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 Uchiha's Hideout

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PostSubject: Uchiha's Hideout   Uchiha's Hideout Icon_minitimeSat 08 Nov 2008, 1:17 pm

We are now in Konohakagure, Kunkato started to get ahead and we found the Main Gate from using the different route to Konoha.
Kunkato stopped and smiled. "We are here just be read for the Main Gate, since their is a barrier around the leaf village including above, Do you know how to get in here without the alerm going off?" Kunkato asked excitedly.
"Just be patient and yes I do know how to do it, maybe I will teach it to you sometime, okay?" Itazuki told Kunkato, assuring him.
"No, not sometime, I want to learn it now. Better?" Kunkato said, more forcing voice.
"Sure sure, just watch me carefully.But before we do this, I have to tell you something anyways." Itazuki said looking at Kunkato.
"Okay, better be important Itazuki. What is it?" Kunkato rushed Itazuki to say it.
"Don't rush me, we have time, now, I brought an headband to cover up your little scar on your forhead, you had it since you was 5." Itazuki said.
"Okay, whatever." Kunkato just took the headband and covered his forhead.
"Someone might notice that scar and notice you also." Itazuki replied.
"Now let's get going." He said, more with glee.
Then Itazuki and Kunkato took off.
Itazuki taughted Kunkato on how to go in Konoha with no problem and they entered Konoha already.
"We wil kill any ninja who interferred us from going through to the Uchiha's Hideout." Kunkato said, telling Itazuki one order.
"Better be an easy ninja that we can finish off quickly. Heh" Itazuki said, not happy what Kunkato said.
"We will take a shortcut, follw me Kunkato." Itazuki said going left and straight into a ally, a very narrow street and jumped on the buildings up above and jumped down and goes around the bend and right and drawing back to turn in left of another narrow street.
Kunkato stopped and Itazuki stopped behind him.
"Oh, you still remember where it is? Lucky." Itazuki chuckled.
"Just come on, I have been here like 50 times, that's what." kunkato replied.
Itazuki opened the door, going in the chamber of the Uchiha's Hideout. Kunkato went in the room first and launched for a smaller door at the end of the hallway.
Itazuki walked behind him and Kunkato opened the small door and Kunkato has to crawl through it. Itazuki went after him.
Itazuki shutted the door behind him and kunkato lighted up the room. Kunkato quickly was looking through books and Uchiha clan's scrolls.
"Found this half of the scroll- "The curse of the Uchiha Clan" It says on the scroll." Kunkato said.
"Where is the other half of the scroll, Itazuki?" Kunkato asked, too eager.
" the hokage's room, in that scroll room. Hokage-sama took it because he don't want to do anything worse or more good for our clan, That's why he took it. The scroll, was kinda dangerous, its risky to use it."
"Oh come on! Hokage scroll room? Then we will get it! But wait a second, okay?" Kunkato said, looking through books and scrolls again. Kunkato took few scrolls and 2 or 3 books and putted it in his bag.
"Okay let's go, To that Hokage scroll room." Kunkato said, rushing out of the room.
Itazuki went after him quickly, "Just be careful with the hokage, he's strong, you know. he has a bijuu also." Itazuki said, reassuring him again.
And they left the uchiha's hideout heading for the Hokage Scroll Room.

Last edited by Itazuk Kuroi Urufu Uchiha on Tue 11 Nov 2008, 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Uchiha's Hideout   Uchiha's Hideout Icon_minitimeMon 10 Nov 2008, 7:42 am

(He is not a bijuu...,He is jinchuuriki..)
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PostSubject: Re: Uchiha's Hideout   Uchiha's Hideout Icon_minitimeTue 11 Nov 2008, 4:47 pm

((Sorry about that, I fixed it, lmao.))
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