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 OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose

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PostSubject: OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose   OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 1:47 pm

Jose was walking to a "secret" training area,"today is a great day for training" he thought smiling,he walked slowly,loking at the ponds nearby,the water lily,and the big leafs that where resting in the water,there where many koi fish and goldfish in there swiming gracefully with large fins,they looked as if they where dancing when they where swimming,he was now in the training area,it was shadowy and a circle-like area sourrounded by water,it has many flowers and 4 little trees and one big one,jose used to practice gentle fist.

Last edited by JoSe12323 on Thu 17 Jun 2010, 2:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose   OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 2:12 pm

Satsu was jumping through the trees when he stopped noticing a chakra source in an opening. He stopped as his two creatures were flying above him, one was his bird named Harpy. And the second creature was Solo, which was a shadow creature that could change his own shape, this time Solo had shape shifted into a bird.

They all stopped none of them moving as they analized the boy. Solo reshaped into his regular form clawing into the tree so that he wouldn't move. "Go Solo, check him out."Satsu whispered. The dark creature jumped onto the ground shapeshifting into a small bunny. It was a dark bunny with yellow eyes. Hopping forward to the boy, it made a couple squeaking noises to get his attention. Satsu was just trying to figure the guy out, and hopefully he would not make an attack right away. Satsu waited in the awaited the boys next action.

(If you need link to my creatures, please ask.)
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PostSubject: Re: OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose   OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 2:27 pm

Jose was training his gentle fist in the tree,he wont harm the tree,as he was just making the gentle fist stances,and figuring new ways of attacking,he listened some squeaking noise,he then turned his head,"oh,a bunny!" he said,he looked at the bunny´s yellow colored eyes and black fur,he duck to the litle bunny,"do you want to eat something?" jose said smiling and taking from his pouch,some cookies.
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PostSubject: Re: OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose   OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 5:42 pm

Solo grabbed the cookies, ate them, and morphed into a fish, and jumped into the pond. Swimming around waiting for the boy to follow. solo swam around the pond in a complete circle over and over again. Satsu and harpy were awaiting in the forest, Harpy was eager to fly down and observe the boy as well. Satsu placed his palm on the birds head, "Fine go ahead" Said Satsu too his bird. The large Harpy eagle extened its 7ft wingspan and flew down to the area, flapping her wings and landing right in front of the boy. The bird screeched awaiting the boys reaction.
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PostSubject: Re: OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose   OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 9:10 pm

the Bunny ate the cookies "what is a bunny doing here,here there are no bushes or any type of vegetation for him,to ate or hide in" then the bunny morphed in a fish,a Goldfish and jumped to the pond "What the...",he said then a Big eagle stood infront of him screetching "W-what the?....Whya re you here?" he knew an eagle wont be there all alone.that was very strange.but msot of all scary,a giantic bird was infront of him,what sghould he do....he wont hurt that bird.
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PostSubject: Re: OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose   OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose Icon_minitimeWed 16 Jun 2010, 11:51 am

Harpy looked at the boy, he saw the fear in his eyes. Satsu focused into the harpy's eyes, he also saw the fear. Although Harpy was a huge bird, he also was a powerful one. Solo quickly morphed into a Kunai and speeded towards Jose. Harpy Flapped her wings once and opened up her beak and letting out a large shcok of lightning that would potentially be too close for Jose to escape. The lightning was quick so Satsu didn't know how Jose would escape.

Harpy's Jutsu used:

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PostSubject: Re: OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose   OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose Icon_minitimeWed 16 Jun 2010, 12:06 pm

Jose could feel the danger the weird fish morphed in a kunai,"Byakugan!" jose said,jose was in trouble."Shugo hakke rokujuu yonshou!" he said strings of chakra curled in an arc shape he was now protected,the large bird flapped her wings and let a large shock of lighting come to jose direction,he didnt recieve the proper damage thanks to his technique,but still the technique made him feel tired.hi then did the hyuuga infamous stance,"Now you both",he telled to both creatures "And you too" He said,he has spottd the other creature thanks to his byakugan, but this wasnt an animal,it was a human,and as seen because of its big chakra pool,a ninja,"Come here,and explain your purpouse,why did you attaked me?" jose said.

Name:Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms- Shugohakke Rokujūyon Shō- 守護八卦六十四掌
Rank:Clan jutsu/special bloodline technique/C-B(in jose`s case C)
Element:Taijutsu/kekkei genkai
description:Jose excels in chakra control,so whit his big knoledge he learned this skill,he extend his chakra as blades moving his hands very fast,making a powerfull protective shield,and it works as in an offensive manevour too as the beams of chakra can even cut through iron,if the person starts to spin the jutsu grow more powerfull.Jose is now training it to become a B rank technique.
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PostSubject: Re: OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose   OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose Icon_minitimeThu 17 Jun 2010, 9:43 am

Satsu was done with hiding in the trees. He jumped down, his feet hitting the floor as he simultaneously stood up straight. He took a few steps forward smiling at his creatures, as his palm rested on the hilt of his sheathed sword. "Ahh, Byakugan..." Satsu stated. "I'm guessing you are a Hyuuga, No?" Satsu questioned with a smile. "Now, now you cannot blame the creatures...they are of course eager to fight due too me keeping them cooped up all the time." Satsu looked over at his creatures, as he continued "My apologies, Hyuuga." Satsu snapped his fingers just once, as he snapped them the creatures dissapeared and reapeared by Satsu's side.

Satsu put his hands behind his back unnoticeably, and quickly did a handseal in the blink of an eye. The handseal produced one of Satsu's main Jutsus. It was none other than the shadow imitation technique. As the shadow slithered unnoticeably towards the hyuuga, Satsu nodded to both of his creatures. As he nodded the Large bird took flight, and his dark creature morphed into a drill and began drilling holes all around the area that Satsu, and Jose were standing at. Satsu's bird could not be seen due to his height, but Satsu of course knew where he was at. Solo jumped back out of the to his normal state and stoop by Satsu's side.

Out of the clouds dropped a medium size rock, a rock as big as the Hyuugas head. The rock was falling and aimed for Jose's head awaiting to make contact and leave theboy unconcious. Satsu smiled, "Your move, Hyuuga" he said with a laugh.

Jutsus Used:
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PostSubject: Re: OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose   OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose Icon_minitimeThu 17 Jun 2010, 2:36 pm

The man came down to jose,after his brief coments jose taught "so he knows i have byakugan",Yes i am a hyuuga","now explain your purpose" jose said,he kept his hyuuga stance now looking the guy,the two creatures dissapeared and apperaded near the guy,then the guy made a handseal know by jose."Nara clan?"he thoguht with his byakugan he tracked the shadow,coming directly to him,he walked some steps back,to a more shadowy area,and moved from the way,thinkign the shadow should had fadded away,he was now in a very shadowy place,"lets see if this shadow can come so far"he looked that something was mvoing underground,"is it,a drill?" he said "w-whats happening here" he thought "Your tryng to make me fall in your tramp?",he said "where si his bird?" eh thoguht the llittle elf,was near him,but the eagle? "byakugan!"he said again,his vision extended "one meter more",he thoguht "the brid should be flyng,he extended his vision to the sky,....there...there...where is it?...a rock!!" he thoguht,moving,the rock aimed to the floor,and jsoe could now clarery see the nara guys shadow,"your tryng to atatck em then...arent you?" jose made the ifnamous hyuuga stance,raised his hand up and the other one at his chest,one leg forward,the other one in the back part,his eyes widened,leting his byakugan be very much mroe visible."protect yourself,Nara" he said.looking directly to the naras eyes.he then placed hsic hakra in to the palms.
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PostSubject: Re: OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose   OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose Icon_minitimeMon 21 Jun 2010, 1:30 pm

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PostSubject: Re: OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose   OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose Icon_minitimeTue 22 Jun 2010, 1:01 pm

Satsu looked at the foolish Gennin. "Beleive me Hyuuga, I am perfectly ready" Satsu stated as his bird circled above, and Solo was standing right next too him. Satsu unsheathed his sword, As he stuck out his hand pointing too the Hyuuga, and laughing. "C'mon Now Hyuuga, you seem ready.

(Sorry Short)
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PostSubject: Re: OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose   OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose Icon_minitimeTue 22 Jun 2010, 8:58 pm

is he making fun of me?
jose thought.

jose then ran directly to his sword,when he was near,he then just bend below the sword,and attacked the enemie`s ankles in a fast movement, with two gentle fist,possible,rendering the feet unusable,then he attacked with two gentle fist with the hands full of chakra to the opponent`s chest.he then striked more and more times,4 in total and used his jutsu Eight trigrams stream palm wave.
when he finished he moved back with a back flipping
"did i landed them correctly",he thought.

Name:Eight Trigrams Stream Palm Wave-hakke sutoriimupaamu ha-八卦ストリームパーム波
Rank:D-C Clan Jutsu
Element:taijutsu/kekkei genkai
Note: Special Bloodline Technique
Description:The user Attacks the opponent whit two gentle fist making a powerfull combo using the gentle fist from 4 to 5 strikes and at the end the user attacks the enemy whit chakra consentrated in the hands/palms.It can be dodged easily
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PostSubject: Re: OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose   OFFRPG-No Killing Satsu vs Jose Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jun 2010, 10:15 am

The foolish Hyuuga forgot that Satsu had his sword at the ready. The jutsus that the boy would perform were practically useless, with that in mind Satsu quickly rose his sword and slashed at Jose in a slant. The beautiful sword swung with great speed and as soon as it hit Jose's head, it showed no hesitation to slice threw the head like butter. Dropping the boy to the ground, with his head completely chopped off and laying in the dirt next too him. Satsu licked the fresh hyuuga blood off of his sword and resheathed the shining sword. He didn't even need to use his trap for the Hyuuga made the stupid mistake of running into Satsu's relentless sword.

Satsu began walking back into the woods, his Harpy flying down to get into the woods, and Solo Shifting into a Falcon and began flying along with Harpy again. Satsu looked back at the dead boy and smiled as he jumped into the tree's to neer be sen in that area again.

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