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Kamoku Willow

Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: A burning day (pm author to join)   A burning day (pm author to join) Icon_minitimeWed 21 Apr 2010, 2:31 pm

Kamoku was laying next to the water tower, its cool metal soothed his sensitive skin. He sighed, he wished he didn't have to be in the Sand village. It was hot, dreary and obstructed his vision. His yellow eyes spanned the area. He was watching people go to the oasis, the shops, merchant stalls and training area. Kam didn't really care for them, but it gave him something to do until the next idiot went to the ER and he would be called to do a high-intensity operation. for some reason, Kamoku was the only Medical Jounnin with no chakra what so ever, making him do the more delecate operations off of the field. Life sucked.

His mind went back to the little island, where it was cool and foggy.He wondered if his newly developed clan was okay. Even though they were now able to fend for themselves, rotting and decomposition was common when you were close to the water. Kam sighed yet again, his pointed teeth making a high-pitched whistle.
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PostSubject: Re: A burning day (pm author to join)   A burning day (pm author to join) Icon_minitimeWed 21 Apr 2010, 5:53 pm

Labelisa walked though town, her white scarf flowed in the wind. She yawned softly as she walked though town. "gosh i need something to do" Labelisa sighed to herself. She pulled down her white dress and pushed a peice of hair behind her ear. Labelisa noticed A few people she knew and quickly straided away from them. her shyness taking over.
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Kamoku Willow

Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: A burning day (pm author to join)   A burning day (pm author to join) Icon_minitimeWed 21 Apr 2010, 6:02 pm

Kamoku looked over the crowd, dividing them in to classes and groups for his liking. He didn't classify them by looks, appearance or by social status. He classified them by their heart rates and breathing patterns. Unable to see finicky things such as beauty and shape was actually a blessing when it came to confronting people. He knew things about people's bodies that made him smug. All he had to do was tell them, and they would simply leave him alone.

His attention was adverted in his game as he saw a girl's heart rate go abnormally fast when she reached a group of people. He smirked, His white needled teeth shining in the heat. Some people were just too scared of groups to confront them. How quaint. Though he might as well follow this girl's movements for a little while. He was at the second highest point and his back was to the sun. Giving him a good vantage point to both not be seen and to see her clearly. Life was starting to get better.

Kamoku searched the girl for other things such as: liver quality, heart rate status, bone strength and muscle percentage. All of this confirmed to be in high standards for her gender. It was interesting that she had a floating rib and a corroded bone on her lower back. probably from crouching or falling into tight spaces.
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PostSubject: Re: A burning day (pm author to join)   A burning day (pm author to join) Icon_minitimeWed 21 Apr 2010, 6:18 pm

Labelisa kept walking, till she got to a secluded part of the village. She Smiled as she pulled off her boots and scarf. This was her favorite spot in suna. she walked over to the water and sat down. Labelisa sat back slightly and smiled as she ran her fingers across the water. She was calm, the water always making her relaxed. "why must i be so shy, i wish i could talk to people with out studdering" she thought as she moved her dark blue hair off her shoulder.
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Kamoku Willow

Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: A burning day (pm author to join)   A burning day (pm author to join) Icon_minitimeWed 21 Apr 2010, 9:58 pm

( try spell check and capitalizing the begining of your sentences. its awesome sauce)

Kamoku watched as she moved away from the crowd and next to the water. Just like animals, the weakest ones were outcasted to the edges of society so the predator could pick them off for the group to survive. It was the same with every chain except for his own. No one was above or below standards. If they were, he would simply change it with a wrench here and a needle there. Living humans were a problem, they had a sixth sense that could suspect things that were or were not there. Thanks to their slanted eyes as omnovores.

Kamoku was walking torward the oasis by the rooftops and then jumped onto a palm tree. Picking his teeth with a senbon, the raw meat falling down next to the foot of the pant organism. He was right there when she asked why she kept stuttering. He replied casually. " It's because you're veak. You tink you're treatened, tus you are. Only te animals tat are unsure are trown to the lions." Kamoku looked down and smirked. His carnivore teeth glistening, his wild hair and yellow eyes fitted the description of a hunting predator that he had just described. "If you conquer tat, you vill be more safe tan you tink." He seemed to have trouble with his 'h's and 'v's.
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PostSubject: Re: A burning day (pm author to join)   A burning day (pm author to join) Icon_minitimeThu 22 Apr 2010, 5:01 pm

labelisa looked up hearing the voice "i-im s-sorry s-sir, w-what did you s-say, i c-couldnt u-understand you" She said shyly as she turned and looked up at him. she slowly stood up and dusted off her dress and scarf. she looked at the man, there was something that made her feel uneasy, like she should be on gard, but she stayed calm only thinking "why do the weird people always show up when im here?". she pushed a peice of hair behind her ear "do you n-need s-something?"
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Kamoku Willow

Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: A burning day (pm author to join)   A burning day (pm author to join) Icon_minitimeThu 22 Apr 2010, 8:38 pm

He grinned at the automatic feeling he gave people. Humans were so fun to look at. Her heart beats were figting with one another, sometimes going up or sometimes going down. There were two depressions on her left jaw and she slightly lacked iron. He sighed. Though his accent made it hard for them to understand him. Humans had such low hearing capeabilities. Willows had horrible jaw manipulation. What a pair that was fated to mingle.

Kamoku laughed for a few seconds. His grin still on his face, he repeated his words. though more slowly. " Conqure your fears, te better you vill be. Not many people can do tat sort of ting, but you can do it. Even if you're a bit kooky." He laughed again, putting his metal tooth pick away. "Dis watering ole is te coolest place in te desert, so i come ere often. Most people do, eh?" He pointed to the people around the lake. Several people were getting water for their clothes, food and other neccesities.
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PostSubject: Re: A burning day (pm author to join)   A burning day (pm author to join) Icon_minitimeFri 23 Apr 2010, 5:25 am

The wind started to blow with more speed as the coolness increased. That was was supposed to be hot in this part of the village but for some reason wherever Kevin went, the coolness of the breeze persisted. Kevin's blue hair flowed with the pattern of the wind as he walked towards the waters. He was in his normal attire and thought the sannin attire would just attract more trouble. This was his final option of refreshing his mind and erasing away the past he had. What a Life... Kevin's face remained emotionless as he took the final steps to the waters. Emotion...ah...It was as if there was no more emotion left in him. The past years had drained him from happiness and he was just a miserable person with all goals in life wasted...forgotten and unwanted from this world..

AS he reached the oasis he saw a few people enjoying the sun and the newly blowing breeze. This was the perfect place to trouble, yea that's what he wanted. But then he felt it. The alert of trouble somewhere nearby. And that was when he saw it. A young girl was looking up at a guy hanging down from a tree. And to make matters worse..this guy looked like a beast. Why does this happen wherever I go??. He had to think fast because this guy looked like he was about to attack.

Kevin hadn't used his abilities since he left from the stone village to freshen up things but it seemed as if he had no choice. Using his incredible speed, he reached behind the tree in which the guy was hanging, within a quarter of a second and pulled out a can of soft drink from his pocket. As he did that he started walking towards the girl."Excuse me..Hi..You look tired tired..have this". He managed a smile as he held out the can."Im Kevin..the view over there is great", he added pointing to the other end of the Oasis. This was the only way to get the girl away from that beast-like guy...He had to get involved. Kevin made it seem as if he hadn't noticed the guy who was hanging upside down.
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Kamoku Willow

Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: A burning day (pm author to join)   A burning day (pm author to join) Icon_minitimeSun 25 Apr 2010, 5:30 am

Kamoku felt the cooling air brush his skin. That was odd, the sand was supposed to be sweltering and unpleasant. Not as cold as the Mist village. Oh well, it was good to have a breeze like this once in a while. He then noticed a man not far off. The atoms of cold breeze swirled from energy atoms that were called chakra as they compressed off of his skin they turned to small amounts of cold wind. Energy waves that were made from the unconsious valves of energy emitting from ones body. Usually people would call that chakra, but the ones we have at all times even when we dont have chakra is because we have a continuous electrical reaction from their nerve celles that makes people have miniature magnetic feilds. Most people call this "luck" or "charm" with people who have large ammounts of it. It seems that this man had a confusing ammount of luck for it to be both good and bad.

Kamoku watched as they talked. He grinned. This breeze made his head clear up, though he thought it was still too warm. He prefered below-freezing tempatures. He remained up side down. " Vell, your an interesting bloke. Ow did you accumulate so muc nerve reaction tat it emits and mingles vith your cakra? eh? Its pressure vind is sooting..." Kamoku let go of the branch and landed on the sand, the bandages on his footclaws ripping in order for him to dig his claws into the grains. Kamoku went very close to the man in order to feel the coldest tempature the man could expell. " If I ad an acidic base, I vould do tis too but unfortunately I ave to mooc for a bit. Kekekekekeke..." His laugh sounded like he was chewing on bones.
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PostSubject: Re: A burning day (pm author to join)   A burning day (pm author to join) Icon_minitimeTue 27 Apr 2010, 1:49 pm

(back from vaca!)
Labelisa blinked as she just barily understood kamoku, she didnt take his words to heart, she knew she was weak, but she was still only a genin, she had to work hard and get stronger slowly. She looked over and noticed a man with blue hair walk over and offer her a drink, she smiled and happily accepted. closing her eyes and the cool breeze. She was about to open the can when she noticed kamoku jump down from the tree and walk over to them
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Kamoku Willow

Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: A burning day (pm author to join)   A burning day (pm author to join) Icon_minitimeWed 28 Apr 2010, 7:49 pm

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PostSubject: Re: A burning day (pm author to join)   A burning day (pm author to join) Icon_minitimeSun 09 May 2010, 5:36 am

Kevin watched the girl as she accepted the soda-can happily, enjoying the new breeze. Kevin knew that the man in the tree would jump down and, as the girl was trying to open and drink the soda, the beast-like guy, who was still hanging upside down, directed a question at him. Kevin listened as the guy asked him how he attained so much chakra to emit cold waves from his body. Buddy..thats another story... The cool breeze surrounding them and the atmosphere was getting denser and denser. Kevin's blue hair flew with the pattern of the blowing breeze.

He felt the energy of the guy as he jumped down from the seemed as if it was increasing and decreasing from time to time. Well..this guy's different.. As he noticed the terror look on the girls face..the guy was getting closer and closer.
Kam wrote:
"If I ad an acidic base, I vould do tis too but unfortunately I ave to mooc for a bit. Kekekekekeke..."
Kevin realized that the guy only cared about his chakra capacity now..for some reason the beast was getting obsessed with it. "Hmm...I have no idea what you're talking about", replied Kevin, trying to act safe. The one who had no idea was the creepy guy who didnt know who Kevin really was.
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Kamoku Willow

Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: A burning day (pm author to join)   A burning day (pm author to join) Icon_minitimeSun 09 May 2010, 6:36 am

Kamoku sighed, the smile still on his face. The corners of his mouth reaching to the edges of his eyes, with rows of meat-eating teeth following the entire way. The cool air soothed his screaming skin and his large eyes closed halfway. He was enjoying the cool air to the fullest. " Ehehehe...vit a 'uman like you, everyting is a long story. You love to put detail, yes?" He looked over the cool man and at the gennin. " T'ough I guess you 'ave to v'en you live such short lives..." At that time, Kamoku's accent was totally gone, though he hardly moved his lips and his teeth were an inch apart from one another. It seems that his mouth worked better without them in the means of communication. Kamoku licked his teeth at the sight of the gennin. She wasn't much to naw on, but she was fun to tease. She lacked several elements that she would need to keep him full and happy for several days.

Kam closed his eyes for a second. No. He was not going to kill for pleasure. That was one of many things that set them apart from him. He had no orders to destroy this village or anyone in it yet. So he might as well play his part as a shinobi until he gets his next orders from either the Kazekage or the Chikage. Kam opened his eyes and smirked after listening to the man say "I have no idea what you're talking about" Kam looked as the man shed a single hair from the wind blowing. Humans shed about 2,000 hairs daily. It would be no problem for him to take this one. He plucked it from the air and slipped it inside a medical tube that was residing in his vest. He capped it and put it away. " Eh, of course not. You're only 'uman after all." It was a common phrase with humans, but the way kam said it. It sounded more like and insult.
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PostSubject: Re: A burning day (pm author to join)   A burning day (pm author to join) Icon_minitimeThu 13 May 2010, 1:00 pm

((labelisa, get your bubblehead in here and post, its been 4 days))
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