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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 4:55 pm

Satsu arrived on the outskirts of Kumogakure. It was a very odd day in the cloud village, only because there was a lack of clouds, and it was very bright outside. The sun was at it's highest point, as it beated on his crimson hair. He kept his sword in its sheath hanging to his side swaying back and forth. He wore his usual black robe with white trim, It was so hot outside that he kept the top of his robe open showing his black tribal tattoos. Satsu was sleeping all day and just figured he would take a stroll outside the village and hopefully catch a tan while he was at it. Because he would be the first person to tell you that he was pale. Satsu's bamboo sandals dug in the rubbel deep. Satsu kept walking as he felt the sun get hotter and hotter which was aggravating him with every step. Satsu kept walking until something would capture his attention.
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 5:10 pm

Maikeru noticed the red haired man about the same time as the red haired man noticed him. It was hard to see clearly, because of the glaring sun, but he noticed that the mans shadow was slightly darker than the rest of the shadows... hmmm. Although he wasnt one to pick a fight, no one in the cloud would know him, and might view him as a threat. Quickly he made a Water clone (quite a feat cuz there was little water anywhere) and slinked off into the bushes, hopefully unseen. He sent the clone walking towards the man, where he had him ask him,

"How are you today? Hot weather isnt it?"

Name: Water Clone
Rank: C i belive
Element: Water
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: The water clone jutsu from the anime/manga
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 5:17 pm

Satsu noticed the man walk up, and begin talking. He could easily see the man walk off to the bushes. He could also tell that it had to be a clone.

"It's very hot out today"

Satsu said as he un sightly began to perform a string of hand seals behind his back where the man ot the clone couldnt see. The jutsu made his shadow start to creep along the floor towards the bush in which the boy was hiding.

Satsu than looked at the clone, as his back pack sachel rested on his back he began to tighten the straps.

"What is your business here?"

He said to the clone.
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 5:20 pm

Maikeru found the conversation odd. The man had put his hands behind his back, which left him open for any attack, why would he do that? Unless... Maikeru looked quickly by his feet and just barely missed getting trapped by his shadow. After backstepping a few more times to be sure he was safe, he made his clone reach for the man to make him grab on to the man so he could do a jutsu this man would not forget.
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 5:45 pm

Satsu saw the clone run in, he began to smile as he tried to grab him. Before the clone could even get close to Satsu, he performed a jutsu so fast that it was a blur. The earth around Satsu cracked, which would make the clone fall even closer to him. Shadows began spinning into a whirlwind. Which Satsu would transform it into Shadow Immitation technique. The clone would copy Satsu, and everything he did. Satsu performed another hand signs. The hand signs created a jutsu that made a shadow hand choke out the paralyzed clone to death.

Satsu continued to make his shadows follow the boy where ever he went. Satsu smiled as he knew the boy was running away.

Name: Shadow Network Technique
Rank: C
Element: None
Clan: Nara
Description: The user is able to utilize his shadow to crack the ground around him, possessing nearby enemies. The shadow will spin, forming a small whirlwind, attacking possessed and approaching enemies. If the shadows make contact with the approaching foe, Satsu may immediatly transform it into Shadow Immitation technique.

Name: Shadow Neck Bind Technique
Rank: C
Element: None
Clan: Nara
Description: After capturing an opponent with the Shadow Imitation Technique, the user can then further extend their shadow up to the target's throat in the shape of a hand, which chokes them to death. Also, if the Shadow Imitation Technique isn't making the opponent copy their movements, this can be used to bind opponent's body in order to restrain them. The closer the user is to their opponent, the tighter the strangle will become. This technique cannot be used for an extended period of time and weakens with each passing minute. Light is a direct factor in this jutsu. It seems to make the strength of the bind stronger, though has no known effect on the duration of the bind.
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 5:49 pm

Maikeru Stared in horror at his opponent, such jutsu would easily overpower him if left untouched. Using hand signs only known to his clan he activated his most secret technique.

Name: Akutibe-shon Miragan no Jutsu! (Miragan Activation Jutsu!)
Rank: C Currently
Element: None
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: The jutsu that Mira clan members use to activate their Miragan. Rank limitations: E: can only block ranged weapons such as kunai and shuriken; D: can only block D rank ninjutsus or lower, and anything from E; C: Can only block C ran ninjutsus and D Taijutsus plus everthing covered by E and D; B: can only block rank B ninjutsus, C taijutsus, and C Genjutsus, plus all covered by E, D, and C; A: can only block Rank A ninjutsus, taijutsus, and genjutsus, as well as rank D forbidden jutsus; S: can block all S rank Nin, Gen, and Taijutsus, Rank C forbidden jutsus, and certain effects of Doujutsus.

With his Miragan activated, he stared intently at the shadow following him, causing it to reverse... Maikeru didnt know how reversing this could affect the opponent, but as long as it wasnt after him, he didnt care.
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 6:14 pm

Satsu saw the shadow begin to change its course to Satsu. Satsu smiled because he compltely manipulated shadows so it posed no threat. Satsu made the shadow turn back around to maikeru and speed faster than it ever did before. Satsu waited to see the boy's reaction.
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 6:17 pm

Maikeru notice the Bemused look on the man, so he decided,
"well if hes having fun, why shouldnt i?" Again, he did his water clone jutsu, but this time he made three clones, and each sped of in a different direction. Maikeru himself got as far away as possible without losing sight of the man. He had each of his clones throw a kunai at him, then make handsigns as if to do a jutsu...
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 6:24 pm

Satsu made his shadow keep chasing him down at very high speeds. He then unsheathed his swords as he saw the three clones come towards him. Once the kunais were thrown at him he swatted them all away with ease. He then made many tendril;s come out of his sword that sped towards each clone ina barrage formation so that it would be almost impossible to dodge. There was about ten tendrils per clone.
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 6:28 pm

Damn the shadow kept coming, and the clones were in danger. He had the clones take some of the water they were made of and make them kunais, then throw it at the shadow, before he dispelled them. As the kunais hit the shadow, he weaved intricate signs to make them explode.

Name: Suiton! Mizu Bakuha! (Water style! Water Explosion!)
Rank: C
Element: Water
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: The user adds a large amount of chakra to water, causing it to super heat and explode. (super heating is where water heats too fast for it to boil, but once the heat is stabilized, the water explodes from the massive heat it has stored up, this jutsu does that.) Large amount of chakra usage, but very volatile.

the kunais hit and exploded....
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 6:37 pm

Satsu saw the explosion as it created a crator his one shadow now turned into many as the light from the explosion would fuel the shadow. There were now many shadows going after the kid without hesitation. He than redirected his tendrils at the boy aswell.
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 6:40 pm

Good the guy was falling for his trap, making all these attacks would require all of his focus, and is surely using up a lot of his chakra. as long as he could keep running, he didnt need to worry. when he was far enough away so that the guy couldnt see what he was doing,the shadows finally started to retreat... sigh. So this was his limit. This was no ordinary shadow jutsu, so he has to be a Nara. Hmmmm. This isnt good though, if Maikeru made clones, then the tendrils would just undo them, and if he got close to use any jutsu, he would be caught by the shadow... it seemed to be an impass. The guy could come closer to attack him, but then he could just run away again. The guy could stay where he was, but then niether of them could attack... there was to true way to win... His chakra was reaching about its 1/3rd point, and the nara's was probably similar...
Maikeru decided to wait and see what the Nara's next move was...
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 9:50 pm

Satsu made the shadows retreat back for the time being, as he dodged the water by jumping out of the way.

"Why do you run so far away?"

Satsu said as he smiled his sword gleaming in the sun. He then gave one great swing thatreleased a giant barragae of shadows towards the boy. He made his other shadows go behind the boy and spread out. Ans began to creep up to him as well.
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 9:53 pm

Maikeru couldnt belive it, the shadows could still get him... he had to get rid of them. Maikeru reached into his packs and brought out 6 kunai with exploding notes on them, which he threw at the oncoming shadows, both in front and behind him. As the shadows dissapated, he ran towards the Nara....
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 10:17 pm

Satsu saw the man blow up the shadows. He was kind of impressed, and not at the same time. He used his sword to send more tendrils his way hoping he would touch them just a little bit. He was also very impressed with the man running in with such quick speed.
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 10:19 pm

Maikeru saw the tendrils coming, so he stopped, pulled out a smoke bomb, and threw it on the ground. in the smoke he made a water clone then slinked off in to the nearby bushes, quietly edging his way closer. As the smoke cleared, the clone was obviously caught by the tendrils...
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 10:25 pm

Satsu could see that the tendrils caught something, he made the tendrils squeeze very tightly and constrict unti the clone turned into a puddle Satsu knew it was a clone. Satsu saw the bush rustle he smiled.

"Is this all you have running around, why dont you just comeout and fight me"

Satsu said as he sent one tendril circle around him at very high speeds, than one sent straight from above. With three other tendrils coming from all sides. All of the tendrils were still connected to the sword just twisted in different ways.
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSat 06 Feb 2010, 10:30 pm

Maikeru knew that it was about to get fun. Maikeru narrowly twisted between two tendrils, landed, and threw the 5 exploding kunai he just drew from his pouch. Whirled around, and threw a smoke bomb at the Naru. After the smoke bomb exploded, he made 2 water clones. The two Clones went to either side of the Naru, then threw shuriken, while the original Maikeru did his handsigns, and created a sword of water.

Name: Suiton! Mizu Katana! (Water style! Water Blade)
Rank: C
Element: Water
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: The user crafts a sword from water. High amount of chakra use due to having to maintain the sword's shape.

when he got to the cloud where the Naru was, he rammed the point of the sword into the ground, and used it as a pole to lift off from the ground, feet extended to kick the nara...
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSun 07 Feb 2010, 9:55 pm

Satsu backflipped out of the smoke bombs way. There were two clones coming on the side of the cloud, from what Satsu could see. When the smoke settled he saw the boy jumping at the area in which Satsu once was. Satsu flickered to the side of the boy before he landed, and with one great swing of his sword, Satsu made a tendril explode out and hit the spot in which the boy would land creating a 6ft by 6ft square. He than manipulated his shadows to petrude out of the top of his sword making the sword 4 times bigger, and growing bigger in millaseconds he did this three times with all of them coming in a barrage formation.. The sword was barely even inches away from the mid air boy. This attack had to of made contact due to the distance between him and the sword, and how fast the boy was falling.

"I Have Got you Now!"

Satsu said as he awaited for his shadows to hit the boy.
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The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM)   The Odd Sun (Satsu Vs Maikeru only) (DM) Icon_minitimeSun 07 Feb 2010, 10:01 pm

Maikeru issued a short smile, it was finally getting fun, he moved his sword to deflect the Nara's sword, then rammed the point into the square of shadows.. hoping to land on it and save himself from possesion. He drew out a paper bomb, but held to see what the nara would do...
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