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 The Fox and The Dragon

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Posts : 26
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Join date : 2010-11-02

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PostSubject: The Fox and The Dragon   The Fox and The Dragon Icon_minitimeWed 03 Nov 2010, 2:53 pm

It had been a good week since Cut Uchiha had recovered from his nearly fatal wounds. Most of that time he had spent inside of his apartment, or just getting groceries and such. He hadn’t planned on doing anything big after what had happened. The waterfalls... he hadn’t visited them ever since that incident. He feared that going back there would be a stupid move on his part. He had almost died there not long ago, and he had already lost a friend on that cliff... No more He sworn to himself.

Cut had continued to have a struggle within himself. This strange voice kept bugging him while he slept, even when he was awake! He couldn’t even try and explain to people that there was a voice in his own head, stating peoples names who Cut had never met before! When they would walk by, Cut began to realize that he was knowing their names even without the voice saying them first... What was going on?

He had to get out of Kohona.He felt that something about the village just inspired this new... person... inside him to pester him. He didn’t like the idea of someone else inside him, but at the same time, the easiest way to change something like this, would probably be to give the ghost what it wants and then they rest in peace. But, besides all of those times of being pestered, Cut had found himself starting to get used to the voice. He and this ‘Kajikage’ began to get along, more so that Cut would have ever thought he could have when he was having another voice inside him.

This lead to the present moment as Cut was walking by the shops. He was looking for the necessities that he would need on a trip to Kiri. He didn’t know what he would find when he got to the village, but Kajikage had been telling him of an importance there. Only time would tell him what he might find. He continued to walk around Kohona, taking in the next few days would be tough... He had never left the village before.

But something tugged Cut’s thoughts. It was rather a strange thought, but he felt that there was some other reason that Kajikage told him to look around the shops. As if Kajikage was wanting some sort of events to transpire before they left for Kiri.

Uchiha in heart, Uchiha in mind, and, once again, Uchiha in body. The young boy has grown quite a bit in two long, difficult years. He has maintained his lithe and thin appearance, but his body has almost filled out completely with powerful muscles. Cut supports a broad set of shoulders with a thin waist. Perhaps the new most striking features about his body are the new tattoos that run along his back and left arm and another tattoo that appears at the base of his neck. The first tattoo forms the appearance of a dragon, crossing and twisting over his abdomen and arm. That tattoo on the back of his neck is a circle which supports the kanji for "Fire" within its borders. Cut now rises to an even 5'11" at 155 pounds of pure muscle.

Cut has not changed his clothing from his Chuunin days. It is functional and familiar, and he has not desire to change that. His outfit primarily consists of a long, baggy pair of dark gray pants. For his upper body, Cut wears a lighter black shirt that he maintained from his Genin dress. By altering his father's clothing, Cut was able to construct a more fitting shirt. Atop the shirt Cut wears a modified sort of vest with flaps to the side. It is a dark gray color with maroon colored flaps. Cut also wears bandages on his forearms and his biceps. Around his waist, Cut carries his headband. Of course, the headband is usually covered with bandages or with his shirt. Cut does not wear shoes and, rather, has bandages around his feet. On the top of his hair rest a dog painted Anbu mask.
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PostSubject: Re: The Fox and The Dragon   The Fox and The Dragon Icon_minitimeThu 04 Nov 2010, 7:16 am

This topic is locked due to too much topic that your in Cut.


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