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 Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)

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PostSubject: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitimeMon 26 Apr 2010, 1:19 pm

The day was just beginning, morning mist crawling along the grass, a cool breeze blowing through the air. The sun was just starting to rise and already activity was going to start. Down in the woods a figure was dashing past the trees, the silhouette of a human male’s shadow could be seen against the trees, his feet falling confidently on the ground as he ran, some destination fixed in his mind. Today Hikaru was supposed to be training with another shinobi from a different village and the excitement was almost too much for the male to contain.

Tired of running along the ground, the young genin lept into the trees He began running and leaping along the branches, making his way to the pre assigned spot at a quicker pace. The spot that he was told would be the place for their training was a small clearing a few miles out into the woods. He had taken a small pouch of kunai and his trustworthy blade Eri. He also had a small pack of supplies strapped on his back just in case he and his training partner had to camp outside.

He was dressed in his usual white robed outfit, the bottom of his robe streaming behind him like a cloak. He felt more than saw that he was getting closer to the training spot and stopped a few feet away, setting his supplies down in a nook of the tree so no other wandering predators would find it. Once that was set he made sure all of his tools were placed correctly, making sure none would fall off when he needed them the most, and then approached the training field.

He scanned the area as best he could, noting places one might hide or set up a trap. Once all was explored he stood in the center of the clearing, waiting for his opponent to show. He had no idea how this encounter was going to start so he reached into his tool pouch for a Kunai, waiting for a possible attack to fend off.
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PostSubject: Re: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitimeMon 26 Apr 2010, 1:59 pm

Kida was making his way towards the pre-destined location at a slow pace completely disregarding the fact that maybe his opponent would get bored of waiting for him. He walked with his sword already at hand and resting just on his shoulder, he had already stocked up with what he needed, kunai and shuriken in holsters. He eventually walked onto the area later than when his opponent arrived, looking up at him examining him with his serious purple glare towards him. Kida could be seen wearing his usual red and yellow top with long black shorts.

“Shall we begin?” He asked rhetorically ready to get things under way; he had no intentions on waiting for a replay. He presumed that the person standing in front of him was the person that he was meant to fight. Kida quickly and swiftly brought his sword down beside his leg before running and charging directly towards his opponent. He had his sword beside his head now with the point of the blade facing the opponent ready to slash.
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PostSubject: Re: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitimeMon 26 Apr 2010, 2:07 pm

Hikaru’s ears caught the sound of someone’s approach. He turned to face the new arrival, giving him a quick once over. Both seemed to be evenly matched at height.

“Shall we begin?” The newcomer had said.

Hikaru had no idea that was the only warning he would get before his opponent charged. He caught the blade trailing down almost against the ground, as it swung up to his head, possibly aiming to cleave it off he swung his kunai up towards the spot where the sword would have connected, deflecting the strike over his head. He used the momentum of his swinging arm to rotate his body and then threw out a kick with his right leg aimed for the male’s stomach.
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PostSubject: Re: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitimeMon 26 Apr 2010, 2:22 pm

Kida's attack was deflected and countered, he saw the other ninja raise his leg and aim to kick Kida somewhere possibly around his stomach area. Kida quickly ducked down having no other options and pushed himself off the ground with his hands and into the air spinning around whilst back flipping landing a distance away from the other person before speaking once more. "I'm Kida, By the way." He spoke with a normal pitched voice but his facial look made it seem like he was serious and in a bad mood though not his intention.

As soon as he finished speaking after pausing for a while after to give his opponent time to introduce himself if he wished to Kida stabbed his sword into the ground and brought his hands up to make a few handsigns. He put his hands infront of his mouth and blew a fireball towards his opponent at a fast speed.

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PostSubject: Re: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitimeMon 26 Apr 2010, 2:35 pm

Hikaru watched as his kick was rather…interestingly…dodged. He flipped his kunai into a more comfortable holding position and waited for another attack..that wouldn’t come just yet.

"I'm Kida, By the way."

So his opponent had a name? Well that was swell.”Hikaru, Uchiha.” He nodded to the male. Now with the pleasantries out of the way they could get serious, and what better way to get serious by shooting flames at someone? Hikaru’s eyes widened a bit in surprise at the sudden fireball. He had to remember that not only Uchihas had access to that element.
He kicked off of the ground, jumping into the air and above the shooting ball of flame. While he was airborne he reached into his tool pouch, grabbing three shuriken between the knuckles of his left hand. He threw the projectiles at his opponent, the three of them circling the air in a spiral before arcing towards Kida. As they branched out slightly in the spiral he threw his kunai between them, making four projectiles hurtle towards his opponent.
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PostSubject: Re: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitimeMon 26 Apr 2010, 2:53 pm

As soon as Kida saw Hikaru dodge his attack he began to run towards him whilst he was still airborne. Kida ran and jumped into the air aswell towrds Hikaru before he threw the projectiles. Kida managed to deflect two of the shuriken with his sword, the kunai just barely missed him but the other shuriken struck him and was embedded into the side of his thigh. Luckly it wasn't deep, Kida's mouth tensed from the pain and the fact that he tried not to let out even a small scream out. Despite the shuriken he still continued to go towards Hikaru while they were still in the air. He thought it would have been hard for him to dodge Kida's attack so he thrusted his sword in an attempt to strike him in the chest, usually he would have an intent of killing his opponent but he knew this was only training so instead of thrusting he aimed to just slash his chest leaving a shallow wound hoping to win with just that but incase he dodged he was ready to grab his kunai and counter.
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PostSubject: Re: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitimeMon 26 Apr 2010, 4:20 pm

“Shit…” he thought as he spied Kida running towards him. Once his shuriken were blocked he was already grabbing a hold of his sword. Once the kunai missed and the shuriken impaled him his sword was now drawn and he brought it to defend just in time to sloppily deflect the slash that under normal circumstances might have killed him. The sound of metal clashing against metal could be heard as Hikaru was spun slightly away from Kida from the force of the blow. Gravity was now pulling him to the ground and as he fell he made the handsigns for a jutsu Kida had just used. Grinning up at the male, Hikaru took a quick breath and expelled a ball of flame at Kida, hoping for a clean hit.


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PostSubject: Re: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitimeTue 27 Apr 2010, 12:52 pm

Kida was surprised to see the other ninja block his attack, he thought for sure that the attack would be almost impossible to dodge but deep inside Kida was happy that he did since it meant that his opponent was going to give him a fun challenging fight. He saw the other ninja suddenly begin to grin as he fell and to do some hand signs; Kida recognised the signs almost immediately and quickly made some of his own. Hikaru had already blown his fire ball and Kida did the same but slightly later resulting in a collision that was closer to Kida.

The impact of the blast sent momentum through the air around, enough to send Kida flying away from Hikaru and higher into the sky. As he flew away he got hit onto a tree with a slight amount of force then fell down to the ground stopping his face from hitting it by using his hands. He slowly got up, that last impact had taken quite a few out of Kida but he was still eager to continue the fight as he gripped his sword much more firmly with blood trickling down his left arm. “Bring it on.” He said with a more overconfident tone.

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PostSubject: Re: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitimeTue 27 Apr 2010, 1:01 pm

Hikaru shook himself a bit, loosening up his body so he could handle the drop in his chakra. This was turning out to be a fun match. He held his sword in a more comfortable yet effective position and then went on the offensive. He charged at his opponent, zigzagging across the closing space between them and spun to the left, striking out with his blade, aiming for his opponent’s chest. A small whistle of air could be heard as his sword cut a path through the air. The maneuver was easily telegraphed and if his opponent didn’t block it…well…it would be kinda funny.
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PostSubject: Re: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitimeWed 28 Apr 2010, 11:26 am

Kida saw Hikaru suddenly ran towards him in a zig zag and had already thought of a way he could counter attack if Hikaru had chosen to use his sword, he saw him spin to the left so Kida span to the right whilst crouching down. He blocked Hikaru’s sword attack with his own, moving it in an attempt to use the momentum to make Hikaru continue to spin once more. If this was successful he would them aim to slide kick Hikaru’s legs and kick him again whilst he was still falling in the air. Kida had already also formulated another plan just in case he missed, he had three variables of how Hikaru could avoid his attack and was ready to counter but he hoped his opponent Hikaru was too unprepared to dodge.
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PostSubject: Re: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitimeWed 28 Apr 2010, 11:48 am

Hikaru was forced into another spin, cursing silently as he whirled around once. His sword holding hand was practically useless now since he couldn’t see his opponent. Yet another encumberance would soon be laid on the male as he suddenly found his feet sweeped from beneath him and his body momentarily airborne. Now face to face with his opponent once again he saw yet another kick coming at him. Thinking quickly he dropped his sword to the side, the tip of it burying into the ground, then brought both of his hands up towards the impact area of Kida’s kick. He managed to catch Kida’s foot with his hands, grunting softly as he was jarred back then forward as he made sure to get a good grip. He couldn’t stop there though and hefted himself up above his leg and then threw out his right leg in a kick aimed at the other genin’s face.
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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Re: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitimeWed 28 Apr 2010, 7:19 pm

Maneki was out for a jog well wearing his leg weights which gave him all the more training then regular jogging did. As he was walking past a clearing he saw a couple of people fighting each other in a training match. Maneki decided that it would be fun to sneak up on them. Maneki walked over to a tree about twenty feet away from the people jumped into it. During his time in the tree he used it to observe the fighting style of the people. It was at this time that Maneki took his tennis racket off his back and made a chakra ball. Maneki held in a laugh since he knew that what he was about to do was going to be really funny. Maneki tossed the ball a little over his head and served the ball at one of the guys head,

Name: Manekis tennis racket


Owner:Maneki Neko


Length: 2 feet

Width: 1 foot

Material:frame is steel strings are made of chakra

Weight:2 punds

Abilities: Maneki is able to reflect projectiles like kunais using the chakra strings used in the racket.

Info: Maneki had this made after learning about a game called tennis. He thought that a racket could have practical use in combat.

Name:chakra ball
Description: Maneki makes a fist sized ball of chakra and uses it as a weapon with his racket. Being made of chakra its hard but very light. Ball is 2 pound.

Name: Legs Weights


Owner:Maneki neko

Appearance: two leg sized weights that wrap around the legs.

Length:4 in

Width:3 in

Material: steel,leather

Weight:100 pounds each

Abilities: The weights are for maneki to increase his speed.

Info: Maneki had the village steel smith make these for him to further his training. They are 8 blocks of steel each weighing 25 lbs each. He places four in a leg weight carrier like rock lees. Maneki carries 100 pounds on each of his legs.The weight carrier is a leather strap that gos around manekis legs and has open spots where he can place the weights.
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PostSubject: Re: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitimeThu 29 Apr 2010, 11:07 am

(Oh...i didn't know this was an open rp, ithought it was only me and Krova o.o)
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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Re: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitimeThu 29 Apr 2010, 11:41 pm

OCC(i think me being here is good training and krova didn't seem to mind me join.)
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PostSubject: Re: Genin sparring (Off rpg, training)   Genin sparring (Off rpg, training) Icon_minitime

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