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 Kojiki Hierro

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PostSubject: Kojiki Hierro   Kojiki Hierro Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 7:11 pm

~General Information~

Name: Kojiki Hierro

Nickname/Alias: Kon

Weight: 6'1

Height: 173 lbs

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: Kon carries a rather straightforward appearance about him, and his face tends to reflect that as a whole. Emotions and the like never seem carry themselves upon his face as a whole. Even his rather pure complexion tends to never show or betray what his mind is truly thinking.

Clothing: Kon tends to keep to wearing all black clothing. Short sleeved black shirts, long black jackets, long black pants, and black shoes. He has a belt and he has satchel on his belt.

Personality: Kon is a rather cold and simplistic man at the heart of things. The cold that is brought forth from his personality is due to the fact that he tends to only see things in black and white. This also directly digs into the simplistic nature of his personality as a whole. In truth his emotions and overall actions are often disclosed without any effort, and try as one might there is never any real hidden agenda behind anything that he does.

In truth he is known for tending to himself when it comes down to it due to the fact that he was originally trained by his mother alone and as such he isn't capable of understanding how interactions with others are meant to be. As such he doesn't really have friends so much as he just tends to have people who he keeps at arms length so that they can be treated as allies or commrades in the sense that they aren't considering people to him. It is more or less as though he is use to seeing them as weapons to be used and left when the time is proper for him.

Kon likes being alone when it suits him, it gives him time to think and grants him enough space so that he's capable of thinking to himself. To him, being alone is just about the best thing that can be done so that one can situate out his thoughts and better understand the world around them. It is something that he had been raised to understand that as a shinobi one's self is the best and perhaps the only person that can be trusted.

Kon has a soft spot for animals due to the fact that they're not people. They are capable of understanding him and visa versa in the sense that neither of them seem to have the problem with getting in one anothers way. So for the most part Kon enjoys to stay outside with animals in the wilderness so that he can concetrate on being cold and lonely.

~Clan Information~

Clan Name: Kojiki

Kekei Genkai:

The Hakyougan(Shattered Mirror Eye)

The Hakyougan is capable of doujutsu perform through the eyes themselves. These can be defensive or offensive depending on the one performed. The most notable techniques in its arsenal is the ability to conjure up a corporeal summon. The summon itself grows with the user and seems to evolve from a mere set of arms to a Monstrous creature that envelopes the user.

It should be noted that the Hakyougans power being sealed makes certain that unprepared people can't reach jutsu above their level until they're viewed as ready or they'd most likely inflict more harm upon themselves than anything.

Clan Symbol:
Kojiki Hierro Glass-bullet-shatter-picture

Clan History: The birth of a bloodline

Born to a poor farmer, Oburi lived the first few years like any other child. Learning to follow in his fathers foot steps and be a farmer himself. Back during times of war, battles between villages took their toll on his village. Oburi was seven when his village was razed to the ground. When members of the Kojiki clan came to the village they provided aid and supplies for the village to rebuild, they of course were looking for people they could train in order to make there ranks swell, the village would most likely have willing young souls ready to taste revenge. Oburi was one of these young souls.

Obviously he would not have been thrust into the war due to his age, but instead he was placed in the ranks of young people being trained to fight in the future. Wanting to get back at those that murdered his family he quickly learned what he needed in order to become stronger. Because of his time spent being a farmer, the physical excercises and activities during his training were not was hard as they seemed. During his time training he was paired with a comrade in the Kojiki compound. During their years together they relied on one another to obtain their goal of becoming stronger.

Graduation Day. The final exam one might say, obviously something neither Oburi or his comrade were prepared for. Once informed of the test Oburi and Ryuuzaki were at each others throats. Oburi at this time seemed to be at a disadvantage once Ryuuzaki pinned him to the floor and drove a knife through his right shoulder. Before Ryuuzaki could deal the death blow, Oburi's body surfaced something. A new bloodline appearing in the face of danger. Giving Oburi an edge of Ryuuzaki's next move, Oburi quickly reacted and used Doshaburi and knocked Ryuuzaki off of him.

Free to rip the knife from his shoulder he did just that and with almost blinding speed sent the weapon into Ryuuzaki's forehead, killing him instantly. Oburi sat there in disbelief as he tried to slow his breathing. A latent genetic ability that he possessed had become activated in a near death situation in the form of a Doujutsu. After graduating Oburi continued to train and as he did so, his Doujutsu became stronger. It was to the point that he could must the power of the Hakyougan's tiered abilities with ease.

The Clan

Over the years Oburi had children, and they had children, and so on. He was allowed to join the clan and in his youth he was rather "popular" with the ladies even if it was at the Clan Elders request. The Kojiki Clan became a nomadic clan, hiring themselves out in times of war. By the Second Great Shinobi War the Kojiki clan had grown greatly in size, having dozens of members made the Kojiki clan become seen as a serious threat. Over the years members of the clan started to be born with the doujutsu bloodline rather than having to activate it through training, some members of the clan becoming skilled fighters, the bloodline eventually becoming the very symbol of the clans power.

The clan seemed to thrive and prosper, their nomadic lifestyle taking them around. It seemed well established and their future bright, at least that's what they believed until a village attacked them and took them completely by surprise. One of the clan Sohen at the time, Sachi, rose up with his doujutsu and helped fend off the shinobi. The other Sohen taking up arms with as he used the Saikou Hakyou to move through the battle while using the strongest abilities the Doujutsu had to offer. The village ninjas dispatching a goodly number of their clan members before they escaped to safety. The Elders lamented the lose of the men, women, children lost to the attack.

It wasn't long before the clan as a whole agreed that they would not survive another attack from village shinobi and trekked to the closest one in order to seek asylum. The safest choice being Kirigakure. With that decided they all boarded ships and sought out the Hidden Village in the Mist. After a year they finally came upon the village and the elders sought out the Mizukages counsel with Sachi in tow. The negotiations were shaky at first but eventually the Kojiki clan was allowed to become members of the village. However due to the mistrust toward them they were sent to guard the coastline of the wave lands and had to place seals upon their memebrs from that day forward to limit the clans power. To most back then, the seal was seen as a leash that the Mizukage could yank on his new pack of lap dogs, to others they saw it as a symbol of peace in some strange way. They remained on guard duty with a few village chuunin that trained and helped the clan grow. The children quickly growing into shinobi, some even being sent back to the village to take on missions and become part of the genin teams.

Some generations later, the Kojiki clan was folded into the village, given a compound with which they stay, and recognized for their stalwart effort of maintaining the shores around the village. Despite the Kojiki compound, the clan members always refer to their home as the small stronghold resting on the Eastern Coast. The Kojiki in the end were removed from their nomadic lifestyle and granted a small fragment of peace within Kirigakure, given their official duties to protect the village. An age of tension was eased in the clan and Kojiki clan members were given the chance to merely serve their village. However there are still some shinobi that live up to the clan former title as "free spirits".

Ability Summary: The Hakyougan is capable of doujutsu perform through the eyes themselves. These can be defensive or offensive depending on the one performed. The most notable techniques in its arsenal is the ability to conjure up a corporeal summon. The summon itself grows with the user and seems to evolve from a mere set of arms to a Monstrous creature that envelopes the user.

It should be noted that the Hakyougans power being sealed makes certain that unprepared people can't reach jutsu above their level until they're viewed as ready or they'd most likely inflict more harm upon themselves than anything.


  • D-rank
    Type: Doujutsu
    Element: N/A
    The doujutsu itself lays dormant in the black eyes until a handseal is made and chakra is focused into the eyes, the eyes will seem to crack and reveal the physical marking of the eyes strength. When it comes to the Doujutsu abilities, this can be divided down into categories for the Hakyougan. The bloodline essentially allows the clan member access to jutsu the stronger they become. However when it comes right down to it, having one crack doesn't grant you much in terms of abilities. You have access to the first stage of Doshaburi with your Hakyougan activated and that's about it.

  • C-rank
    Requirements for advancement: Hakyougan D-Rank
    Type: Doujutsu
    Element: N/A
    Once a Kojiki member goes through the ceremony and is granted their second crack they will find the Doshaburi ability will be stronger but they will also be able to learn the first form of the Oni Majutsu. When it comes to the Hakyougan's abilities they present themselves almost in direct connection with the doujutsu itself. However to prevent an 'overload' so to speak, they can only use one ability at a time. This prevents the user from straining their doujutsu with too much output.

  • B rank
    Requirements for advancement: Hakyougan C-Rank; Approval from Clan Creator
    Type: Doujutsu
    Element: N/A
    When it comes to the jutsu that can be used at this point, the Hakyougan not only grants the ability to once again increase the tiered abilities but it grants access to another. For instance the Doshaburi ability and Oni Majutsu are the tiered abilities, obviously. With the acquiring of the third crack the user can learn Yata no Kagami their first singular ranked jutsu. Another point of interest is that the Sohen are usually the ones that reach this stage but their clan won't allow them to progress any higher unless the clan member is selected as a Sanmenkyou replacement or there is a special order given out by the Mizukage such as during a time of war, preventing an invasion, etc.

  • A-rank
    Requirements for advancement: Hakyougan B Rank; Approval from Clan Creator
    Type: Doujutsu
    Element: N/A
    With the obtaining of the fourth crack the clan member is more often than not replacing a Sanmenkyou or carrying out a special order by the will of the Kage, which is rare unless during a time of war. Those that do gain this power not only lead the clan but are considered one of the most powerful members within said clan. Often a Jounin in rank since there have been only three Chuunin as Sanmenkyou in the clans history, they have the power to learn Yasakani no Magatama as well as increasing the power of Doshaburi and Oni Majutsu.

Saikou Hakyou
Rank: S-rank
Requirements: Hakyougan A rank; Creator of Clan’s approval
Type: Doujutsu
Element: N/A
When a clan member obtains four cracks in their Hakyougan they can eventually move on to learn the Saikou Hakyou. This stage is considered the ultimate form of the bloodline and only comes to privileged Hakyougan users that have either earned the right to bear it or in times of war. When activated the entire eye will be covered in multiple cracks almost like a broken mirror. This is the absolute form of the bloodline as it grants access to the strongest forms of the tiered doujutsu, only a powerful shinobi can manage to use and withstand the Saikou Hakyous power. The Saikou Hakyou will lift the last traces of the seal when removed and more often than naught requires approval from the Mizukage and Elders.

[size=9]Name: Doshaburi (Cloudburst)
Rank: D-S
Element: N/A


Hakyou Summonings
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Kojiki Hierro Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kojiki Hierro   Kojiki Hierro Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 7:15 pm

~Rank/Village Information~

Classification: Missing-Nin

Letter Rank: A

Village: Formerly of Kirigakure

~Skill Information~

Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu

Elemental Affinity: Suiton

Special Characteristics: Has a solidified grasp of the Kojiki's techniques. [/size]


Basic Ninjutsu



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Kojiki Hierro Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kojiki Hierro   Kojiki Hierro Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 7:16 pm

~History/RP Sample~

History/Background Story: Hierro was born into the Kojiki clan and once that meant something to him. He was born upon the union of Kojiki Mira and a man by the name of Isha Nowin. Even though only half of his blood seemed to flow with the power of the Kojiki, it never once caused for him to falter or to lose faith in the beliefs of his clan as a whole. If anything, it seemed to bring the most out of him in a sense that not even he knew was possible. His mother had been driven to teach her son how to fight and become a well balanced shinobi to live up the expectations of the other members of the Kojiki Clan.

Hierro himself had been raised and trained at a young age by his mother, and the truth of the matter was that he had been smitten with such a lifestyle. However, the one issue that was never really addressed when he was younger, and even as he began to develop and grow as time progressed was the fact that even as he began to train and train that his father seemed to be nowhere to be found. At first it seemed as though he saw his father as time was beginning anew. But as time began to progress further and further Hierro was having a hard time understanding the concept of what was going on.

Hierro had been enrolled as an academy student when he was five years of age. Due to his odd balance of control and understanding when it came to combat as a whole, his mother felt it was best that even with his training that he gets started as soon as possible. As a student within the academy Hierro didn’t seem to have much of an attachment towards the training that he had when he was training alone with his mother, however the truth of the matter was that shortly after having passed the basis of the academy he became known as one of the lower students in his class due to the fact that he never seemed stand out much in school.

Hierro had become a genin with the proper training that his mother had put him through, yet the truth of the matter was that he still seemed to feel set apart from being known as a member of his clan. The truth of the matter was that the others within his clan never saw him as much, even after he properly underwent the means and proper understandings of the clan. However, as he began to emerge himself into the workings of the men and women outside of the Kojiki clan Hierro began to grow more and more attached to the world outside of his clan.

As he began to advance himself and deepen himself into the world as a whole, Hierro still felt as though something was lacking when it came to his family as a whole. What started out as a simplistic mark, had grown into an overbearing point which seemed to sit itself on his mind making it impossible for him to pay attention to anything around him. It hadn’t really become an issue until he was placed under the intensive stress of becoming a Chuunin via his mothers choice.

After having undergone such an event Hierro was awoken into the true happenings of his clan and granted the first crack of his people. A feat that many children undergo at a young age is given almost the moment that they are accepted as shinobi. It was something that seemed to bother him to the point that all he could do was trying to honestly and truly deepen his confusion and slight spit towards his own clan. The idea as a whole didn’t seem to bother him until he noticed that his mother seemed to push his training further and further as a shinobi, fine tuning his skills and control to become a shinobi.

He was capable of advancing into the rank of Jounin with the assistance of his mother, however even then he still felt a heavy burden developing over his shoulders making it impossible for him to fully understand what had taken place in his mind. His mother didn’t seem to care much outside of his works as a shinobi who bore the truth of the Kojiki’s clan within him. But to him, it felt as though he was being pushed and forced into a life without having been told the truth about everything.

When he reached the age of 18 Hierro took it upon himself to ask his mother about what had happened to his father whom had vanished from his memories shortly after he had acquired the title of genin. He had longed for the understanding of why his father seemed to run out and escape his life as a whole when he was such a young man. However, the answer that he had been given didn’t seem to reflect anything that he had gotten himself ready for.

In an attempt to further her childs training and to deepen his roots within the Kojiki, his mother had taken it upon himself to send his father away when he was young. Though it was true that father protested to stay with his child even after birth, the debt of being a member of the Kojiki clan outweighed her feelings for his father. And in the end he was forceably removed from the housing of the Kojiki clan and essentially banished from being allowed to come near or around his child.

Upon hearing of the outrage that had befallen his father, Hierro took it upon himself to leave the Kojiki Clan, his mother, and the village itself. He had given up the rights and understanding of himself as a shinobi so that he would be capable of honestly gaining freedom that he had been denied at a younger age. Even now, his actions and pain are basically just those that a person endures when they look for something when they have nothing. So Hierro essentially stopped calling himself by his given name and now goes by the name Kon-Main. Acting as a Missing-Nin who simply works and acts in accordance with his own free wishes that he had been denied as a child.

Roleplay Sample:

Vibrant pieces of steel dig deep into the flesh of man. It is something that one cannot avoid and it is something that try as a man or woman might, they will never be able to avoid such things. They dig themselves deeper and deeper into ones body until it comes up and it’s revealed as being flesh and blood. However, in the end there isn’t anything for a person to come to terms with outside of such a belief and understanding that the days and the nights that make up one’s life are everything that a person would think they are.

As Hierro began to run his fingers over the fine black cotton which made up his jacket, he could feel and understand each and every part as though life itself had been broken down and apart by his fingertips. The stitches which made up the material which he wore didn’t seem to drag on and leave him empty as they had done before. But rather they seemed clean cut and perfectly attached to one another, making it impossible for him to ignore such a feeling as it ran between his finger tips.

There had been a faint feeling within his body from the moment that he had accepted that he was unable to go on living the life which had been set up for him. His mother had betrayed him, and even now as he tried to sit and pretend as though none of it was going on, Hierro had no chance of understanding such a thing anymore. All he had known was that the life that he had just lead was broken down and left as nothing more, and now as he began to prepare himself for leaving he couldn’t help but sit and stare at everything that was around him.

With a quick run through his fingers, Hierro began to feel the tightening of his satchel as he firmly gripped a hold of it with his hands. The fine leather which made up the handle itself seemed rough and worn out from all the years he had spent attempting to use such a thing. The mouth of the satchel itself seemed tight lipped and wasn’t moving or opening try as much as Hierro might. It was impossible for him to remove or even alter the connection between either of his satchel no matter how much stress he placed onto them. It was safe to assume and state that Hierro didn’t seem too worried of the opening of his satchel as he began to place them onto his waist.

Slowly standing to his feet, Hierro could feel that the tiny break which resided within his eye seemed to be bothering him more and more as time began to progress. The slit which made up his eye didn’t seem to bother him before, and try as he might it was impossible for Hierro to fully understand why it was bothering him as it might. With a slight flicker of pain, Hierro began to grab a hold of his eye as though trying to calm down and move away from the pain and suffering which seemed to go through his mind. What was originally a simplistic break which had been formed within his eye after being accepted as one of the men of the Kojiki that had started to betray him. Now, it felt as though the break itself seemed to develop into a slit which had just been freshly placed into his body. As though someone had just run a knife through his eye attempting to carve out a piece of his body.

As Hierro began to swagger through the emotions which had been presenting themselves within his body. He knew all too well that it was impossible for him to run away from the truth of the matter and the person whom he was. As he continued to advance forward with a heavy burden bearing itself over his shoulders. He could only grab a hold of his eye while trying to fully accept the path that he had just destroyed, and the path that he had just built for his future.
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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Village: N/A

Kojiki Hierro Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kojiki Hierro   Kojiki Hierro Icon_minitimeWed 16 Jun 2010, 12:53 am

Were not accepting A rank missing nin sorry, and you will have to do better then this to start as a missing ninja.

Also, put your history into arks.

We have a Jutsu template you need to put your jutsu on

You cant have Fuinjutsu without a Fuinjutsu skill specialty
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PostSubject: Re: Kojiki Hierro   Kojiki Hierro Icon_minitime

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