Name: Silver Blade
Rank: A
Owner: Ichiyoshi
Appearance: A blade with a black sheath. Its hilt is wrapped in a black cloth so that it looks black, and the blade is polished and silver. The hilt hides another small dagger inside, about the size of a pairing knife.
Length: 4 feet long from handgaurd to tip, while the hilt is about a foot long. The dagger in the hilt is about 6 inches long.
Width: The katana is about 1.5 inches wide. The dagger is about .5 inches wide.
Material: A metal called silver, and black cloth to wrap the hilt.
Weight: 2 lbs, the dagger it about 7 ounces.
Abilities: This sword has a very distinct effect on chakra imbued attacks and items. When this touches or cuts any item or attack using chakra for an effect, it will absorb the chakra out of it, leaving any element behind, and transfers the chakra to its twin, the Blade of Black. To allow it to be unsheathed.
Info: An Ancient sword that Ichiyoshi found in a cave of which he hid in when he was being chased out of a town. He found this one to be the only of the twins that he could unsheath. He kept them both anyways, seeing as they were twins, god forbid he seperate them. He was using the Blade of Silver one day in a battle against some guards and pretty much clashed with a jutsu using this sword. The chakra from the jutsu actually transfered to its twin, and Blade of black actually slid out from its sheath and dropped on the ground. It was then when he knew the real abilities of the twins
Name: Blade of Black
Rank: S
Owner: Ichiyoshi
Appearance: This blade is the exact opposite in appearance to its twin the Blade of Silver. It has a white hilt wrapping and sheath, with a red handguard, and a black blade. This blade is made of a naturally black metal that Ichiyoshi recognises from his hiding cave back in the old days.
Length: 4 feet long, with an extra 1 foot of hilt.
Width: 1.5 inches.
Material: A special metal called Black with white cloth to wrap.
Weight: 2 lbs
Abilities: This blade when drawn will absorb all chakra in the air that isn't contained within a living body. As this blade absorbs more chakra, it's cutting power increases greatly. However, this requires a certain amount of chakra to even unsheath. When unsheathed initially, it can hardly pierce skin, but when blocking jutsu and absorbing from the air and its twin, it could possibly slice through multiple building foundations. When re-sheathed, the chakra is completely released into the air once more.
Info: This was the more troublesome of the Twins. Ichiyoshi only took the sword so that he didn't split the twins. However, since he learned how to unsheath it, and its abilities, it became a valuable weapon to Ichiyoshi's arsenal. He never really to the time to put study into the metal Black, but he managed to figure out of its abilities. Any weapon forged from this rare metal is very weak at first, but it also has the ability to absorb and contain chakra and become stronger, and through gathering large amounts of chakra, are capable of beating even the Legendary Swordsmens' blades.