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 Neko Shikyo

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Neko Shikyo

Neko Shikyo

Posts : 15
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Join date : 2010-05-02
Age : 33

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PostSubject: Neko Shikyo   Neko Shikyo Icon_minitimeMon 03 May 2010, 12:32 am

~General Information~

Name: Neko Lionus Shikyo

Nickname/Alias: None

Weight: 180 lbs

Height: 5' 11"

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: Neko Shikyo Anime21

Clothing: Neko usually wears a Gray sleeve-less shirt made of cotton woven with metal wires. These wires make the shirt like light armor, giving minor protection to his torso. Buttons line the front, making it a vest of sorts, concealing a plain white tank top underneath made of cotton. He also wears two "Sleeves" made from the same gray cotton, minus the wires. They are Bell shaped, narrow at the point where it connects to the arm (just past the elbow) and wide at the wrist. They have a few straps for decoration, but have no real use. He wears normal gray cotton/polyester jeans which also flare out at the bottom. They are often neatly ironed, but often covered in dust. His shoes are the normal ninja sandals, dyed gray to match the rest of his outfit. However, they are worn down from much use.

Personality: Neko is often cold and uncaring. He views the world in a purely logical sense, which makes many view him as a selfish person, as he doesn't much care for the wants of others. He is almost never afraid of anything, even death, but in the same coin, he doesn't show many other emotions either. People say he is as bland as he looks, which he is fine with. He is often resentful due to his exclusion from a team, and often views others as burdens rather then assets. He is a solitary type who prefers to fend for himself then rely on anyone. When confronted, both in and out of battle, he calmly asserts the situation and calculates a strategy before attacking.

~Clan Information~

Clan Name: Shikyo

Kekei Genkai: Members of the Shikyo clan have a peculiar antibody in their blood which allows them to survive a special type of poison that would kill every other person who came into contact with it. This poison breaks down the Dna of a person slightly, which makes cells unable to divide or multiply. Since the Shikyo clan can survive this, they take advantage of that to put animal Dna into their bodies, creating what they deem to be the perfect fighter. This gives them the instinct and some of the abilities of the animal they are spliced with, but unfortunately requires them to take on some physical aspects of the animal as well. This is done shortly after birth, so they can spend as much of their life training with this body. Due to their young age, most babies under go a "clinical death" where the heart stops beating, but the brain remains active, which is why the clan changed their name to Shikyo, which means death.

Clan Symbol: None

Clan History: The clan was first discovered after the particular poison was used against a small village. All but one family died from it, revealing the immunity the family had. Noting this, the family fled, making sure to take samples of the poison with them. Over the course of many years, the clan experimented with their immunity, eventually leading to the discovery of what it does, and how they could use it. The clan then moved to Kirigakure where they have resided ever since.

Ability Summary: Due to their unique immunity to a specific poison, Members of the clan are able to splice animal DNA into their own, giving them unique abilities along with a few characteristics of the animal they are spliced with.

~Rank/Village Information~

Classification: Genin

Letter Rank: C

Village: Kirigakure, Hidden Mist Village

~Skill Information~

Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu

Elemental Affinity: Wind

Special Characteristics: Above Average chakra control. Above Average Speed, Dexterity, Sight, Hearing, and Smell.


Name: Wind Talon Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Futon, Wind release Ninjutsu
Description: The user uses wind chakra to coat the end of their fingers in wind, which extends about 2 inches, ending in a sharp point. Lasts for 5 posts or until dispelled, minor chakra usage.

Name: Gale Severer Jutsu
Rank: C-S [c currently]
Element: Futon, Wind release Ninjutsu
Description: The user sends a powerful wave of sharp air towards the opponent. The user can control the direction after it is sent, however, the farther it is, and the faster it is going, the harder it is to control. C rank: 20 Meters until uncontrolable, and 20mph. B: 25 Meters, 25mph. A: 35 Meters, 30 Mph. S: 50 Meters, 35 Mph

Name: Windfall Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Futon, Wind release Ninjutsu
Description: The user cushions each of their steps with a layer of air, minimizing traces that would normally be left, and speeding the user up slightly.

Name: Air Buffer Jutsu
Rank: C-S [C currently]
Element: Futon, Wind release Ninjutsu
Description: With a wave of their hand, the user drags a stream of air that can deflect ranged weapons such as kunai and shuriken. Higher ranks can also use it to block other ranged attacks and some low rank Taijutsu attacks. Limits: C: Can Deflect small thrown weapons. B: Can deflect larger thrown weapons, and some small ninjutsus. A: Can Deflect all thrown weapons, some larger Ninjutsus, and weak Taijutsu attacks. S: Can Deflect powerful ranged ninjutsus, and some moderate Taijutsu attacks. Not effective against Fire release jutsu of any type due to elemental weakness.

~History/RP Sample~

History/Background Story:

Birth Ark: Neko was born into a nondescript household in the Mist village to Leona and Lupin Shikyo, who were distant cousins. Three weeks after his birth, he was exposed to the poison his clan uses, and for the next month, was kept under constant watch of medical ninja while he was spliced with Lion DNA, following his mother. Afterwords, he was kept in intensive care for another three months as his new DNA reconstituted, and his body changed. He was then taken to a ceremony where he was inducted into the Shikyo clan, and then given to his mother to raise normally. His first memory was of waking up alone, which could be considered the root of his feelings about the people around him.

Childhood Ark Neko spent his early youth in his household, choosing to train with his father over playing with children his age. Due to his young age, he was mainly taught patience, and eventually chakra control. This time is one Neko remembers as ideal due to the carefree attitude he had. He often caused trouble by bragging about his abilities to other children, which of course started fights as no one wishes to be called inferior. He spent a few days in the hospital after a particularly mean fight, where the other child pushed Neko down a shallow gorge, causing a few hairline fractures. After this, he was much more cautious in life, and as he grew older, he grew bored of the mundane training he was doing, and chose instead to train on his own, under supervision of his grandfather. Training was slow, and he failed to learn much in the years before his induction to the academy.

Academy Ark Neko entered the academy at only a slightly higher level then the rest of the students, much to his dismay, but quickly found his advantage. His superior sight allowed for a lot more accuracy with kunai and shuriken, and his slight chakra training conditioned him for the actual chakra training the academy offered. Most of the other students ridiculed him for his looks, with the exception of the two or three who belonged to the same clan. Although the students regarded him as a show-off and hated him, the academy, impressed with his progress, let him skip a year after his first year was over, and eventually he graduated in the top 20 of his class.

Genin Ark Neko found that after graduating the academy, the number of new genin was such that there was not an open team for him to join. He has spent the last few years in self training, soloing many D ranked missions, all the while training his chakra control and wind jutsu. Recently this has slowed due to his inability to grow by himself, and soon wishes to find a team to belong to. [In progress]

Roleplay Sample:

Neko tasted the air. Two men, about fifty yards northeast, hiding in the bushes. He could hear the faint scraping of metal, as if shuriken were being drawn. Neko tasted it again, and found a fainter scent above him, heavily masked by mud and leaves. Again, the faint scraping of metal. At once, the two parties threw three shuriken each, with deadly accuracy. He sprinted forward, hearing the clang as the two groups of shuriken collided. He spun in the air, releasing three of his own shuriken, which spiraled towards the attackers. As he heard them being deflected, he skidded to a halt, then jumped into a nearby tree. He closed his eyes and perked up his ears. The faint whizzing of thrown weapons grew faintly louder, and he leaned back just before the group of kunai was to hit him. They solidly sunk into the tree. He grabbed them, and used them to flip backwards, so his feet met the trunk of the tree. He pushed off, jumping towards the nearest assailant, the one in the tree, and drew his own kunai...

Last edited by Neko Shikyo on Mon 03 May 2010, 2:54 am; edited 2 times in total
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Neko Shikyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neko Shikyo   Neko Shikyo Icon_minitimeMon 03 May 2010, 1:26 am

Extend a bit more throughout your Application, s'il vous plait, such as History, personality, clothing description.
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Neko Shikyo

Neko Shikyo

Posts : 15
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Join date : 2010-05-02
Age : 33

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PostSubject: Re: Neko Shikyo   Neko Shikyo Icon_minitimeMon 03 May 2010, 1:32 am

Okay. Glad to.
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Neko Shikyo

Neko Shikyo

Posts : 15
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Join date : 2010-05-02
Age : 33

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PostSubject: Re: Neko Shikyo   Neko Shikyo Icon_minitimeMon 03 May 2010, 1:46 am

Edited, hope I added enough.
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Kiero Uchiha
Kiero Uchiha

Posts : 67
Points : 55
Join date : 2010-02-02

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: S rank
Village: Kumogakure

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PostSubject: Re: Neko Shikyo   Neko Shikyo Icon_minitimeMon 03 May 2010, 1:57 am

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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

Posts : 1364
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Join date : 2009-07-27

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: N/A

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PostSubject: Re: Neko Shikyo   Neko Shikyo Icon_minitimeMon 03 May 2010, 7:02 am

I approve
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PostSubject: Re: Neko Shikyo   Neko Shikyo Icon_minitime

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