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 Outside the Akatski Hideout

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Outside the Akatski Hideout Empty
PostSubject: Outside the Akatski Hideout   Outside the Akatski Hideout Icon_minitimeTue 28 Apr 2009, 9:59 pm

Hatari walks into the scene with his black, untidy, long hair going to his shoulders. His movements refelect impatience, as he patrols back and forth. His black eyes searing, he wanders and knocks down a tree with his hand
*Walks to the outside of the hideout and sits on the tree and waits*
"Wonder if Senki's going to get here..."

Last edited by MadaraUchiha1 on Wed 29 Apr 2009, 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Outside the Akatski Hideout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside the Akatski Hideout   Outside the Akatski Hideout Icon_minitimeTue 28 Apr 2009, 10:02 pm

*Stretches his arms across his body and behind his back and then lays down and relaxes and looks at the clouds*
"Hmm...the clouds have never been so peaceful before. It's nice"

Last edited by MadaraUchiha1 on Wed 29 Apr 2009, 6:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Outside the Akatski Hideout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside the Akatski Hideout   Outside the Akatski Hideout Icon_minitimeWed 29 Apr 2009, 3:42 pm

((First, write it out like your writing a story. Put thoughts into italics, and speaking into quotations. Also, don't use first person(You haven't, but just incase)))

Senki appeared suddenly, as a flash of lightning streaked through the air and crashed into the ground. As the lightning disappeared, it revealed her slim figure. Her snow-white hair flowed slightly in the breeze that the impact had created, and her crimson red eyes glowed with chakra. She wore her akatsuki tunic, having chosen to abstain from wearing the traditional cloak. They were too difficult to maneuver in. Her white-feathered wings glowed in the fading sunlight, as the sun moved in to meet the horizon. The resulting light turned her wings a soft pink, and illuminated her body. Casting a shadow over her face. She walked slowly toward the man before her, her bronze boots clinking against the stones that lay around the field. Reaching a decent distance from the man, she stopped. Raising her hand in greeting, she spoke.
"Hello, Hitari-kun. If I am not mistaken, you are my partner?"
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Outside the Akatski Hideout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside the Akatski Hideout   Outside the Akatski Hideout Icon_minitimeWed 29 Apr 2009, 6:11 pm

Hatari turns to Senki, and sees her. His expression shows tolerance, and has a friendly look to it. He smiles.
"So it would seem. Nice to meet you Kazura-San, how are you today?"
He thinks: Shes a lightning user, and geez, shes powerful if she just uses that level of technique to greet her teammate. Maybe I could learn a thing or two.
"Would you mind if I learned a technique of yours later on?" He says with a subtle curiosity.
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Outside the Akatski Hideout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside the Akatski Hideout   Outside the Akatski Hideout Icon_minitimeWed 29 Apr 2009, 7:22 pm

Senki shrugged at him to answer his first question before continuing. She began to scan her mental files of her partner, and looked at his past and reputation. Judging from what she had seen, she trusted him about as much as she trusted the rest of them. That wasn't saying much.
"If you prove yourself I will allow you to copy my techniques. Yes, I know all about you and your eye, Uchiha." She said, as if to eliminate the possibility that he might question her knowledge. It would probably be weird for him at first, knowing nothing of her and yet having her know everything she possibly could about him. He will get used to it...He has to... She thought to herself, smirking inwardly. On the outside, her face remained blank, and she continued the conversation. "So why did you join my little crew?" She asked with very blunt curiosity. No point in beating around the bush, no point in being subtle.
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Outside the Akatski Hideout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside the Akatski Hideout   Outside the Akatski Hideout Icon_minitimeWed 29 Apr 2009, 7:36 pm

Hatari seems suprised at her knowlege. Regardless, he responds with a tense voice.
"I joined to put people searching for power in their place" He stresses the last word, and lightens back up to a friendly voice, "and those seeking knowlege in theirs as well. I came to find an answer, and this was the first place that came to mind. No other village seems to know the meaning of existance. Maybe I can learn while I'm with you."
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Outside the Akatski Hideout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside the Akatski Hideout   Outside the Akatski Hideout Icon_minitimeWed 29 Apr 2009, 7:40 pm

"The meaning of existence? Wasn't it obvious?" Senki asked aloud, though her voice was distant and faint. As if she hadn't meant to speak those thoughts. She turned to him with sincere eyes, the sun reflecting upon her face and making her seem almost angelically beautiful. Then, the sun disappeared under the horizon, filling the sky with inky night. Little holes in the covering shadows appeared, making pinpoints of white upon the black sky, and the moon began its journey. She smiled at him then, something she didn't do with sincerity often. "You will learn, my friend. You will learn." She said in a tone that made it seem she was trying to convince herself as much as she was trying to assure him.
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Outside the Akatski Hideout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside the Akatski Hideout   Outside the Akatski Hideout Icon_minitimeWed 29 Apr 2009, 7:46 pm

OOC: My theory of power is not the meaning of existance, only my theory of power. I search for the meaning of existance now, and seek knowlege, just like always. The only reason I gain power is to not ignore power, which I believe is a crime just as sufferable as seeking power for power's sake.

"Hopefully, I'll see it soon" Hatari says.
He laughs and stands up.
"So, I need to get updated on our status. What is our goal as a group, and I guess I probably need to meet the other members as well."
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Outside the Akatski Hideout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside the Akatski Hideout   Outside the Akatski Hideout Icon_minitimeWed 29 Apr 2009, 7:56 pm

"We have few members. Whether or not they want to meet you is up to them, I suggest you hunt them down around the HQ. As for our goal as a group, it is the same as always. We are going to tear the Bijuu apart, taking their demons for ourselves. In doing this, we remove such immense power from those pathetic villages, and seal them all in one place. From there, we pick a village to become allies with, feed them the power, and take over the entire ninja world through them." She said in the same voice one would use while discussing the weather.

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Outside the Akatski Hideout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside the Akatski Hideout   Outside the Akatski Hideout Icon_minitimeWed 29 Apr 2009, 8:52 pm

"Alright. Thanks for the update. When do we get to hunt next?" Hatari says in a normal voice, "As they say, you never really know a person until you've fought with them. If I may ask what your second element is, if you have one, Senki-San?"
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Outside the Akatski Hideout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside the Akatski Hideout   Outside the Akatski Hideout Icon_minitimeWed 29 Apr 2009, 8:59 pm

"Lightning." Senki replied simply, beginning to stand. It was getting late and there was work to do. "It is late, go to sleep. I have summarized based on your personality that you will work better with another Akatsuki member. I will leave you a file on him later, you can seek him out. You two can go hunting whenever, just don't kill them." She said, turning to go enter the hidden entrance to their headquarters. Before she disappeared, she turned around again and cast him a glance. "My main element is fire." She said, knowing that that was the answer he had been looking for.
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Outside the Akatski Hideout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside the Akatski Hideout   Outside the Akatski Hideout Icon_minitimeWed 29 Apr 2009, 9:07 pm

Shouts after her
"It was nice meeting you, Kazura-San."

Wonders: I wonder what this person is like...Im going to go find out.
OOC: Just as soon as he gets back online...

*Walks inside hideout*
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