathe These hands their too powerfull Im going to die here the blinding light activates`Ahhhhh the enemy said freaking out I have to get away from this man shion ran and escaped into the darkness

Unapproved. This is NOT genjutsu, this is a natural and plain old jutsu, fix it and explain/describe it and its effects more please.

2.Name:Return to eartth




Description:After enemy looks into shions eyes he can escape the situation by simply disappering into ash.If trapped in a genjutsu he can do the same thing just float away

RP Sample: Ha i got you now he said throwing a kunai`did you really Shion said disappearing into the wind.He escaped but the kunai caught him and soon the ninja found him after following the blood drops.

This is not possible, and it is not considered a genjutsu if the case of your first sentence is put into instance. "After enemy looks into shions eyes he can escape the situation by simply disappering into ash." You cannot disappear at all, because it is illegal here to leave in the midst of a battle without a reasonable explanation. A jutsu effect is not an explanation. This would also break the law here that regards the banishment of teleportation techniques. Unapproved.

3.Name:Burning steak technique




Description:After enemy looks into shions eyes he can escape the situation by simply disappering into ash. after this he will follow it up with this a A giant steak will appear around enemy binding them to it.It will slowly burn and destroy a enemy.

RP Sample: Ha i got you now he said throwing a kunai`did you really Shion said disappearing into the wind.All of the suddon a steak grew around the enemy of 50 feet the steak began to burn.What what is this he scream shion was nowhere to be seen.

This is a jutsu used by Itachi, and it is A-Rank. The first effect I have already spoken on in the jutsu above this. Unapproved.
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PostSubject: Re: Shion Awesome jutsus   Shion Awesome jutsus Icon_minitimeTue 24 Nov 2009, 11:23 am

1.Name:Dance of the exploding notes




Description:using the chakra manipulation technique along with how many ever notes shion will direct them to ensnare and destroy his target.

RP Sample: You cant escape me`Now Dance exploding notes!! the notes wrapped around enemies legs and blew them off.

Explain this more, please. Im having a hard time understanding it, and its effects.

2.Name:Fire Style Gatsuyya




Description:Combing his gatsuyya with the fire techniques shion will create a spinning vortex of fire

RP Sample: hold this Fire style Gatsuyya.

Effectsssss....... ???????????
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PostSubject: Re: Shion Awesome jutsus   Shion Awesome jutsus Icon_minitimeTue 24 Nov 2009, 11:39 am

ok heatvision what if it cant see through those a rank techniques but it can see through the lower level ones like the mist and such also it can still be used to see in the dark thats ok. srry question mark dont work right now.

2. machine gun i actually dont know how to make that any clearer and its just like a grand fireball just broken down.

3.Fire flash basically he distracts enemy by throwing a blade in the air thats on fire. Well enemys distracted he flashes runs really fast to enemy staying low and then takes him out.

4.rain hell i dont know how the damage system works but i described at a high level it can destroy a village. if it rains long enough on a low level i guess at most it could change the terrain

5. the message is just like jarayias and yea it could be dodged but odds are in wont because like in my ex enemy was walking away after he thought he killed me.

6. and yes id agree that the heat up would take alot of chakra but are we agreed that i could use it also it depends on what scale 2
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PostSubject: Re: Shion Awesome jutsus   Shion Awesome jutsus Icon_minitimeTue 24 Nov 2009, 11:45 am


1.blinding light i think its gen because it plays with enemy mind its like the enemy sees his worst nightmare temperarally keeping him in fear.

2.turn to ash i mean he cant escape the battle except on a story where its just me or whatever.but its more like he can temperararily get away like how the mist technique hides you so does this.its genjutsu so ud have to find out where he is or release it using ki

3. burning steak i guess ill try this again later when im stronger.
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PostSubject: Re: Shion Awesome jutsus   Shion Awesome jutsus Icon_minitimeTue 24 Nov 2009, 11:52 am

1.exploding note dance.He uses exploding notes and puts them on chakra strings making him dance around his target if caught in them you will explode gatsuya is just like a normal gatsuya just stronger like when naruto made the wind resengan kinda like that.
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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PostSubject: Re: Shion Awesome jutsus   Shion Awesome jutsus Icon_minitimeTue 24 Nov 2009, 2:02 pm

Xarias, your not a mod.
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PostSubject: Re: Shion Awesome jutsus   Shion Awesome jutsus Icon_minitimeWed 25 Nov 2009, 2:35 am

lol so does that mean i shouldnt listen to her not to sound rude xarias just not sure whats going on with this CHIBI!
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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PostSubject: Re: Shion Awesome jutsus   Shion Awesome jutsus Icon_minitimeWed 25 Nov 2009, 7:24 am

You can take advise, but she cant approve, or deny any.
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PostSubject: Re: Shion Awesome jutsus   Shion Awesome jutsus Icon_minitimeWed 25 Nov 2009, 11:18 am

oh i see can you then i mean if ur not busy or whatever
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PostSubject: Re: Shion Awesome jutsus   Shion Awesome jutsus Icon_minitimeWed 25 Nov 2009, 12:12 pm

Ohh my godddd.. Revy you finally used your powers for something other than world domination! WORLD DOMMINNNATTIOONNN!!!!

By the way, yup. I know im not a mod, but if you coolio administrators arent going to get off of your asses and help your members in positive of negative ways, i guess i am going to have to interfere.
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PostSubject: Re: Shion Awesome jutsus   Shion Awesome jutsus Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009, 7:53 am

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PostSubject: Re: Shion Awesome jutsus   Shion Awesome jutsus Icon_minitime

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