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 Teika Hirohata

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PostSubject: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2010, 1:30 am

~General Information~

Teika Hirohata Animegirl2

Name: Teika Hirohata

Nickname/Alias: Miss Hirohata, Miss Teika, Jinchuuriki of Nibi

Weight: One hundred pounds.

Height: Teika stands at the height of five foot six inches. She is quite petite.

Age: Teika is seventeen years old.

Gender: Female.

Appearance: Teika has a light brown/dull orange colored hair that flows all the way down to her shoulder and possibly a little lower. The texture of her hair would be of a soft feather from a dove or even the soft pampered fur of felines. Most of the time, her hair would seem to look damp or some sort, as if she had just walked out of a sauna, the scent of her hair always being of sweet fruits or even cherry blossoms. She has slight bangs that come down to the lower part of her eyes. The bangs never stay the same, sometimes they would be swept off to the right or left, but most of them time they would stay straight down, covering her eyes slightly.
Her eyes are of a deep violet color with a tinge of blood red in them, the blood red tinge sometimes looking like flames in her eyes but most of the time the red tinge intertwines with the deep violet, making her eyes look hazy or even misty. At times, her eyes would shift the amount color of the violet and the blood red, her eyes looking more blood-red than her usual violet color. Her eyes are void of showing any pure emotion Teika would be feeling at that time, but she is able to conjure her own emotions and let it be shown from her eyes. How ever, because of the girl’s personality, her hazy look usually turns into a more seductive one, which most people disregard because of her being so innocent.
Her skin is slightly pale but has enough color to indicate she is alive. Her cheeks always carry a slight pinkish tint on them. Her lips stay a light red rose color, every now and then her unusually sharp, pearl why canines revealing themselves if she were to smirk. Her hands are petite as well as her body frame which is in an hour glass shape. Her nails are never painted and she never wears makeup. Everything about her is natural, though; it would look like she was wearing beauty products all the time.

Clothing: Teika is always seen wearing a kimono with gray butterfly prints on them, the prints of the butterflies not being tiny but slightly large with only a couple of prints on the silky fabric. A black ribbon would be tied around her waist, keeping her loose kimono together, but over that she wears a silk black cloak. Most of the time she walks around barefooted, but at times she will wear sandals or even high heels to match her clothing of the day.
Her clothing would look slightly damp, as if she was walking around after taking a plunge into a river or pool. The front side of her kimono is slightly revealing but not revealing on the same time, how ever, if she were to get in a specific mood, her movements would cause her clothing to slip in the front slightly, exposing her chest.
Teika always carries or wears a kitsune mask with orange swirls decorating the edges of the mask. To keep the mask on place, a red string with a couple of gray beads at the end is placed on the mask.


Shy Teika is a shy person when a person first meets her, she will avoid all eye contact and even shift away from the new person. Most of the time she will be constantly looking downwards at her feet, her hands clasped together and her lips pressed upon each other as well. She shows her shyness through her body language as well as her speech, since she will stutter a bit.
Curious Teika is a very curious woman which often gets her stuck into many difficult problems. Most of her curiousness would come from the fact that she is like a feline, well; actually she has a cat demon inside of herself. When the girl is curious she would often get off track and wander off.
Bubbly In some rare cases, she would be seen overly joyous and would seem like her life was absolutely perfect. Her rare smile would appear up onto her lips, basically unable to contain her emotions of happiness.
Violent When angered or even offended, Teika would resort to violence by hitting, kicking, biting others. But this is only if she was overly offended. She would seem like a mere child when she resorts to violence.
Sensitive Not only is her body frame sensitive and fragile, but so are her emotions. Because of this, she mostly holds back her emotions to the point where she is a “lifeless doll.” The only person she can open up to is her secret Trainer/Master/Friend.
Seductive Because of her age, Teika tends to become a seductive girl if her emotions overwhelm her too much. Her sensitivity also tends her to get pushed over the edge with her motions at times.
Basically, Teika is an actress who can manipulate her own emotions as well, but of one emotion overwhelms her, her mask shatters and momentarily shows her true self.

~Clan Information~

Clan Name: Kokoro

Kekei Genkai: Spirit’s Flame

How ever for Teika, this flame if used too often or even used too much can backfire onto her. Everytime she uses the Spirit's Flame a small bit of her chakra will be lost and will take at least a week to gain that small amount back. She could also become burned by her own fire which would take a couple of days to heal, even using a Medical Jutsu.

Clan Symbol:

Clan History: The Kokoro Clan was formed five thousand years ago when a group of traitors of the ANBU formed together. These traitors were never found because they had distanced themselves away from the bases. The Clans were scattered, but most of them lived near the Village of the Mist. These people were aggressive yet gentle. The Clan itself hid very well, to the point they were unknown except the Hokage knew of their existence. The ANBU leaders may know of the Clan but most of the newer members would not know of this rare clan of people.

Ability Summary: The Kokoro Clan about two thousand years ago had began working on a special project, one that includes chakra and the ability of Fire. But, one thousand and three years later, the element was completed. This flame was a combination of chakra and fire, but with enough chakra and enough ability to control their chakra, the selected people of the clan was able to use the chakra to manipulate the fire. Manipulating the fire to a certain level allowed the flame to change in color, a silvery blue and to allow it to burn in coldness. This flame is similar to dry ice but a lot worse.

Because of the chakra in the fire, the people were able to make it enlarge, lessen and even float. Other people would see the floating fire balls that dropped the temperature in a mile diameter to almost zero Celsius. The people would have exclaimed to see a Spirit of some sort, hence why the flame was called the Spirit’s Flame.

The Spirit’s Flame can also be manipulated so the owner’s chakra can intermingle with an opponent’s chakra and allow the fire to slowly seep into their bodies by touch of their own body or weapon. The flames would later on expand within the opponent’s body by the owner’s say; however this usage of intertwining the chakra’s can almost kill the owner of the flame.

~Rank/Village Information~

Classification: Legendary Swordsmen of the Mist

Letter Rank: A

Village: Mist

~Skill Information~

Skill Specialty:Kenjutsu and Ninjutsu.

Elemental Affinity: Spirit’s Flame [KKG], Wind [Sub-Element], Fire [Nibi]

Special Characteristics: Release of Nibi, Withstanding Cold Temperatures to -50 degrees Celsuis, Control of Fire around a couple of yards away from where she stands.


.: Initial Transformation :.

By simply tapping into the Two-Tails' chakra, Teika's body begins its initial transformation. The first signs to this are her eyes; her irises and pupils will turn yellow. Following this, her nails and canine teeth grow longer and sharper and her hair will seem to become longer and a little spiky. While in this form, Teika can move at greater speeds than most ninja her age. Depending on how much of the Two-Tails' chakra is unleashed, the chakra is capable of glowing around her body in an untamed way. She can also use the chakra as a shockwave, sometimes merely using a little growl or thrusting her fist out to send a rush of energy at her opponent.

.: One-Tailed Transformation :.
In this form, with chakra emanating from out of her, Teika will hunch over and the Two-Tails chakra will materialize. Teika now has access to Nibi’s fire element, allowing her to use a vast amount of fire ninjutsu. All of Nibi’s physical traits are present in this form, but slightly altered. The one-tailed transformation has all the benefits of the other Initial Transformation, with upgrades. With a simple slash from her sharp claws, she can nearly slice her opponents into pieces. Due to her fast speed and reflexes, she can dodge most incoming attacks. This form grants her some measure of protection, enough that kunia, small explosives, and some fire ninjutsu have no effect.

.: Two-Tailed Transformation :.
While transformed, Teika is completely covered by the chakra of her tailed beast. In this form, her chakra takes the form of a blue flamed two-tailed cat with no pupils in her eyes. Though small compared to tailed beast forms of other jinchūriki, the Two-Tails still proves a threat. In this form, Teika is able to emit fiery spectral blasts from the monster cat's mouth. These blasts are very destructive and when coupled with the Two-Tails' strength, the surrounding area can be reduced to rubble.


[NOTE: Teika knows all of the Academy Level Jutsu’s. All, as in, ALL.]

Name: 炎の鞭風の – Flaming Whips of Wind
Rank: A
Element: The Spirit’s Flame added with Wind.
Description: The Spirit’s Flame would be manipulated so that there would be several fire balls surrounding Teika’s form. At her given command, the flames would soon strike out, but at the same time, the wind would aid the flame’s hunger. The flames would become slightly wild and with a command by a small movement of Teika’s index fingers she could use the flames as a whip. The maximum amounts of flame whips formed would be around six, the minimum being of two. The whips would leave harsh marks onto the skin of her opponent and is even able to catch onto the clothing of the people. The wind aids the directions Teika wants the whip to go to, manipulating the wind to make it shift directions to her wanting.

~History/RP Sample~

History/Background Story:

.: Birth/Jinchuuriki Arc :.
November 24th, the Demon Cat known as Nibi was released from its bondage as the adult was dying. The adult knew that the power of Nibi should not be lost, but in her state of near death, she released the Demon out before dying. This person was on the outskirts of the Village of the Mist, and died on the pathway leading to the Village. Automatically, a loud roar was sounded at the same time the cry of a baby was heard. The ANBU at that time also was tracking down the adult who had Nibi inside of her while the infant’s parents left the girl near the Hokage’s door. The alarm was sounded as many warriors ran out, every adult and every student came out to tame the beast Nibi as the infant’s parents ran off back to the Clan. But, in their trail they had met the ANBU members, instantly breaking out into a battle. As the Hokage came out, he had recognized the Kitsune mask and the sign of the butterfly that was left in the child’s blankets. The Hokage knew of the Clan, but rushed out to fight Nibi. The Demon Cat’s continuous blasts of fire knocked down many of the ninja’s and swordsmen. After the Demon Cat, Nibi, was tamed slightly, the infant’s parents ran out basically and offered their baby girl, Teika Hirohata, to be the sacrificial lamb for Nibi. As her parents, who were already bleeding and in immense pain from battling with the ANBU members who were still alive, the Hokage had used the Special Sealing Method Fuuinjutsu to seal Nibi within Teika. The baby then became still as the process went on since there was a possibility of this baby girl of dying from the special seal. After a couple of moments, time slowly ticking by, Teika had made a slight movement, her infant cry being heard. Nibi was sealed, but, the girl was doomed for her whole life. After this was done, her parents ran out once more, and the backup ANBU members killed them…

.: Academy Student Arc :.
Teika Hirohata did not make many friends during her years of being an Academy Student. She was always in the corner, reading and teaching herself how to cook, sew, write and fight. She trained herself constantly, every day, and she barely took any breaks. Even if her heart beat was pounding harshly inside her fragile chest, even if her body limbs shook, she kept going on. Teika trained herself as young as the age of four to become one of the Legendary Swordsmen who had this sense of aura of being majestic. Teika wanted to be in that spot, to look down upon others and prove her. Many children know of the battle of Nibi and how these stranger ninja’s had basically sacrificed their own daughter to save the Village of the Mist. She was out casted and unwanted but her “Father” who was the Hokage always took care of her. She entered school around the age of six, a pretty young age. She was one of the petite females, but, she was still very dangerous. The teachers were wary around her, but still, she had made a best fried during her years in Academy School. Well, until she was told to advance up. Teika began going to more advanced classes which made her miss her best friend who began to forget about Teika. Besides, she had a demon inside her. What good would a demon girl be for any other students…? She began to think her life was doomed, that she had no point in living. At the age of ten, she was advanced up to become a Genin.

.: Genin/Mysterious Trainer Arc :.
Being a Genin meant Teika had to be teamed up with others. However, many other people were about two to three years older than her. They all looked down at this girl and somehow despised her. Her teammate members were both females. How ever, one of the girls was actually a guy later on in one of the last missions they all have together. In a mission on February 16th, Teika had branched off from her teammates to search the area, how ever, she had taken wrongs turns. In this sense, the petite female had gotten herself lost and she had no one to comfort her whatsoever. After couple of hours of walking, the girl began to loose the ray of hope to find her way back. Just as she looked towards the ground, she bumped into a person or a thing. Startled, Teika moved back, her head tilting up to gaze upon a masked figure. The person was silent, a feeling of danger rising inside of the girl, but, she was not afraid of him. The girl was shy, refusing to talk but slowly the loneliness made the girl crave for a conversation. So, she spoke. Later on that day, Teika finally found her way back to her worried teammates who had scolded her for getting lost, but finally showed their relief. Teika had kept the new male a secret for since he was her new trainer. The next day, the ANBU had been searching for Nibi, the demon cat, and they knew it was within one of the members of the Mist Village. But who? After a year Teika’s 11th birthday, she was being tested to become a Chunin, Teika being twelve at that time. Because of all the information and all the training she had gone through for the last two years with her mysterious trainer, she was able to pass the test easily.

.: Chunin/Nibi Training Arc :.
Teika spent two years as a Chunin since she did not want to continue to become ahead of everyone else. She took this time to train even more with her mysterious Trainer and continue to go on these simple missions. She was slowly making friends until a fatal day, where an annoying adult had critiqued her in an unfair manner. The male as rude and he did not deserve to live, but that was in Teika’s mind. By this, in her inner mind, she could see herself stand in front of flaming bars that concealed the demon within. Basically due to her anger Teika was able to tap into her chakra, allowing the ability of the Beast to rise up to the surface. Luckily, the rude adult had others around him, who had stopped Teika and sealed the Beast seconds after Teika had leaped out to attack the male. Mostly everyone knew what the fate of the rude male had been if no one was around, and immediately, Teika was taken to the Hokage because of her childish behavior of striking out. Of course Teika knew she had a beast within herself, but, she had never trained with it. So, the Hokage sent Teika off in a mission to train herself to be more in tune with Nibi. Even though if this was seen as impossible, Teika Hirohata followed orders and did so. After a year or so, Teika had finally gotten more in control with her anger and with Nibi coming out. Because of this success, the people gladly allowed her become a Jounin.

.: Jounin/Becoming a Swordswoman Arc :.
Two years went by quickly as Teika was a Jounin, how ever at the age of sixteen, Teika was finally caught by the ANBU members. There were only two of them who were stupid enough to go out to get the glory of killing and retrieving Nibi. How they found out? Those two members were out while Teika was controlling Nibi. The two ANBU members did not dare to tell their master or even their comrades but went out to hunt down this girl. In the immense battle, Teika finally let Nibi take over 80% of her, the Demon Cat basically roasting the ANBU members. Just after the ANBU members were killed, the Legendary Swordsmen of the Mist had watched what had happened. At the same time, Teika forced herself to gain control once more, but, nearly fainted right afterwards. The Swordsmen had brought her back to the Village, slight smoke from the fire she was using flowing off of her. Next month, Teika would be of seventeen years old. And during her birthday, she was asked to join the Legendary Swordsmen, the girl’s dreams almost coming true. She knew she would be safe, but, she knew that some dangers would occur because of who she was.

Roleplay Sample:

Last edited by Teika Hirohata on Fri 22 Jan 2010, 11:55 pm; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : Color Code got messed up. Artemis said I could.)
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Teika Hirohata Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2010, 2:22 am

If you indeed are having the Nibi. You cannot have a KKG as well. And also..I know you feel lazy, but you have to make a much more extensive history then that. Arcs.
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PostSubject: Re: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2010, 8:05 am

Correct Kyogi, just to make it more clear.

As for having a bijuu yes one must lose his KKG that powerful.

Plus your history needs to be improved as you are applying for a high rank, and please put it in Arcs.
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PostSubject: Re: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2010, 10:54 am

I do not know what Arcs are, so, could you possibly explain?
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PostSubject: Re: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2010, 10:57 am

Basically they are asking you to put your history into sections/parts, ex) Time as genin, Chuunin etc.
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Teika Hirohata Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2010, 11:10 am

Mmk, thank you Talis~
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PostSubject: Re: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2010, 3:25 pm

1. You should put in a Jichuuriki Arc, telling how you became a Jinchuuriki.

2. -150 below is a little too cold, not sure if any country in the Naruto world gets that cold......except the Snow Country. Change to -50 below.

3. You don't need to get rid of your KKG, you just need to weaken it. Also, Nibi allows you to manipulate/control fire since your her host.

4. You need more fire/wind ninjutsu.
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PostSubject: Re: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jan 2010, 4:55 pm

Whenever things are corrected, it has my approval.
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Teika Hirohata Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitimeTue 19 Jan 2010, 12:19 pm

Changed temperature, added a withdrawal for the KKG, fixed History, added Nibi info.

I'll make more Jutsu's later. >.>
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PostSubject: Re: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitimeTue 19 Jan 2010, 12:25 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitimeTue 19 Jan 2010, 12:59 pm

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The Mad Hatter
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PostSubject: Re: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitimeTue 19 Jan 2010, 3:48 pm

My approval.
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PostSubject: Re: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitimeWed 20 Jan 2010, 6:45 am

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The Mad Hatter
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PostSubject: Re: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitimeFri 22 Jan 2010, 11:56 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Teika Hirohata   Teika Hirohata Icon_minitime

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