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 Maneki VS Genkou

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Maneki Neko
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Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 18 Jul 2010, 5:30 pm

(not sure but I think timing is fixed now.)
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PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 20 Oct 2010, 4:15 pm

The kunai hit the cocoon head on, exploding on contact. This caused the small boulders orbiting the cocoon to explode as well. The explosion engulfed the cocoon, sending clouds of smoke and sand into the surrounding air. Once the smoke subsided a bit, everyone could see that the cocoon remained intact. The eyeball that was hovering over the cocoon was gone, but nothing more looked different. Then, without warning, the cocoon rose up into the air. It halted to a stop, being about 25 feet in the air. Genkou didn't know anything about the hidden kunai, but only doing this to give himself a better view of the arena. He wasn't entirely sure if Maneki survived, but it was better safe than sorry. A small hole opened up in the front of the cocoon, giving him a view of his surroundings. "Where is he?" His instincts told him it wasn't over, and so he followed those instincts. "It is never wise to rely on vision alone, young one." His old master had once told him. Genkou calmed himself and stared out at the arena, relying on his keen sense of hearing as well. The 'special' sand he had used to attack Maneki, returned back to Genkou and began to orbit the cocoon.
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Maneki Neko
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PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 20 Oct 2010, 4:37 pm

Maneki after several moments was ready to resume the battle with the element of surprise. He silently made a water clone from the lake water. He had the clone prepare a flashbomb and then it jumped out of the water. It threw the flash bomb towards the cocoon that it saw was in the air. When the flash occurred the real Maneki took a chance to get some air by surfacing nd the quickly submerged again. The clone then summoned his key blade to his hand. It then charged at the caccoon. It used some nearby water to make water cubes that he was able to jump on and climb up in the air. Then when he was close enough he slashed at the opening he saw in the cocoon.

Jutsu Used:
Name:water clone jutsu
Description: creates one or more clones of the user out of water.
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PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 20 Oct 2010, 5:00 pm

Without warning, a flash of light sighted itself in Genkou's vision--blinding him. At the same time, the clone jumped out and climbed its way towards him. Recovering from the instant shock, he instantly relied on his instincts and used some of his sand to cover the small hole in his cocoon. As the cocoon sealed itself, the water clone slashed with its keyblade. The sword hit the cocoon, leaving only a tiny scratch on the surface. Then, spikes formed from its surface and speared the clone. The clone turned into water and splashed onto the ground below. "He is alive. Just as I thought." Genkou created another third eye, and used it once again for its purpose. Using the eye, he studied the lake surface and waited to see what next the child had planned.
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Maneki Neko
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Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 20 Oct 2010, 5:26 pm

Maneki felt his clone get run through with the sand spikes and now was the time to finish his plan. First he summoned his key blade into his hand and charged wind chakra into it. He used his water transportation jutsu using the clones water to appear in mid air after the spikes receded. He then used his Hadoukyuu to increase his slashing power and slashed at the cocoon. He then stuck put his free hand into a fist and stuck out his index finger and thumb he concentrated chakra into it and fired it where he had just slashed with his sword. The force of the move sent him soaring away from cocoon.


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Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Oct 2010, 9:55 am

The boy was still nowhere to be seen. Then, just as the water was about to make it past the cocoon as it fell to the ground, the boy appeared out of nowhere. Maneki pushed himself up with all his might, then focused all his strength into the keyblade. Genkou figured that the blade wouldn't make it past his defense--he was wrong. Maneki striked at the top center of the cocoon, which so happened to be the weakest part. Genkou had completely forgotten to secure that part of the cocoon after he had closed the opening when the clone had tried to strike him. However, despite the weak spot, Maneki was only able to leave a large dent. The dent spread quickly into a crack, then stopped. Genkou was shocked, but the boy wasn't done yet. Without warning, a bullet of pure chakra broke through the cracked shell and hit Genkou head on, giving him only seconds to react. Shukaku had tried to quickly, as fast as he could, to block some of the impact power. A somewhat thin layer of sand formed in front of him, but it wasn't enough to block the full impact. Obviously, Shukaku was only thinking about himself and really didn't want to die. Genkou fell into the back of the cocoon, full of shock and pain. The sand that was orbiting the cocoon instantly froze and fell to the ground, and the third eye turned back into sand. The cocoon crashed into the ground, causing clouds of dust and sand to mix in with the surrounding air.

Genkou sat up from within the cocoon, still shocked that the boy had made it past his absolute defense. "Amazing. I took him too lightly." The skin around his right side was cracked, and falling apart. He would have been knocked unconcious if it wasn't for Shukaku blocking a small fraction of the jutsu. Still, despite that, the pain from the impact wasn't charming. The surrounding 'special' sand began to orbit him, ready to do anything he wanted it to do. He then fed chakra into the sand he used to create the cocoon, now being 'special' as well. The sand instantly sped straight towards Maneki, preparing to attack.
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Maneki Neko
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Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 23 Oct 2010, 10:30 pm

Maneki was flying through the air but luckily he knew air recovery and regain his balance. He was only 28 meters away when the guy sent sand at him. He knew how to counter this attack easily though. He took water from his gourd and formed it around his fist. He then added wind chakra to it turning it into a more powerful attackt. He fired it at the sand and made several more and fired them at the sand as well. It was then he used his last then. He began to suck in water from his gourd and after moment he had enough he waited a few seconds and he fired three large dragon head shape blasts of water at the guy.

Name:water blast
Description:fires a volly ball size water ball at the target.

Name:Water Release: Great Dragon Water Techinque
Description:After performing the necessary hand seals, Maneki inhales air via his mouth and gathers up water chakra into his chest and he keeps it there fore several seconds ,then Maneki can fire several large dragon-shaped water balls at his opponent. The technique appears to require a lot of chakra to use, but if not careful this jutsu can become a more of a burden than an asset. The water balls seem to be very accurately modeled after a dragon’s head with fine detail. These water balls can cause great damage to a enemy. If hit directly will cause a great amount of damage.

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PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Oct 2010, 8:00 am

Upon seeing Maneki prepare his water jutsu, Genkou immediately called the sand to return, fusing it and a large amount of sand to pile up together. Just as Maneki shot three dragon-designed water balls at him, the sand had formed his supreme absolute defense--Shield of Shukaku. Genkou walked towards the back of the barricade, and fused his earth chakra into it. This gathered some of the earthy minerals within the sand, making the shield look a little 'rocky' (meaning it looks slightly like somebody dropped a few piles of rock inside). However, that moved had just cost him almost all of his chakra. He now only had enough to keep the his control over the current sand he is using. Genkou took a few steps back, and took the extra time to recover. "Looks like this is my limit..."

Jutsu Used:
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Maneki Neko
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Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Oct 2010, 9:29 am

Maneki was low on chakra and no longer had the stamina to attack his opponent. He was shocked to see his attack blocked as that was meant to be his final attack to end the match. He was about to give up hope when suddenly his key blade began to glow and energy began to course through Maneki. He felt better and knew he could finish the match. After landing on the ground he removed his leg weights but left his leg blades attached. He ran his wind chakra through his keyblade extending its reach by a foot and through leg blades for added power and then with new found speed he dashed at his opponent going around his strange defense. He then preformed a cross slash at his opponents body.

OCC( Secret power of the key blade is a go go. Last legs i think its called. You should know gen... you made it.)
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PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Oct 2010, 12:25 pm

Genkou began to breathe deeply, slowly recovering. The cracks on his face spread even further, and deepened. To be safe, he covered himself in his sand armor, just in case Maneki had anything else up his sleeve.The instant he turned his head, the boy appeared out of the blue and cross-slashed at his body. Sand immediately rose up to try and defend him, but it was too slow. The force from the slash was enough to knock Genkou a few feet backwards. Parts of his face crumbled, and fell to the ground.

His eyes opened, and his blurred vision focused on Maneki. It was the end, and he had lost. Or had he? His pride wouldn't allow himself to lose, especially to some mere child. Genkou reached deep into himself and tapped into some of Shukaku's chakra. Instantly, his chakra pool was revived. He also gained enough endurance to stand up. The cracks on his face spread some more, and a few more broke off and fell onto the ground. On the right side of his face, sand had gathered together and began to cover his right side. The right side of his face was now distorted, resembling Shukaku's features. A tail even formed from his rear, functioning like any normal tail. "Nice work, kiddo. You made it this far. Now show me how much further you can go, show me your true potential." Genkou went into 'attack mode' and waited for Maneki to make the first move.

Jinchuuriki Transformation:
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Maneki Neko
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Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Oct 2010, 12:38 pm

Maneki was a little shocked at how the sword was only able to knock his opponent back a few feet but he was not going to lose. The exhaustion was starting to come back,but he was determined to fight to the bitter end. He ready his sword with wind chakra once more and preformed another slash but this time the slash had some added bonus's. He then preformed a final wind jutsu after the slash at his opponent to finish him if his slash did not. With that jutsu almost of of his chakra was gone.


Last edited by Maneki Neko on Mon 25 Oct 2010, 4:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Oct 2010, 4:12 pm

OOC: Is that seriously the best you can do? Add a few more sentences to it. :P
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Maneki Neko
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PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Oct 2010, 4:18 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 25 Oct 2010, 5:07 pm

OOC: Not much to work with, but it will do. Btw, that wind jutsu is a close/mid-range technique in case you didn't know.

Genkou focused on Maneki as he prepared another jutsu. He tapped into more of the One-Tails' chakra, enough to advance into his next transformation. Proceeding to this form wasn't necessary, but the only way to counter the jutsu correctly he would need to strengthen his defense first. As Maneki was just about to release the wind chakra, Genkou jumped into the air and then wrapped his tail around himself, folding in his arms too. Just as Maneki released the wind towards him, Genkou crashed into the ground and started spinning like a piledriver. The jutsu Maneki had used was powerful, as he could he feel its strength as it tried to break his defense. Luckily it didn't, and he continued his piledriving rampage towards Maneki.

Jinchuuriki Transformation:

Jutsu Used:
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Maneki Neko
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Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 26 Oct 2010, 12:21 am

His attack was unable to work on his opponent and he was at his limit. As a final act of defense and the last of his strength he used the water from his gourd and preformed the water prison jutsu on himself. With that all his chakra was gone.

Name:water prison jutsu
Description: traps an enemy in a ball of water.
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Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 26 Oct 2010, 1:07 pm

((OOC: I'm gonna drop a ruling on this fight.

1. Maneki due to your water prison being an offensive jutsu for the most part it would be hurting you for 1, it is made to drown the foe within the water, you can't hold your breath for that long.

2. Even if you could hold the prison up long enough, his "Demon Pile Driver" Jutsu is B rank. Your prison is only c rank, therefore he would break through that prison with ease.

3. You just said you used up all your chakra, No chakra equals no life for the most part.

You are now pronounced the loser of this fight, Genkou is the winner and shall move on if were even still doing that. ~FIGHT RULED~))
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PostSubject: Re: Maneki VS Genkou   Maneki VS Genkou - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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