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 Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]

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Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Empty
PostSubject: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]   Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Icon_minitimeWed 26 Oct 2011, 10:59 am

~General Information~

Name: Kiero Uchiha

Nickname/Alias: Tempest

Weight: 188cm

Height: 71 Kg

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Appearance and Clothing:

Young Kiero


Kiero appears to be a cool looking guy. Having a snow colored hair, and a lightly build body, which happens to show a weak looking guy. His eyes is colored green, that turns into red whenever he actives his Kekkai Genkai. Kiero's height is just average while his weight is lower than average, yet it doesnt mean that he doesnt have any force at all. His hair looking just like Gaara's brick hair, except his is white plus two long strands that run along his face. While his legs looked long and showed a little hind that can give fast movements as an outcome. And one significant looks is the smile that is always plastered on his face, giving off an impression that Kiero is friendly. Kiero's skin also has a light color comparable to Sasuke's Skin color. While he usually wears his headband along his neck. Even with this appearance, his look was not the most intimidating at all except his eyes that carries intensity.

About his clothing, Kiero loves to wear cloaks. While his favorite one carries has a red color with black flames the end, and as a design in the back is the Uchiha clan's symbol printed at a very large size, while having the symbol of Konohagakure on its patch. Yet he still has many cloaks than this, its just his favorite. While inside the cloak he wears a loose shirt. A necklace that seems to look like the first Hokage's necklace with its green color, swings around the neck of Kiero. It may seem normal but its a special item to him and its the reason why he always wears it along his neck. He dislikes wearing gloves even if its the metal or the cloth one. But he does wear metal wristbands along his wrist (obvious), it looks normal but again acts as defensive weapons. Small pouches run along his belt, each and one of them tied with him. Plus some different sized scrolls, which are very essential due to Kiero being a Fuiinjutsu Master, ( as seen on the picture ). Another significant part that is attached to him is a talisman attached to his belt along with the pouches and scrolls. The talisman itself is believed to hold special powers, that only Kiero knows. His pants looked normal that lengths as far as his feet, but a bandage is wrapped around the right leg. And his footwear consists only of a pair of sandals.


As a Genin Kiero Uchiha was seen as a very enthusiatic child, often seen thinking and playing with his friends. Although he had many friends he acted mysteriously and it seemed like his emotions we're fake and untrue. Yet his a very compassionate friend only unseen by those he cared for. Kiero possessed complete emotion control, he once stated that " Emotions will just slow me down..." For him emotions are nothing but trouble, its better to let those emotions out than to keep them and perish. He isnt really surprised at all times unless his opponent shows unbelievable abilities and often comments on them. Kiero didnt showed any arrogance at all throught his life, he likes to be humble and seem to be weaker than he looks although he carries a heritage that can be feared. Even though seen as a careless guy in his team, he often showed commitment by trying to protect his comrades no matter what the cost is. Besides being a powerful shinobi, Kiero showed impressive intelligence, although not as intelligent as Shikamaru, but is almost as wise by the likes of Uchiha Itachi. Often seen looking at his opponent deeply, the reason is Kiero slowly and surely reads the weakness and strengths of his opponents to measure and weigh them correctly. He is rarely surprised or even shocked by things around him, only on special occassions. He sometimes like to battle, but not because his a war-hunger shinobi but only to test his abilities. Yet he likes to end the battle as soon as possible to avoid more violence. A very respectful guy, Kiero respects everyone around him including his own enemies, knowing that everything in this world is balance. He carefully analyzes the situation, not allowing any loops holes, and to protect himself from being caught off-guard. Yet his courteousness is rarely returned to him, due to his weak appearance.

One of his distinct personality is anger issues, normally his a very compassionate person, even with that facade he really just wants to hide his anger issues for fear on hurting others with his temper. Although very wise, he is usually lured into traps because of getting angered, yet able to awaken himself just in time to avoid such traps. Ironic as it is, he was emotionally stable but his self control had a flaw. Yet he relies on people around him to stop Kiero incase of a sign of the anger issues. He deeply believed in the next generations, thus getting fond of training students that seems to endlessly come. A brave one, Kiero is considered a fearless hunter, he had never back downed from a challenge. This anger issues created two personality Kiero that revolves around the people he moves. The first Kiero being the wise and calm one, and has the ability to take on the situation lightly without panicking while the other one being the ill-tempered, unwise Kiero, usually easily provoked by words. Although this two distinct personality often collide, the wise and calm one seems to take over most of the times, the ill-tempered one shows only in tough situations which rarely happens at all. Yet Kiero strives to eliminate the negative side is personality everyday, as seen when he breaths heavily to stop the other personality on overcoming his good side. He can sometimes be stubborn, at least he isnt overconfident. If only he can keep the calm Kiero around, he could use the calmness as an advantage, by being able to notice everything around him. And keep himself keen and ahead of his opponent all the time.

Kiero appears to be very compulsive, yet this is only an outcome of being a quick-thinker, being able to think out of situations easily. His care for those he love seems to be endless, as he isnt bother to risk his own life just to protect them, and he does it without any hesitation at all. Kiero was never a fan of " fatalism " the belief that " fate is something decided at birth and that no matter what one does, people cannot escape their destiny " He believed that everybody has a same path, but we are given the chance to take the same direction or abandon it and be free. He himself never thought that he can never be stronger than his clanmates by the likes of his sister. Kiero was a hardworking shinobi, due to extensive training he was able to be worth on carrying a heritage. One of Kiero's habit is to spin kunai's on his point finger, he feels relaxed whenever does that. Also he loves to lie down on soft grasslands and watch the clouds move along the sky. He may look lazy while doing this habit, but he only does this whenever there's peace or at least when trouble isnt around. Kiero also values peace a lot, he often questions why should someone start a war against another country. With his wise words he is able to compromise with anybody easily without any further problems. He seems to be another Uchiha Itachi just like a reincarnation. Just like him, Kiero's loyalty still lies within Konohagakure. For the fast few years Kiero developed bonds with his remaining clansmate. For example was his sister Ryu Uchiha, even with the age gap, Kiero always looks up to his sister. Breaking the Uchiha fate, that every siblings of the Uchiha clan will fight for power. Yet his years of war around him, made Kiero very far from Uchiha Itachi. As Itachi was a pacifist, and hates war, Kiero believes that war is the only way to attain peace.

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PostSubject: Re: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]   Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Icon_minitimeWed 26 Oct 2011, 11:00 am

~Clan Information~

Clan Name: Uchiha

Kekkei Genkai:

Sharingan - Copying Wheel Eye (Uchiha Clan)

Sharingan is the blood inheritance limit of the Uchiha Clan. The Uchiha are said to be descendants of the Hyuuga, with the Byakugan changing into the Sharingan over time. This doujutsu (eye skill) gives one the ability to read Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu and then defeat it. As such, the clan member can view a technique being performed and almost instantly memorize the movements required to be able to complete it, including the needed chakra moldings and seals used. However the clan member cannot copy techniques that are unique to another bloodline and the clan member must have a body capable of meeting the chakra and physical requirements to do the jutsu. This rarely stops the clan member though, as such stressful situations often push their limits farther and allow them to harness their full potential.

The Uchiha clan member is not granted the Sharingan at birth; it is only activated later in life, typically during a time of emotional stress in the heat of battle. The Sharingan itself can be transferred to another non-Uchiha by a medical ninja, such as happened with Leaf ninja Uchiha Obito to his teammate Hatake Kakashi. Because his body was not born to carry the Sharingan, the eye is always activated and it burns Kakashi's chakra when used. To lessen the impact of the Sharingan on Kakashi's body, he normally keeps the eye hidden and out of use. Also of note, is the fact Kakashi, a non-Uchiha, was able to advance the Sharingan from two tomoe to three tomoe after gaining the eye.

The Sharingan itself contains three tomoe (comma). A higher mastery of the Sharingan can be seen in the creation of a new tomoe in the eye, with three tomoe being the typical highest form of the eye. The rare Mangekyou form is a unique evolution of the Sharingan beyond the three tomoe form, please see its entry for more information. An eye possessing two tomoe can allow the Uchiha clan member to track the movement of an opponent and do some minor copying of an opponents attack. For avoiding incoming attacks, the Uchiha's speed and agility will greatly control whether they can move to avoid it. However, three tomoe will greatly help in this area.

Two tomoe will also allow the ninja to pierce Genjutsu and see the surrounding reality for what it really is. It can also allow the member to pierce another’s body and see their chakra. While the eye is not refined enough to see the tenketsu and chakra circulatory system like the Byakugan, it can view the movement and flow of chakra. This can help them tell if a person is trapped in a Genjutsu, or if an attacker is a real threat or merely a bunshin.

An eye containing three tomoe will allow the ninja to see the image of an attacker’s next move from the slightest muscle tension in their body. This prevents wasteful movement and allows the Uchiha clan member to conserve much needed chakra in battle. It allows them to synchronize their movement to strike at an area moments before their opponent is even in that spot, essentially allowing them to strike out and hit their opponent before they're even there.

Three tomoe also grants the Uchiha the ability to do Genjutsu and hypnosis after locking eyes with an enemy. This can be used to cause their opponent to do an attack of the Uchiha's choosing. This hypnosis can also be used as a Genjutsu counter, which is the ability to turn a Genjutsu spell back upon the original caster without the requirement of forming any handseals.

Mangekyou Sharingan - Kaleidoscope Copying Wheel Eye (Uchiha Clan)

Sharingan is the blood inheritance limit of the Uchiha Clan. The Mangekyou Sharingan is a legendary doujutsu ability which has only emerged in a few clan members in its history. There is still mystery surrounding the eye and the Uchiha clan itself. Each user develops their own unique looking Mangekyou. The requirements for gaining the Mangekyou are very controversial in nature. After Uchiha Itachi murdered his best friend Shisui he gained Mangekyou. He told his younger brother Sasuke that to gain the Mangekyou, he too would have to kill his closest friend. Itachi told Sasuke that a scroll in their clan shrine revealed the true original purpose of the clan doujutsu. This scroll and Itachi himself revealed that the former leader of their clan, Uchiha Madara and his younger brother Izuna were the first to obtain Mangekyou. Madara himself did this by killing his friend, it's assumed Izuna also killed a close comrade.

Usage of the Mangekyou techniques drains quite a bit of a user’s chakra, more so than any other normal technique. Also as a result of Mangekyou usage, the bearer will slowly lose their vision. Madara lost his vision before his brother and sought to regain his power. To do so he removed Izuna's eyes and made them his own. With these new eyes, his Mangekyou took on a combined appearance of his original Mangekyou and Izuna's. These "Eternal" Mangekyou eyes returned his vision and gave him unbelievable strength. With this strength it was said Madara used Sharingan's normal ability to supress the Kyuubi and tame it.

Itachi originally told Sasuke that if he gained the Mangekyou, then there would be three people who could handle it. After the time skip in the series, Hatake Kakashi revealed he too had gained Mangekyou Sharingan. Later it was revealed that Uchiha Madara himself was still alive, and was the "third" user in Itachi's statement. What part, if any, that Kakashi and Uchiha Obito's eye plays has yet to be determined.

Itachi's three named Mangekyou techniques are Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and Susanoo, all mythological deities. Kakashi's Mangekyou technique is named Kamui.

The Amaterasu or Goddess of the Sun technique is generated by the right Mangekyou eye. It is a Ninjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou form to create a powerful black fire which can burn through most anything. As it has been said that anything within the Mangekyou's vision will burn to ash if consumed by the fire. The fire itself is said to burn for 7 days and 7 nights. The fire is also regarded as the strongest of Mangekyou's physical attacks.

The Tsukuyomi or God of the Moon technique is generated by the left Mangekyou eye. It is a Genjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou form to initiate a mentally and physically harmful illusion. To utilize the illusion, the clan member will look into the eyes of his opponent and cast a Genjutsu spell on them. The spell takes place in the mind of the one affected, while the jutsu is cast the one it was cast upon is at the total mercy of the Uchiha clan member. The clan member has full control over space and time in the jutsu and can place the one affected through any hell they desire for any length desired. The technique itself only lasts for but a second in reality, but the one affected could have lasted through several days of pain. It is said only a natural born member of the Uchiha Clan can defeat it, this may mean either an Uchiha also holding the Mangekyou or one fully skilled in the three tomoe Sharingan form.

The Susanoo or God of the Sea and Storms technique is generated by both Mangekyou eyes. It is a technique which uses the Mangekyou form to create a sword wielding specter which will surround the user. This specter wields a shield for defense and a blade known as the Totsuka Sword. Anyone or anything cut by the blade will be sealed away into a Genjutsu of blissful oblivion until the end of time.

The Kamui or God's Majesty technique is used by Hatake Kakashi. With this technique, Kakashi forms a handseal to activate the Sharingan in his left eye and change it into his Mangekyou form. Kakashi then focuses on a point on the body of his target. The area around the target will then begin to warp and collapse in on itself, resulting in that area being quickly "sucked" out of existence and transported to another location.

Clan Symbol: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Uchiha10

Clan History: The Uchiha clan were one of the founding noble families of Leaf village. The clan itself is said to be descended from the Hyuuga clan who possess the bloodline of the Byakugan eye. Because their clan possessed the Sharingan or "Wheel Eye," the Uchiha excelled at being able to read and fend off attackers. This made them prime candidates to help found the Konoha Military Police Corps. The organization itself would go on to incorporate the Uchiha fan symbol into their official logo.

Select few members of the Uchiha clan possess the ability to activate the bloodline Sharingan eye. This doujutsu (eye skill) gives one the ability to read Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu and then defeat it. As such, the clan member can view a technique being performed and see the tricks and movements required to be able to complete it. However the clan member can not copy techniques which are unique to another bloodline. It also gives one the ability to cast jutsu techniques only possible by possessing the eye.

The clan itself is known for their ties to fire. For a clan ninja to be seen as an adult, they must be able to utilize a Katon (Fire Element) jutsu such as Goukakyuu no Jutsu. Thus is the tie between the manipulation of fire and the mind of an Uchiha member.

~Rank/Village Information~

Classification: Jounin/Prodigies of the Uchiha

Letter Rank: S

Village: Konohagakure Kumogakure Konohagakure

~Skill Information~

Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu and Fuuinjutsu

Elemental Affinity: Main: Katon/Neton(Fire) Secondary: Fuuton(Wind) And Raiton(Lightning)

Special Characteristics:


Kiero was very gifted on using his Sharingan, and managed to attain the " Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan ". A stage of sharingan more powerful than Mangekyou Sharingan, removing the drawback from Mangekyou that its holder will soon get blind after using it for many times. Just like its name, Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, it will remain forever. Kiero has mastered his Doujutsu, that he is able to keep the normal sharingan on without getting drained chakra. Thus making sharingan one of his most used weapon.

Strength, Speed, Agility:

Even with his average body mass, his strength is still somewhat above average, strength that only a man with huge muscles can do. It probably is the result of his extensive training. A proportionate of his strength is his speed and agility. WIth a not so large weight, he is able move very fast and at the same time change direction using his agility. His speed includes the ability to move from one place to another as if his displacing himself. And due to his abnormal strength, Kiero is able to parry with a guy bigger than him without having such troubles. Because of his agility, he is able to evade attacks more proficiently and easier than others.

Fuuinjutsu Mastery:

Fuuinjutsu is rather an unusual thing for many ninja's. Very few try and learn it, yet Kiero is one of those called Fuuinjutsu Masters. Able to create seals in a mere seconds, even inside the battlefield, Kiero doesnt hesitate to use Fuuinjutsu as an advantage, yet with ease and less chakra due to mastering it for a long time. His wide arsenal of seals allows to do a lot of surprising things, like sealing the elements of his opponent to adding weight to anything he puts a significant seal on.

Ninjutsu Mastery:

Like other Uchiha's Kiero utilizes the Katon Element, yet after using it for a long time, he developed a stronger version of Katon. He calls it Neton(Combustion), a more advance form of Katon Element, which has a more significant color, white flame. Neton is much harder to put out with Suiton than the regular Katon, and it is able to easily exterminate the Fuuton Element. Aside from that Kiero is also a master of the Fuuton and Raiton Element. Thus giving a wide range of jutsu in his arsenal.

Body Flicker:

Kiero was able to inherit his unique ability, just like his ancestor, to use Body Flicker repeatedly in succession along with speed. Allowing him to avoid many attacks with ease, yet he may only use this body flicker when he is obstructed from the vision of his opponent.

Enchanced Senses:

Kiero had his 5 senses heightened significantly. His sight can see farther than a normal shinobi, it is also tuned to follow even a super fast shinobi move. His sound perception is wider than normal and can differentiate distinct sounds and movements.

Hardened Warrior:

Due to his life experience Kiero is able to adapt to any situation he is in. Throughout his life he had fought to stay alive therefore knows how nature works. This includes adapting through the changing weather, landscape, height, position, etc.

Fast Handseals:

Being an experienced shinobi Kiero has mastered the art of ninjutsu and as a result has very extremely fast handseals.


Ninjutsu Impairment:

For some reasons Kiero is unable to use Ninjutsu in succession. He is limited to about 2 ninjutsu per post. If he ever goes overboard. The 3rd ninjutsu's effect is reduced to half.


Kiero is a masochist thus he tends to like getting hurt. In battle he wouldn't even pay attention to a wound after getting hacked by a sword, nor getting pierced by a kunai or shuriken. He is able to shrug the pain off as he gets pleasure off getting wounded. Kiero doesn't even flinch after getting pierced by a sword in a non-vital part of the body and is able to counter attack immediately after getting hit. Because of this Kiero doesn't notice that he is already heavily wounded in battle.

Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan:

Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Mymang10

Both Eyes:

Name: Susanoo - Tempestuous God of Valour (勇武の荒神, Yūbu no Aragami)
Rank: -
Element: -
Ability: Kiero's Susanoo has this unique ability to cover itself with Tenmei with harming Kiero. This makes the Susanoo impervious to Taijutsu or melee attacks, for when you try and make physical contact with it you'll be burned. Another ability of the Susanoo is to breathe Tenmei from its beak, much like how dragon fire breath works. Thus providing an easier way of releasing Tenmei without having to target it with Kiero's eyes. Because Kiero's Susanoo is shaped like a bird, it has the ability to fly and carry Kiero himself. It can use its wings as the strongest defense against possible attacks by covering itself. It can also flap its wings to fire hundreds or even thousands of chakra feather blades which are coated in Tenmei over a large area. It flies at high speed thus making it almost unavoidable, only by predicting where will Kiero attack can be way to evade it. This chakra feather blades are coated in Tenmei, so once someone gets hit it quickly sets on fire the target. But due to having a bird body, Kiero's Susanoo is unable to hold any weapons like swords and shields.
Description: Susanoo is the third ability granted by the Mangekyō Sharingan after awakening the abilities in both eyes.[1] It creates a gigantic, humanoid being that surrounds the user. As the strongest technique granted to those that have acquired the Mangekyō Sharingan, it is the user's guardian deity, but at the same time, it consumes the user's life.

Left Eye:

Name: Kamui - God's Majesty
Rank: -
Element: -
Description: Kamui is a Ninjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou Sharingan eye to generate an imploding transportation vortex. Kiero must first awaken his eternal mangekyou sharingan before utilizing this technique. He then focuses on an area of his target. The surrounding area will then warp and collapse in on itself, quickly reducing the surrounding area to nothingness. The technique will transport the focused area away to another location. With Kiero's Eternal Mangekyou, he is able to cover large areas than normal ones. He can use this 2times in succession, after that he is unable to utilize the eye technique for until the 10 Post cooldown occurs.

Right Eye:

Name: Tenmei - God's Will
Rank: -
Element: -
Description: Tenmei is a Ninjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou Sharingan eye to generate an imploding blue flames using his advance katon element. Kiero must first awaken his eternal mangekyou sharingan before utilizing this technique. He then focuses on an area of his target. The surrounding area will then be enveloped with blue flames. The blue flames aren't as strong as Amaterasu, and it doesnt burn until the death of the target. Instead its speed is its advantage, as it can appear in a mere second Kiero actives the jutsu. It also can catch up to a very fast target unlike Amaterasu. Its burning capacity is quite deadly too, as it can quickly cause 3rd degree burns upon contact. The fire is characterized by a bright white flame that is emitted by the jutsu. A 10 post cooldown is required to use the jutsu again. Tenmei can only be extinguish by an S-rank suiton jutsu.



Last edited by Lkitty on Wed 16 Nov 2011, 2:20 pm; edited 17 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]   Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Icon_minitimeWed 26 Oct 2011, 11:01 am

~History/RP Sample~

History/Background Story:

A Lifeless Unordinary ( Child Arc )

Kiero was born in a horrible day for the Uchiha Clan. He had a twin which suffered the same fate as Kiero. The day Uchiha Itachi massacred all of his clansmate, at least almost all, some survived with odd ways. Kiero was very lucky to have escaped death that almost clutched him with its grasps. When the day Uchiha Itachi killed his whole clan, Keiero was born. On that very moment, he came out in the ninja world. Uchiha Itachi quickly spotted Kiero's parents as he started slaughtering everyone. Hopefully Kiero's father asked his mother to run as fast as he could to escape the Uchiha Stronghold outside Konoha's walls. Kiero's father fought bravely against Itachi for his family to escape peacefully. But at that time Itachi already possess his Mangekyou Sharingan, killing Kiero's father effortless. He quickly realized Kiero's mother and him and twin had escaped the compound. He relentlessly searched for them outside, luckily Kiero's father had already placed a seal on him so that his weak chakra signature would perish to anyone's senses, making Kiero undetected for a while ( this seal would later on influence Kiero to study fuuinjutsu ). His mother not knowing what to do next, hid little Kiero in a basket and placed him in bushes near the road. While he placed his twin on the other side of the road. Soon Itachi already found her, and relunctantly killed her. Itachi was wise enough to look for the child and tried to detect if there's even a chakra signature around. Yet he found nothing because of Kiero's seal. Itachi had no time to look for the child, he thought that he already died. So he went back to the Uchiha Compound again to continue the slaughter. Clueless little Kiero was left in the wilderness alone, but having an Uchiha blood running along his veins, he did not even cry throughout the night that he was left alone. The next day a couple was passing by the road towards Konoha, they heard a sound along the bushes. The husband thinking its a wild animal ready to attack, quickly drew a kunai from his pocket and went to the bushes to check it, hoping to find a tiger or lion yet he found little Kiero in a basket, wiggling like a happy child. The husband named Chuu Urufu smiled, he and her wife Hotaru Urufu had no child to bear. He quickly called his wife and showed cute little Kiero. Hotaru was overfilled with joy when she saw Kiero, knowing that they could raise them. But both of them saw a mark on the basket, the Uchiha Fan symbol. By that time, the news about the Uchiha Clan being massacred by Uchiha Itachi had already reached far lands including Kumogakure where the couple hailed. They knew that if Kumogakure would know that they adopted an Uchiha survivor, the child would be surrender back to Konoha. So they buried the basket along the road, remove any sign of Kiero being an Uchiha, except the seal that was placed at him. Although Chuu removed it, he kept the paper seal with him, and in the right time show it to Kiero. They canceled the plan on going to Konoha, instead they hurried back to Kumogakure. And so, the couple took little Kiero back to Kumogakure, hoping to raise Kiero peacefully. In Kumogakure they were a stable family, Hotaru had a little bussiness selling Onigiri's to guests. While Chuu was a Kumogakure Jounin, and a known one. They're friends and relatives weren't surprised they had a new born baby, since they were a very happy couple. Yet Kiero's origins where kept to them and only them. Chuu is always on deadly missions, and so Kiero stayed at him with his mother. The day when Kiero already learned how to walk and talk they were very happy, because he was just two years old, it was a sign that Kiero is one intelligent boy. When his father is on missions, Kiero is always seen by towns folk helping his mother on the store. He was a very joyful kid, often people comment about him being gleeful. They were very happy to see a child like him walk around the store. Kiero often talks to townfolks by touching them on the feet, resulting on him getting the attention. The townsfolk will happily talk to Kiero, while he answered quickly. While sometimes he is seen playing with toys, and his favorite are plastic made kunai's and shuriken's. Chuu not informed that his son is already expert in holding kunai's and shuriken's at that age. When he turned three Chuu had already less mission, therefore he was able to stay at home on more occassions. He often took Kiero to the woods to teach him basics of ninja art. For starters he taught Kiero how to hold kunai's and shuriken's. And in a command, Kiero was able to complete his task, fast enough for his father to get really surprised. As they went home, Chuu asked his wife Hotaru when did Kiero learned how to hold a kunai and shuriken properly. Hotaru smiled and explained Chuu when, she told that Kiero learned it from playing with plastic made kunai and shurikens, given by customers of the shop who got very fond of him. Chuu was very happy to know that, he told Hotaru that he wished Kiero to follow his steps and be a shinobi like him. By the age of four, Kiero became very playful and was already playing outside of they're home, there he meet a couple of friends. While at the store, he was often left to guard it. He already knew almost all of the names of his mother's customers. And was very happy to sell them the onigiri's his mother cooked herself. Often little Kiero would sneak a couple bags of onigiri's and took it to the woods, where he and his friend would share and eat it. At the age of 5 he was already sent to the academy to study.

Academy & Kumo ( Academy Arc )

At the age of 5, Kiero and his friends entered the academy. There his knowledge began to be known throughout the academy. His teachers being surpised of his quick learning skills. He was a renowned academy student. Chuu got proud of him, and personally taught him things he knew. They still trained in the woods where they are free whatever things they want to do. As an academy student, Kiero had duties with Kumogakure. He is often sent to missions along with two of his friends. Saving cats, bringing back groceries, lost pet. lost money, fending of muggers. Those were things that Kiero had experienced on his academy days. His teachers were puzzled on how can he be so fast in learning stuffs when they dont see any special characteristics on Kiero. A puzzle that only Chuu and Hotaru can solve and explain. Kiero was loved by everybody in the village, for he brings smile and joy on those around him. But Chuu and Hotaru became bothered. They feared that Kiero might be taken away from them soon, because they heard that some Uchiha's are still alive and are scattered along different nations. But Chuu is more bothered than Hotaru is, because he knew soon Kiero would awaken the legendary sharingan doujutsu upon him. This would attract the attention of many, maybe even the Raikage himself. Uchiha are scarced and rarely seen, Kiero would be a center of attention because of that heritage. Yet until he does awaken it, Chuu and Hotaru continued to play they're act. Once alone, Kiero continued to train himself. On his father and him's favorite spot in the wood. There he practiced whatever he can. At a very young age, he already mastered the academy jutsus that the academy teachers are teaching on the academy, and perform them effortless. He is one of those few academy students allowed to be in a C-rank Mission. He had 3, but he completed all of those three in his academy years. A feat hard to do, even for a genin. His favorite past time other than training is playing with a kunai within his finger. And laying upon the grass while watching the clouds in the sky pass by. He was very busy but he didnt forget time for his parents and hobbies. The next year, at the age of 6 years old, Kiero became an official Genin of Kumogakure.

The Awakening ( Genin Arc )

Chuu and Hotaru became real proud now that they're son is a full time genin of they're village. It was something both of them became proud. For Kiero graduated the academy at an early age, even surpassing those years older than them. Although they weren't surprised, because they already knew that Kiero isn't just a normal shinobi,... his an Uchiha. Chuu and Hotaru both feared also that some day, Kiero might awaken his sharingan accidentally and learn about his true heritage. They're darkest fears have yet to come. As a genin, Kiero was an active shinobi of Kumogakure. His undying loyalty not only to the village but to his teamates, was one of the reason he was very successful in life. One day he had his first B-Rank Mission. Kumogakure is being attacked by akatsuki, a group of highly dangerous S-Rank criminals bound by a single goal. His mission was to lead the citizens of Kumo into evacuation in a safe place. Kiero and his two teamates were given this mission, they thought its a simple mission, all they have to do is be guides, what they havent expected is this day would be a day to remember. They took off eventually after receiving the mission, they quickly arrived at the evacuation center. And quickly guided the citizens of Kumogakure. Sooner than they have expected, it took them an hour only to evacuate almost all of the citizens of Kumo in an underground place where they can be safe until the threats are neutralized. Of course they were asked to report back to the Raikage after completing the mission. As the team came out of the underground, a shadow of a man stood right infront of them. As they all look up to see who is the guy infront of them, Kiero's keen eyesight quickly saw the red clouds on the guys cloak. They all knew it was one of those akatsuki guys. The Akatsuki revealed his name to be Zodiark, who wasted no time attacking them. Zodiark was a very remarkable taijutsu fighter, plus his speed that even Kiero cant follow. The akatsuki made quick work of Kiero's teamates, eliminating them with a barrage of taijutsu attacks. Kiero stood before Zodiark, showing him that he isnt afraid at all. Zodiark was very furious, he gave Kiero no chance to escape, charging right into him. Even a powerful genin, Kiero was no matched against an experienced fighter like Zodiark who made quick work on him just like his teamates. As he layed on the ground, his eyes were already blurry at that time after getting really beated up by Zodiark. Yet even with a poor set of eyesight, he saw Zodiark slowly made his way upon the beaten body of Kiero's female teamate. Slowly Zodiark took the girl from his collar. He brought her up in the air, at the same time Zodiark took a blade from his pocket. His moves were inevitable, his going to kill her in a matter of few seconds. Thus with his teamate in grave danger, awakened his sharingan. With his first tomoe sharingan awakened, Kiero gained the urge to fight. He didnt know what suddenly happened, but in a matter of seconds he saved his teamate in a flash, kicking Zodiark right in his chin hopefully to complete knock him out. Kiero took his female teamate upon his knees, she was hardly breathing. What Kiero didnt knew was Zodiark is right on his back already holding a sharp blade that sparkled in the light. Just as Zodiark was about to stab Kiero, the blade was deflected by another blade. When Kiero looked up, help has finally arrived. They were safe, Zodiark himself ran from the battle as he saw his outnumbered. Kiero tried to lift his teamate upon his shoulder and bring him to the nearest hospital. But he himself already ran out of energy, his spirit faded away as his lights went out, his teamate was caught by another shinobi, while Kiero too got caught. The rest of they're team endured pain and hardship to protect the village, but they're sacrifice paid off, akatsuki was beaten some were killed others escaped. Kiero and his team was brought to the hospital and healed right away. After they were all healed, the Raikage summoned them into the plaza, they were awarded for they're bravery on protecting Kumogakure. The team were very happy and so is they're newly appointed sensei. As a reward for they're sacrifice and showing abilities and strengths to fight an S-Rank Criminal, they were all promoted to chuunin right away, the team didnt have to take the chuunin exams to become one. Back at home, Kiero was praised by his parents for being that brave, even Chuu himself fought against those akatsuki. Yet both of them scolded him at the same time for risking his life. Chuu and Kiero had a very secretive talk in they're favorite spot in the woods. There Kiero told his father what happened while fighting akatsuki. Chuu was surprised Kiero has already awakened the sharingan all by himself, and asked Kiero to show him the Doujutsu. Kiero reluctantly followed his father's order. His eyes shifted from normal to a reddish colored iris with a single tomoe, it was the sharingan. Later Kiero asked Chuu why he possesed " it ", if it was a family trait then why doesnt Chuu have one. Chuu had no other choice but to reveal Kiero his history. Kiero was shocked that Chuu isnt his real father and his real family were killed 6 years ago. Yet Chuu told Kiero not to tell anyone, and be careful why'll using sharingan, use it only when absolutely necessary. After 2 years finally became a chuunin.

The Advancement ( Chuunin Arc )

Kiero became a Chuunin at the age of 10, a very young age to be one. Of course Kiero and his former team became famous after fighting against an akatsuki as a genin 2 years ago. As a reward they were promoted all to chuunin without going to the chuunin exams. Kiero sadly departed with his former team, for each and one of them were placed on different chuunin teams. While a chuunin, Kiero exiled himself for a while in the woods for a couple months to train. But this time he isnt with his father, his alone. There he trained himself alone, after finally achieving his 3 tomoe state, although he isnt that adept yet he was happy to improve himself in such a short time. He hurried back home to tell his father the great improvement. This 3 tomoe Sharingan would soon be a weapon of choice in missions for Kiero. As he came back to action, now a chuunin. Kiero was quickly added into a chuunin group who only lacks one member. The team was composed of a man and a woman, the guy named Isashi and the lady named Naikoru. At first he thought this would be a drag, because Isashi is one boastful guy, while Naikoru was a quiet one. They arent even comfortable yet with each other, yet they are quickly sent to a A-Rank Mission. The mission was to escort a daimyo to his travel. The team didn't waste anytime and quickly went to the mission. At start the mission looked easy, the road looked peaceful as trees and flowers sway along the path. But just like every scenario, there was an attempt to assassinate the daimyo. Of course as the escort, they're job is to protect the daimyo. The team sprung into action, dodging every attack, while Kiero and Isashi engaged into battle as Naikoru protected the daimyo herself. For Kiero it was quite easy, he fought without the sharingan to defeat a dozen of hunter-nins, same as what Isashi did, yet the wave of the enemies arent over yet. More and more ninja's came to attack KIero and Isashi. And Kiero took a quick look to Naikoru's condition, and he saw his being supressed by a number of hunter-nins. Kiero finished off his remaining enemies before another wave can attack, as he looked to Naikoru again, she was already wounded on the ground while the daimyo couldnt do anything but hide. A hunter-nin is about to finish Naikoru off, but Kiero wanted to save her, activating his sharingan to slowly rush to the hunter-nin and counter attack him with a kick in the gut sending him far from the daimyo and Naikoru. He finished off the remaining hunter-nins before checking Naikoru back, as he looked in her eyes, Naikoru saw the strange eye of Kiero, yet she decided not to ask for now because she was really hurt. By that time, Isashi already finished off his opponents and ran back to the team and only to scold Kiero. He was angry because Kiero might have gotten hurt too while saving Naikoru and dangering to fail the mission. For him the mission was an absolute priority, even Naikoru's safety didnt matter. It angered Kiero too and explained that, the team needs to look out for each other, the mission is a priority but so is the lives of they're teamate. Yet Kiero didnt bother to wait for an answer, he knew Naikoru was really hurt and decided to heal her with medical kits. The mission was a success, the daimyo arrived at the village unharmed, with the expense of Naikoru. After finishing mission, they had many more. But once Kiero wanted to have a break and went home again to talk to his parents. It was the time, Chuu had the strength to tell Kiero the truth. Kiero was really surprised now, because he already researched for the Uchiha's information in Konohagakure. Chuu showed him the seal that he had when he was a child. At that time, Fuuinjutsu is a myth in Kumogakure, no one hardly practices it and pays attention to it. Kiero was clueless, but he knew he had the passion to learn the ways of those seal. To his surprise, Chuu was a fuuinjutsu master. Chuu wasted no time and quickly went to they're favorite spot in the woods and trained Kiero in the ways of Fuuinjutsu. Kiero and Chuu trained there for half a year, plus also Kiero the secret of speed and strength. After finishing his training, he was already an adept in using seals, for a normal shinobi it would have taken longer time to learn Fuuinjutsu but for an Uchiha it was quite easy for Kiero, As soon as the team came back again, together they completed a lot of mission, and as day passes, Kiero masters more and more his sharingan. And at the same time, learning its dark secrets from an info book he took from the Uchiha compound when he decided to come back there and research about his origin. 5 years quickly passed, Kiero was promoted to Jounin, but his friendship with Isashi and Naikoru continued even when they're team was already abolished.

Complete Origin ( Jounin Arc & Attainment of Mangekyou Arc )

Kiero is finally a Jounin, a 15 year old Jounin that is. He took another step of being a shinobi, something again his parents became proud of. As a Jounin, Kiero was given a team, but not 3 genins. He had two other Jounin's, and to his surprise his teamates are again Naikoru and Isashi, his bestfriends. They were a 3 Jounin team, a special team of Kumogakure sent on S-Rank Missions often. As the three of them met again, they were very happy to see each other. At that time, Kumo is in war, as a result the team was sent to missions very very often. But before of they're first mission, Kiero went back to the Uchiha Compound outside Konoha. There he studied everything about the Uchiha's. While researches, he found out a few things... dark things. He found out that there is a more advance form of the Sharingan, the Mangekyou Sharingan. And in order to gain this power, one must kill his best friend. While the most powerful form, the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, which can only be attain if you can take the Mangekyou Sharingan of a sibling or a relative and place it in replacement of your eyes. Kiero was surprised of the Uchiha's dark secrets, he was amazed by the power it can bring, but he never hoped to attain any of them. He came back to Kumo and prepared for the mission. He knew someday his going to meet another Uchiha, because he heard news from other nations that there are still other Uchiha's wandering across the lands. Finally the day of they're first mission came, the mission was to assassinate the Fire Daimyo to weaken the FIre Country. At that time Kush was the Hokage, whom became corrupted by power. And so they departed from Kumogakure. Proceeding to the important mission immediately. As they arrived in the woods of Konoha, the team quickly spotted the defenseless Daimyo with only a few bodyguards with him. Kiero quickly formulated a plan, he will attack directly while Isashi and Naikoru are back up incase something went wrong. And so, Kiero activated his sharingan and attacked the Fire Daimyo, The bodyguards of the Fire Daimyo were easily defeated by Kiero, he was about to kill the Fire Daimyo when a set of shinobi's deflected his attack, they were powerful shinobi used as backup incase there's an attack. Isashi and Naikoru were both unaware that shinobi's watching them from the back. When Isashi saw Kiero fought another set of more powerful shinobi's, he came out of the hiding place to help, leaving Naikoru alone. Isashi and Kiero fought valiantly, defeating all the shinobi and Isashi proceed to kill the Fire Daimyo and finish the mission. Both of them have completely forgetten about Naikoru, though she was killed by the shinobi's hiding also. When Kiero found this out, he was angered at Isashi for leaving her. Isashi said, if he didnt left Naikoru, Kiero would sure have been defeated. Still that didnt stopped Kiero, he took drastic measures. He attacked Isashi, his anger was too strong that he wanted to kill Isashi for getting Naikoru killed. And so the two shinobi's fought, it was a very long and hard fight. Both Shinobi's were powerful, but in the end, Kiero's anger fueled his power to defeat and kill Isashi. As soon Isashi was killed, Kiero's Mangekyou Sharingan was awakened, and he felt that. He felt a new power arising to him, he prepared a sealing technique, and sealed the bodies of Isashi and Naikoru in a scroll and brought them back home. There he gave them a proper burial. He completed the mission but his two teamates were killed in action, that is what Kiero told the Raikage. The Raikage was impressed that he was able to complete the S-Rank Mission, Kumo's win is now sure with the Fire Daimyo dead. Kiero went home and looked in the mirror, he saw the changes of his Sharingan, it took a brand new form. He felt the new power inside the eyes, a power he could use. 4 years quicky passed, Kiero was given more missions as a Jounin as year passes.

Total Darkness ( Search Arc & Attainment of Eternal Mangekyou Arc )

Kiero was now 19 years old, he was already a very successful Jounin. After 5 years of pure missions, Kiero asked the Raikage if he could leave the village for a while and embark in a search. The Raikage gladly said yes and allowed Kiero. Kiero was happy, he can now search for other Uchiha's, something he was waiting for a long time. Before leaving the village, Kiero went back to his parents, he said a farewell goodbye to his parents. Chuu and Hotaru asked him where he is going, he only said that he wanted to relax and travel. But the real reason is to find other Uchiha's and hope to talk to them. Chuu and Hotaru gave him the permission to leave. And so Kiero embweearks to his journey, leaving his beloved Kumogakure behind. It took him a few days before arriving to Konohagakure. There he stayed for a while, talking to different peoples to find out different informations. But he never talked to the Hokage. He found out new info's but he didnt saw even a single Uchiha. After months of staying in Konoha, Kiero left it. He started to travel by the road, as he peacefully walk, a kunai suddenly strucked the ground, missing him only by an inch, it was thrown lightning fast. When he looked back, a shinobi was high up in the area ready to slash him to death. With a quick movements, Kiero took out a kunai to block the attack, which apparently broke. He jumped back and gained distance against the shinobi. Kiero asked who is he. The shinobi, the same age as Kiero said he was sent there to assassinate Kiero. Kiero knew why is he being assassinated, he is a vital shinobi of Kumogakure and an important one. If he does Kumo gets weaken by one shinobi. Kiero knew he his going to fight for his life here, as the shinobi seems to be a powerful one. He quickly activated his sharingan, to his surprise the shinobi did too. Both of them possess the Mangekyou Sharingan. The shinobi was surprised but only momentarily, he spoke about the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. And said that he finally had the chance to have it by killing Kiero and taking his eyes in replacement of his. Kiero didnt mind that, but he kept the info on his mind.The battle started, it was a battle of the eyes because both shinobi's first fought using they're own sharingan. It was very long and tiring but finally after hours of fighting Kiero awakened his first Mangekyou Eye Technique. As Kiero looked to the assassin, he was burned by a blue flame. The moment the flames touched the assassin''s body it quickly caused 3rd degree burns. The flame's burned the assassin, wounding him greatly until he can no longer move. When that happened Kiero sucked the blue flames back again using his Mangekyou Sharingan. Kiero remembered again what the assassin said a while ago, the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. He knew that achieving the power would strengthen him again. And so Kiero took the assassin's eyes and replaced his own with it. He felt the new power just like when he achieved Mangekyou Sharingan. After eliminating the threat, Kiero went back home again to Kumogakure. Leaving a life there again as a shinobi of Kumo. After a few months since achieving the EMS, while wandering in the woods he found a note. Someone was inviting him to join a group of Uchiha's possessing the EMS. Kiero gladly join without hesitation.

Start of RP

Roleplay Sample:

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PostSubject: Re: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]   Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Icon_minitimeWed 26 Oct 2011, 11:17 am




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PostSubject: Re: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]   Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Icon_minitimeWed 26 Oct 2011, 11:35 am

Katon - Neton:


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PostSubject: Re: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]   Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Icon_minitimeWed 26 Oct 2011, 11:39 am



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PostSubject: Re: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]   Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Icon_minitimeSat 29 Oct 2011, 4:12 am



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PostSubject: Re: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]   Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Icon_minitimeSat 29 Oct 2011, 12:38 pm

Name: Shinpou Bureka [Faith Breaker]

Rank: A

Material: Chakra Conducting Metal, Titanium

Quantity: 1

Storage: N/A


It has a very simple ability. The blade itself is chakra conductive. Therefore as an example when katon chakra is added it is capable of layering itself with fire or even expel fire as it swings. Another ability is that it can layer itself with wind chakra, creating an invisible " edge " tricking the target into evading on a much lesser distance.

Name: Mikomi Kira [Hope Killer]

Rank: A

Material: Chakra Conducting Metal, Titanium

Quantity: 1

Storage: N/A


Mikomi Kira's special ability is to extend its size up to double than normal. Its normal size is 12 inches, so it sums up to 24 inches. It is not explained how it got the ability, but it is also chakra conductive. The extension happens for about 1.5 seconds which still leaves an opening for the target, but fast enough to catch one off guard with it's sudden change of size.

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PostSubject: Re: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]   Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Icon_minitimeTue 01 Nov 2011, 1:11 am

Hyoho Niten Ichi-ryū (Nito Seiho - Two Sword Set)
Niten Ichi (二天一, "two heavens as one") or Nitō Ichi (二刀一, "two swords as one").

5 Stances:
Chudan - Middle position
Chudan is with both feet in Shizentai. From Gedan (the right hand is held slightly higher so both tips are on the same height, tip aims before the foot, not the center), the swords are raised in a circular motion until both tips are on one line aiming at opponent's throat, on shoulder height. Both take 3 steps forward. Opponent strikes to the daito, but this is moved outwards and then back on line, and user presses forward placing his feet together. There are two ways of moving, tsugi ashi or ayumi ashi, feet together or natural walking pattern.

Opponent moves back and raises the sword again to hasso, and strikes down again. In this position, opponent performs strike, hasso, strike, pull the wrists out of the way, hasso, strike. Back on all but the final strike where you step forward to attack.

Second strike down is to the swords again, user evades as before and quickly raises both swords (pointing in direction of movement) crosses them over his head (shoto is on top). Daito goes up first, shoto in front and crosses the upside down T just before the strike. Shoto moves fast, daito slow.

User steps forward with the right and strikes down with both swords to opponent wrists (feet together) and threatens his belly. Opponent moves back to hasso, then strikes again (stepping forward). The shoto is used to block this strike, the daito is used to cut upwards to opponent's wrist, or armpit if you're too close. Right foot forward, koshimi (deep stance). The daito points upward, the hand is not higher than the tip.

Jodan - Upper stance

Jodan is with the daito in hasso position and shoto in Chudan position (as in Chudan).

Opponent strikes to the shoto, (on the 3rd step) this is evaded and his sword is blocked below by crossing the swords, feet together. Opponent steps back with the right foot, user threatens (like in the first form, from gedan, threaten the opponent) opponent strikes again stepping back with the left, user steps forward and blocks high by crossing the swords up, then pushes the sword to his right, steps forward with the right and cuts with both swords as opponent moves back to hasso, daito to the head, shoto threatening kote, deep stance, right foot forward. During the blocks the feet are together.

Gedan - Lower posture

The first strike is blocked as in the end of chudan (with the right foot forward), then the user moves to feet together and chudan to threaten as opponent pulls back.

Opponent moves back to hasso and attacks again, stepping forward. User followed a bit in chudan, steps to the left with the left foot, moving both swords to his left side when opponent attacks again. The shoto strikes down opponent's sword while the daito cuts horizontally to opponent's right upper arm. The hips should move with the daito strike. (right foot steps forward during this cut.) This is like nuki tsuke, use the same hip power.

Hidari Waki Gamae - Left side stance

Right foot forward, the shoto is held forward as in chudan, the daito is held horizontally and on the left hip, pointing back. The arms are crossed.

User steps forward, keeping waki gamae (Right (front foot) left, right, left crosses over right) and when user strikes on the 3rd step, user blocks with the shoto and strikes the underside of the wrist with the daito. Repeat as opponent moves back a bit and strikes again. The 2nd attack is then pushed down to the left while the daito cuts kesa upwards, moving the feet together, then down and stepping forward with the right as opponent moves back to hasso. Just two attacks from opponent's side, three things from user's side, block, block, sweep and strike.

Migi Waki Gamae - Right side stance

User has the left foot forward, shoto as in chudan, daito held on the right hip with tip aimed for opponent's throat, remains on the spot in this kamae.

Opponent comes over to strike down the shoto, which is moved aside and then controls opponent's sword, the right foot is placed next to the left, the daito threatening opponent, immediately followed by raising both swords and cutting with both swords to the wrists (as in chudan).

This can be really weak unless the opponent is fully committed to thrusting through the throat and then cutting the wrists. You have to make opponent pull the wrists back, collapsing the hips and then he is forced into hasso. So opponent moves back to hasso at the moment of the double cut. User now stands in shizentai gedan.

Opponent attacks again, stepping forward with the right, user moves back with the left foot, strikes away the sword with a circular downward block using the shoto (up over and out again), steps forward and strikes men with the daito.

Style Fundamental:
Stifle the opponent with your spirit, and relentlessly attack him.

Fundamental (おもて次第第一の事)
When in front of an opponent, face him directly and take nito chudan no kamae. Make yourself large and destroy the opponent with your spirit. The opponent will be overwhelmed and will feel pressured to cut at you. When he does this, suppress his sword with the kodachi in your left hand, and cut him forcefully with the sword in your right hand. After blocking or even parrying the opponent’s sword with the kodachi you have to cut within the correct ma-ai, using the sword to generate enough power to kill.

Weapon Requirement: Daisho (Katana & Wakizashi/Daito & Shoto)

Niten Ichi-ryū (二天一流?), which can be loosely translated as "the school of the strategy of two heavens as one", is a koryū (ancient school), transmitting a style of classical Japanese swordsmanship conceived by the warrior Miyamoto Musashi. Hyōhō Niten Ichi-ryū is mainly known for the two-sword—katana and wakizashi—kenjutsu techniques Musashi called Niten Ichi (二天一, "two heavens as one") or Nitō Ichi (二刀一, "two swords as one").

Around 1640, Musashi intended to pass on his art to three successors from among his thousand students; specifically, to Terao Magonojo, his younger brother Kyumanosuke and to Furuhashi Sozaemon. He considered Magonojo to excel in technique but to lack in reflection, while Furuhashi excelled at reflection but lacked technique. Magonojo received the treatise, the Go Rin no Sho, on the condition that he read it and then burn it. But Furuhashi borrowed it for a few days and on the orders of Hosokawa Mitsuhisa made two copies- one for Hosokawa and one for himself, which he transmitted under the name of Ihon go rin no sho. The best known edition today is the Hosokawa copy.

Magonojo then yielded the role of successor to his younger brother Kyumanosuke who had received the Hyoho San-jugo from Musashi. It was Kyumanosuke who transmitted this document to his students with seven added instructions called the Hyoho shiji ni kajo.

Shortly before his death, Musashi also wrote the Dokkodo ("Going My Way"). It seems to be a list of rules that one should try to follow in life; in essence each rule has very deep meaning steeped in Buddhist precepts.



Daito = Longer sword
Shoto = Shorter sword
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Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]   Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Icon_minitimeTue 22 Nov 2011, 9:48 am

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Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]   Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Icon_minitimeTue 22 Nov 2011, 5:42 pm

- As we discussed previously, manipulating the flames after releasing them through your Mangekyou eye would be allowed. Blue flames from your mouth will be denied, but increasing the intensity of the flames from red to white is possible due to your high mastery in Katon.

- The maximum starting number for S-Rank is 50, please remove four techniques of your choice.

Go Ishiki Fuu [ 5 Senses Seal ] - Reduce the highest number down to 4, add a cooldown and topic usage. Also explain how long it lasts (can't be more than five posts). Are the senses randomly chosen by the target?

Shadow Clone Explosion - Despite being a canon technique, add a few details so that users are given a mere few seconds to try and avoid (or lessen) damage from the explosion. How many clones can you create?

Shinsoku (神速, God-speed ) - This is A-Rank, place a cooldown and limit the usage per topic. Also add a disadvantage.

Katon Ayatsuri [ Fire Manipulation ] - How are you not burned? Please remove it, or edit the description.

Katon Hei [ Firewall ] - Projectiles such as giant shuriken, or jutsu?

Hari no Fuuton [ Needles of the Wind ] - This will most likely be B, it also needs a range.

Tei Bunshin [ Air Clone ] - How many clones can you make?

Ranbou Gekihatsu [ Violent Outburst ] - Does it have a range?
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Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]   Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Icon_minitimeMon 28 Nov 2011, 9:47 am

Fixed everything.
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Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]   Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Icon_minitimeSun 04 Dec 2011, 12:24 am

- Developed Neton? White flames (in this case) are not considered an advanced element, but achieved through mastery over the element. For example, Hiruzen Sarutobi had full mastery over katon, by exerting more chakra, etc., into a normal katon technique the flames will appear jet-white.

Shinsoku (神速, God-speed ) - The element is.. A? And you didn't edit everything that I asked. This technique is powerful and could be easily misused in anyone's possession. Where you taught this technique IRP?

Chakra Nyuuko [ Chakra Storing ] - A, S, or A-S, but either way it would be a dangerous technique to use. So it needs a drawback, also reduce the chakra amount to 30% instead. Why is it C-B-A? Is the chakra stored over time?

Shouheki Fuu [ Barrier Seal ] - Reduce the post count to 3.

Buki Kyakka [ Weapon Rejection ] - How far do you go?

Fuuinjutsu - Kekkai Fuu * Dokushin [ Bloodline Seal ] Single - In or on the body of the target?

Hekireki Dangan no Jutsu [ Thunder Bullet ] - This looks A-Rank.

Raikou Re-za [ Lightning Laser ] - How many posts? A mere second is too short, it would take time to charge it up.

Raikiri - You can only have Chidori. Btw your chidori variations feature "Nobunaga".
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PostSubject: Re: Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking]   Kiero Uchiha (Update) [Ready for Checking] Icon_minitime

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