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 Shingai Akumu!

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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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PostSubject: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 12:44 pm

General Information:
Name: Shingai Akumu

Nickname/Alias: Demon of the Mist

Weight: 172 lbs.

Height: 6' 0"

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Looks: His hair style has changed now, kept short and well trimmed his bangs he keeps slightly long they hang down covering his eyes just slightly. They are parted down the middle to help focus more on covering his eyes. The color of his eyes originally black is now rich emerald green, thanks to the gift of colored contacts. His face has a more slimmed and chiseled appearance now thanks to the gift of plastic surgery to hide his original appearance.

Standing tall and slim his muscular build is hidden by his clothing. He wears a regular high school boy’s suit. Over that he throws on a long white leather trench coat that has a collar that fold over with a yellow underside. He wears black leather cut off gloves upon his hands. Wearing black boots he wears the long dark blue pants of his outfit over his boots. Underneath the top of his outfit he wears a basic white t-shirt.

He keeps his katana on his right hip for now his main hand is his left hand. The wakazashi is tied up next with the katana. He wears his two main pouches within his coat upon his waistline on his back of his pants. His third pouch is located upon his left hip away from the other two.

The tattoos that were once his pride and joy had been removed by a specialist to help hide his original identity. Shingai Akumu would seem to no longer exist in the eyes of the world.

Combatant/Assassination Clothing:
Shingai stands five feet and ten inches tall, weighing approximately one hundred sixty-seven pounds. His build is rather athletic he has good muscle tone that covers his body. He works hard to keep that slim appearance allowing him to be quick on his feet and yet very strong in hand to hand situations. It also hides his strength well, giving him quite the advantage when needed. He wears a tight black upper body piece of clothing. It is a long sleeved full neck piece, being able to pull it up over his head hiding his hair within it and when wearing a mask he can hide his appearance completely. He wears loose fitting black pants that seem formal. On top of the tight upper body piece, he wears the formal (Name Here) that is a dark navy blue color. He wears black gloves over his hands and black boots.

He has several scars on his chest and back from the fights he has gotten himself into. But along with those memorable scars he has memorable tattoos that fit his life style. He has several, the largest is on his back, it’s the first tattoo he received, he earned it shortly after he left the Stone Village. While staying in the Capital of that Country. The tattoo is the kanji for Death. Symbolizing his past, present and future. After that tattoo when he had stayed in the Land of Fang he earned two more tattoos, they reside on the backs of his hands. On the back of his right hand is the Kanji for Assassin, and on the back of his left hand is the Kanji for Sin. His final tattoo is on the back of his neck, the tattoo has less meaning to it compared to the others, but it’s a symbol none the less.

He wears the protective mesh underneath all of his clothing on his chest to hide it well. He keeps his main pouch in the middle of the back of his waist. His second large pouch is also along the back of his waist but this favors more over his right butt cheek. These are kept secure to his body for the majority of the time, he also keeps the shut securely even during fights, to avoid anyone being able to pick his pockets so to speak.

Demon Mask: This mask one of the firsts he made. He bears it on missions or on killing streaks that he’s continuing. It’s a white porcelain mask that bares resemblance to that of an Oni Demon. It’s mouth open and golden teeth and fangs shown. A tongue slightly shown as well, that represents the taste for blood that he has. Two golden horns the same color as his fangs extend from the forehead. The eyes painted black to hide the slits for which he peers through.

Black Mask: A mask made at the same time as another, this representing the sadness and depression that he hides within himself. The loss of his mother and father, such a pain he’d never truly understand to his entirety. It doesn’t cover his face as much as the Demon Mask and doesn’t mask his eyes as well either. Its eyes are hollowed through entirely showing his behind the mask depending on the light.

White Mask: Made at the same time as the Black Mask, his white mask shows the joy within him still despite his losses and suffering. Shingai get’s enjoyment out of culture and out of close bonds. This mask shows a happy expression and is the opposite of the black mask. Its eyes are also hollowed out not hiding his own.

Cat Mask: The cat mask made before leaving the Akumu village. This mask was made for the need to make a mask to hide him once more had arisen. He made this one with red and black and it shows a more festive and creative side of life. It doesn’t hide his eyes or his mouth. It’s not to hide his identity really; it’s more to change it.

Personality: Parts of his old personality can at times resurface out through his cold exterior. But for the most part it is gone, lost in the darkness that had molded the monster that was unleashed approximately one year again. He now serves Mikuru and no one else. The only person he trusts and listens to is Mikuru. She is his love and his master, he has given her everything he has and intends to keep it that way.

Over the past year his spirit and soul had been broken and destroyed leaving the empty shell of a once caring individual. The demon of Shingai had fully taken over, taking on the new lifestyle serving his love and killing those who mock or dare to stand in his way. Shingai was once a cold killer, now he doesn’t even compare, his soul is as cold as the polar ice caps. He holds no remorse for those who die, whether they were innocent or not.

He's a quite and cool mysterious character when you interact with him. He doesn't like to talk much, and when you do his voice is quiet and a bit raspy as if he had been smoking for many years of his life. When he smiles it's always just a slight grin. He seems to never be looking right at you but through you attempting to read your next move.


Last edited by Centella, Aori on Tue 25 Aug 2009, 12:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

Posts : 231
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Shingai Akumu! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 12:44 pm

Clan Information

Clan Name: Akumu

Kekei Genkai: To make a much further enhanced version of the Hidden Mist Village's Hidden Mist Jutsu. The Ability to also change and increase the power of any water technique, as well as manipulate it from the very source.

Clan Symbol: N/A

Clan History: Not much is known about the Akumu, except that they came from the Mist Village and they left due to the slaughtering of a boy named Shingai. Another notable feature is that this clan is known to have branched off of the Nara clan, as well as taken on the name of a "Fukurou Family".

Rank Information:
Rank: Missing Ninja

Village: Hidden Mist Village

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty: Mastery Taijutsu, Sub Ninjutsu

Elemental Affinity: Main: Water, Sub: Lightning, Sub: Earth

Special Characteristics: Kekkei Genkai, water manipulation, chakra containment of about 2 ninja.


Last edited by Centella, Aori on Wed 26 Aug 2009, 10:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 12:44 pm

# Name: Raiton – Raiu Karasu (Thunderstorm Raven) (5times=25Ravens)
Rank: D, C, B
Skill: Ninjutsu.
Effect: Creates ravens of lightning to attack your opponent.
Special: Tiger, Dog, Tiger
Drawback: Must be learned multiple times in order to truly master. The swallows dissolve if they pass out of forty meters of the user.
Description: The user forms the hand seals, creating ravens of lightning around them. The ravens are roughly two feet in wingspan. The ravens are comprised of pure electricity, and discharge into a shock of electricity when they strike an object. Each swallow discharges with a D rank shock. The user can control the motions of the swallows completely. When first learned, the user is only capable of creating up to five ravens at a time. Each time learned, the user can create an additional five ravens. When the user attains to capability of creating fifty ravens, the technique increases to a C rank technique, allowing for an additional five per training as usual. When the user reaches the capability of creating one hundred twenty swallows, the training becomes B rank. The user can create two hundred swallows, total, before they max out.
Limit: Must have Lightning Release.

# Setsuna Hibana(Instant Spark)
Rank: E
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: Creates a spark instantaneously at said target location
Special: Ox
Drawback: --
Description: The user focuses chakra at a certain point on the target and creates a small amount of friction in the air, sparking the area. This can be done almost instantaneously, but causes almost zero damage due to the small nature of the spark. It cannot cause paralysis or blindness, nor any other sort of damage. Usually a prank children use on each other like a game of tag, but with sparks for a small kick.
Limit: Lightning Release

# Name: Activation Jutsu
Rank: D
Skill: Supplementary/Offensive Ninjutsu
Effect: Causes the Dendou Bou to become activated and electrical shocks will run through the opponent.
Special: Ram Seal (Hold to keep a constant electrical shock)
Drawback: Does not discriminate between friend and foe.
Description: The user quickly performs the ram hand seal to cause the special metal components combined with the chakra of the user to create a D rank electrical shock. If the user is to hold his or her hands in the Ram seal the D rank shock is constant until the seal is released. This jutsu can be preformed many times until the target is knocked unconscious.
Limit: A scroll is given to anyone whom purchase the net within the land of Thunder. Lightning Release

# Charged Projectile
Rank: D
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: Charges a metal throwing projectile with lightning adding lightning damage.
Special: ---
Drawback: Can only do enough to slightly numb and paralyze (Only for a quarter of a post), if the user tries to make it stronger, it will end up backfiring and paralyzing their hand. Can only charge up to 5 slots at once
Description: The user holds as many kunai/shuriken, or metal projectile for that matter, as they can, up to 5 slots in their hands, and charges them with electricity. Extra lightning damage is added which will slightly paralyze or numb. The projectiles will shock the opponent weakly even if they don't make contact, but at least come close to.
Limit: Lightning release.

# Raiton: Hirameki no Jutsu (Lightning Flash)
Rank: D
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: Causes a blinding flash that can disorientate enemies (up to 10m)
Special: Rat
Drawback: ---
Description:The user holds the rat handseal and closes their eyes, gathering chakra into them. The user then opens them suddenly, and emits an extremely bright flash from their eyes that can temporarily blind and/or disorientate enemies. The blinding effect usually lasts one turn.
Limit: Lightning Release

# Raiton - Raikyuu (Lightning Ball)
Rank: "D"Rank
Skill: NinJutsu
Effect: Creates a ball of lightning used to where the technique is capable of being hurled towards the person.
Special: "Hand Seals"
Drawback: The user is unable to move while using this technique.
Description: The user does an amount of handseals as they quickly concentrate on the chakra along the palm of their hands. The technique is used to where they create a small ball of lightning to where the user is capable of hurling it towards the opponent. This technique is weak however and is only capable of paralyzing an opponent for approximately one round no matter how strong the opponent may be.
Limit: Lightning Release

# Zeus's Bolt
Rank: C Rank
Skill: Nin
Effect: The user is able to make a three foot long lightning bolt in their hand which they can throw at that opponent.
Special: None
Drawback: None
Description: By focusing chakra in the center of the palm the use is able to send lightning from the center of the palm to make a three foot long lightning bolt in their hand which is able to be thrown like a javelin.
Limit: Lightning Release Skill (Raiton no Jutsu).

# Vortex's Sphere
Rank: C Rank
Skill: Nin
Effect: The user makes a sphere of lightning in between their hand's, this is used for when the opponent comes at the user with a taijutsu move, The user cause the sphere of lightning to explode causing a sphere that is 10 meter's tall and 8 meter's wide. When the opponent hits the lightning sphere around the user they shocked and then blasted back.
Special: Hand Seals: {Dragon, Ram, Rabbit, Horse, Ox, Dragon, Snake, Ram, Rat)
Drawback: None
Description: Keeping their hands apart just a bit keeping their fingers curled a bit as the lightning start's to shoot out their fingers and start to form the sphere in between their hand's. The sphere starts to grow into about the size of a tennis ball. When the user fills the right time, they expand the sphere to cover the area around their body and striking the opponent sending them flying back.
Limit: Lightning Release Skill (Raiton no Jutsu)

# Shield of lightning
Rank: C
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: Causes lightning to strike nearby targets (Up to 5 meters) to the user.
Special: Dragon, Ox
Drawback: The concentrated strikes of lightning close to the user will easily give away the users location, making stealth impossible. This will only stop projectile metals (Like kunai and shuriken) taijutsu, and certain projectile ninjutsu, such as rocks and wood. The user must concentrate on targets, so if they don't see some kunai coming at them from behind, then the lightning won't hit them, and the user will take some kunai to the back!
Description: The user performs the handseals, and then focuses on targets around him/her. Lightning will strike the target. The user must be prepared to react fast to stop oncoming projectiles/taijutsu. The lightning can hit anything within a 5 meter radius of the user.
Limit: Lightning release

# Musenki Bougai (Radio Jamming)
Rank: “C”, “B”, “A” and “S” rank
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: By sending out a stream of chakra, the user can jam a certain amount of radio signals by messing with the receiver.
Special: Dragon, snake and ram (hold last hand seal).
Drawback: There is always a chance to be caught. User cannot control complicated devices like computers.
Description: By using knowledge, the user will turn their chakra into waves that are not very different from radio waves. These chakra waves will enter an apparate that has a receiver of a sort, since they will pass for radio waves (i.e. radios, communication devices, wireless telephones, walkie- talkies and to a certain degree cell phones). The chakra will block out other broadcasting signals as soon as they have entered the device (if you have aimed the jutsu on a phone and another person calls the number to the phone, the signal will be completely blocked out for example). However, the user has a chance of being caught if someone has a device that can track radio signals. Higher rank = longer range. The length of the jutsu will depend on how long you hold the last seal.
“C”-ranked: 20 meters range
“B”-ranked: 25 meters range
“A”-ranked: 30 meters range
“S”-ranked: 35 meters range

Limit: Must know Lighting Release

# Maruchifurasshu no Jutsu (Multiflash Technique)
Rank: "C" – "B"
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: The user creates multiple blinding flashes of light.
Special: Rat - Bird - Rat (hold)
Drawback: "B" Rank blinds the user for one full round after use.
Description: The user forms the three needed hand seals and holds the final "Rat" seal and collect chakra to his/her eyes. Upon opening the eyes the user will discharge the chakra into extreme bright light that flashes rapidly and repeatedly for seven seconds. At "C" Rank the light will blind the target(s) for one round and also one round of blurred vision. At "B" Rank the light will blind the target(s) for two rounds and also two rounds of blurred vision.
Limit: Lightning Release, Hirameki no Jutsu (Lightning Flash)

# Vortex's Sphere (Advance)
Rank: B Rank
Skill: Nin
Effect: The user makes a sphere of lightning in between their hand's. The user cause the sphere of lightning to explode causing a sphere that is 10 meter's tall and 8 meter's wide. When the opponent hits the lightning sphere around the user they shocked and then blasted back.
Special: Hand Seals: {Dragon, Ram, Rabbit, Horse, Ox, Dragon, Snake, Ram, Rat) then can be thrown.
Drawback: None
Description: Keeping their hands apart just a bit keeping their fingers curled a bit as the lightning start's to shoot out their fingers and start to form the sphere in between their hand's. The sphere starts to grow into about the size of a tennis ball. The user then can use the Raiton - Raikyuu (Lightning Ball) to throw the sphere at the opponent then clenching their hand into a fist the ball then explodes, causing the opponent to be shocked and thrown back.
Limit: Lightning Release Skill (Raiton no Jutsu) and must know the Raiton - Raikyuu (Lightning Ball)

# Raiton - Ikazuchi no Kiba (Lightning Bolt Fang)
Rank: B Rank
Skill: NinJutsu
Effect: Creates lightning from the sky to come forth and attack an opponent.
Special: "Handseals"
Drawback: ---
Description: Ikazuchi no Kiba is a ninjutsu technique that utilizes the Lightning Element. Reaching up into the sky, the user shoots a plum of electrified chakra-like essence into the clouds, causing a torrent of lightning to come crashing down towards an area of the ground.
Limit: Must have the Lightning Release, User will need to know Zeus's Bolt.

# Raiton - Rairyuu no Tatsumaki (Lightning Dragon Tornado)
Rank: B Rank
Skill: NinJutsu
Effect: Creates a large Tornado to where a massive dragon like element pushes forth creating a large like vortex.
Special: "Handseals"
Drawback: ---
Description: Rairyuu no Tatsumaki is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Lightning Element. The ninja does a long string of hand seals which then causes a bolt of lightning to drop from the sky. The current will be contained within and around the user's form. They will then begin to spin in place forming a whirling vortex of wind and electricity. The vortex will take on the form of a dragon and strike out against his opponent. Even if the attack doesn't directly connect with his foe, the lightning can jump from the vortex to hit a nearby target.
Limit: Must have the Lightning Release.

# Ranpugan (Lightning orb gun)
Rank: ''A''
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: User slams a hand reinforced with chakra and lightning, into the enemy that results in a massive burst of chakra erupting out of the victim damaging the body greatly with shocking force.
Special: Dragon, dog, monkey, tiger, dragon, rat
Drawback: User must be in close combat for jutsu to work and can cause muscle damage if used too many times
Description: After performing the needed hand seals, the user grabs his/her wrist as an aura of chakra forms around the arm. The user then uses lightning to spiral around his/ arm as well. The user slams his hand into the enemy's body as a blast of pure chakra endowed with lightning erupts from the victim's body. .
Limit: Excellent chakra control is a must. Must know lightning release

Mastery Earned.
# Raitoningu Sanmai
Rank: A Rank
Skill: Nin
Effect: User is able to absorb a lightning attack for a brief moment while using it against an opponent win increased power.
Special: None
Drawback: User is incapable of performing more then eight times a day or else user falls dieing by a heart attack.
Description: The user's body's chakra is ready at anytime the user need it to. When hit by any lightning the user is able to absorb the lightning as their own for chakra. When the user is hit by any form of lightning (Includes Jutsu or Natural) the user is able to absorb the lightning as their own, they can transfer the lightning they absorb into more chakra for them or may have the option to combine that with a jutsu they have that have the same principles of what they absorb to increase the strength of the rank. By doing this the user is unharmed by any damage that it was suppose to be done to them when they where hit with the lightning.
Limit: Lightning Release Skill (Raiton no Jutsu).

Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Clone)
Rank: "C" Rank
Skill: NinJutsu
Special: Handseals
Description: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Mizu Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. The range of the clone is limited; however, it can not travel very far from the original body. If the Mizu Bunshin is injured, the clone will usually revert back into its natural water state. When first learned the user is capable of having or capable of creating up to Five Clones. Each time learned the user learns this technique the number of Clones is capable of increasing by one. The maximum amount of clones is Ten for the Difficulty Class of D Rank. For each Difficulty Rank Increase the number increases by five of maximum but learning is still one per learned.
Limit: Water Release

# Tsuinken Inisharu Stance
Rank: D
Skill: Taijutsu
Effect: Lets the user to use Tsuinken unsheathing forms.
Special: None
Drawback: None
Description: The user moves into a bow stance, with the knees slightly bent. He places his main hand on his katana hilt, and his off hand on his wakazashi hilt lightly in a backwards grip (blade pointing backwards). They stand lightly, so as to be able to move at a moments notice.
Limit: Must be taught by a Tsuinken Tatsujin of a dojo.

# Tsuinken Kibatsu Stance
Rank: C Rank
Skill: Taijutsu
Effect: Allows the user to use Tsuinken fighting and sheathing forms.
Special: None.
Drawback: None.
Description: The user rests in a slight crouch, with the katana in their main hand and the wakazashi in the off hand. The wakazashi is held in a backwards grip in front of the body with the blade pointing away from the katana. The katana is held in ready position in front of the user.
Limit: Must be taught by a Tsuinken Tatsujin of a dojo.

# Teiku Ken Kyou (Take and Offer)
Rank: C
Skill: Taijutsu
Effect: The user parries a moderate (C Rank) strike with the wakazashi and then makes a quick thrust (C Rank) With the katana.
Special: None.
Drawback: Can only be done when unsheathing.
Description: Starting from the a Tsuinken Inisharu Stance, the user parries with the katana, slashing horizontally with the wakazashi as it is unsheathed.
Limit: Must be taught by a Tsuinken Tatsujin of a dojo.

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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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Shingai Akumu! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 12:45 pm

# Katto-Hireki (Cutting Reveal)
Rank: C
Skill: Taijutsu
Effect: The user makes two moderate strikes (C Rank) as they unsheath.
Special: None.
Drawback: Can only be done when unsheathing.
Description: Starting from a Tsuinken Inisharu Stance, the user draws both weapons horizontally, making two moderate (C) slashes.
Limit: Must be taught by a Tsuinken Tatsujin of a dojo.

# Seisou za Gotta (Cleaning the Mess)
Rank: C
Skill: Taijutsu
Effect: The user makes breaks the user's defense (C Rank) and moves in to strike. (C Rank)
Special: None.
Drawback: The user is left open after this move.
Description: Starting from the Tsuinken Kibatsu Stance, the user makes a powerful slash to break a moderate (C Rank) defense and makes an elbow thrust (C Rank) with the wakazashi to finish them.
Limit: Must be taught by a Tsuinken Tatsujin of a dojo.

# Senbon Taitoku Stance
Rank: E Rank
Skill: Taijutsu
Effect: A way of holding senbon that adds to all attacks made with them.
Drawback: Required to know for ALL other Senbon Taitoku jutsu
Description: Holding the senbon between knuckles but also holding their wrist back and the senbon farther up then most senbon users hold it. This adds to power and accuracy and allows the Senbon Taitoku to master their craft.
Limit: Must be of the Senbon Taitoku

# Senbon Sogekihei (Senbon Sharpshooter)
Rank: C Rank
Skill: Taijutsu
Effect: Throwing a single senbon from far away with extreme accuracy the user can penetrate certain parts of the anatomy that they learn in their training of this jutsu. By hitting these they can slow enemies down with a single throw, or even do minor damage from far away.
Special: None
Drawback: Only one Senbon allowed
Description: Using a flick of the wrist this silent technique can send a senbon soaring in. This does more damage than a random throw with the senbon and can add hit certain points slowing enemies down more then most believe possible with a single senbon.
Limit: Must be of the Senbon Taitoku, Must know the Senbon Taitoku Stance

Paiken (Cup Fist)
Rank: E
Skill: Taijutsu
Effect: (In description)
Special: --
Drawback: --
Description: This stance is supposed to mimic the user holding a cup. This puts the character’s hand in a good position for blocking and striking, keeping the hands and arms of the user ready for a wide variety of techniques, and makes the shoulders ready for explosive movements. The wrist is in a position where it can easily strike or block, and the fingers are curled in with the index finger hooked out, which helps in trapping an opponent's arms while blocking. The arms can be used for short or long range techniques, as well as the elbows, combined with various feints and strikes.
Limit: Must be Drunk to do.

# Kagemane no Jutsu, 影真似の術 (Shadow Imitation Technique)(Know’s 3x’s)
Rank: "C", "B", "A" Rank
Skill: NinJutsu
Effect: The signature move of the Nara family, this jutsu allows the user to control their own shadow and merge it with their opponent's shadow, combining them. This links the movements of the user with the target; the target is subsequently forced to make any movement the user makes. It is an extremely versatile technique, as the user can contract and change the shape of their shadow, potentially grabbing multiple targets at once. The degree to which the user's shadow can be stretched is limited by its total surface area.
Special: "Hanseals"
Drawback: Must Be Learned Multiple times in order to truly achieve something grand. Must hold Rat hand seal until the technique connects with the targets shadow.
Description: Using the shadows of other objects, the user can extend their shadow beyond its normal range. The amount of time for which an opponent can be held is limited by the user's chakra, since the user must constantly maintain the jutsu. The jutsu is also more difficult to maintain at greater ranges or for multiple opponents, since the user's shadow must be stretched constantly. At closer ranges, it requires considerably less effort on the user's part. Additionally, the target can force their way free with enough effort, though the amount of effort required to do so is considerable. There are two tables or understandings for this technique that consists of the Difficulty class of the User as well as the Opponent, and as to how far the user is capable of using this technique. When first learned the user is only capable of using this technique at a distance of Ten meters. Each higher Rank archived, the user is capable of extending the shadow another five meters. The user must first however, learn each rank a certain amount of times before then next rank is obtainable. The C rank version must be learned five times total. At which point the ditance is upgraded to "B" Rank training and now extends ten meters each time trained. This version must be learned 3 times total. The "A" Rank version, extends the range to Seventy meters, and every additional "A" Rank training extends it another ten meters. This technique caps out at 100 meters. The user is capable of making their shadow split and by doing so takes up the distance of the total form of the original technique. This means that if a user has this technique to where they can use thirty meters and wishes to make this technique split to three shadows the maximum distance is ten meters per shadow.

Difficulty on Escaping: Escaping the Kagemane is a tricky art for some, easier for others. Depending on your Stamina and Difficulty class depends on how well the opponent can escape the Kagemane. The Kagemane is held for a Certain time frame depending on Rank of the technique learned. "C" Rank can be held for 18 seconds before it breaks no matter what. "B" Rank 36 seconds, "A" Rank 54 Seconds. For every difficulty class the user is above the opponent, add another five seconds. If the opponent for every difficulty class above th user, subtract five seconds. If the Opponent captured is a Taimaster, subtract 15 seconds additionally. If the opponent is a Tai specialist, subtract 5 additional seconds. If the opponent is a Taijutsu No specialist, leave it as is. After doing the math, the amount of turns held will be apparent.
Limit: Nara Clan Technique

# Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu, 影首縛りの術 (Shadow Neck Bind Technique)
Rank: "C" Rank
Skill: NinJutsu
Effect: ----
Special: Must be done while Kagemane is active, "Hanseals"
Drawback: ----
Description: After capturing an opponent with the Shadow Imitation Technique, the user can then further extend their shadow up to the target's throat in the shape of a hand, which chokes them to death. Additionally, it can be used to bind the limbs of exceptionally strong targets who can move, even while bound by the Shadow Imitation.
Limit: Nara Clan Technique, Must have knowledge of the Shadow Imitation Technique "C" Rank

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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 12:46 pm

# Kanashibari no Jutsu
Rank: C-ranked
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: ---
Special: Horse; Monkey;
Drawback: ---
Description: This technique is used to cause one's opponent to lose the advantage of movement. Freezing them in their tracks, this creates an opening for a more dangerous attack. The ANBU members are known especially for this jutsu.
Limit: ANBU Only
Division: Universal techniques

# Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu)
Rank: B
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: The Kage Bushin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu) is a increased and stronger form of the Regular Bushin jutsu which is a meer Genjutsu. Kage Bushin allows the clones to actually inflict damage upon the opponent, They can even use jutsu for they carry their own chakra circulatory system making it even impossible for the Hyuuga clan members to tell them apart from the original. Each clone that the user makes divides his.her chakra up evenly between them making ten clones means each clone has one tenth the original users chakra supply. The clones are real enough they even bleed when cut but when inflicted with enough damage the clone disappears.
Special: A special Handsign where the user crosses the two first fingers of each hand making a cross.
Drawback: The average user can only make about 5 clones. Excessive use of the Clone jutsu can leave the use extremely low on chakra. When the clones are destroyed the user does not get a return in charka.
Description: The Kage Bushin is an Exact Replica of the user and can not in anyway be proven to be a copy not even by the most elite of jutsu. Unless taken to the test and actually harmed.
Limit: Must be an ANBU. Must be Chuunin in order to get this technique. Kage only is capable of allowing someone to learn.

Voice Capturing
Rank: C
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: ---
Special: Tiger; Snake; Dog; Ox; Monkey; Boar
Drawback: ---
Description: A technique which allows one to let someone else lose the ability to speak, scream or make any noise at all. Once effected one of the same rank cannot speak for 2 rounds. For every rank the target is lower than the caster it takes one extra turn for the jutsu to wear of. For every turn the target is above the users rank it takes one turn less to wear of.
Limit: ANBU only
Division: Owls, Falcons and Wolves Division.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)
Rank: "C" Rank
Skill: NinJutsu
Effect: This is the start of all Summoning Techniques, without this technique the user is incapable of Summoning what they wish whether it may be Animal, or Weapon.
Special: "Handseals" Boar, Dog, Monkey, Bird, Ram
Drawback: Even though one is capable of learning how to use this, they still must under go a massive amount of training in order to be capable of summoning up grander and larger types such as "A" and "S" Rank Summons.
Description: A Technique where the user makes a contract binding with that of the very Animal like summon. This blood can be used as a contract to which is capable of being used as on a scroll, or perhaps even a tattoo. There are many different types of summons but the most known are the Animal Summons. The Animal Summons are used to help with various tasks within battles and situations that may occur. However one must remember that one must have great respect for the summon, and are known to even fear summons. The summoning Technique however is capable of being used for other types as well such as weapons.
Limit: This is the basis of all Summoning Techniques. Without the capability of this technique all Summoning process is incapable of occurring.

Rank: “C”
Skill: TaiJutsu
Effect: Creates an After Image of Self
Special: ---
Drawback: Can only be done ten times a day after learned due to abuse within Muscles, but each time trained one may do more and more. The user is only capable of making one at a time.
Description: The after image technique is the technique that allows the user to move side to side with extreme speed and towards a general direction creating an after image of the person. When learning this technique a person may only do Ten after images per day. If one wishes goes more then this number tissue has a chance to rip and tear. To be able to do more then ten per day one they must train for each again to create one more. This is the basis techniques for all techniques that may consist or deal with moves that deal with the After Image. This means that if a user wishes to know a technique that uses an after image they must have knowledge of this technique as well. Depending on how many after images a user uses within a technique is dependent on how many times this technique is known.
Limit: Universal Technique

Name: Fukuro Triplets: Mai, Fai and Sai
Mai – Small
Fai – Small
Sai – Small
Special: Ninjutsu Specialists
Mai – Female
Fai – Male
Sai – Male
Duration: 10 Rounds
Mai – Loving and compassionate.
Fai – Loud, talkative, ambitious and always energetic.
Sai – Calm, quiet, strategic
Description: The Fukurou triplets are the smallest of the Fukurou family, they are all Western Screech Owls varying in looks only in little bits and pieces. All share a few common attributes such as a combination of black, grey and white feathers that coat their entire body excluding their legs. Large yellow illuminating eyes that aid them in the night vision approach to life. Those are the main similarities, that and the piece of cloth they brandish is worn around their neck do to their small size. The cloth is black with a white outline of the cloud symbol.
Mai – The shortest of the triplets, she stands no more than six inches in height but has a wingspan a little over a foot and a half. Her eyes seem to be a bit larger than the others but it’s a very slight variation. She’s a bit wider than the other two as well when her wings are tucked in. In her feather colors she seems to have less grey creating a greater contrast between the black and white feathers. - Picture -

Fai – Only a tad bit taller than Mai, he stands a little over eight inches in height, his wingspan reaches up to one foot and eight inches all together. He’s much skinnier than Mai when his wings are tucked in, it would seem that he has less to his body structure than she does. His feather colors seem to be more so, on the white side than anything else. It would seem to be dominantly white and grey with very little black involved. Though when the black is seen it would seem to stand out. - Picture -

Sai – The tallest of the triplets yet the skinniest of the three. He stands around one foot and ten inches in height, while his wing span reaches around two feet. His main variation from the other two is the ear like feathers that have grown up from his head. They seem like horns almost, yet they are not. His face seems to be a more displeased expression but that is due to the way his feathers grew in. - Picture -

Weapons: None

Himei no Jutsu (Shriek)
Rank: "C" Rank
Skill: NinJutsu
Effect: A technique in which the user screams forth in a brilliant fashion to where the oponents around in an area is unable to hear while making their bodies numb creating the feel of non movement for other types of attacks that may occur.
Special: ---
Drawback: The user takes hit by the exact type of technique. Read Descriptions in order to gain a better understanding.
Description: This technique has three seperate tiers for both the opponent and the user. Depending on the very range of the attack and where the opponent is what matters for this type of technique. The user's difficulty class is what seperates the magnitude of the attack as well. The technique has a range of twenty meters for the basic D Class Ninja. When the user opens up their mouth they concentrate on the very vocal chords of their throat and push forth in all directions a massive scream capable of great damage is thrown out. For every difficulty class the range increases by five meters with a maximum of fourty meters for S Class. For any opponent that is within one third of distance from the user the opponent is unable to hear for three posts, feels nautious for two posts, and can mot move for one post. For any opponent that is within two thirds distance from the user the opponent is unable to hear for two posts, feels nautious for one post. For any opponent that is within three thirds distance from the user the opponent is unable to hear for one post. No matter what Class the user is in the user is unable to hear for three posts.
Limit: Sound Release

Jigoku no Mimi (Hells ears) Universal
Rank: "D"
Skill: NinJutsu
Effect: With this technique the user is capable of figuring the location of where a sound is coming from. This takes a post in order for this type of technique may take place.
Special: "Handsigns" and "Holds with the Boar"
Drawback: The user must stand still, with their eyes closed in order for the user to gain the capability of judging the direction of the sound.
Description: The way this works is that the user concentrates along the Sound release as they push the chakra along towards their ears. As the user does this, they concentrate on certain sounds that surrounds the user. If the sounds are in a large area and more sounds is created the user is capable of identifying the general location as to where the sound is coming from.
Limit: Sound Release

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Shishika no Hyuuga

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Shingai Akumu! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 12:46 pm

Futon: Meimei Hei
Rank: C
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: Creates an invisible wall of high pressure air anywhere on the battlefield. Multiples ones can be placed creating for an extremely good defense and a confusing time for opponents who keep running into walls.
Special: Handseals
Drawback: Can be seen through by Byakuugen and Sharingan.
Description: The user creates the bird handseal and pushes outward creating the wall. This is useful for a quick defense when an opponent is runing towards you or to scatter around the battlefield to trap or confuse then opponent.
Limit: Must have wind release.

Name: Akiko
Size: Small
Special: Genjutsu Specialist
Gender: Female
Duration: 9 Rounds
Personality: She’s best described as a follower not a leader, but at times she tends to act out on her own without thinking. She has grown quite accustomed to fighting from a far ever since the shinobi of cloud taught her genjutsu. It fits her size quite well. She’s brave and tough; she doesn’t really know when a good time to give up is. She would keep on fighting until she died if no-one came to help her out. She likes to help people whenever she can, she thinks because of her size she can’t aid in great battles, so when little things occur and she’s capable of helping she’ll jump right on it.
Description: Akiko’s body is rather small which is fitting to her entire style of fighting and personality. She’s what is known as a Black-banded Owl, her elegant and majestic eyes give her a keen advantage in the use of Genjutsu. Her rare eyes glow a deep majestic purple that seems to ring out of the darkness with such beauty. The long yellow beak that is rather hooked comes out from the close together eyes. The added factor to her genjutsu is the repetitive process of the color design in her feathers. Black, dark brown and then a beige to off white color stripes through the body up to the head where a more solid dark brown rings around. Nearing the eyes the rings become more noticeable and add to the allure of her eyes. She stands around one foot and four inches while her wingspan reaches one foot eight inches over all. Around her neck she wears the black cloth with the white outline of the Cloud Village symbol. - Picutre -
Weapons: None
Jutsus: Limited Invisibility
Rank: "D" Rank
Skill: GenJutsu
Effect: The creature or object touched becomes invisible, vanishing from sight, even from darkvision.
Special: "Handseals"
Drawback: Only works for a short period of time, and it only works when the user does not move or is not touched.
Description: A technique that has a distance of that of ten meters from the user or who the user touches. The center of the effect is mobile with the recipient. The creature or object included becomes invisible, vanishing from sight, even from darkvision. If the recipient is a creature carrying gear, that vanishes, too. Those affected by this Jutsu can see each other and themselves as if unaffected by the Jutsu. Any affected creature moving out of the area becomes visible, but creatures moving into the area after the Jutsu is cast do not become invisible. Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Light, however, never becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source). Of course, the subject is not silenced, and certain other conditions can render the recipient detectable (such as stepping in a puddle). Actions directed at unattended objects do not break the Jutsu. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack. Thus, an invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, summon monsters and have them attack, cut the ropes holding a rope bridge while enemies are on the bridge, remotely trigger traps, open a portcullis to release attack dogs, and so forth. This technique only lasts a round for every class level the user is starting at their class level "D".
Limit: Must know Glamor Perception of GenJutsus

Rank: "C" Rank
Skill: GenJutsu
Effect: The creature or object touched becomes invisible, vanishing from sight, even from darkvision.
Special: "Handseals"
Drawback: The Jutsu ends if the subject attacks any creature. If the user who performs the technique attacks, the invisibility sphere ends.
Description: The creature or object touched becomes invisible, vanishing from sight, even from darkvision. If the recipient is a creature carrying gear, that vanishes, too. If the user casts the jutsu on someone else, neither you nor your allies can see the subject, unless those are capable of seeing through GenJutsus. Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Light, however, never becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source). Any part of an item that the subject carries but that extends more than 10 feet from it becomes visible. Of course, the subject is not silenced, and certain other conditions can render the recipient detectable (such as stepping in a puddle). Actions directed at unattended objects do not break the Jutsu. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack. Thus, an invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, summon monsters and have them attack, cut the ropes holding a rope bridge while enemies are on the bridge, remotely trigger traps, open a portcullis to release attack dogs, and so forth.
Limit: Must know Glamor Perception of GenJutsus, Must know Limited Invisibility.

• Suiganmourou no Jutsu (Drunken Sight Technique)
Rank: "C" Rank
Skill: GenJutsu
Effect: A Technique used upon a certain opponent as the opponent begins to see the world around them as if perhaps in a drunken like state. The sense of balance becomes impaired and their body begins to feel as if they were just simply drunk.
Special: "Handseals"
Drawback: A simple technique that can be diverse if the opponent or the user is suddenly hit to knock sense or to disrupt concentration.
Description: When the technique is performed on the opponent, they would suddenly begin to see blurry. Their vision would be disrupted. Their balance would become disrupted. Their sense of smell would become harden. The capability of functioning properly of all body parts is unable to occur because of the fact that each body part of the opponent will not be capable of working correctly. This technique lasts as long as the user wishes as long as the user is undisturbed or the opponent is undisturbed.
Limit: Must know Glamor Perception, GenJutsu Technique to where anyone is capable of learning.

• Displacement
Rank: "C"
Skill: GenJutsu
Effect: The subject of this Jutsu appears to be about two feet away from its true location.
Special: "Handseals"
Drawback: This technique does not work on those who are two or more classes stronger then that of the user, or if they are considered to be one higher of a specialist then that of the user. Such as a Non Specialist can't use this on a Specialist or Master, and a Specialist is unable to use this on a master.
Description: The subject of this Jutsu appears to be about two feet away from its true location. The creature benefits from a 50% miss chance as if it had. This technique makes it seem as if the user is one place, but in actuality is only two feet to the left, or to the right.
Limit: Must know Glamor Perception.

Name: Sabaku
Size: Medium
Special: Ninjutsu Specialist
Gender: Male
Duration: 8 Rounds
Personality: Sabaku’s personality is that of a warriors. Strong willed, and never willing to truly submit until it’s the only option he has left. Depending on the circumstances he would normally rather die than give in. His full of pride, so much it’s seeping out of the cracks it would seem. He’s quiet for the most part, rarely opening his mouth to speak unless he deems it necessary. Although when he does speak he speaks loud and proud. Making sure those of which he’s speaking to hear him clearly. When in battle he’s quite the trash talker. Aiming to enrage and cloud the thinking capabilities of his opponent, anything to give him the upper hand after all. Although he may be the warrior of the group he certainly isn’t stupid. In fact he’s rather quite intelligent, strategy is key in battle whether you think of it hours before hand or right before it’s needed. Or even as you go through the battle.
Description: Standing tall over those lower in rank of the family, the strong Sabaku is the third largest in the family, looking up only to Kaigaishii and Soudai the leaders of the family. He stands around five feet tall while his wing span reaches up to six feet eight inches. The difference in size between him and the lower family members is quite drastic and can be overwhelming to those at first sight of a five foot tall Burrowing Owl. His eyes can strike fear into the opponents he faces. The dark black center highlighted by a bright illuminant yellow. Those eyes have seen much in his time but none the less they are quite fearsome. His beak is short and rather pointed, that is of his species though. The color combination within his feather’s pattern is that of a combination of neutral colors. A brown base coat in the color it would seem with beige and tan speckles fluttering throughout his feathers. His chest and head is more of a white base coat with brown stripes and ripples running over it. His talons are rather sharp, used to dig quickly into the ground they can also be used to tear his opponent into shreds. Around his left leg he wears the black cloth with the white outline of the Cloud Village symbol. - Picture -
Weapons: None
Kaze no Yaiba (Wind Blade)
Rank: "B"
Skill: NinJutsu
Effect: A technique where the user is capable of creating a blade of wind around the user's hand to attack against the opponent.
Special: "Handseals"
Drawback: ---
Description: After performing the needed handseals the user then quickly begins to form a blade out of the user's hands that extends outwards to the size of a long sword. With this technique the blade condensed greatly to where the blade becomes sharp as that of a normal sword. This technique is capable of being blocked however due to the condensed properties, and is capable of blocking as well.
Limit: Must have the Wind Release

Fuuton - Fuusajin (Dust Wind)
Rank: "C"
Skill: NinJutsu
Effect: Using a fan or with the correct elemental affinity, the user can blow a strong current which will cover the surrounding area in dust. This dust will serve to loosen the footing for any opponent who walks nearby.
Special: User must give a full swing with a long weapon three feet or larger, or arm.
Drawback: Depending on the user's class level depends on the user's capability of using this technique.
Description: The user is capable of using a fan, or a weapon that is longer then that of three feet to peform, or even their arm. When the performs this technique they quickly attack within a distance of twenty meters in cone form. When the user is higher then that of "D" Class the distance increases by five meters. If the user becomes a master of the wind release it increases by additional Ten Meters. This technique is supposed to blow all types of debree along the floor up into the air covering their area before settling down in an unconfortable, loose form, to allow the user to attack with stronger attacks as the opponent's footing would be somewhat disarray due to the non sturdy footing along the ground that came from the attack.
Limit: Must have the Wind Release. Must have dust, sand or loosen dirt around.

Dogou hari no jutsu (Roar of Needles)
Rank: C
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: This attack is a cone area affect type attack. The user inhales air while forming the three seals. (It basically looks like they are going to preform Sauskes Katon no jutsu.) The user then exhales by roaring aloud in the direction they wish to attack in, damaging that area with a thousand or more needles.
Special: Handseals
Drawback: Multiple uses (such as 3-6 times of use) of this jutsu could cause the user to pass out from an irregular breathing pattern.
Description: The jutsu looks almost like Temari's gust of wind done with her fan, only its done with the users mouth. A huge blast of air shoots out of the users mouth with a thousand or less chakra needles flying within it and fans out in a cone-like shape.
Limit: Must have Wind Release.

Doton - Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu (Double Suicide Decapitation Technique)
Rank: "D" Rank
Skill: NinJutsu / TaiJutsu
Effect: A technique where the user hides within the ground for a brief moment to surprise attack the opponent from under ground.
Special: ---
Drawback: ---
Description: The user takes the time to push into the ground by using their Earth Release. The user pushes into the ground quickly so that to be used against the opponent later on. The user at this point can not neccessarily move within the ground at this moment, but the user does know by feel of when an opponent is right above. When an opponent is right under the user reaches up to take the opponent and drag them back down to the ground in one fell swoop without movement or notice. The opponent is unable to move for one post and the user is capable of slamming out of the ground with one movement.
Limit: Needs the Earth Release

Doton - Dochuu Eigyo (Underground Fish Projection)
Rank: "C" Rank
Skill: NinJutsu
Effect: By using the similarity of Doton - Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu (Double Suicide Decapitation Technique) the user is capable of moving through the earth and all around.
Special: "Handseals" before performing
Drawback: Can not be used through Sand
Description: The user uses the basic Doton - Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu (Double Suicide Decapitation Technique) as they slam down into the ground. Doing so the user is capable of moving about within the ground capable of rising, singing and capable of pushing through the very ground in multiple types of ways. This type of attack may be used so then the user may move away from the very opponent and attack at the moment's notice.
Limit: Needs the Earth Release, Must have knowledge of the Doton - Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu (Double Suicide Decapitation Technique)

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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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Shingai Akumu! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 12:46 pm

Deido Nohara no Jutsu (Mud Field)
Rank: D
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: Causes the area(10m x 10m) around the user, given that it is some sort of sand, dust, dirt, or weak stone, to become mud.
Special: Rat, Dog, Boar
Drawback: It doesn’t work in certain environments, such as tile and metallic floors.
Description: After the hand signs are performed, the user slams his/her hands into the ground. If the environment allows it, the area around the user will become a thick and heavy mud. No chakra is required to maintain the state of the area.
Limit: Earth Release

Deido Sakana no Jutsu (Mud Fish)
Rank: C
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: Allows the user to swim rapidly through the mud as though it was water.
Special: Rat, Boar
Drawback: This jutsu is ineffective in other forms of soil.
Description: The user manipulates his/her chakra in order to swim rapidly through mud. When submerged, they can move somewhat faster than they could in water, given that they are decent swimmers in the first place.
Limit: Earth Release

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Shishika no Hyuuga

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Shingai Akumu! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 12:48 pm

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story: Born into a world of hatred, destruction and pure chaos, the young Akumu would live a legend. Before being conceived his mother would behold several dreams of pure terror, an image starting as a boy would grow old, killing those who crossed him, destroying what stood in his way. She feared the thought of ever crossing such a man, even if she was an Akumu she’d never seen the real terror’s this world hid within it. Only a week after the nightmares began she would become pregnant, and through out the pregnancy she would continue to hold these dreams within her subconscious. It was the night before his birth that she had come to realize. This nightmare was a warning, of the prodigy of destruction that was within her very body. During the day of his birth, the heavens would crash and rage on with hatred. The storm was a rarity no doubt, as the waves crashed into the shore, the lightning would tear through the sky. Thunder echoed and rolled throughout the surroundings as the rain would attempt to cleanse the earth of its evils. Despite the heaven’s attempts they failed, the boy would be born; the name would be bestowed upon his legend.

Shingai Kujo Akumu

His name would mean Terror, Destruction, Nightmare. Such a fitting title to one destined to be the demon that brings great nations to their knees. Feeling the urge to abandon her son she sought council from the Village of Mist. She had strong alliances there, friends that could be of great use, so she traveled there with the infant. She sought out the council, and within time her questions would be answered, all fairly similar to each other. Everyone of Mist had grown curious to the prodigy before them, seeing their old ways return to them. The title of Bloody Mist wouldn’t be completely lost in the eyes of the elders. They told her to enroll him in the Academy when the age was right, she asked why? But they wouldn’t give an answer to that, so she would return to the Akumu Village to her family and friends. So the beginning of the end was before them, soon enough he was a walking talking child. He would begin the studies of the Akumu at an early age, at the choice of his father who never played a large role in his life.

The boy earned the respect of his father quickly when he took up the art of the blade. He would practice in his spare time with his father, learning what he could whenever he could. In the early years he never knew of what was evil, he only knew of what he wanted and when he wanted it. When he wasn’t practicing swordplay he would be learning the details to the Akumu clan, he took the oath of a warrior promising his soul to the clan. He learned the oath, and would live by it, knowing that to cross one of his elders could lead to his own destruction. It had been six years since he was born now, and soon he would be enrolled in the Mist Academy. His mother begged her husband and the clan not to let him be enrolled, not to carry on the legend. No matter her wishes, no matter how much she pleaded her husband would take Shingai to the Mist Village it was there where they would stay while he was enrolled.

Within the first year of his enrollment in the Academy Shingai would come to realize what cold intentions the world has for him. He had been learning in the ways to defend those who are defenseless but within thought these ways are also the same ways to destroy those that stood before you. Shingai was unsure of what to believe of this finding of his, so he would go to ask his father of the situation. His father a warrior of the Akumu would explain to him that not all things are as they seem, one is taught something in one way only to be used in a different way. Only he could decide what would happen in the outcome of his own training. Shingai was taught that he held his own fate in his hands, something that he would soon abuse the ability to control. Learning quickly he would come to realize that the elements weren’t really his taste or ability, he was far greater with taijutsu than ninjutsu. He had also come to realize that genjutsu wasn’t his style either. While training in these arts, still in his first year he would come to know a girl, her name Hinagiku. He wouldn’t talk to her much for that year, for he never really had the courage in him to talk to others, let alone females.

Within the next year though, he had grown a little more, and decided he would sit next to her one day in class. As he got to know her he would realize she was quite well taught in etiquette and many other things. Such little things would begin to build up within the relationship that had begun to form. The young Akumu would honor her with all of his trust, for she had shown him the same respect the elders of the Clan call for. The years of the academy would pass on and the graduation day would be nearing. In these times Shingai had seen a few Anbu around the Village of Mist, he took interest into their Masks. He asked his father about the masked men and was given a full description of their duties, his father then showed him how the masks were made. Within time Shingai himself would learn how to make a porcelain mask of his liking. He had learned though to never make a mask to similar to that of an Anbu, for his first mask fairly resembled one, and when he stepped outside a ninja quickly stopped him and destroyed the mask. The lesson would be learned, though his hard work had been put into it he would not care. Only information was gained from that experience of Shingai’s. So he began work on a new mask, one that could truly bare the legend that he was. Creating a mask resembling that of a demon slayer of lore, Shingai would be proud of his creation.

It had been a few months since Shingai’s academy class graduated and became Gennin of Mist. He had gone on a few missions with the young Hinagiku and a few other ninja. Training his skills as a warrior no doubt were his intentions. But it was only a few days after that Shingai’s father decided to return to the Akumu Village. Shingai left with him to meet with his old friends and family, he had no intentions of staying in the Akumu Village though. Upon returning he would be cursed by his estranged mother who had gone insane while he was away. Her nightmares had returned and driven her to a point of insanity that no-one could return from. One night he would awake to the sound of her screaming in tongue once more. He would enter the bedroom where his parents reside; there she stood her hands drenched in blood, a dagger clenched in her right hand. His father laid drowning in a pool of his own blood, his mother would turn to him, calling him to her in a creepy way. He wouldn’t move, she grew closer to him, dagger drenched in his father’s blood tight in her hand. She raised it up and went to strike down into his skull, that’s when he sunshined away he ran out into the village screaming for help. She would be right behind him, he tripped over a rock, falling face first. He would roll over looking up as he tried to crawl backwards away from her. There she stood over him, dagger high in the air, she began to bring it down when a katana would come slicing through her right arm, severing it. It would then stab through her stomach as a man would speak from the shadows. “You’ve dishonored the Oath,” he spoke, as Shingai cried his family now dead, his life would never be the same.

Never did she think that this boy would grow up to be the demon of a legend, that it all was her own fault. The nightmares were in fact a warning, a warning to her, to keep her calm and collective self so she could keep him innocent, but no she brought the destruction upon herself. So it began that night, the night of his parents’ death that Shingai would become Shingai no Kujo. A demon of lore would be what he became; no-one would ever believe that this demon came from such a kind hearted child. So his suffering would continue, the boy would leave the Akumu Village, his tears never to return to him. He would wander out in search of Mist once more; it would take around five months before he found it. He had never really known the path; his father was the one who guided him all those times. Finally reaching the Village of Mist he would meet up with Hinagiku and his team. He would seem distant and cold, he never told them of his suffering, and he tried to place it behind him. But within time word would travel to the Village of Mist. The two boys he was teamed with would soon mock him for being the unwanted one of a crazy mother. He was driven into a rage of hatred for them, he was leaving with them for a mission, Hinagiku was to meet them at the gate. When she arrived she would see a boy standing there, wearing a mask of a demon, his blades drenched in blood. She froze, and then realized that it was in fact Shingai. Taking his mist headband from out of his pocket, he held it out to her as a symbol of apology for his actions. She accepted the action, and it was then when the boy would sunshin away from the bloody scene, his kill count had only begun.

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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 12:48 pm

Keeping his mask upon his face the young lad would begin the journey to the destiny and fate his mother had locked in. A failed attempt to save her son, sent him farther down the path of what she feared. Could anyone really stop the demon that now resided within the boy known as Shingai no Kujo. He fled by boat to the main land of countries, he knew very little of his surroundings and knew that he wouldn’t be able to settle down for some time. The Mist Shinobi Hunter would be nipping at his heels for some time. So he landed in the Land of Tea, it was here where he began to realize what he was and what he would become. His bloodlust would soon begin and the kill count would slowly rise. As he wandered the Land of Tea he would eventually find himself within the Land of Fire. He knew this was Konoha’s country, but he was unsure to Konoha’s and Mist’s relations. So he chose to continue his traveling for now. It was only that fateful day that the Shinobi Hunters would finally get a good scent of Shingai. Finding him in the city of Otafuku Gai they would attack, injuring him only slightly. He would manage to escape just barely and continued to flee. Entering the Land of Grass he had no time to stop, he just kept running, in hopes of finding shelter soon for his injury was getting worse. He was making some distance between himself and the Shinobi Hunters for he wasn’t sleeping unlike them, he just kept running on instincts. He would land himself in the Land of Earth, near the Village of stone. It was here where he stumbled upon a girl of the Stone Village, her name was Pandoru. His injury that was once small had become much worse he approached her with caution, his mask still worn upon his face, he rarely removed it. It was here when the Shinobi Hunters finally had him cornered. As he talked to Pandoru they arrived, no questions would be asked they quickly went on the assault. Shingai would refuse to allow them to harm her; she had done nothing wrong in her life. It hadn’t helped that he had been injured and never bothered to rest as he fled them before. He would be severely injured in this go around with the Shinobi Hunters. But just as they went to deliver the final blow, two Jounin of Stone arrived killing the Hunters. Pandoru would aid in Shingai’s medical treatments, she seemed rather shy to him, and yet she seemed to be rather caring for people. During the healing process the Iwa Shinobi removed his mask revealing his face. He gave his name to her as a sign of gratitude. She would return the favor with her own.

For two months he would reside within the Village of Stone, requiring medical aid from their finest. He promised to pay them one day for what they had done for him. He’d grown to give his trust to yet another female he had grown to know. She had helped him survive an obstacle in his life that should have brought him to his grave. He would forever be grateful to that and swore on his life that when he could, he would show her his thanks for her kindness. His affection wouldn’t be the same that he felt for the young girl back in Mist. This red headed beauty was only a few years younger than Shingai but seemed to be a more useful friend than anything else. The moment he was able to walk, the young Akumu would make a promise, he vowed to protect her in anyway he could, the first he would never share the secrets of the Village of Stone to anyone. Second, he swore to find her again one day and repay her for all that she had done for him. It was with that, that he would make his way back on the road. His mask placed back on his face, new scars on his body and new cloths obtained. On his way once more, the boy doomed to wander it would seem. He made his way through the Land of Waterfall and then into the Land of Fang. It was here in the Land of Fang where he would stay and rest for a week’s time. He enjoyed the culture of a non ninja country for the first time. He began working on two new masks while he rested, one of black and one of white. The new masks would be more of a playful expression to him than the mask he had been regularly wearing. Placing the white mask now on his face he would begin his travels, leaving the Land of Fang behind moving on into the Land of Ricefields. He was unaware of the Village of Sound’s existence. Let alone a chance of being hunted once more.

A shinobi hunter and a young one at that of the Sound Village would confront Shingai on his journeys. Not because of his history but because of a simple misunderstanding. Shingai wouldn’t try to reason with the Hunter, he had a strong distaste for these Hunters. He would simply trick lure and kill the boy of Sound. But upon further investigation he found he was no Shinobi Hunter, but a young Gennin who dreamed of being one. Shingai would not bury the foolish boy’s body he saw no reason to. He continued his journeys eastward and slightly to the north, finding himself in the Land of Claw. As he entered yet another Non Ninja country he would begin to understand things in nature far greater. It had been a year now since he left Iwa, and he had been spending his time out with the birds. Listening to their beautiful melodies and harmonies, Shingai may be a killer, yet the true innocence has joined him in the end. He stayed within the Land of Claw for sometime, studying the birds that flew around sharing their beautiful tunes with anyone willing to take the time to listen. He learned to respect the birds around him he found a quaint feature in them. They’re everywhere yet rarely ever noticed, or acknowledge, much like himself, they move like shadows, always there, so it’s never to different when they move. He particularly took to the blue jays and cardinals, both full of pride, both so beautiful.

A year had passed and he made his way farther north. Shingai had found his way into the Land of Thunder, a predominately aggressive Shinobi Nation. Known to act more absurd in their ways towards other Nations. Shingai had also found himself nearing the end of his money. He would hope to find the Ninja Village and begin work so he could earn money, he owed too much. His clan needed donations; he owed Pandoru and the Stone Village as well. Upon entering the Capital of the Country he would write a detailed letter to the leader of the Cloud Village. Within a few days a letter of response would arrive for Shingai. He read it over, it seemed that the Raikage was named Tieren Drasani, he seemed like the peaceful guy. So Shingai would respond for an escort to the Village so they could meet, Shingai’s name had not yet reached the Land of Thunder keeping his past a secret to Cloud. Soon enough two Jounin of Cloud would arrive in the Capital and escort the white mask baring Shingai to Cloud. It was there where he met Tieren Drasani a cheerful young chap, rather a bit young to be a leader but none the less ambitious. Within hours of interigation and questioning Shingai had kept his cool and kept his past a secret to those who reside in Kumogakure. He was offered a headband of Kumo and was offered the chance to be a Gennin. He knew it would be the fastest way to make any money, so he accepted it. He would wear the headband loose around his neck. He didn’t want it on his head, for his mask would be in the way, and the two would clash far too much. So he would wear it like a necklace and be slightly proud of it.

As he became a Gennin of Kumo he would begin to understand the Ninja ways once more. Acting within a team wasn’t something he had wished for, so he chose to do very small easy missions for the time being. Keeping himself low key on the radar of the shinobi world. As he trained and wandered Kumo he met a girl, she was young and seemed like a younger and female version of him. Her name was Kana, she was a young Gennin of Kumogakure. He introduced himself to her, allowing her to slowly earn his respect. He had taken quite an interest in the young girl, she seemed to have gone through the same suffering in a way that he had, but not as far. But she was still young, and still had time to suffer, just as he has. So the two would begin to talk and get to know even more, Shingai didn’t share much of his history with her, he shared the loss of his family but nothing of the Hidden Mist Village, or the Hidden Stone Village to her. He had his reasons, he told no-one of Mist, and he swore to never reveal Stone to anyone. So the two would become close and in a spar to test her abilities Kana would use a Nara jutsu against him. It was there when he first became interested in the Nara Clan. The idea of manipulating one’s shadows could prove to be very useful for an assassin like him. He would ask her for the scrolls to the Nara techniques she had. She said she only had originals, and he promised to make copies, and so that is what he did, he would copy the information down from scroll to scroll as he finished he would hand Kana the originals and he kept the copies for himself. He thanked her for her trust in him, and praised her abilities as a shinobi. It was then where he made a promise to forever protect her. He saw her as a little sister of sorts, she was still rather young, and yet she suffered in many of the same ways as Shingai.

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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 12:48 pm

He would let her begin her training as he carried and trained the scrolls of the Nara Jutsu. He was feeling more and more at home here in the Land of Thunder. He didn’t mind being locked down on a short leash of the Village. He wandering the village one day and as he watched a song bird a boy in white would appear before him. All white, a hood masking his face, all but his mouth, where a grin seemed to reside. “May I ask you of your name?” Shingai asked the boy in white. He wouldn’t respond, nothing said, but a simple grin relaxing on the face of Kurogane Rokusho. The two would stand there on the streets of Cloud, both facing off, neither really in the mood to deal with each other. But Kurogane came for a reason; he had seen the boy around before and decided he needed to find out what his deal was. “My name is Kurogane Rokusho of Kumogakure,” the boy in white would state, he then would ask of Shingai’s name. He was afraid to answer Kurogane, for he had a suspicion rising about being caught for his past. “My name is Shingai,” he would state, hiding his last name from the boy in white. “You and I are the same,” Shingai would add, this threw Kurogane off for sure. “What do you mean?” he would ask in response. “You hide your face within the shadows of your hood, while I hide mine behind my many masks,” The words would be philosophical and quite well thought for such a short amount of time. “We both no doubt have suffered in the past, but it’s key not to dwell on such painful memories,” the added point would no doubt gain the respect of the White Cloaked Shinobi.

A year’s time had passed now and Shingai was offered the opportunity to join the Chuunin Exams with his fellow Gennin Team. He said he would gladly accept the offer once he spoke to his family. He had never told those of the Cloud Village that he was an Akumu yet, he had merely told them he was Shingai no Kujo. He would set off to the Land of Water in search of his homeland. A month’s travel it would require to reach the Island where the Akumu Village resided. He had entered the village with pride; offer a large amount of his Ryo as a Donation to the Village. One of the many respected Akumu had confronted him on the fact he had yet to learn any of the actual Akumu techniques. He had only learned and lived by their codes and honor system up till now. An argument would ensue from that point leading to the Elder quickly breaking the jaw of Shingai completely. Within time it would heal and the approval of joining the Chuunin’s would be granted. He was also given a large scroll containing the secret jutsu of the Akumu. He was to begin his training after the Exams and not return to the village until he had learned a majority of the jutsu, no matter the circumstance. So he would stay an extra week for he decided the time had come once more to begin crafting a new mask. The boy would sit in a small shack with a single light above him and no windows. So small it was more of a small shed if anything. He worked for a week on the new porcelain mask, the mask turned out to cover less of his face, and seemed more festive than anything. He would leave wearing the white mask that he crafted along with the black one. His journey back to Thunder would begin, and the start of the Exams were only two months away.

He would return to Cloud within a month since he left the Akumu Village. This left him with only a month to prepare and travel with his team to the Chuunin Exams which were being held in the Land of Tea. Within a few days of his return he was told to pack up once more and get ready to leave for a fight of his life. He would grin behind his white mask; the boy loved a good challenge, especially if he could kill his challenger. The bloodlust had been held in for sometime inside Shingai, he had the thirst once more, and these Exams would be sure to quench it more than enough. His team would travel with their Jounin Teacher all the way down to the Tea Country and when there they were told of the Exams he participated in when he was their age. Shingai would listen in hopes of gaining valuable information on the exams he was about to be a part of. Once they started, the first test would be one of the mind, something that would throw Shingai for a moment, but it was also a strong team test. His teammates would excel more in this test than he but all three had passed none the less. The second test of the Exams was a survival test, one that Shingai ahdn’t been run through by Ninja before. He’d killed several in his time but he’d never needed to worry about the creatures and the ninja. In this part he did not seek the items they were to obtain, he simply killed all of those who opposed him, his teammates would then search the bodies and find the items they needed. Shingai would add a total of six more bodies to his kill count before the third test could even begin. The teams were separated, now a battle of power, and art. A showing of skills of sort to those who chose to observe. Shingai would fight a very worthy opponenet from the Village of Mist ironicly. The two would fight to the extent of their power, but Shingai found a weakness in his opponent and quickly took advantage of it. Killing his opponent in cold blood as the Examiner attempted to intervene before he could deliver the final blow.

Shingai would be disqualified for his actions but would still none the less have passed the Chuunin Exams. His teammates would also die in the Third Round but they hadn’t had the chance to even try and surrender. The team was now the Jounin of Cloud and Shingai, so they would set off to home and report in about the loss of their teammates and the success of Shingai. Upon returning Shingai would be awarded the rank of Chuunin and placed off on his own, for the current Raikage no longer Tieren Drasani had seen that Shingai was far better on his own than with a team. So now the young boy of the Akumu Clan would be a Chuunin of Cloud, and an accomplished killer of the Ninja world. His bloodlust would only feed and fuel his way of life. Soon obtaining approval of doing traveling and training on his own Shingai would set off to the various Non Ninja Countries. It would be now where he would really become the beast he really is. Residing for two months in the Land of Sea Shingai would end up slaughtering half a village in a loss of control of his rage. Killing a total of seventeen innocent civilians the Chuunin of Cloud was soon to tarnish the village’s reputation. Once word of this reached the Raikage a Jounin team was sent to apprehend him and return him to Cloud. It was here in the Village of Cloud where he would be forced to stay until his trust would be earned once more. A few months would pass and Shingai would now be the age of nineteen years old. He had regained the trust to travel once more, but for now he would reside in Cloud until he figured out where to go from here. A calling was within his soul, but to where was it calling him to?

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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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Shingai Akumu! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 12:49 pm

One Year's Time...

Over the past year Shingai Akumu had gone through a very dramatic change. Running into his old love of his life. Mikuru from Mist he would be sent through a parallel world breaking down his once strong and proud mental state. Shingai’s inner demon was unleashed and the world was no longer safe, as the psychotic killer had finally been freed from his cage. But Mikuru would learn ways to control him and manipulate his life. Using strong techniques of the Sharingan were one of the best ways to control this monster. She would first change his appearance to help hide him and manipulate him further. Cutting his hair and sending him through many surgeries to hide the scars and tattoos that he once took pride in. Adding to the change of his eye color the only thing left was his name. Shingai Akumu would hide in the shadows behind the new persona of Nara, Haseo. But before this whole change she would need to develop her Sharingan. So until then Shingai would continue to rampage throughout the country side killing many. The worste of his massacres was the small village in the Land of Fire, killing one hundred innocent people in the dark of night; this was a clear sign to Mikuru that Shingai was no longer the same and could never be the same again.

Once he had been controlled and changed they would return to the land of River, to the city of Moyoushi where he would now reside. What he did under the control of Mikuru is unkown to many, he was an enforcer to her, he would not care what the task was but he would do it without a question asked. As he stood by her side he would no longer hide his face behind the mask, for he was not Shingai Akumu, but Haseo Nara.

Rp Sample: Is that really needed.. ? Lmao.
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Shingai Akumu! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 12:53 pm

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Shishika no Hyuuga
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PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 1:02 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 2:00 pm


Change the the chakra containment to 2 ninja.
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Revy Izumi
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PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 8:38 pm

choose 2 elements. not 3
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Shingai Akumu! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeTue 25 Aug 2009, 8:47 pm

The way I read her clan was that it was much like Haku's, so Water would be her clan-granted element...correct me if I'm wrong Aor
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PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeWed 26 Aug 2009, 10:13 am

Chakra containment to 2 : Completed.

Iris : No. Kiyoshi is right, my clan are natural Hyouton users.
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PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeWed 26 Aug 2009, 10:17 am

Revy says she approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeWed 26 Aug 2009, 12:07 pm


I'm in a rather energetic mood today
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PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeWed 26 Aug 2009, 12:07 pm


Last edited by Naruto on Wed 26 Aug 2009, 12:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Revy Izumi
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PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeWed 26 Aug 2009, 12:08 pm

yea what he said
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PostSubject: Re: Shingai Akumu!   Shingai Akumu! Icon_minitimeFri 28 Aug 2009, 12:40 am

I hereby lock this character due to personal reasoning. I will unlock when it feels necessary.
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