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» Memories
Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

» Revy is a faggot
Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

» Anyone alive out there?
Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirth of Slumbering Fire
Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirthing a spirit
Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2013, 6:37 pm by Naizu Nimakee

» Naruto :: Shattered Dreams
Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

» Update regarding Naruto-X Sequel [8/10/12]
Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2012, 8:04 pm by Revy Izumi

» Me doing some No-Life Videos
Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeTue 28 Aug 2012, 11:53 am by Hirokai Hondo

» Searching Without a Trace
Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeSat 25 Aug 2012, 1:44 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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 Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha]

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Posts : 38
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Join date : 2009-10-18

Shinobi Info
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Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Empty
PostSubject: Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha]   Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeTue 22 Jun 2010, 12:02 am

~General Information~

Name: Yama Teishu

Nickname/Alias: [Monkey Master of Konoha]

Weight: 174

Height: 5'11

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] 2r46ira

Personality: A shinobi can only go so far with their talent and raw skill. There is
always that tiny driving force that seems to keep them going even in the
most dire situations. It is a force that surpasses all amounts of
training and all levels of shinobi prowess. It is an age old power that
surges through each and every living thing, but many chose to keep it
dormant, and do not reveal it. What then is this powerful force that's
power can break through seemingly unbreakable defenses and unending
onslaughts? Courage. This is a character trait a great shinobi cannot be
without. If one was without courage, many a mission would go incomplete
or, undoubtedly, fail. It is lucky for the young Yama Teishu that he
utilizes this emotion to its fullest extent. Teishu does not know the
meaning of failure or surrender. He pushes and pushes until the task is
complete, and the lengths he is willing to go to show his courageousness
is simply astounding. By any stretch, this is Teishu's most prominent
character trait, because even through his goofy and aloof nature, there
is always that small hint of courageousness that seems to break through
all other emotions.

But yes, setting aside his valor and
unyielding courage, Teishu is for lack of a better word a goofball. He
is oblivious and aloof when it comes to his casual life. His mind seems
to wander effortlessly, and he will often find himself dozing off in the
middle of a mission briefing or staring at the beautiful butterfly that
seemed to dance across the transparent layer of glass that separated
the outside world from the air conditioned room. Though, unbelievably,
this goofy attitude only slightly revealed when on duty, his ridiculous
attitude towards life has gotten him in trouble many times. Teishu
couldn't count on all of his fingers and toes how many times he was
scolded for day dreaming and paying absolutely no attention to his
sensei's lessons, which would probably explain why he lacked a true
sensei for more than a short period of time. Even so, despite his
goofiness, one cannot stay mad at the young man for too long. He becomes
so goofy that one cannot repress their laughter any longer, and Teishu
goes along his merry way without so much as a light slap on the wrist.
His aloofness is as much a perk as it is a curse.

And then
against all odds, Teishu's true potential as a shinobi is revealed on
the battlefield. Through his casual, goofy personality shows a truly
versatile shinobi. No matter the circumstance, he always amazes his
officers and peers. From matters of full on offensive to highly covert
operations, Teishu always seems to fabricate brilliant means of
execution. He has displayed this many times through various missions and
battles. A depending on the situation, a completely different Teishu
takes over, one of superior cunning and intellectuality. He even
surprises himself sometimes.

And even through his physical and
mental strength as a shinobi, there is always one, small, nagging
thought that seems to nibble away at his conscious every day: the fact
that he is nothing without his monkey companions. Yes, it is a horrible
thing for one to think, but time and time again the boy has been
criticized for his reliance on the powerful primates. They argue that
the young boy can accomplish nothing on his own, and is in constant need
for the help of the warriors of the Monkey Kingdom. This has caused a
serious lapse in his self confidence, and every so often he breaks out
with pure anger because of the constant judgment. It is imperative that
in his newly acquired shinobi status he learns to disregard the
criticism and persevere as a shinobi.

~Clan Information~

None... LOL

~Rank/Village Information~

Classification: Akatsuki

Letter Rank: S

Village: Ex-Konohagakure

~Skill Information~

Skill Specialty:

Elemental Affinity:

Special Characteristics:


[Technique Count]

E: 8
D: 3
C: 20
B: 8
A: 2
S: 1

Ninpou :: Ninja Arts
Act of Tree Climbing
Act of Water Surface Walking
Transformation Technique
Substitution Technique
Escaping Skill
Clone TechniqueRelease
Exploding Tag Detonation

Name: Chakra Keichuu no Jutsu :: [Chakra
Concentration Technique]
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: -
Chakra Keichuu no Jutsu :: [Chakra Concentration Technique] is a very
versatile skill used by many Taijutsu and Kenjutsu based shinobi. The
use of this technique is to pool ones own chakra into specific parts of
the body, or even into certain weapons of the user's choice. By pooling
chakra into certain areas, that area will become stronger physically,
and if released at the right moment, will add more power behind an
attack dealt from area with the pooled chakra. Many users of this
technique use it to pool their chakra into their fists and feet so that
their punches and kicks will have more driving force and the power of
initial impact will increase exponentially. In the field of kenjutsu,
when a chakra current is passed through the weapon, it will become
immensely tougher than it had before. It also creates sharper edges, and
in some cases, can even extend the blade of the weapon. The art of
Chakra Concentration is slightly difficult to master, and once mastered,
brings the young shinobi who wields it onto another plane of chakra
control. More advanced levels of this technique allow for the flow of
elemental chakra, but such techniques require even higher chakra
control, and chakra sensitive weapons. When utilizing this technique,
objects and body parts surrounded by the pooled chakra become 20-30%
more durable, as well as the the brute force from initial impact.

Name: Kuchiyose no Jutsu :: [Spiritualism Technique]
Rank: C
Element: -
Description: A powerful jutsu, Ninpo Kuchiyose
allows a ninja to summon animals, objects and the dead to fight on
their behalf. The ninja normally signs a blood contract with the animal
species, which allows them to summon different size and skill levels of
creature. The ability to summon more advanced animals largely depends
upon the amount of chakra the ninja can muster to perform the jutsu. To
summon the creature the ninja will wipe blood on the hand, perform the
necessary handseals and then touch their hand to the ground or another
object. Though it appears that as long as significant pressure is placed
against the blood in some form, the summon will be complete. There can
be variations to the summoning steps, some ninja like Temari will wipe
blood on her fan, then by swinging the fan the animal is summoned. Other
ninja like Orochimaru wipe the blood across a snake tattoo on their arm
first, then touch the ground.

Taijutsu :: Physical Arts
Jeet Kune Do :: [Way of the Intercepting Fist]
Rank: [Chuunin Level]
Taijutsu :: Style
Element: -
To move like the
Wind is to understand the Wind. To understand the Wind is to become the
Wind. There are many styles of Taijutsu that incorporate strict
principles, patterns, and set lines of movement. Does Wind have one set
pattern or movement? Through this, is Wind predictable? No. Wind is
completely unpredictable and is more of a philosophy or idea rather than
a tangible object or weapon. Jeet Kune Do is a style that resembles the
unpredictable yet controlled flowing nature of wind and water. It
centers around the recycling of energy and minimizing time and
maximizing total energy. It is more a philosophy with guiding thoughts
than it is a style of Taijutsu.

The style takes its power from
the act of "intercepting" their opponent's movements. However, this is
not only limited to the physical movements that one expects to
intercept. It also encompasses a broad range of non-verbals and
telegraphs that can also be anticipated and intercepted. This requires a
greater mindset for the Jeet Kune Do practitioner to understand their
opponents emotions and subtle quirks that might give away their intended
movement. In the physical aspect, the style centers around a series of
stop kicks and stop hits, these being techniques that intercept an
opponent's attack with an attack of your own instead of a simple block,
and simultaneous parrying and punching. By combining attack and defense
into two movements thus minimizing the time element and maximizing the
energy element. Efficiency is gained by utilizing a parry rather than a
block. By definition a block stops an attack whereas a parry merely
re-directs an attack. Redirection has two advantages: It requires less
energy to execute. It utilizes the opponents energy against them by
creating an imbalance. Efficiency is also gained in that the opponent
has less time to react to the nullification of their attack while having
to worry about defending an incoming attack. Jeet Kune Do is style that
takes the opponent's strength, manipulates it, and redirects it back to
their opponent.

Much like water, wind is infinitely flexible. It
can be seen through, and yet at other times it can obscure things from
sight. It can split and go around things, rejoining on the other side,
or it can crash through things. It can erode the hardest rocks by gently
whipping away at them or it can flow past the tiniest pebble. It is as
simple as it is complex, which is why the Jeet Kune Do fighting style
revolves around the belief of using efficient movement rather than
flashy motion. Practitioners are taught to waste no time in movement and
perform attacks that are only completely necessary to bring down the
opponent. The Jeet Kune Do style demands flexibility, as do many, if not
all forms of martial arts. Jeet Kune Do is claimed to be a dynamic
concept that is forever changing, much like the Wind, thus being
extremely flexible. "Absorb what is useful; Disregard that which is
useless" Jeet Kune Do practitioners are encouraged to study every form
of combat possible. This is believed to expand one's knowledge of other
fighting systems; to both add to one's arsenal as well as to know how to
defend against such tactics.

A practitioner of this style of
Taijutsu must learn the Four Ranges of Combat: Kicking, Punching,
Trapping, and Grappling. In Jeet Kune Do, all of these ranges are used
equally. Through these Four Ranges of Combat, the practitioner of Jeet
Kune Do can perform the Five Ways of Attack. The Single Angular Attack
and the Single Direct Attack are used as the primary, and
straightforward offensive techniques. Hand Immobilization Attack and
Foot Immobilization Attack are used in trapping to limit the opponent's
movement as well as provide an opening for attack. Progressive Indirect
Attack deals with attacking one section of the body, and then
subsequently directing another attack to a completely different area as a
means to create an opening and to catch the opponent off guard. Attack
By Combinations focuses on overwhelming the opponent with a relentless
onslaught of attacks. And finally, Attack By Drawing centers around the
principle of counter attacks to defeat an opponent. Through the Four
Ranges of Combat and the Five Ways of Attack, the Jeet Kune Do
practitioner can then incorporate the ideal of controlling the
centerline, a theoretical line that runs down the center of one's body.
Jeet Kune Do allows for the opening of your opponent's center line while
simultaneously protecting your own. "The one who controls the
centerline will control the fight."

The final principle of Jeet
Kune Do is the belief of combat realism. This principle does not mean
choosing, collecting, compiling, or assembling the best techniques from
various diverse styles and slapping them together to form a new style.
To do so is to miss the point of Jeet Kune Do. Absorbing what is useful
is about immersing oneself in style or system and learning and grasping
its essence. Going back to the base belief of Wind, one must become Wind
to understand it. To truly understand the Jeet Kune Do fighting style,
one must become Jeet Kune Do. Styles provide more than just mere
techniques; they offer training methods, theories, and mental attitudes.
Applying what is learned in real combat training situations is what
allows the student to figure what works or doesn't work for oneself. It
is at this point that one can "discard that which is useless". The
critical point of this principle is that the choice of what to keep is
based on personal experimentation with various opponents over time. As
seen in this video, the man in white is a practitioner in the art of
Jeet Kune Do, whereas the other is a Kung Fu specialist. Notice how
throughout the battle, one the Kung Fu practitioner bests on of the
white-shirted man's styles, he changes his means of attack. After
multiple experimentation, the man finally finds a style that bests the
Kung Fu expert. Also notice how little movement the man performs,
whereas the Kung Fu expert can be seen making many unnecessary and
flashy movements throughout the course of the battle. Hopefully through
this exemplification of the Jeet Kune Do style, one can comprehend its

In retrospect, Jeet Kune Do is a style that reflects
one's understanding of all martial arts. It is a flexible and malleable
style of combat that focuses around improvisation and experimentation.
Teishu has come to use this philosophical style when battling not only
for its prowess in offensive redirection, but for its imperative
understanding for all styles of fighting. Teishu has always prided
himself in saying that while he is truly adept in the art of Summoning,
he prides himself in being a master of Taijutsu based attacks. It is the
prime style for one looking to master all forms of physical combat, and
grants an enlightened state of mind not only on the battlefield, but in
life itself.

[Note The information given is a concise
description of the style found here.]

Name: Ninpo: Shoyaku no
Jutsu :: [Ninja Art: Elemental Streak Technique]
Rank: C
Ninjutsu | Taijutsu
Element: All
Description: This jutsu was
created in Konohagakure, as an exclusive technique. It is supplementary,
and will appear when the user makes the signs, and performs Taijutsu.
The technique depends on the users Elemental Affinity, so for instance,
the user was a Lightning user, if they did a sumersalting kick through
the air, the ground where the kick landed on would suffer from Lightning
Chakra damage. But how it gets is name, is the streak of the element
they leave behind after dealing the blow. If a Fire user were to throw a
punch, they would have to leave a trail of smoke where the punch was
trailed. If used with a weapon, then the weapon will receive the bonuses
that the users Taijutsu does. The actual damage this jutsu does depends
on the Elemental Affinity, so follows:

* Wind: Sharpened

Name: Suiken Ryuu :: [Drunken Fist Style]
Type: Taijutsu :: Style
Element: -
Description: Suiken is
fighting style utilizing alcohol to loosen the body's muscles and the
unstructured movements make the users attacks harder to predict. By
being in this drunken state, the user can take more damage without
feeling the pain, gain higher agility and provide a natural fluidity to
their movements.pponents within his range of attack.

Saruken Ryuu :: [Monkey Fist Style]
Rank: B
Type: Taijutsu ::
Element: -
Description: This style is used by all warriors
hailing from the Monkey Kingdom ruled by the Monkey King Enma. From
Teishu's visit there, he has acquired this skill after training
relentlessly for a year with the strongest of the monkey warriors. This
style enhances the muscles in Teishu's body, making him extremely
flexible and agile, much like monkeys are while swinging from trees.
This style also gives him the strength of an ape, able to land powerful
punches and kicks with great force, much greater than the average
shinobi. This style is basically a way to enhance the muscles without
the risk of lactic acid build up. In some essence, the shinobi becomes a
monkey himself, but can still think like the sensible human he is. This
technique is very formidable and should be dealt with with care if you
are faced against it.

Name: Gouken Ryuu :: [Strong Fist Style]
Type: Taijutsu :: Style
Element: -
Description: Gouken is
fighting style utilized by almost all Taijutsu users. This form allows
the shinobi to deal a significant damage to his opponent to be able to
defeat them. The Gouken form focuses on injuring the body and breaking
bones, dealing primary damage to the outer body. Attacks like Konoha Dai
Senpuu, Konoha Gouriki Senpuu and Konoha Shoufuu fall into this

Name: Konoha Raiken :: [Leaf Thunder Fist]
Rank: D
Element: -
Description: Konoha Raiken is a Taijutsu
technique utilized by most of the Taijutsu users of Konohagakure. The
shinobi will spin to gain momentum and then lay a powerful strike into
his opponent.

Name: Konoha Reppuu :: [Leaf Violent Wind]
Type: Taijutsu
Element: -
Description: Konoha Reppuu is a
Taijutsu technique utilized by most Taijutsu users of Konohagakure.
Using his quickness and agility, the shinobi will move low to the ground
and spinning kick to sweep their opponent off their feet.

Konoha Senpuu :: [Leaf Whirlwind]
Rank: D
Type: Taijutsu
Konoha Senpuu is a Taijutsu technique utilized by most Taijutsu using
shinobi of Konohagakure. Using his quickness and agility, the shinobi
charges at his target and spins his body to do a flying round house kick
on those opponents within his range of attack.

Name: Konoha
Shoufuu :: [Leaf Rising Wind]
Rank: C
Type: Taijutsu
Element: -
Konoha Shoufuu is a Taijutsu technique utilized by most Taijutsu users
of the Hidden Leaf Village. Using his quickness and agility, the shinobi
will do a swift upwards kick at his opponent or at a weapon his
opponent is wielding.

Name: Konoha Dai Senpuu [Leaf Great
Rank: C
Type: Taijutsu
Element: -
Konoha Dai Senpuu is a Taijutsu technique utilized by almost all
Taijutsu shinobi of Konohagakure. Like the normal Senpuu, the shinobi
uses his quickness and agility to deliver a series powerful spinning
kicks to his opponent.

Name: Konoha Kage Buyou :: [Leaf
Shadow Dance]
Rank: C
Type: Taijutsu
Element: -
Konoha Kage Buyou is a Taijutsu technique that is used to position a
ninja's opponent into a vulnerable aerial position. The ninja will first
quickly appear below their opponent, then with a switch upper kick they
will launch their target into the air. The ninja will then jump into
the air to "shadow" the target with the target's back to their chest.
Rock Lee uses the Konoha Kage Bayou to place his opponent into a
position to do his Omote Renge technique. Uchiha Sasuke would go on to
copy this move to set up his opponent for his Shishi Rendan technique.

Konoha Gouriki Senpuu :: [Leaf Strong Whirlwind]
Rank: B
Element: -
Description: Konoha Gouriki Senpuu is a
Taijutsu technique utilized by many of the more advanced Taijutsu users
of Konohagakure. Like the normal Senpuu, the shinobi uses his quickness
and agility to deliver a powerful roundhouse kick to his opponent.

Hayabusa Otoshi :: [Peregrine Falcon Drop]
Rank: C
Type: Taijutsu
Description: While at an elevated position, the shinobi will grab
his opponent from behind. Firmly locking himself to their back, he will
lock his ankles to their neck to get their body rigid. He will then
plant them head first into the ground. Essentially a belly to back
piledriver, the move can provide a great concussion to his opponent's

Name: Shishi Rendan :: [Lion Combo]
Rank: C
Element: -
Description: The shinobi first uses the Konoha
Kage Buyou to maneuver his opponent in a vulnerable aerial position.
While shadowing his opponent, the shinobi will attempt to strike them
from a vulnerable angle. If he is unable to make a clean strike, he will
strike anyway as a feint, to draw his target's attention and defense to
one area. He can then strike the undefended area and begin knocking
them downwards towards the ground. As the enemy falls back to the earth,
the shinobi will deftly rotate his body around to deliver a full force
kick to their chest.

Bojutsu :: Staff Arts
Name: Bojutsu:
Assaisuipu :: [Staff Technique: Crushing Sweep]
Rank: C
Element: -
Description: Bojutsu: Assaisuipu :: [Staff
Technique: Crushing Sweep] is a technique in the field of Bojutsu ::
[Staff Techniques]. First, the wielder of this technique must channel
chakra into their weapon, in this case it will be a staff. Upon pooling
the chakra into the weapon, one will intensify it, much like in Chakra
Keichuu no Jutsu :: [Chakra Concentration Technique]. The user will then
charge at their opponent with their chakra enhanced weapon held behind
their neck. When their target is within range, the user will bring the
staff from behind their neck and swing it at their opponent. Should the
staff come in contact with the intended target, the chakra will expel
from the weapon in a pinch and add a considerable amount of force behind
the attack. It is a basic bludgeoning attack used with a staff in
conjunction with chakra manipulating and intensifying techniques.

Bojutsu: Kokusuipu :: [Staff Technique: Slicing Sweep]
Rank: C
Element: Fuuton
Description: Bojutsu: Kokusuipu :: [Staff
Technique: Slicing Sweep] is a technique in the field of Bojutsu ::
[Staff Techniques]. First, the wielder of this technique must channel
chakra into their weapon, in this case it will be a staff. Upon pooling
the chakra into the weapon, one will intensify it, much like in Chakra
Keichuu no Jutsu :: [Chakra Concentration Technique]. Subsequently, the
user will begin to pour wind natured chakra into their weapon, giving it
slicing and cutting capabilities. The user will then charge at their
opponent with their chakra enhanced weapon held behind their neck. When
their target is within range, the user will bring the staff from behind
their neck and swing it at their opponent. The user then can choose to
keep the weapon in its chakra enhanced state to continue its slicing
capabilities, or release the wind natured chakra to send a slicing jet
of wind at their opponent. Either way, the cutting capabilities resemble
that of a katana or kunai engulfed in the sharpened Wind natured

Name: Bojutsu: Tajuu Kokusuipu :: [Staff Technique:
Multiple Slicing Sweeps]
Rank: C
Type: Bojutsu
Element: Fuuton
Bojutsu: Kokusuipu :: [Staff Technique: Slicing Sweep] is a technique
in the field of Bojutsu :: [Staff Techniques]. First, the wielder of
this technique must channel chakra into their weapon, in this case it
will be a staff. Upon pooling the chakra into the weapon, one will
intensify it, much like in Chakra Keichuu no Jutsu :: [Chakra
Concentration Technique]. Subsequently, the user will begin to pour wind
natured chakra into their weapon, giving it slicing and cutting
capabilities. The user will then charge at their opponent with their
chakra enhanced weapon held behind their neck. When their target is
within range, the user will bring the staff from behind their neck and
swing it at their opponent. The user then performs a series of slashing
attacks while releasing the wind natured chakra to send multiple slicing
jets of wind at their opponent. Either way, the cutting capabilities
resemble that of a katana or kunai engulfed in the sharpened Wind
natured chakra.

Name: Bojutsu: Fuusha Boushu :: [Staff Technique:
Spinning Windmill]
Rank: C
Type: Bojutsu
Element: -
Bojutsu: Fuusha Boushu :: [Staff Technique: Spinning Windmill] is a
technique in the field of Bojutsu :: [Staff Techniques]. First, the
wielder of this technique must channel chakra into their weapon, in this
case it will be a staff. Upon pooling the chakra into the weapon, one
will intensify it, much like in Chakra Keichuu no Jutsu :: [Chakra
Concentration Technique]. The user will then slowly begin spinning the
staff in one of their hands, and the gradually increase the speed of its
spinning in a short amount of time. This creates a rotating weapon the
has slight cutting abilities as well as bludgeoning capabilities. This
technique can be used as an endless onslaught to break down an
opponent's defense, and then can be followed up by a stronger attack.
There is a variation of this technique that incorporates the wind
element, and its force is increased greatly.

Name: Bojutsu:
Daifuusha Boushu :: [Staff Technique: Great Spinning Windmill]
Rank: B
Element: Fuuton
Description: Bojutsu: Daifuusha Boushu
:: [Staff Technique: Great Spinning Windmill] is a technique in the
field of Bojutsu :: [Staff Techniques]. First, the wielder of this
technique must channel chakra into their weapon, in this case it will be
a staff. Upon pooling the chakra into the weapon, one will intensify
it, much like in Chakra Keichuu no Jutsu :: [Chakra Concentration
Technique]. The user will then slowly begin spinning the staff in one of
their hands, and the gradually increase the speed of its spinning in a
short amount of time. This creates a rotating weapon the has cutting
abilities as well as bludgeoning capabilities. However, unlike the base
form of this technique, the user begins to channel his own wind natured
chakra into the length of the weapon, not only increasing the cutting
capability but also the sheer speed at which the weapon is spinning.
Now, this technique is able to fend off other elemental techniques as
well as break through most defenses.

Name: Bojutsu: Sarukokuou
Yousei :: [Staff Technique: Monkey King's Ultimatum]
Rank: B
Element: -
Description: Bojutsu: Sarukokuou Yousei ::
[Staff Technique: Monkey King's Ultimatum] is a powerful technique in
the field of Bojutsu :: [Staff Techniques]. First, the wielder of this
technique must channel a great amount of chakra into their weapon, in
this case it will be a staff. Upon pooling the chakra into the weapon,
one will intensify it, much like in Chakra Keichuu no Jutsu :: [Chakra
Concentration Technique], but significantly more so. When one is ready
to unleash their attack, they will slam the staff into the ground, and
release the intensified chakra all at once, sending out a massive shock
wave that is capable of knocking down opponents. This attack holds bone
shattering capabilities when used as a direct attack.

Fuuton :: Wind Arts
Fuuton: Furyoku :: [Wind Release: Buoyancy]
Rank: C
Element: Fuuton
Description: Among most of the Wind
natured techniques, they are primarily used as offensive skills, using
the cutting edge of wind to damage their opponents, but Teishu being so
gifted in the art of wind manipulation has learned a more passive skill.
By channeling his own wind natured chakra into the object of his
choice, he is able to create a visible cyclone like aura around the
object, and change the direction or cause them to hover above the ground
depending on how strong the cyclone is. At his level, Teishu is capable
of moving decent sized objects and average mastery of air currents
around him. By forming this wind natured chakra around the object, he
can allow it to float before him. At this stage of his shinobi skill, he
can use this technique on fifteen objects at one time.

Shitoyaka Suteppusu :: [Graceful Steps]
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Shitoyaka Suteppusu: Graceful Steps is a
supplementary ninjutsu that utilizes the wind element through the use of
Fuuton; more commonly known as Wind Release. This technique can be used
in conjunction with physical attacks to make them more effective, but
in general, it is used to enhance the speed of the shinobi utilizing
this technique. Through means similar to that of Chakra Concentration,
the shinobi will gather wind based chakra into his feet. By expelling
this chakra at certain points, they will be able to actually thrust
their bodies forward, increasing their speed and initial force in an
instant. When used in conjunction with Taijutsu based attacks, punches
and kicks become slightly more powerful, since momentum and initial
force is increased with each boost. More advanced versions of this
technique allow the user to infinitely travel in this "boosted" state,
but Shitoyaka Suteppusu: Graceful Steps only allows for short burst
every so often. Chuunin who use this technique can use it without worry
over over expulsion of chakra. Those who have mastered some sort of
chakra control techniques will have an easier time controlling this

Name: Reppushou :: [Gale Wind Palm]
Rank: C
Element: Fuuton
Description: Reppushou :: [Gale Wind
Palm] is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. After forming
the needed hand seals, the shinobi will send a strong gust of wind
towards his target. When acting in conjunction with another thrown
weapon, the wind can increase its power and deadliness by increasing its
speed, force, and sharpness.

Name: Daitoppa :: [Great
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton
Daitoppa :: [Great Breakthrough] is a Ninjutsu technique which utilizes
the Wind Element. Unlike [i]Kamaitachi :: [Cutting Whirlwind] or Dai
Kamaitachi :: [Great Cutting Whirlwind], this technique does not rely on
the cutting properties of wind to gain its strength. In fact, this
technique relies on the sheer force of wind to knock opponents and other
sorts of barriers down. To perform the technique, the user will have to
perform a hand seal to release the chakra within their bodies and allow
it for manipulation. They channel their raw chakra into their mouths,
and then constantly hold a steady flow of their own Wind natured chakra
into the mix. Once the technique is ready, the shinobi brings his hand
to his mouth, the shinobi will then a blow out this powerful wind, and
level most things that are in its path. This technique resembles
something to the effect of Goukakyuu no Jutsu :: [Great Fireball
Technique] or Mizurappa :: [Violent Water Wave], but unlike the other
techniques, utilizes the Wind element to gain its strength.

Fuuton: Fuusajin :: [Wind Release: Dust Wind]
Rank: C
Element: Fuuton
Description: This is a wind technique
that takes advantage of the user's environment. This technique does not
require hand-signs when used with a fan another such weapon, such as
Teishu's Staff: the Jingu Bang, possessing the properties required for
using alongside wind technique. However, for everyone else, hand-signs
will be required along with the collection of Fuuton natured chakra into
the lungs in order to low out the gust of wind this technique creates.
With this technique, the user will create a powerful gust of wind strong
enough to loosen the footing of the opponent. While this wind does not
have the same cutting aspect as other techniques, it does have enough
force to push an opponent back if the target does not have a firm
footing to begin with, such as being in a mid-air fall. However, the
real advantage of this technique is that as the gust of wind blows,
small particles are picked up form the ground and collected along other
surfaces. This allows the user to move sand-like particles enough so
that other surfaces becomes slippery, making it hard for the opponent to
obtain a new footing. This technique aims at inconveniencing the
opponent long enough for a more powerful move to be landed. While it is
easy to perform this technique in an environment like Sunagakure, the
aspect of collecting dust-like particles can only be used in an
environment that permits, and when no such particles are there, this is
nothing more then a gust of wind that aims at pushing the opponent back.
In an environment like Konohagakure, one can use this gust of wind to
gather a substantial amount of leaves to blind his opponent.

Fuuton: Kamaitachi [Wind Release: Cutting Whirlwind]
Rank: C
Element: Fuuton
Description: This is an effective wind
technique that is usually performed with the user of a fan or another
such weapon, such as Teishu's Staff: the Jingu Bang. However, this
technique can also be performed without the fan, though to do so a
series of hand-signs are required along with the collection of Fuuton
natured chakra into the lungs in order to blow out the gust of wind this
technique creates. Named for a mythical creature, this technique
creates a gust of violent slashing wind. The wind has enough concussive
force to knock the opponent back, but the true effectiveness of this
technique is the cutting nature of the Fuuton. Within this gust of wind
are random blades of wind that slash at the area of the gust. These
blades are completely random, and are only strong enough to create 2
inch deep slashes, non of which can land in a vital area.

Boufuu Oshiken :: [Gale Pressure Fist]
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Boufuu Oshiken :: [Gale Pressure Fist] is a
technique utilizing the wind element. First, the shinobi utilizing this
technique will perform a hand sign that releases the chakra within their
body. They will then pool the chakra into the palm of one or both of
their hands, and then pour their own wind natured chhakra into the mix.
The user will then pressurize the wind, compacting it to make the force
truly incredible. When the user is ready to unleash the attack, they
will stop pressurizing the air and unleash it in one, intense burst that
has the power to shatter bones on direct contact. However, this
technique cannot be thrown and must be thrust forward like a punch
towards their opponent. One has to be careful that the attack is not
redirected, for the blow back properties can prove to be dire for the
one utilizing this technique.

Name: Dai Kamaitachi :: [Great
Cutting Whirlwind]
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton
Dai Kamaitachi :: [Great Cutting Whirlwind] is a technique utilizing
the wind element. This technique is usually used with some sort of
weaponry to enhance its effectiveness, and Teishu uses his staff: the
Jingu Bang to perform this powerful attack. He will first gather a
massive amount of wind nature chakra into his loose sleeves, and then in
one powerful sleep of his arms, he will blow a concussive wind that is
imbued with his own chakra. This technique is a bigger version of the
normal Kamaitachi no Jutsu, having the ability to cause a great amount
of cutting damage to the nearby area.

Name: Saru Yobidashi ::
[Monkey's Call]
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton
Teishu, like his monkey companions, inhales a large amount of air into
his chest and then slams his fist into his chest to expel it. To
strengthen the attack the user will imbue chakra into the air. When
expelled it forms concussive spherical projectiles capable of inflicting
large damage. It is usually followed by a high pitched call known as
the Monkey’s Call.

Name: Rasengan - Spiral Sphere
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Rasengan was a ninjutsu technique
developed over the span of three years by the Fourth Hokage. The
technique was taught to his sensei Jiraiya, who then passed it on to the
young ninja Naruto years later. Like Kage Bunshin, Naruto would adopt
the technique as a signature move and make it all his own. The technique
is unlike other jutsu in that it does not require any handseals, it
just relied on the ninja's ability to mold chakra. The ninja
concentrates a contained, fast, rotating sphere of chakra in the palm of
their hand which can cause much destructive impact.

Name: Wind
Release: Rasengan
Rank: S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton - Wind
Description: Naruto mixed his wind element with the
Rasengan during his training, maintaining its original stability and
increasing its power, far beyond that of his ordinary Rasengan. An
example of the power that element manipulation adds to the Rasengan is
shown when it is tested against Kakashi's standard Rasengan. The fact
that it was only partially completed, but still be able to easily
overpower Kakashi's Rasengan and damage his hand demonstrates just how
far the Rasengan has been pushed when combined with element chakra.

Name: Kuchiyose no Jutsu -
A powerful jutsu, Ninpo Kuchiyose allows a ninja to summon animals,
and the dead to fight on their behalf. There are many ways in
the ninja can sign a contract with a summon but it is usually done

with the ninja signing a blood contract with the animal species. This
the user to summon different size and skilled animals to fight
side them, or on their behalf.

The Saru Brothers

Saru Puchi
Rank: B
five feet tall in height, Saru Puchi is now only the second smallest of
the Saru Brothers, now being taller than his hot-headed brother, Reke.
He still retains his skinny figure, and dons a robe that looks almost
identical Teishu's previous wardrobe. His hair is light brown, and it
covers most of the small monkey's body. Over time, he has grown out of
his previous disproportionate body, and now looks like a normal young
monkey. He is fit, and muscular, finally coming into his teenage body.
He is just a foot shorter than Teishu now, and is very proud of his
newly found height.

Contract Type: Blood
Species: Moneky
Affinity: -

Special Abilities/Characteristics:
Bojutsu - Staff Combat
Background: The first monkey
summon Teishu mastered. The monks at the temple where he was raised
decided to give him a play mate, so they matched him with this small,
but strong monkey. When Teishu was little, he would summon Saru Puchi to
fight with him so he could train his Taijutsu skills to the limits.
This was a large benefit, and Teishu owes most of his Taijutsu prowess
to this valuable summon. However in the recent years, Puchi has grown
with the ever growing Teishu. He is now not only much larger than
before, but also has adopted a fighting style that resembles Teishu's.
He now wields a staff of his own, and utilizes it in conjunction with a
plethora of powerful, Taijutsu based attacks.


Name: Chakra Keichuu no Jutsu :: [Chakra
Concentration Technique]
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: -
Chakra Keichuu no Jutsu :: [Chakra Concentration Technique] is a very
versatile skill used by many Taijutsu and Kenjutsu based shinobi. The
use of this technique is to pool ones own chakra into specific parts of
the body, or even into certain weapons of the user's choice. By pooling
chakra into certain areas, that area will become stronger physically,
and if released at the right moment, will add more power behind an
attack dealt from area with the pooled chakra. Many users of this
technique use it to pool their chakra into their fists and feet so that
their punches and kicks will have more driving force and the power of
initial impact will increase exponentially. In the field of kenjutsu,
when a chakra current is passed through the weapon, it will become
immensely tougher than it had before. It also creates sharper edges, and
in some cases, can even extend the blade of the weapon. The art of
Chakra Concentration is slightly difficult to master, and once mastered,
brings the young shinobi who wields it onto another plane of chakra
control. More advanced levels of this technique allow for the flow of
elemental chakra, but such techniques require even higher chakra
control, and chakra sensitive weapons. When utilizing this technique,
objects and body parts surrounded by the pooled chakra become 20-30%
more durable, as well as the the brute force from initial impact.

Konoha Dai Senpuu :: [Leaf Great Whirlwind]
Rank: C
Element: -
Description: Konoha Dai Senpuu is a Taijutsu
technique utilized by almost all Taijutsu shinobi of Konohagakure. Like
the normal Senpuu, the shinobi uses his quickness and agility to deliver
a series powerful spinning kicks to his opponent.

Name: Konoha
Kage Buyou :: [Leaf Shadow Dance]
Rank: C
Type: Taijutsu
Description: Konoha Kage Buyou is a Taijutsu technique that is
used to position a ninja's opponent into a vulnerable aerial position.
The ninja will first quickly appear below their opponent, then with a
switch upper kick they will launch their target into the air. The ninja
will then jump into the air to "shadow" the target with the target's
back to their chest. Rock Lee uses the Konoha Kage Bayou to place his
opponent into a position to do his Omote Renge technique. Uchiha Sasuke
would go on to copy this move to set up his opponent for his Shishi
Rendan technique.

Name: Bojutsu: Sarukokuou Yousei :: [Staff
Technique: Monkey King's Ultimatum]
Rank: B
Type: Bojutsu
Description: Bojutsu: Sarukokuou Yousei :: [Staff Technique:
Monkey King's Ultimatum] is a powerful technique in the field of Bojutsu
:: [Staff Techniques]. First, the wielder of this technique must
channel a great amount of chakra into their weapon, in this case it will
be a staff. Upon pooling the chakra into the weapon, one will intensify
it, much like in Chakra Keichuu no Jutsu :: [Chakra Concentration
Technique], but significantly more so. When one is ready to unleash
their attack, they will slam the staff into the ground, and release the
intensified chakra all at once, sending out a massive shock wave that is
capable of knocking down opponents. This attack holds bone shattering
capabilities when used as a direct attack.

Saru Reke
Rank: B
Reke still stands at around five feet, and is of the howler monkey
branch of primates. He is no longer exceptionally skinny like he and
Saru Puchi were before. Rather he is still evenly proportioned, but has
gained a subtantial amount of muscle mass over the years. This
hot-headed monkey is all black, except for three rings of white hair
that wrap around the biceps on each arm. This monkey has thrown out his
old white robe, and has adopted a newer, more stylish form of clothing.
Much like the silk material his robe was made of before, it is now made
into a stylish vest with a high collar that covers a great deal of his
neck. Though there are two things that have not changed over the years.
His small katana still hangs loosely from his side, and his signature
bottle of sake is still attached to that very same twine string and is
draped over his shoulder at all times.

Contract Type:
Blood Donation
Species: Monkey
Affinity: -
Special Abilities/Characteristics:
Background: The second summon Teishu was
introduced to. Saru Reke, or more commonly referred to as the "Drunk
Monkey" by his brothers, and also helped Teishu further his training in
the arts of Taijutsu. His strength is now even rivaled by his younger
brother, Saru Puchi, but like his younger brother his strength has
increased considerably. He still retains his drunken origins, but has
become increasingly more skilled in the art of Kenjutsu than before.
Upon first meeting Teishu, he really hadn't had much affection for the
young boy. However, over the years and years of spending time with him,
even he has formed a bond between himself and the young shinobi. Though
he rarely shows it, he truly does respect his friend and master, and
would gladly give himself up for the young man.


Name: Hien :: [Flying Swallow]
Rank: B
Close [0-5m]
Type: Kenjutsu
Element: -
Description: Flying
swallow requires great chakra channeling, for the shinobi infuses his
chakra into the blades of his weapon. While doing this, the shinobi
charges towards his opponent at immense speeds. When the two shinobi
meet, the user of Flying Swallow seemingly misses his opponent, but the
chakra extending his blades slice through the opponent's chest, a very
fatal wound.

Name: Shishi Sonson :: [Lion's Song]
Rank: B
Element: -
Description: Shishi Sonson :: [Lion's Song]
is a powerful technique utilized by the hot-headed howler monkey, Saru
Reke. First, the monkey will begin to pump chakra into his legs and feet
to enhance the muscles and allow him to move at supernatural speeds.
All the while, the monkey is bending at the legs and placing his hand
over the handle of his blade. When the time is right, Reke will explode
forth with a violent burst of chakra towards his enemy and deliver fast,
but incredibly precise attack that causes serious damage to the
opponent. However, the technique can only be successfully completed in a
straight line, so if the target shinobi is fast enough, the can easily
dodge this attack.

Name: Suiken Ryuu :: [Drunken Fist Style]
Type: Taijutsu Fighting Style
Element: -
Description: Suiken
is fighting style utilizing alcohol to loosen the body's muscles and
the unstructured movements make the users attacks harder to predict. By
being in this drunken state, the user can take more damage without
feeling the pain, gain higher agility and provide a natural fluidity to
their movements.

Name: Saru Tsuyoi
The mighty ape of the Saru
brothers. Saru Tsuyoi stands at around seven feet tall, still towering
over Teishu even after all these years. He has dark brown fur, tattered
from the constant battles he's been through. In recent years he has
discarded his own wooden helmet, but still dons the wooden arm guards,
wooden shin guards, and a wooden chest protector, all painted a deep red
with a white swirl starting from the center of each, and extending to
the edges. Unlike Saru Puchi and Saru Reke, he is the only one who
actually has well bulging muscles, used to crush heads of enemies and be
an overall machine of destruction.

Contract Type:
Blood Donation
Species: Monekey
Affinity: Mokuton [Wood]
Background: The
third and final summoning, and brother to Saru Puchi and Saru Reke, the
mighty Saru Tsuyoi is the most powerful of the three brothers. Teishu
acquired this mighty beast upon entering the academy, a gift from the
monks who had raised him. Teishu was told by the monks that he would not
have a final pact with this beast until he ventured to the Monkey
Kingdom and confronted Enma, the Monkey King, and tell him of his status
within Konohagakure, and ask permission to use his nephew, Saru Tsuyoi
in battle. Teishu was puzzled as to why he didn't have to do this with
the other Saru brothers. The monks explained that they were not as
strong as the other monkeys under Enma, and Enma had given full
ownership of the monkeys to the temple, free to teach the summoning art
as they wished. But, upon venturing to the Monkey Kingdom, he gained
full use of Tsuyoi and has since used him to his full potential. He has
become Teishu's conscious over the years, being those so useful words of
wisdom in dire situations. Teishu often goes to him when seeking advice
on life, and rarely does this monster of an animal depress.


Name:Moku Shouheki no Jutsu :: [Wood Barrier
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Mokuton
Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Tsuyoi
will form hand seals and cause beams of wood to emerge from the ground.
The shinobi uses his chakra to bend the pillars of wood, causing them to
converge to one point. When this is all done, a half spherical barrier
is formed to defend the user from incoming attacks. The user can change
the size of this barrier to whatever they want, it all depends on how
much chakra they put into the technique. It could be small enough to
shield one person, or it could be big enough to defend a whole troupe of

Name: Uddo Doutai :: [Wooden Pillars]
Rank: B
Element: Mokuton
Description: With this technique, the
user must perform the required hand seals, then place his hands on the
ground. From the spot where they place their hand, the user can control
the growth of many wooden pillars in a twenty meter radius from the
spot. Any place that is touching the ground is fair game for this jutsu,
so if a tree trunk is within a twenty meter radius, the user could make
wooden pillars sprout from there if they wanted. This jutsu works the
best when in a forest already, and it works to the monkey's advantage.
It allows easier movement for them, and hinders the movement of their

Name: Daijurin no Jutsu :: [Great Forest Technique]
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Mokuton
Description: Daijurin no
Jutsu :: [Great Forest Technique] is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by
those well versed in the art of Mokuton :: Wood Release. Using his
ability to utilize Mokuton [Wood Release] techniques, Tsuyoi will extend
a large mass of wooden spikes from his arm. These spikes can act both
to impale his target and as a barrier to protect a comrade.

Mokuhen Senpuu :: [Splintering Whirlwind]
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Mokuhen Senpuu :: [Splintering Whirlwind] is a
technique utilizing Mokuton :: [Wood Release] used only by the First
Hokage before Tsuyoi unlocked its power. By first performing a hand
sign, Tsuyoi releases the Earth and Water chakras in the ground around
him, and melds them together to create the Wood based chakra. Keeping
his concentration on the technique, Tsuyoi will continue to manipulate
this chakra, and cause a multitude of pillars to shoot up around his
enemy, forming a field of thin wooden pillars. Then, Tsuyoi will clench
his fist, and the wooden pillars will burst, causing them to splinter
and swirl around his target. This technique is a snaring technique as it
is a blinding technique. This hundreds of little shards that launch
towards the target blur the vision, as well form a multitude of tiny
cuts around their body. However, the sheer amount of sharp splinters
formed is immense, and can cause serious damage to the target.

Saru Buushin :: [Monkey Clone]
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is the Monkey Kingdom’s take on Shadow Clone. It
creates a clone out of the user, that is to say the monkey. However it
can only create one, as if creating a mirror image. All abilities and
jutsu are passed to the Clone also. However, if the clone is destroyed, a
release of energy will pummel the imitate area. It may not be harmful
in the slightest, but it can sure be distracting. Monkeys are strange
little creatures, so happy and fun; but one wrong move and you will be
in for a loud awakening, and that is where this move comes from.

~History/RP Sample~

History/Background Story: A shinobi can only go so far with their talent and raw skill. There is
always that tiny driving force that seems to keep them going even in the
most dire situations. It is a force that surpasses all amounts of
training and all levels of shinobi prowess. It is an age old power that
surges through each and every living thing, but many chose to keep it
dormant, and do not reveal it. What then is this powerful force that's
power can break through seemingly unbreakable defenses and unending
onslaughts? Courage. This is a character trait a great shinobi cannot be
without. If one was without courage, many a mission would go incomplete
or, undoubtedly, fail. It is lucky for the young Yama Teishu that he
utilizes this emotion to its fullest extent. Teishu does not know the
meaning of failure or surrender. He pushes and pushes until the task is
complete, and the lengths he is willing to go to show his courageousness
is simply astounding. By any stretch, this is Teishu's most prominent
character trait, because even through his goofy and aloof nature, there
is always that small hint of courageousness that seems to break through
all other emotions.

But yes, setting aside his valor and
unyielding courage, Teishu is for lack of a better word a goofball. He
is oblivious and aloof when it comes to his casual life. His mind seems
to wander effortlessly, and he will often find himself dozing off in the
middle of a mission briefing or staring at the beautiful butterfly that
seemed to dance across the transparent layer of glass that separated
the outside world from the air conditioned room. Though, unbelievably,
this goofy attitude only slightly revealed when on duty, his ridiculous
attitude towards life has gotten him in trouble many times. Teishu
couldn't count on all of his fingers and toes how many times he was
scolded for day dreaming and paying absolutely no attention to his
sensei's lessons, which would probably explain why he lacked a true
sensei for more than a short period of time. Even so, despite his
goofiness, one cannot stay mad at the young man for too long. He becomes
so goofy that one cannot repress their laughter any longer, and Teishu
goes along his merry way without so much as a light slap on the wrist.
His aloofness is as much a perk as it is a curse.

And then
against all odds, Teishu's true potential as a shinobi is revealed on
the battlefield. Through his casual, goofy personality shows a truly
versatile shinobi. No matter the circumstance, he always amazes his
officers and peers. From matters of full on offensive to highly covert
operations, Teishu always seems to fabricate brilliant means of
execution. He has displayed this many times through various missions and
battles. A depending on the situation, a completely different Teishu
takes over, one of superior cunning and intellectuality. He even
surprises himself sometimes.

And even through his physical and
mental strength as a shinobi, there is always one, small, nagging
thought that seems to nibble away at his conscious every day: the fact
that he is nothing without his monkey companions. Yes, it is a horrible
thing for one to think, but time and time again the boy has been
criticized for his reliance on the powerful primates. They argue that
the young boy can accomplish nothing on his own, and is in constant need
for the help of the warriors of the Monkey Kingdom. This has caused a
serious lapse in his self confidence, and every so often he breaks out
with pure anger because of the constant judgment. It is imperative that
in his newly acquired shinobi status he learns to disregard the
criticism and persevere as a shinobi.

Roleplay Sample: ~The Invasion~
The Bijuu's power evaded the surface
of the battle field devouring the box. Smoke erupted from the scene and
Shukaku saw through the smoke glancing at his nemesis. Evading all
current attacks that opposed him, Shukaku's true appearance appeared.
The ounce teal chakra tail, became a harden figure. His figure ounce
small and weak was now large and muscular. Ounce the smoke cleared the
true appearance was unleashed on the sight of his enemies. On all fours
his body mimicked that of the Nine Tailed Fox. Standing up Right he
looked over the open battle field. His eyes perfected with black and a
yellow pupil. With blue markings covering his body. Ancient and
mysterious. The battle field crumbled as he opened his mouth in aw...

Of the Bijuu~
A large chakra force destroyed trees and crumbled the
earth. He opened his mouth and a harsh wind blew from his mouth. "I'm
Free My Will in under No Human Control. Your Demise Is Unstoppable For
Your Crimes Of Injustice, You Will Die In My Cold Fury." With a
turbulent laugh trees where knocked over hurdling down on the enemies.
Ikazuchi was forced into an unconscious state of mind which had no end.
The seal on his body close to begging broken, his body almost consumed
by the Bijuu hope for him surving was useless. Outside the inner
specimen called Shukaku, he raised his arm to the sky. Watching
carefully the lady enemy as she has now air borne. Shukaku roared with
massive screeches, which disrupted the hearing and caused massive damage
to the are. The charged blast of pure chakra shoot out in a linear path
from Shukaku's mouth. The effect of the destructive ray shooting
through anything it comes in contact with, causing massive damage.

Ikazuchi on the inside of the beast mimicked its physical
battle style, as if he were controlling it, still unconscious to the
devouring of his body and the unleashed power of the Shukaku demon he
was opposed no threat to Shukaku. This meant the demon inside had better
chances of escaping the seal and ounce becoming free. With his armed
raised he swirled it in a circular motion. creating a dark cyclone of
chakra and wind. This begging the only know attack of Shukaku he has
firmed control over all of its power. This attack slowly develops unlike
other attacks used by Shukaku, so his iron body works as the perfect
defense against any potential threats. Yet if the enemy is able to
pierce the build of the demon, he quickly uses his regenerative powers
to make his former status.

~Tornadic!: EF0 - EF5~
a tornadic cyclone he infused more chakra. Abusive you might say, but
to a demon its sheer control and chaotic destruction. He manipulated the
cyclone send of harsh winds towards his enemy, blowing them back. The
cyclone turned vortex, EF5 - S - 200 - Described as 'Explosive Damage'.
Literally lifts structures off foundation and removed them from the
area, clearing the area under the vortex of all structures. Deadly
flying debree can fly about along the column of the tornado, however so
powerful and large, it moves at a crawling speed. Sending it towards his
enemy he planned to launch them miles away. Ikazuchi awoke as the
massive chakra source was launched. The vortex was under no ones grasp
as Shukaku put down his arm.

~Ikazuhci's Escape~
reject the power, he wouldn't stand fo it any longer. "I won’t allow you
to have my body." Regaining conscious he stopped the seal from begging
broken. The gates in which the Shukaku was locked was ounce again filed
with is body. "You've had your fun, know you need to stop." In anguish
Shukaku's laugh turned in to a cry. "Ah......Ah.....Ah..." His teal
chakra remained but his features where gone. Ikazuchi replenished his
own chakra, before the Bijuu chakra evaporated into thin air. To late
for him to stop the destructive vortex which was launched towards his
enemies. There only hope was to escape before the slow moving death trap
caught them in its grasp.

Last edited by Gen-B on Tue 22 Jun 2010, 12:56 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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Join date : 2009-07-27

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Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha]   Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeTue 22 Jun 2010, 1:48 am

Please give a real fresh RP sample, of how you would regularly RP in a simple topic.

Put all your jutsu onto this template:

Starting as an S rank ninja is not allowed.

You can only have two skill specialties.

You need a MUCH longer history then that if you want to be this powerful.

If you only have Fuuton, how do you have Mokuton. Mokuton is wood, which is KKG only, and is a combination of water and earth.

If you belong to Akatsuki, you don't belong to a village.

Also, uncenter your app.
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Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha]   Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeTue 22 Jun 2010, 9:16 am

Btw, you would have needed Kyogi's permission to make another Akatsuki member since you were very inactive and did absolutely nothing when you were RPing as Gen-B. How is Kyogi sure you'll be any different this time?
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Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha]   Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeTue 22 Jun 2010, 11:56 am


For starters:

Go with what Mizore said.

History HAS TO BE. Has to be. At least 9 to 15 Paragraphs for your Rank.

I was expecting a lot of history. :/ Yeah. Histories = Dull and boring. But Important.


Forget it. Too OP. I've tried man. :/


Don't try to have Rasengan. Only with Admin permission may you have it. And I say. NO. >.>

Take off the Center and we'll continue talking.
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Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha]   Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeTue 22 Jun 2010, 12:52 pm

Mokuton is my Summons ability not mine..

Fixed mostly!
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Revy Izumi
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Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha]   Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeTue 22 Jun 2010, 3:10 pm

Summons can only ability. Two with exceptions. Mokuton requires two elements, as well as a third, which is Mokuton itself.
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha]   Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitimeTue 22 Jun 2010, 7:47 pm

He can start S rank now since Tal and Gen are letting some do so. Gen-B was never apart of Akatsuki in the first place as well.

Mokuton is a Senju only KKG.

Also if you want to start S rank and remain in the Akatsuki you have to follow the plot and orders alike. If your only applying just to get the rank I will demote you to something else I see fit.


Remember to put your History in Arks.

And make the age a little bit more realistic. Everyone's trying to be an Itachi nowadays.
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Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha]   Yama Teishu :: [Monkey Master of Konoha] Icon_minitime

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