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Nocturne Revy Masahiro


 Important Mission

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PostSubject: Important Mission   Important Mission Icon_minitimeSat 20 Sep 2008, 8:33 am

.::. TOPIC OPENED .::. E anxiously jumped from rooftop to rooftop searching for the two ninja that were supposed to be delivering the mystery scroll to Lord Hokage, or as E knows him ... Naruto-sama. The streets were filled with hundreds of people but none of them looked like they were carrying anything suspicious, just shopping bags. E shifted uncomftably, he'd swapped his usual customized Cloud jacket for a leaf one, which he wasn't used to .. meaning it itched like hell. Two ninja's were moving slowly but purporsfully through the crowd. They were wearing Chuunin outfits but with ANBU masks, the first one was carrying a pack of scrolls and the second was on look out .... E noticed the long Katana stuffed descreetly down his jacket, this might not turned out well. No.2 looked up and saw E watching them from the rooftop and said something to the one next to him, they both instanly started running, pushing through the crowd and ducking down. E swore under his breath and started following them from the rooftops. They turned down an alley and jumped into a second storey window hoping to lose the guy who was following them. E swore again and jumped in after them, they'd gone. Suddenly something flashed past down the hall in front of him, E followed... down a corridor, over the side of a balcany, down a market street knocking over stalls. Stopping by a truck then back onto the rooftops,down a ladder, into a house, over a chainlink fence, down another alley, through a park, across five roads ... E stopped by a jewellry store..they'd gone, E slumped against a wall and looked up at the sky before standing up and walking off down the street .::. TOPIC CLOSED .::.
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