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 Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch

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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Empty
PostSubject: Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch   Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Icon_minitimeMon 05 Jan 2009, 12:54 am

Wes waited in a barren field of grass with no trees or lakes insight
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Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch   Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Icon_minitimeMon 05 Jan 2009, 12:57 am

Kitaro appeared on the field and before wes could start up the conversation with Kitaro he summoned his lightning dragon and it hovered over him. It was 30 meters long. Kitaro looked up at his dragon and smiled then looked at wes. He got ready for an attack.

Lightning Dragon Summoning
rank -
Summons a dragon made of Pure lightning. This lightning dragon has the power to go at half the speed of light and electricute all it touches. it may also withold its power of electircution. This dragon can be any size between 10 and 50 meters in total size. This jutsu requires only a mastery of lightning and training by the original dragon summoner Kitaro.
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch   Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Icon_minitimeMon 05 Jan 2009, 1:04 am

"So if we are starting with summons than Virtue squad" As a small thumb shape panda apared on wes right cheek. "pruduance are you ready" a smal squeak like vice sounded off a yes sir

Another summoning is the Virute squad, know as VPS, they are tiny the size of wes's thumb ther staion themselfs around wes body using one of there two jutsu's which is to anchor themselfs to wes. The other is to increase a certin virtue inside of wes which than increases his fightin ability's. They have to activate slowly and in a certin order.It takes one post to activate each

Prudence proper judgement of reasons for action with regard to appropriateness in a context. Activates frist anchors to right cheek increases awarness and reaction time

Justice proper judgement regarding individual human interests, rights and desserts. Activates second anchors to left cheek increasses the will to fight

Restraint or Temperance practicing self-control, abstention, and moderation. Activates third anchors to right neck increases the stength of all tai jutsu by double

Courage or Fortitude forbearance, endurance, and ability to confront fear and uncertainty, or intimidation. Activates forth anchors to left neck Increases strength of all Nin jutsu by double

Faith steadfastness in belief. Activates fith anchors to right shoulder stops all hesitation between movments

Hope expectation of good. activates sixth anchors left shoulder increases his medical ninjutsu

Love or Charity selfless, unconditional, and voluntary loving-kindness. Activates final anchors ontop the head increases brain function and enters wes into a type of sage mode
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PostSubject: Re: Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch   Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Icon_minitimeMon 05 Jan 2009, 1:07 am

Kitaro ignored the small warriors. and used water grave jutsu on wes himself. he used all the chakra he could on the jutsu and water began swelling on wes and coming down on him.

Water grave Jutsu
rank B-A
a ninjutsu technique that takes all moisutre in the surrounding area. (the amount and range of moisture absorbed is dependent on how much charka is used.) This water is then focused using Water Chakra towards the opponet. This then pins them down with the water and piles on top of the opponet. This causes pressure to slowly crush the opponet while the water around there head and body slowly drowns them.
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch   Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Icon_minitimeMon 05 Jan 2009, 1:12 am

Wes turned into the wind with his summon coming with him reasimlating on the other side of the battlefield.Justicace anchored now a fire seemed to show in Wes eyes as if he had become angry

Another summoning is the Virute squad, know as VPS, they are tiny the size of wes's thumb ther staion themselfs around wes body using one of there two jutsu's which is to anchor themselfs to wes. The other is to increase a certin virtue inside of wes which than increases his fightin ability's. They have to activate slowly and in a certin order.It takes one post to activate each

Prudence proper judgement of reasons for action with regard to appropriateness in a context. Activates frist anchors to right cheek increases awarness and reaction time

Justice proper judgement regarding individual human interests, rights and desserts. Activates second anchors to left cheek increasses the will to fight

Restraint or Temperance practicing self-control, abstention, and moderation. Activates third anchors to right neck increases the stength of all tai jutsu by double

Courage or Fortitude forbearance, endurance, and ability to confront fear and uncertainty, or intimidation. Activates forth anchors to left neck Increases strength of all Nin jutsu by double

Faith steadfastness in belief. Activates fith anchors to right shoulder stops all hesitation between movments

Hope expectation of good. activates sixth anchors left shoulder increases his medical ninjutsu

Love or Charity selfless, unconditional, and voluntary loving-kindness. Activates final anchors ontop the head increases brain function and enters wes into a type of sage mode
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PostSubject: Re: Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch   Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Icon_minitimeMon 05 Jan 2009, 1:36 am

Kitaro laughed and jumped on his lightning dragon and flew into the sky. He hovered in the air and water began to come up all around wes. Kitaro jumped down onto the water and stood ontop of it. It spread in all directions for 30 meters and it was violently going back and forth.

Bursting collision waves
Rank B
a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals,the user will expel water from his gullet. This will then expand into a large volume of water. the user can control the water by riding on top of the waves.
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch   Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Icon_minitimeMon 05 Jan 2009, 11:29 am

"please kitaro you insault me Earth cyclone" Wes began to spin rapidly with earthchunks swirling around him this would effectvly block the waves and all for Restraint to appaer on his right neck. When there was a break in the waves Wes broke his cyclone jumping out towards at double the speed and strength stone joints Wes imeadtly went for Kitaros knees

Stone joints
Rank A
wes moves at his top speed(a little below speed of light) hits all the uper body or lower body joints but not hurt them but to cover them in a sement stoping the oppent from moving but it also covere wes's hands in sement

Name: Earth Cyclone
Rank: b
Requires: Earth Manipulation
Type/Element: Earth
Description: the user spins in a 360 degree circle to then make that into a Earth cyclone, any thing that hits that cyclone then get propelled back from where it came from

Another summoning is the Virute squad, know as VPS, they are tiny the size of wes's thumb ther staion themselfs around wes body using one of there two jutsu's which is to anchor themselfs to wes. The other is to increase a certin virtue inside of wes which than increases his fightin ability's. They have to activate slowly and in a certin order.It takes one post to activate each

Prudence proper judgement of reasons for action with regard to appropriateness in a context. Activates frist anchors to right cheek increases awarness and reaction time

Justice proper judgement regarding individual human interests, rights and desserts. Activates second anchors to left cheek increasses the will to fight

Restraint or Temperance practicing self-control, abstention, and moderation. Activates third anchors to right neck increases the stength of all tai jutsu by double

Courage or Fortitude forbearance, endurance, and ability to confront fear and uncertainty, or intimidation. Activates forth anchors to left neck Increases strength of all Nin jutsu by double

Faith steadfastness in belief. Activates fith anchors to right shoulder stops all hesitation between movments

Hope expectation of good. activates sixth anchors left shoulder increases his medical ninjutsu

Love or Charity selfless, unconditional, and voluntary loving-kindness. Activates final anchors ontop the head increases brain function and enters wes into a type of sage mode
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PostSubject: Re: Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch   Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Icon_minitimeMon 05 Jan 2009, 6:23 pm

Kitaro used his lightning teleport quickly to get out of the way as soon as the waves broke expecting an attack. He then appeared where Wes was and unleashed one of his new extremely powerful jutsu. to make wes's chakra flow in odd directions making it difficult to control Kitaro fired backwards chakra jutsu at wes.

Name:backwards chakra jutsu
rank S
type: ninjutsu
a ninjutsu technique that allows the user to reverse the chakra flow of an opponet this reversed chakra flow makes it impossible to do jutsu but occupies a lot of the users chakra while being used. This reverse flow makes the opponet unable to do any ninjutsu above C rank any genjutsu above D rank and any fuuinjutsu. This taking out so much chakra from the user also makes it so that the user can only use B rank ninjutsu or lower B rank genjutsu or lower or C rank fuuinjutsu or lower
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Duskae Bushido
Duskae Bushido

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Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch   Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Icon_minitimeMon 05 Jan 2009, 6:26 pm

Wes fell onto the soggy ground looking back up at kit as he tried to turn into the wind but not even being able to use his finger tips, but just than another small panda apared on his left neck it was courage

Another summoning is the Virute squad, know as VPS, they are tiny the size of wes's thumb ther staion themselfs around wes body using one of there two jutsu's which is to anchor themselfs to wes. The other is to increase a certin virtue inside of wes which than increases his fightin ability's. They have to activate slowly and in a certin order.It takes one post to activate each

Prudence proper judgement of reasons for action with regard to appropriateness in a context. Activates frist anchors to right cheek increases awarness and reaction time

Justice proper judgement regarding individual human interests, rights and desserts. Activates second anchors to left cheek increasses the will to fight

Restraint or Temperance practicing self-control, abstention, and moderation. Activates third anchors to right neck increases the stength of all tai jutsu by double

Courage or Fortitude forbearance, endurance, and ability to confront fear and uncertainty, or intimidation. Activates forth anchors to left neck Increases strength of all Nin jutsu by double

Faith steadfastness in belief. Activates fith anchors to right shoulder stops all hesitation between movments

Hope expectation of good. activates sixth anchors left shoulder increases his medical ninjutsu

Love or Charity selfless, unconditional, and voluntary loving-kindness. Activates final anchors ontop the head increases brain function and enters wes into a type of sage mode
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PostSubject: Re: Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch   Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Icon_minitimeMon 19 Jan 2009, 2:47 pm

kitaro ran towards Wes with his blade covered in a lightning cover. Kitaro had incredible speed even without his lightning teleportation he was still capable of moving faster than any person he had encountered before because of his taijutsu training. Kitaro swung at incredible speed stabbing 3x at wes's head 5x at Wes's panda's stomach area and 3x at Wes's heart all within the time span of 4 seconds without his super speed jutsu.
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PostSubject: Re: Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch   Tsuchi vs. Rai Off-RPG Deathmatch Icon_minitime

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