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 The Operation [Kidate and Kitsuke]

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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

Posts : 1017
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Village: Konohagakure

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PostSubject: The Operation [Kidate and Kitsuke]   The Operation [Kidate and Kitsuke] Icon_minitimeSat 20 Dec 2008, 6:45 pm

Seiyuuki stood in a room, located deep underneath the Kazekage's mansion. He was busy making some final arrangements, to the two lab tables and multiple scrolls and other devices that had been set up, preparing for a complex procedure. On one of the tables there was a body, well, what look very similar to a body, closer inspection would reveal it to be a very intricately designed puppet. The second table was then empty, and a third smaller desk held a clutter of scrolls, nestled around a tea kettle, which was ornately designed. The tables themselves were connected, by numerous complicated seals running between and around them on the floor.

Seiyuuki looked at his watch, noting the his two operatives should be here soon. Stepping forward, he attended the puppet for a bit, getting excited. The puppet looked exactly like he had, soon he would have his old body back. Turning, he then opened some shelves, retrieving a small table with scalpels and other medical equipment on it, placing it beside the empty table. He then grabbed another small table, placed a scroll on it, and positioned it on the other side of the table. There, it was ready.
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: The Operation [Kidate and Kitsuke]   The Operation [Kidate and Kitsuke] Icon_minitimeTue 23 Dec 2008, 2:01 am

Checking his watch again, Seiyuuki noted they were late. Which was alright, he trusted them more then he did the medics, but they'd have to do. Walking over to the door, he pressed a button on the wall, the two way speaker activating.

"Medics Jinzo and Kusatena to the sub terranean lab please." A crackling voice confirmed his orders, and roughly ten minutes later, two nin dressed in white were standing before him.

"Alright, you were briefed on the procedure earlier, it's time to procede." Seiyuuki then laid down on the table, and using his target feigning sleep technique on himself, both he and the bijuu he contained passed out.

While he was asleep, the medics bustled, carefully, one started to cut away at Seiyuuki, making incisions around his heart. Roughly half an hour later, a chamber was built around it. Jinzo, the young male performing this portion of the procedure then looked up at his female partner, nodding. Working as unit, Kudatena then performed an extraction jutsu, while Jinzo slowly and meticulously removed Seiyuuki's heart from his chest.

The procedure took nearly seven days, with one nin extracting the bijuu by herself, the other making sure the heart was being removed from the body as the extraction got farther. Normally, removal of the bijuu kills the host, and in this case, that's what it was doing. However, because Seiyuuki's heart was no longer part of his body, it would keep beating. Eventually they finished, Shukaku sealed within the tea kettle, and Seiyuuki's heart in the hands of Jinzo.

Jinzo then spoke, staring down at the heart, eyes wide, a crazy glint in his eye, Kusatena staring at him questiningly. Jinzo then spoke, "Finally, we can kill him! We can take Sunagakure for oursel-" His words were cut short, his throat slit by a kunai. Kusatena was loyal, and as she caught the heart, she wondered how on earth Jinzo had become so corrupted by power. Swiftly, she moved to the table opposite the now dead monkey, and began attaching the heart, one artery at a time, to the Seiyuuki puppet. She blushed for a moment, just once. For a puppet, he was handsome, leading her to imagine how he might have looked in teh flesh, but then, Seiyuuki's glass and glossy eyes opened.

As he sat up on the table, he noted the deceased Jinzo, and opened his mouth. "Traitorous? Speaking patterns for my new body are operational." He coupled one of their tests with his question, confirming that the vocal functions of the puppet were in order. Kusatena bowed her head, "As expected my lord." Seiyuuki looked at her, long and hard, noting the devout loyalty in her eyes. "Good." A blade struck her through the heart.

Nobody could know the secret. he would not go about as a puppet, and he would no longer go about possessing a monkey's corpse. The secret had to stay with him, what he was, and what he had become, could only be entrusted at the highest levels. Hopping off the table, he noted how his limbs were almost weightless, as he had no feeling in them any longer. he then reached down, and picked both Kusatena and Jinzo off the floor, noting that his strength was far higher then it used to be. Tossing them onto the table with the monkey, he pressed a panel on a nearby wall, and a segment of it opened, revealing a furnace. With little regret in his heart, he pushed the table in, incinerating his, Jinzo's, and Kusatena's immobile forms.

"And that is the end of it."

Turning, he walked away from the room, and returned to the duties of your everyday Kazekage.
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: The Operation [Kidate and Kitsuke]   The Operation [Kidate and Kitsuke] Icon_minitimeTue 23 Dec 2008, 2:01 am

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