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 Akumu Aka

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PostSubject: Akumu Aka   Akumu Aka Icon_minitimeSun 11 Oct 2009, 10:21 pm

General Information:

Name: Akumu Kaguya






Akumu has brown hair that tends to spike up alot. The brown his hair resembles an auburn shade but is actually brow when you look at it close enough. His eye color matches his hair color, and if eyes could kill akumu's deep eyes would burn you to a crisp. His lips are very thin, and are almost pale not registering really any resembling color. His torso consists of bulging pecks, and abdominal muscles. His arms hold light bone armor that are basically used for looks. He has very broad shoulders that go along with his height. His waste and down consists of white baggy pants that are held tight to his waste by a golden sash. Drooping down from his sides are blue silk like drapes that cover a little passed his knees.he wearss bamboo sandals, that always get mixed up with his height making him look taller then he really is.

Personality: Akumu is the type of guy that likes to just hang out chill and be layed back. He likes to sleep alot, and unfortunately wastes most of the day to that. On his free time he likes to mess around, and practtice with either his weaponary or his kaguya skills. If he's preacticing his kaguya skills he like s to bein open fiels, if hes training with weaponary he likes to train in forests. He's a very peaceful gut once you get to know him, he just hates being messed around with or having his friends being messed around with. He likes to fight in cold blood,a nd thats usually what ends up on him. Akumu doesent like to waste time feeling that it's very preciuos and shouldnt be wasted. Although Akumu is very layed back, he is also a straight to the point type of guy. Not likeing to waste worthful time on procrastination. He does anything to protect his friends. And will tell you that straight up.

Clan Information

Clan Name: Kaguya

Kekei Genkai: Shikotsumyaku (屍骨脈; Literally meaning "Dead Bone Pulse") is the Kekkei Genkai of the extinct Kaguya clan, which gave them the ability to manipulate their own skeletal structure. By infusing their calcium with chakra, they can manipulate the growth and properties of their bones to their likings. The main capabilities of Shikotsumyaku is allowing the user to manipulate their bones' growth. This allows them to create weapons of bones that can either protrude from any part of the body, or pulled out and used like hand held weapons. They can even fire pieces of their bones as long-ranged projectiles. Any bone that they remove from the body immediately regenerates, as does the skin that is damaged when the bones are removed. Users can increase the density of the created bones, making them stronger than steel. This not only makes the created weapons very powerful, but also makes their bodies virtually indestructible.

From what the only known user of this ability, Kimimaro, has shown, most of the techniques are named after flowers. Most of them are also taijutsu-based sword dances, which are used for close combat and defense. However, as Kimimaro demonstrated, the bones can also be forced to grow from the ground, as a form of a ninjutsu, and that he can emerge from any of these bones.

Clan Symbol:

Clan History:
The Kaguya Clan was one of the most powerful clans known, but which aided in their demise was their foolishness and rash ways. The Kaguya are blessed with a bloodline enabling them to manipulate the bones within their body. Their bones may be used as a defensive mechanism, or as a weapon, almost unbreakable.

Rank Information:


Village: Earth Country

Skill Information:

Skill Specialty: Tai, Nin.

Elemental Affinity:Water-Earth

Special Characteristics:Akumu, always has calcium vials with him making sure he doesent risk lack of calcium.

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:
ACADEMY ARC:Akumu absolutely hated his class mates, he was very smart just hated his class mates. Akumu would walk around and be teased that he didn't have a father. His father abandoned Akumu when he was at the tender age of 2. Everybody around the academy would say stuff such as "Your father didn't want you, why do you think we do" and etc. Akumu hated that but toughed it out withstanding every harsh comment and bullying. Then one day he had enough when one boy walked up makeing fun of him, Akumu took a step back cocked his hand and fired a hailmarry punch, that completely decked the kid knocking him out cold. Akumu walked away from the kid stepping over him as his blood dripped all over the floor. The kid was then later helped out by medical ninjas later on, and no one knew who was the person who knocked him out. Akumu then walked home after school to his hard working mother, it was a long dirt road that felt like it never ended. Akumu hated it until one day while he was walking home he found a small dog, Akumu kneeled down sticking his hand out as the small puppy that resembled a wolf licked his fingers. Akumu was happy with that and started walking looking back to see the puppy following. Akumu stopped and picked up the small puppy figureing that the puppy had probably already did enough walking. Akumu brought him to his house, Akumu's moms first words where "get that dog out of here" Akumu then was mad telling her that it was his only friend. So his mother allowed him to have the puppy. Akumu would go to the academy every day anxious to get out and get to see his puppy. Everyday he walked back home the dog would meet him in the same exact spot. Akumu then thought that the dog had been with them for a while now and he needed a good name instead of calling him pup every day, so Akumu named him Tero.

Gennin: When Akumu bacame Gennin his little puppy was all grown up now, Akumu would train with the dog, watching it do tricks and such. Akumu had to go through a test for gennin, as did all the other academy students. Akumu had to perform a weaponry technique in which he had to throw three kunai at the same time but all had to be in different directions to hit three scarecrows. Akumu did that with ease hitting the last one with such power that it took it right out of the ground hitting the floor with a thud. When Akumu showed them that the instructor was very impressed, and was premoted right away. Akumu was asigned a grroup five days later with two other girls. Akumu was not mad because he knew he had to be grouped up, but the two girls didn't get on his nerves so he was alright with them. When the Tsuchikage heard of Akumu being promoted to gennin, he was surprised. He thought that Akumu was a loaded gun ready to go off at any second, so he put together a little test for the kid. The Tsuchikage put up 6 white boards, and 9 black boards. Akumu's job was to hit all the white ones without hitting one black one unless he wouldnt become gennin. Akumu was a little confused why the tsuchikage would want him to do this, but he knew he would have to do it unless he wouldnt become a gennin. So the tsuchikage made him turn around first without looking at where the white, and black boards were. Then when the Tsuchikage gave the word Akumu would have to turn around and hit all the white boards withing 3 seconds. So Akumu stood with steady breaths awaiting for the signal to start when all of a sudden he heard a "go!" from the Tsuchikage, AKumu turned around so fast throwing all the kunai's on the turn around hitting them all except one. When all of a sudden the tsuchikage threw a white board out in the middle of the field, Akumu only had on kunai left, with one second. Akumu threw the Kunai with great speed hiting the flying white board on impact, then kept flying into the other white board piercing in the wood, creating a large thud. The tsuchikage looked at akumu, and nodded, and then spoke "good job, enjoy being a gennin for which the chuunin exams will be there in no time."

Chuunin Arc: Could the Tsuchikage be so right, as it felt like the Chuunin exams felt like it was the next day. Akumu couldn't beleive it, and the worst part was that he had to fight the Tsuchikage's son, who was very popular in that village with many friends. Before the Chuunin exams, his mother told him that he has matured enough to use his kaguya benefits which included his bone manipulation. Akumu was happy that he was able to use these powers now, and trained with them. He had three days before the chuunin exams, three days of nothing but training. That day came pretty fast, while he was walking through the doors of the arena he saw many people in the seats cheering them all on. When Akumu walked in the proctor told him to stop and remain in that spot which was a good 15ft away from the center of the arena. Akumu looked across the arena to see his opponent stareing him dead in the eyes. "alright, if he wants a battle i'll give him one" Akumu said as the proctor said begin. The opponent who happened to be the Tsuchikage's son was name Talon. Talon came racing at Akumu throwing kunai's as Akumu pulled out his kunai and blocked them all making the clinky deflecting sound. Then Akumu threw his kunai at Talon, tearing the wind up. The kunai cought Talon off guard as he twisted his torso so the kunai would blaze past him, but since Talon was cought off guard he reacted to late inwhich the kunai went passed him but gently sliced through the gennins shirt and skin causing him a little blood drip from the small wound. Talon still kept running at Akumu unknowing of his bone manipulating skills, talon pulled out another Kunai at 7ft away from Akumu jabbing it forward Akumu jumped into the air dodging the attack, then turning around lifting his hand as five bone bullets shot out of Akumu's fingertips, shooting just like a bullet and burried through Talon's body like a real bullet. The bone's hit Talon dead in the back shooting right through him, one hitting Talon's heart dropping Talon to the floor without breath. Akumu landed as the proctor anounced Akumu the winner. Akumu walked off out of the arena with a sigh, and a smile. As he heard the proctor yell that Talon needed a medical ninja, and fast.

Jounin: Now a jounin being granted that rank by the Tsuchikage for outstanding performance. He was no longer in the group of two other girls,then a catastrophe struck. Everybody looked at Akumu as a monster. They thought of him as a loose trigger. They didnt no much because Akumu had full control of whatever he did. Every day he would get dirty looks from everybody even the store owners around the village. Akumu felt like he was reliveing his academy days. When everyday he was bullied. No longer was Akumu bullied but was treated with immese hatred. Akumu was dumbfounded. He just saved the village from an attack and now is looked down apon. Akumu felt like he was now hated and planned to stay that way. So he went to his mother telling her that he was leaving and that he had to leave. His mother was not happy whatsoever and absolutely didnt like the idea of him leaving. His mother felt like Akumu should just stick everything out, and everything would be fine. So akumu did, and waited for a good 4 months until one day the people of the village went to far.When he was out one day away from the village relaxing in a open field,until it got dark so he decided to go home. When he came home every night he would go around back, and feed his dog Tero, and give him some water. So when Akumu walked around his house with his two bowls in hand he saw the worst site he could ever see, it was his dog with blood everywhere, and a kunai stuck through his head. Akumu dropped everything, and walked over to the dog, and dropped down on his knee's beginning to cry. When he saw a paper, it wrote: this is only pay back signed- Talon. Akumu was enranged running over to the tsuchikage's office killing the two guards who tried to stop him with two bone bullets dead smack in the head. He busted the doors open of the Tsuchikages office seeing Talon talking to his dad the Tsuchikage. " hey get out of here" said Talon. Akumu raised his hands, "tell me if the Medical ninja gets you out of this one" said Akumu as he shot 100 bullets of bone at Talon. Creating a massive blood shed, " as for you, Tsuchikage you wont need to worry about me, i'm gone" said Akumu as he ranout of the office, and ran out of the building. Taking off at crazy speed running out of the village, and never coming back with no regret whatsoever.

Akautski Arc: Akumu was a missing ninja for a long time until he came across the Akautski organization. They greeted him in like family. The akautski was his family now, and would do anything to protect it. Every mission he did was done with great speed and great sufficientcy. He always had somebody to talk to, some one to spar with, and someone to be there when he needed to know something. Never was he treated like a monster or a beast of some sort, but a family member. A family member that protected that organization with his life. And when he knew he was the new family member and that he would always stay in that clan and do anything to protect it, he took out his head band of the earth. The took out a Kunai, jabbing the kunai right into the headband making a large strike through it signalling to any body that he was a no longer village member but an akautski.

Rp Sample:
Null walked up to the bar his cloak swinging swiftly behind him brushing his ankles with every gentle footstep. Null's head was down as he opened the bar door a cold breeze brushed his face and left as quickly as it came. Null began walking the people who were standing up and shoving everybody else trying to start something null began sliding through open holes in the massive barrage of people. He then stopped looking up at the empty bar seeing one of the bartenders cleaning off some glasses, and the other sleeping on the bar drooling all over the place. Null walked over to sit down right infront of the sleeping bartender Null looked down to see the drool slugishly seeping towards him. Null pushed the sleeping bartender off of the bar table watching him fall to the floor creating a large thud, then a sound of snoreing from the passed out bartender. Null then saw the drool begin to stop its movement before seeping to the very tip of the edge, Null looked up to see the other bartender beginning to walk over to Null stepping over the other man stopping dead infront of Null shoulders high as he began to lift up his left hand. Null didn't move but was wondering what the bartender was going to do when he saw that the hand stopped rising and gently tugged a hand towel off of his shoulder dropping it on the drool sucking it all up like a sponge. Null loked at the mans face as he began to smile. " what would you like to drink, sir?" the bartender said throwing the drool filled hand towel on the sleeping bartender that was snoring on the floor. "I'll take a nice cold beer" Null said as he looked to his left seeing that there were many open bar stools hoping that he would have some company that night. Null began to look all the way down with more then 15 open barstools and at the very end one was laying down on the floor, when all of a sudden there was a slam in front of Null from his beer with tiny splashes of cold beer hitting his face. It scared the crap out of Null but Null stayed calm trying not to showhis fear. The bartender smiled at Null " heres one ice cold beer", "yeah one ice cold beer that almost turned me ice cold from fear" Null chuckled as the bartender began to walk away. Null then took a swig of his beer as he looked back towards the vacant barstools once again hoping that he would be greeted by someone elses company

Last edited by Akumu Kaguya on Wed 25 Nov 2009, 11:59 pm; edited 3 times in total
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The Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter

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Akumu Aka Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akumu Aka   Akumu Aka Icon_minitimeSun 11 Oct 2009, 10:28 pm

actually write something for your appearance, at least a few sentences.
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PostSubject: Re: Akumu Aka   Akumu Aka Icon_minitimeSun 11 Oct 2009, 10:32 pm

k bumped, i mean i already had a few but theres some more lolz XD
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The Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter

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PostSubject: Re: Akumu Aka   Akumu Aka Icon_minitimeSun 11 Oct 2009, 10:54 pm

approved as an s ranked missing nin
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PostSubject: Re: Akumu Aka   Akumu Aka Icon_minitime

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