Revy followed close behind her master, and partner known as Kyogi, or better known as the Akatsuki Leader. He was a very skilled warrior, with skill equal, or more then Revy herself. Although revy's appearance was of a teenage girl, and Kyogi's was of a full grown man, they were a force not to mess with. As tough as Kyogi was, moving at a fast pace, further ahead of Revy, she knew that there was one thing that he has not yet experienced, that she has. And until he's experienced that, they will always be a slight difference in how much they are the same. That experience being; Death. Most do not know of Revy's existence. To the ninja world, it is as if she is simply rumors, and legends. A girl that's reign is said to never end. Over her time, Revy has been given many nicknames in these rumors, and legends. Hell Girl. A girl that had died once before, but even hell itself spat her back out. The Harbinger of the Last Judgment. The Rainbringer. And many more that still float around the world. Though, those who do know she is in fact real, are either killed, or are left in confusion, and maybe scared.
Revy followed Kyogi, moving quick, and silently, following the path he is making up ahead
(Sorry i don't got much XD, i keep losing my train of thought).