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 Operation on an Operation [P]

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Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeMon 03 May 2010, 3:08 am

Kamoku followed the chunnin to the hospital area. The Nimakee covered in a thick plastic bag so as not to scare the residents of the village. The village itself Kamoku thought was a funhouse. " Ehe...look over tere, tey're selling meat as if energy vas vorth a 'uman coin." He laughed at the oddest things, parking meters, dogs, money and roads. Even though the hospital was not that far away, burdened with a human corpse was another story when you had to hop all around the roofs, wires and fireplaces to reach a certain destination.

Once they reached there, kamoku turned serious. He walked straight up to the head service and gave out his orders. " Ello love, I vould like tvo assistants. One of vich is a nurologist and te oter is a genjutsu user. I also need a steralized room and a nurse. Te room needs to be fully stocked vith all of te tings i need. 'ere is te list." Kamoku pulled out a strip of curved alluminum sheet where there were words fully engraved into the metal.

Unlike the human eyes, which can see shapes, colors and texture; The willow eyes could only perseive depth, atomic signatures and extreme levels of radiation. Which made it hard for kam to see or write any form of alphabet. He turned around and waited for the Uchiha and the Kage to meet him at the front desk. " I presume you vill vant to vatch the operation." Kam's eyebrows were furrowed, the corners of his eyes were pulled back slightly, his lips in a slight curl and his hair turned flat as if it had a mind of its own. Most of all, his eyes were a shiny black with no other color to be seen within them except for the human's own reflection.
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Revy Izumi
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PostSubject: Re: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeMon 03 May 2010, 7:00 am

((Just in case you weren't told yet, Removing the eyes and putting the TWO in someone else is fine. But copying them is not allowed, and will get this topic voided, as well as the eyes taken away from you. If you already know this, this post can be deleted))
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PostSubject: Re: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeMon 03 May 2010, 7:09 am


We are have no intentions of copying the eyes since its against the rules, although yes we are going to transplant them to another person. So let us,

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Nobunaga Oda
Prodigy of the Uchiha
Prodigy of the Uchiha
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PostSubject: Re: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeWed 05 May 2010, 11:16 pm

"Yes, make the operation as smooth as possible, I want one on my left palm." Nobunaga knew this process was going to be one of excruciating pain. But he could get through it. He had suffered far worse when he achieved his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. Nobunaga removed his armor and his cape and don only his bare chest and abdomen. His muscles bulging slightly, showing he was quite strong. Numerous small scars were present in different places showing of past battles. He then hopped on to a bed and awaited the transformation. "Aye. You can begin now."
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Kamoku Willow

Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeThu 06 May 2010, 1:07 pm

After Nobu finished talking, Kamoku was on the floor holding his side laughing. His laugh made people cover their ears and cringe. His laugh sounded like the rattling and scraping of chains against thin bodies. A bone chilling effect that made him only laugh harder. His yellow eyes wide and his pupils swirling madly. After he finished his fit, he remained on the ground. " Calm dovn Ucia, i'm going to 'ave to remove te eyes and do several tests before to implant in your arm. Even if you are mentally ready, you are not physically ready for te type of sock the eye vill give you. Relis' your bliss for just a fev seconds longer."

Kamoku stood up and brushed the dust off of his white coat, his swipes making a hollow sound against his chest. Empty. " Vatch for now, you vill 'ave to be in a seperate room for guests. I vill give you te operation as soon as te eyes are ready." Kamoku walked down the hall greeting two men. Nobu and the Kage could tell that one was a lighting user and the other a genjutsu user due to how they carried themselves and their personalities. The lighting user slapped Kam on the back and struck a conversation while the tall Genjutsu user stayed directly behind main objects and tried to catch anything and everything in his sight.

They walked down the hallway a bit until kam turned around and beckoned Nobu and the Kage to follow. " And put your sirt back on, this is a 'Ospital, not a nurse camp." Kamoku was reffering to the unclean enviorments in which nurses worked in during the war. Where the diseased sat next to the sick in which needles were used more than once.

Kamoku led them to a door that was labeled in large block letters "OBSERVATORY'. " Tis is vere you vill be vatching. If you need anyting, just press te intercom." Kamoku then Immediately left to the door on the left of where he instructed them to go. The observatory was just a narrow room with no lights to be seen but an overhead lamp that had to be turned on by pressing a button beside the door. The room had a marble floor that was the same pattern as the floor outside along with the same scuffmarks and stains. there were no decorations on the walls but a large screen, two buttons beside it (which was the intercom, left button for talk and second button for listen. It was on 'listen' currently) two tan couches and a large window facing the furniture. It seemed that the window was a one-way and the walls around the small room were the same color as the operation room. A sickening green.

As the Kage and the Uchiha looked through the wondow they saw several machines and utensils all having to do with the operation. The three medical ninjas were washing their hands in the basin and getting dressed in green scrubs. Kamoku was putting on a green cap so the dried blood in his hair wouldn't interfere with his work. He was also giving instructions. " Okay, jack(Lighting user) I vill need you to keep te body from reacing rigor mortis and i need ben to search trough te man's mind to pull anyting that vould help vith te operation. te nurses vill be coming in soon vith te clean body.
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PostSubject: Re: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeSat 08 May 2010, 10:22 pm

Kiero was thinking all the while Kamoku was guiding them to the different places inside the hospital. He doesnt really go to the hospital making him clueless about its different department. Finally they arrived in a room labeled " Observatory ". Kiero assumed that its the place where people watch while the " doctors " work derived from its name. He started walking around the room, only to find 2 buttons and a couch. Kiero murmured, " How boring..." although it was really silent. As he walked around the room he noticed Kamoku going into another room which can be seen through a window from the observatory room. Kiero focused unto watching how Kamoku Willow will work with the body, his eyes never withdrawing from the site it sees. He stood there with his Raikage cloak draped instead of being worn.

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Lord Vizer
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PostSubject: Re: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeThu 13 May 2010, 11:13 pm

Power was a curse and a blessing sometimes. But the drive to power is a powerful motivation. Something Nobunaga was familiar with. He donned his clothing back on and followed the Sand ninja and the Raikage to the observatory room. There they would see their plan unfold. How unfortunate that his people would not know of the great things they were achieving. But the Leaf had grown unfortunate these past few days. It did not matter though. Kumo was priority now. If they expected their true goals for the Prodigies to bare fruit. Nobunaga smiled as he watched.
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Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeFri 21 May 2010, 7:05 pm

As they got into position, Kamoku strapped the body in and placed the head in a vice as it was laying on the table. His blank eyes staring at the green ceiling. As everything was set up, Jack moved forward and shocked the body to reawaken main nerves in the brain. As Jack was doing that, Ben was overlooking the head and looking into the workings of the brain. Kamoku had stood back and looking at the eyes and how he was going to detach and re-attach them to another person. Especially if one was going to be in the arm where the muscles, chakra valves would thwart its development.

Kamoku turned to the glass wall and smiled. Unlike many people, he could see through the one-way window. " So, one in t'e eye and t'e ot'er in t'e arm?" Without waiting for an answer, he had one of the standby nurses retreive several decagrams of pure quartz. There was no raw materials to make it himself and it would compromise the operation in itself. He turned to Ben and nodded for him to continue the Genjutsu.
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Lord Vizer
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PostSubject: Re: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeSun 13 Jun 2010, 12:51 pm

((Is this approved or do we still have to RP this out.))
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Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeSun 13 Jun 2010, 9:04 pm

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Lord Vizer
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PostSubject: Re: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeSun 13 Jun 2010, 10:24 pm

((Its been my post? :O...I thought it was Kiero's?))
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PostSubject: Re: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeMon 14 Jun 2010, 10:39 am

OOC: I ask Kam to RP this by himself so the topic would be faster, in return you can control Kiero and Nobunaga for the time being your doing the transfer.
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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PostSubject: Re: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeMon 14 Jun 2010, 5:36 pm

((Yea that would make it faster.))
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Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeMon 14 Jun 2010, 6:35 pm

((sigh...= =''' rping by yourself is much harder said than done. Ill make the next post tomorrow and see how much i can pull through)) Lonely..
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Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: Operation on an Operation [P]   Operation on an Operation [P] Icon_minitimeSat 19 Jun 2010, 3:16 pm

Kamoku placed the quartz on a metal-wheeled table and pulled it next to the body. He placed one claw in the brain, making sure that he hit the interval between both lobes; then took the other claw-on his left hand- into a niche of the quartz. He nodded to Jack whom shocked the nerves again, this time sending the electrical impulse through the body and into kam's base materialistic body and into the quartz. Kam had to use the acidic meat that he had eaten as a runway between quartz and body.

As this was going on, Ben was doing a memory retrieval on the body. Turning the electrical impulses into pure memory. Including all of the information on how to work the eyes themselves. It would later be copied into two smaller pieces for each to keep. This continued for a couple of hours, Ben was panting with effort and Jack was getting shaky. Kam's scrubs were getting burnt and his hair slowly smoldering.

After that, Jack and Ben collapsed and was dragged out by the nurses. Kam fell flat on his back and groaned. " Eh...just a little more and I'll be done..." Kam got up and cleaned his claws of all microbes. He then turned around and smoothly cut the nose off of the body, the piece of meat went flying and hit the window. Leaving a spatter of blood. Many people could take killing and torturing, but people of the medical profession and ONLY of the people of the medical profession had an accurate and calculating idea of mutilation post-mortem. Basically, if they didn't look away soon on what he was going to do they would most likely either close their eyes or ask for a trash can to throw up in.

He then cut the bridge of the nose and the bone surrounding the eyes and ripped them off. He had done this several times in his youth to get the gummy insides of the eye connections, though this time he had to disconnect them from the chakra valves that were now active due to the electrical impulses. Kam pulled the eyes gently out and let them rest in the mouth in order to get to the root. He cut away the brain that was obstructing his view and moved closer. After that, he quietly clipped away at the root, taking some of the chakra valve with him so he could use it as a patch.

He was finally finished. He took the eyes and placed them in a jar filled with preservatives that he had the nurse bring. After that, he took two round quartz stones (and using a different method) he sent copies of the memory of Nimakee and his eyes into each of them. He then taped them to the top of the jar. After 30 minutes, everything was cleaned and Nimakee's body was sent to a freezer for further transportation. Kam turned to the Mirror and talked torwards them. " 'ow about ve go to t'e lobby for some'hing to eat? I'm bus'ed. After t'at 'e'll decide v'o goes first in t'e operation."
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