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 Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS}

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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS} Empty
PostSubject: Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS}   Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS} Icon_minitimeTue 20 Jan 2009, 6:51 pm

General Information:
Name: Eki Gisou
Weight: 165 lbs
Height: 5'7"
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Cool, calm and collect, Eki is not however without his sense of humor, and can often be found goofing off with, or rather making fun of his friend Akugo. His more serious side revolves around nature and it's protection, as he feels that in modern times nature has lost alot of it's ability to protect itself, a role he will gladly take up.

Clan Information
Clan Name: Gisou
Kekei Genkai:
Mokuton (Wood Release)
Koujouton (Plant Release)
Clan Symbol:
The clan's symbol is that of a slash like cross, and can normally be found tattooed on the clan member's body. Eki's can be found on his forehead.
Clan History:
Not much is unfortunately known about the Gisou clan. It is said that they share ancestry with Hashirama Senju, and that would appear to be true if their ability to manipulate nature to their will is anything to say on the subject. The clan itself has just joined the shinobi's recently, having been up until the last decade hunters. Because of this trade, the Gisou clan members are excellent at tracking as well as avoiding being tracked, many of their skills and newly unveiled ninjutsu techniques revolving around those aspects. Eki is one of the few members of the clan to be revered as a warrior, and deemed too gifted for simple hunting. Because of this honor, his clan's tattoo has been placed upon his forehead, a symbol of his lineage and talent.

Rank Information:
Rank: Chuunin
Village: Kumogakure (Village Hidden in the Clouds)

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu, Weaponry
Elemental Affinity: Koujouton, Mokuton (Both comprise of the combination of Earth and Water)
Special Characteristics: None worth mentioning. Has a plethora of complex and powerful techniques, but unfortunately has a below average chakra reserve, placing him on equal ground with average nin.


  • Naginata no Oni [Halberd of the Demon]
    Weight: 600 lbs
    Height: 6'6"
    Width: 2'4"
    The Naginata no Oni is a halberd passed down within the Gisou family, and it has now made it's way to Eki. In essence, it is simply an oversize halberd, having an extended handle, and a massive blade. Because of it's size, the weapon weighs nearly six hundred pounds. Whenever it was transported, due to it's weight and size, at least three men needed to carry it. However, the weapon does have one unique ability, which resides in the form of a Kanji engraved at the bottom of the blade. This seal allows anyone from the Gisou bloodline to wield the sword as if it weighed no more then a feather.

  • Balisong [Butterfly Blade]
    A specially designed blade for assassination purposes. The balisong actually has two handles, both connected to the blade by pivot points. When held in the ready position, the blade is thus concealed between the handles, however, after a series of quick wrist flicks and twists, the blade is revealed. A skilled user may slash at their opponent multiple times without ever revealing the blade. Finally, they make a great throwing weapon, as they fan out into a three pointed star when thrown properly. Eki carries at least two of these at all times.

History/Background Story:
Hailing from the long forgotten Gisou clan, Eki, is the clan’s pride and joy, being one of the first to succeed as a ninja, the rest having resorted to their families trade as hunter’s. Being one to always question morality, Eki decided to go a different route, and began training at a very young age, to be one of the ninja’s everyone always talked about. Naturally, with his clan’s bloodline and secret techniques, this was an easier feat then it was for most, and he accelerated to the rank of genin at the appropriate age, while going on to graduate to a chuunin the very next year. So far, he’s taking everything in stride, still, questioning the morality of the world.

Last edited by Eki Gisou on Thu 26 Feb 2009, 6:14 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS}   Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS} Icon_minitimeFri 23 Jan 2009, 6:57 pm

Standard Jutsus:

Muon Satsujin Jutsu [Silent Homicide Technique]
Rank: C
Muon Satsujin Jutsu, the ability to commit a silent homicide, is a technique to dispatch your foe with no warning. Your quick speed and skills will instantly kill them before they can provide a defense. Momochi Zabuza was known as an expert in this technique during his times with the Hidden Mist ANBU.

Hakuzen no Jutsu [Complete Fading Technique]
Rank: C
Hakuzen no Jutsu is a technique developed by the Gisou clan, and is one of their many stealth jutsus. After being activated, the user will then fade into the environment, completely disappearing from view. This effect is passive, and will occur anytime the user stands still for any period of time, the user becoming visible again once they move. By moving slowly, the technique won’t fade, but will shimmer, leaving it open to be seen by the sharingan or someone deductive. The byakugan may see through the technique at any time. A perfect technique for ambushes or evasion.

Nibai Buki Saizu no Jutsu [Double Weapon Size Technique]
Rank: C
This is a technique used by Eki, to drastically enlarge the size of his balisong knives. Although the technique states it doubles the size, this is rather misleading, as the blade goes from being a pocket dagger, to the handles being as tall as Eki is.

Sanzengarasu no Jutsu - Scattering One Thousand Crows Technique
Rank: C
Sanzengarasu is a technique used by Kumo ninja Eki. Eki will call upon a murder of crows, these crows will fly around the target, causing confusion with their dark forms and quick movement. A comrade of Eki or Eki himself can then move within the flock wearing dark clothes and wielding a dark weapon almost undetected. With the target distracted by the crows, the ninja can strike more easily. Also the mass of crows can obscure any retreating ninja. When no longer needed, the murder of crows will simply puff away in smoke.

Daira Kage no Jutsu [Flat Shadow Technique]
Rank: C
Daira Kage is a technique developed by the Gisou clan. By charging themselves with chakra, they can flatten themselves thoroughly, turning into a shadow. Movement in this form is difficult, as it requires moving through the shadows of other objects. Any direct light will end this jutsu.

Daira Kage Ayatsuri no Jutsu [Flat Shadow Control Technique]
Rank: B
Daira Kage Ayatsuri no Jutsu is an advanced version of the standard flat shadow technique, in which the user binds themselves with someone else’s shadow, gaining control over their body. To keep in control, the ninja must be more powerful then the one he aims to possess, or the target may simply shrug it off. Subduing an opponent makes this jutsu easier to accomplish. Any direct light will end the technique.

Shinranbanshou Douka no Jutsu [Assimilate All Creation Technique]
Rank: B
Shinranbanshou Douka no Jutsu is a ninjutsu technique utilized by Eki Gisou. After forming hand seals, Eki will touch an object, taking on it’s physical properties and appearance. Although he normally uses this as a means of stealth, blending in with his surroundings, the technique also has it’s other purposes, such as taking on rock, and becoming nearly unbreakable. Additionally, he can break his body down while in these forms, allowing for a better range of use.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu [Summoning Technique]
Rank: C
A powerful jutsu, Ninpo Kuchiyose allows a ninja to summon animals, objects and the dead to fight on their behalf. The ninja normally signs a blood contract with the animal species, which allows him to summon different size and skill levels of creature.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Hachuu [Summoning Technique: Hachuu]
Rank: B
Hachuu is Eki’s personal summon, and appears as a large chameleon, roughly six to seven feet tall when on all fours, and nearly twenty feet from head to tail. As a passive ability, Hachuu has not only the ability to completely camouflage himself and anyone touching him, but transform into other animals, roughly the same size that he is.

Zessenbaku [War of Words Binding]
Rank: C
Zessenbaku is a Ninjutsu technique used by Eki’s personal summon Hachuu. After focusing chakra to his snaking tongue, Hachuu will extend it to seek out hidden foes. This tongue can then emit a chemical to mark and subdue the hidden attacker.

Zessenzan [War of Words Decapitation]
Rank: B
Zessenzan is a Ninjutsu technique used by Eki’s personal summon Hachuu. After focusing chakra to his snaking tongue, Hachuu will extend it towards his opponent. Because of the amount of chakra built up in his tongue, it will become superfast and sharp. The tongue can then easily cut through most foes.

Weaponry Jutsus:

Kire [Cleave]
Rank: B
Using Naginata no Oni and the fact that it feels so light to the Gisous, a Gisou member is able to swing with such speed and power, that they are able to use the sword to cleave objects clean in half. Although this is mainly offensive, as very few materials can actually stand up to the halberd, it can also be defensive, as it can cleave oncoming attacks in half. Naturally, this generally only works on elemental attacks, as most normal ninjutsu techniques vary and are much less susceptible to be stopped by Naginata no Oni's splitting force.

Ryoukin [Charge]
Rank: B
This is a passive ability using the Kanji at the base of Naginata no Oni. After the user of the sword discovers his elemental affinity, he can have it pour through the blade by supercharging the blade with chakra. This gives the blade multiple abilities, that differ for each element. For example:
Water: The blade is capable of releasing torrents of water as it's swung, as well as healing minor injuries.
Fire: The blade becomes red hot, burning everything it touches.
Wind: The blade can be used almost like a giant fan, creating blasts of cutting whirlwinds whenever it is swung.
Earth: The Blade will slowly petrify anything it touches, turning that object to stone in a matter of hours starting from the area it was touched.
Lightning: The blade will shock whatever it touches, stunning them for a five to fifteen second interval.
And many more for other elements and combinations of such.

Last edited by Eki Gisou on Fri 13 Feb 2009, 11:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS}   Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS} Icon_minitimeFri 23 Jan 2009, 6:57 pm

Suiton Jutsus:

Seigyoku Nousho Chouin [Sapphire Calligraphy Sealing]
Rank: D, Passive Ability
A different method to perform techniques other than the usage of hand seals is granted to the user. The user places chakra onto the finger, which bursts into blue flame, and writes kanji in mid-air, letting the flame trace the kanji into visibility. The kanji is the main name of the technique, which is executed normally. Works only on blue oriented techniques (water) and can replace hand seals.

Suikisoku no Jutsu [Water Breathing Technique]
Rank: D
Description / Effects: This jutsu allows the user to breathe underwater as long as they consistently concentrate chakra to the lungs.

Harou Himatsu no Jutsu [Splashing Waves Technique]
Rank: C
Mainly used like Kurenai's blossom dissolve. In this genjutsu, Eki bursts apart in a spray of water, only to reappear somewhere else.

Kirigakure no Jutsu [Hidden Mist Technique]
Rank: C
A skill which creates a very dense fog that descreases the surrounding visibility to near zero. It produces an environment perfect for a silent assassin who follows an opponent through sound. This mist can not be blown away by any type of Wind Jutsu.

Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu [Water Clone Technique]
Rank: C
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Mizu Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. The range of the clone is limited; however, it can not travel very far from the original body. If the Mizu Bunshin is injured, the clone will usually revert back into its natural water state.

Daibakuryuu [Great Exploding Current]
Rank: C
If an opponent is standing above a lake or a large form amount of water the user is capable of creating a small vortex within the water so then the opponent is capable of falling through.

Houmatsu Rappa [Violent Bubble Wave]
Rank: C
Houmatsu Rappa is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, Eki will expel a powerful jet of water from his mouth, strong enough to throw most opponents off their feet.

Mizuame Nabara [Starch Syrup Capture Field]
Rank: C
Mizuame Nabara is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, the ninja will expel a sticky liquid from his gullet. This liquid can cover approximately 20 square meters. If the target runs on top of the liquid, their feet will become glued to its sticky surface. If the ninja focuses chakra to their feet before touching the surface, they can hover above and move over it without hindrance.

Suirou no Jutsu [Water Prison Technique]
Rank: C
Suirou no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to imprison an opponent. The ninja forms the necessary hand seals which causes the water to form around the target into a spherical prison which only allows for limited movement. The ninja must keep their body touching the water prison to maintain its existence. If the contact is broken, the water falls away and their target is released. When combined with a bunshin technique, the ninja can imprison their target but still allow for a clone to attack others nearby.

Suiton: Yoru Genzou [Water Release: Night Vision]
Rank: C
This technique coats Eki’s eyes with a light layer of convex water. This allows his eyes to gather more light enabling him to see what most wouldn’t in the dark. Additionally he can increase how convex the lens is, in order to create a telescope affect, allowing him to see over greater distances.

Mizu No Tatsumaki [Tornado of Water]
Rank: B
A technique where water is used to make a spiraling vortex around the ninja. This can be used offensively as well as defensively, as not only does the spinning force deflect attacks, but the ninja can move almost like a snake, the winding trail of spinning water flowing behind him back to the source. This allows the ninja to drill into his opponents. The tornado can also be made to only cover half the body, allowing for a better range of movement, while still keeping the upper body exposed for other attacks.

Baku Suishouha [Bursting Water Collision Waves]
Rank: B
Baku Suishouha is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, Eki will expel water from his gullet. This will then expand into a large volume of water. He can then control the water by riding on top of the waves.

Suijinheki [Water Encampment Wall]
Rank: B
Suijinheki is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. The ninja will first do a string of hand seals and then proceed to blow out a jet of water from their mouth. This water instantly proceeds to spin around them, creating a barrier from attacks.

Goshokuzame [Five Sharks Eating]
Rank: B
Goshokuzame is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. Eki will first form the needed hand seals and then place his hand on the surface of the water. A shark of condensed water will emerge from each of his fingers to attack his opponent in the water below.

Suikodan no Jutsu [Water Shark Projectile Technique]
Rank: B
Suikoudan no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. The ninja does a string of hand seals which then causes a large condensed shark of water to leap from the surface of the water and strike the target.

Suiryuudan no Jutsu [Water Dragon Projectile Technique]
Rank: B
Suiryuudan no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. The ninja does a long string of hand seals which then causes a column of water in the form of a dragon to rise from the water and then strike their target.

Suiton: Rikkido no Tori [Water Release: Liquid Bird]
Rank: B
Creates a bird of water. The water acts as normal water, save for it being in the shape of a bird. It has chakra around its wings, enabling it to fly. If it were to give or take a hit, the water would act as normal water, and go to the area of lesser pressure, around the hit. The user can send chakra to whichever body part touches the bird, and use it to ride and fly. Must mantain the Tori seal for the technique. The only way for the bird to attack is for it to explode, that being the result of overloading it with chakra and having the water blast outwards.

Mizu Moujû no Jutsu [Art of Water Beast]
Rank: B
This jutsu uses a nearby source of water to create an animal of sheer compressed water. The animal manifestation has all the abilities of its real familiar as the water compresses to the right density to get every detail exact. The size of the animal is limited only by how much water and chakra is used in the technique. Additionally the animal may be forced to explode, by overloading it with chakra. This explosion varies with the size and shape of the animal, but as it uses no combustible, it essentially only produces a shock wave.

Last edited by Eki Gisou on Tue 17 Feb 2009, 12:44 am; edited 3 times in total
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS}   Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS} Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2009, 10:59 pm

Doton Jutsus:

Nyuuhakushoku Nousho Chouin [Opal Calligraphy Sealing]
Rank: D, Passive Ability
A different method to perform techniques other than the usage of hand seals is granted to the user. The user places chakra onto the finger, which bursts into brown flame, and writes kanji in mid-air, letting the flame trace the kanji into visibility. The kanji is the main name of the technique, which is executed normally. Works only on brown oriented techniques (earth) and can replace hand seals.

Dochuu Eigyo [Underground Fish Projection]
Rank: C
Dochuu Eigyo is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. Using this technique, the user may pass through the ground as if it were water, allowing them to easily and stealthily approach and attack their opponents.

Doton: Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu [Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique]
Rank: D
Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will travel through the ground to appear below their target. They will then surprise their target by then pulling them into the ground. Once in the ground their target is thus immobilized.

Doton: Goro Gaeshi [Earth Release: Mud Overturn]
Rank: C
Doro Gaeshi is a defensive Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. After striking the ground with their hands, a large wall of earth will rise into place as defense. The defense is not perfect though, a hard or drilling impact can puncture the wall.

Doton: Doryuu Heki [Earth Release: Earth Style Wall]
Rank: B
Doryuu Heki is a defensive Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and then spew a line of mud onto the ground. The mud will then grow into a large rock wall to help defend against incoming attack.

Doton: Doryuu Katsu [Earth Style Split]
Rank: B
Doryuu Katsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals, then place their hand to the ground. This will cause the earth to rise up and split apart. Once the ninja removes their hand from the ground, the earth parting will end.

Doton Kekkai: Dorou Domu [Earth Barrier: Earth Dome Prison]
Rank: B
Dorou Domu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. After striking the ground with their hands, the user is able to overturn the earth and cause it to rise up around his opponents. By then placing their hands againt the dome, they can withdraw the chakra from whoever is stuck inside. At the same time, the user must use his own chakra, spread throughout the dome, to repair any damage his opponents manage to inflict on the inside. The chakra is not evenly spread however, as the chakra flows away from the user, it gets weaker, allowing the dome to be broken on the far side if hit by a hard enough force.

Last edited by Eki Gisou on Tue 17 Feb 2009, 12:45 am; edited 4 times in total
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS}   Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS} Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2009, 11:06 pm

Nature (Mokuton/Koujouton) Jutsus:

Hekishoku Nousho Chouin [Emerald Calligraphy Sealing]
Rank: D, Passive Ability
A different method to perform techniques other than the usage of hand seals is granted to the user. The user places chakra onto the finger, which bursts into green flame, and writes kanji in mid-air, letting the flame trace the kanji into visibility. The kanji is the main name of the technique, which is executed normally. Works only on green oriented techniques (Wood Plant Grass etc.) and can replace hand seals.

Mokuton: Tanesouken [Wood Release: Seed Creation]
Rank: D
Tanesouken is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will clench his fist, and focus chakra to the area. This will create a simple sapling seed in the hollow of his hand. How exactly this seed will grow and effect it's environment depends on any other techniques Eki uses afterwards.

Mokuton: Kasei no Jutsu [Wood Release: Growth Technique]
Rank: C
Kasei no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will form handseals and place his hand on the ground. By doing this, he can send his chakra through the soil to increase the nutrients received by a specific plant or group of plants, even seeds can be targeted. This then causes the plants to grow at an extremely fast rate.

Mokuton: Kouyou no Jutsu [Wood Release: Enhancement Technique]
Rank: C
Kouyou no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will form handseals and place his hand on the ground. By doing this, he can send his chakra through the soil and into the roots of certain plants. This then increases the plants natural abilities (producing poison, growing fruit, absorbing water) ten fold.

Mokuton: Chozou no Jutsu [Wood Release: Storage Technique]
Rank: C
Chozou no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will form handseals and place his hand on the ground. By doing this he can withdraw chakra from a target plant, or groups of plants. This will wilt the plant (not necessary kill it) and shrink it's size, placing it in a coma like state. This technique is good for collecting samples as the plant is now smaller and easier to store.

Mokuton: Teigoki no Jutsu [Wood Release: Whispering Trees Technique]
Rank: C
The user simply writes the Kanji for "Ear" on a tree with a sharp object. Afterward, the user must coat the kanji in their chakra and link it to their ear, which is done by touching the kanji and then the ear. It is possible to link together multiple trees to the user's ear, but the user must remain within two-hundred meters of each tree to hear any sound within seventy-five meters of each linked tree. The technique picks up all sounds in the forest, amplifying or decreasing the sound value accordingly, allowing the user to hear even the slightest whisper. It is also possible to filter out sounds one does not wish to hear.

Mokuton: Makitsuke [Wood Release: Seed Sowing]
Rank: C
Makitsuke is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. This technique plants a seed on his opponent, normally done so by tunneling it underground and into the opponents foot. Other methods include combining the seeds with other mokuton techniques and laying them on the opponent. The seed is so small itself, the target wont be able to see it, much less even notice it. For Eki however, the seed gives off a very specific pheromone, so that he can track the target with ease.

Mokuton Henge no Jutsu [Wood Element Transformation Technique]
Rank: D
Mokuton Henge is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will form handseals and cause beams of wood to emerge from the ground. The beams will converge around his body to form the shape or individual he wishes to transform into. Unlike regular Henge which just transforms ones appearance, Mokuton Henge creates a physical material to hide ones appearance. This technique works best when the copied person is at least partially made out of wood.

Mokuton: Kafunkumo no Jutsu [Wood Release: Pollen Cloud Technique]
Rank: C
Kafunkumo no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will form handseals and place his hands on the ground. This then causes a cloud of poisonous pollen to explode upwards, hiding Eki in their yellow spores. If this pollen is breathed in, it can cause severe breathing problems. Having spent years ingesting the pollen however, either directly or indirectly, Eki has gained an immunity to it, as to where he can breath it in and not have it affect his lungs.

Mokuton: Kusaki Shinka no Jutsu [Wood Release: Plant Evolution Skill]
Rank: C
Ihara Mori is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will focus his chakra (through contact) into a plant or a part of the plant. He can then turn that plant into a weapon for him to use. A handful of thorns become senbon, a branch can become a long bo staff. Although transformed, the weapons created by this jutsu are still plants.

Koujouton: Murasaki Tsurukusa no Jutsu [Plant Release: Violet Vines Technique]
Rank: C
Murasaki Tsurukusa no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Koujouton (plant release) techniques, Eki will form hand seals and focus his chakra into a nearby plant. The plant will then expel vines, all of them being a dark purple color. These vines can be used to entangle and ensnare an enemy, and are covered in a paralytic poison. When touched by the vines, the poison seeps in through the skin, paralyzing the victim in under ten minutes.

Koujouton: Chi Tsurukusa no Jutsu [Plant Release: Blood Vines Technique]
Rank: B
Chi Tsurukusa no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Koujouton (plant release) techniques, Eki will form hand seals then place his hands on the ground. This allows the blood vines to grow anywhere for up to eighty meters. These vines are dark red and are very strong, having inch long thorns. The thorns themselves will drain blood if someone is unlucky enough to get tangled in them. With Eki's ability to control the vines with his Koujouton, they become even more deadly.

Mokuton: Shyushi Karamari [Wood Release: Seed Entanglement]
Rank: B
Shyushi Karamari is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will focus chakra into a seed, then fire it with a flicking motion. Once the seed hits something, regardless of who or what that is, the seed soon unravels and many wooden vines wrap around the target's arms and legs, thus restricting their movement greatly.

Mokuton: Ihara Mori [Wood Release: Forest of Thorns]
Rank: B
Ihara Mori is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will focus chakra into a seed, then fire it with a flicking motion. As soon as the seed embeds itself in soil, it becomes active and acts almost as a mine. If anything then moves within a five meter radius of the seed, it will growth very rapidly, sending thorned branches to wrap around whatever the object is.

Mokuton: Daijurin no Jutsu [Wood Release: Great Forest Technique]
Rank: B
Daijurin no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will extend a large mass of spikes from his arm. These spikes can act both to impale his target and as a barrier to protect a comrade.

Mokuton: Moku Bunshin no Jutsu [Wood Release: Wood Clone Technique]
Rank: B
Moku Bunshin no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will form handseals and cause beams of wood to emerge from his body. This wood will morph and form a clone of Eki, capable of utilizing all the same Mokuton techniques as the original.

Mokuton: Moku Shouheki no Jutsu [Wood Release: Wood Barrier Technique]
Rank: B
Moku Shouheki no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will form handseals and cause beams of wood to emerge from the ground. The beams can converge to form a half spherical barrier to deflect an incoming blast.

Mokuton: Shichurou no Jutsu [Wood Release: Four Pillar Prison Technique]
Rank: B
Shichuurou no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will form handseals and cause beams of wood to emerge from the ground. These beams will converge and combine to form a prison. In essence the technique allows Eki to conjure a prison from nothing, and not even have to summon it.

Mokuton: Jubaku no Jutsu [Wood Release: Tree Restraints Technique]
Rank: B
Jubaku no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will form handseals and cause beams of wood to emerge from the ground. These beams will wrap around his target to bind them.

Koujouton: Barakei no Jutsu [Plant Release: Rose Whip Technique]
Rank: C
Barakei no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Koujouton (plant release) techniques, Eki will form handseals and cause a length of rose vine to extend from his palm. After the majority of the vine falls to the floor, he may grasp it by a thorn free section near the base, the rest of the vine being covered in thorns. He may then wield the vine like a whip.

Koujouton: Kusa Bunshin no Jutsu [Plant Release: Grass Clone Technique]
Rank: C
Kusa Bunshin no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Koujouton (plant release) techniques, Eki will form handseals and form clones out of nearby grass and small plants. these clones are more of a distraction then anything, but as they use light resources, it is possible to make many of them without using much chakra. The clones disperse into grass when hit.

Koujouton: Urufuitami [Plant Release: Wolfsbane]
Rank: C
Urufuitami is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Koujouton (plant release) techniques, Eki will form handseals and then have a wolfsbane flower grow from the palm of his hand. He may then throw the flower, using it's sharp stem and thorns as a weapon. The flower itself is poisonous and will knockout whatever it pricks.

Koujouton: Kusanami no Jutsu [Plant Release: Grass Wave]
Rank: C
Kusanami no jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Koujouton (plant release) techniques, Eki will form handseals then place his palms on the ground. This will cause the grass in the area to move away from Eki in rippling waves, forcing his enemies back. This technique is stronger depending on the environment.

Koujouton: Notaihou [Plant Release: Field Artillery]
Rank: B
Notaihou is a unique ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Koujouton (plant release) techniques, Eki will form handseals then place his palms on the ground. This will cause the grass nearest him (roughly within five feet) to sharpen into needles, then fire off into the air. Using chakra, Eki can guide the arcs of these grass senbon, although they are definitely most effective when targeting airborne opponents.

Jukai Koutan [Birth of Dense Woodland]
Rank: A
Jukai Koutan is a unique ninjutsu technique utilized by Eki Gisou. sing his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will form hand seals and cause a massive amount of wood to start growing from the ground, regardless of the current surface. This then goes on to either create an entire forest, or a gigantic tree which ensnares the opponent at it's certain. This tree may then be forced to explode, it's contained life force enough to create a blast of energy at it's certain, not only decimating the tree but setting the remains on fire.

Shichuuka no Jutsu [Four Pillar Home]
Rank: A
Shichuuka no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Eki will form handseals and cause beams of wood to emerge from the ground. These beams will converge and combine to form a complex construct of his choosing. This is presumably the technique that Konohagakure was created with.

Kakuan Nitten Suishu [Sanctuary Enlightenment Enclosing Palm]
Rank: A
By utilizing the Wood Release power to harness the user's own life energy, the user will produce a seal in the form of kanji "seat" (座, za) on his hand. By then pointing that hand and focusing the chakra on a target of alterior energy (anything that is giving the target excess energy), the user will be able to control the target through its chakra. A variation of this jutsu is to suppress natural chakra. To aid in this final effect, the user will use the Wood Release to produce several wood spiked posts with dragon heads from the ground to surround the target. The posts will then begin to drain the potency of the chakra until the chakra fully recedes back into the target. The stronger the chakra is in comparison to the user's own chakra, the closer the user must be for this jutsu to work. Having also noticed that Willows draw on a form of higher chakra, or chi as they call it, Eki has found this technique to be useful against them as well, being able to withdraw all of their energy with prolonged usage.

Last edited by Eki Gisou on Thu 26 Feb 2009, 6:17 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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Shinobi Info
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Village: Konohagakure

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PostSubject: Re: Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS}   Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS} Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2009, 11:08 pm

Custom Plants:

Jin-kippan Kusaki [Man-Eating Plants]
Rank: B/A
Jin-kippan Kusaki is a unique plant that can be created by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Koujouton (plant release) techniques, Eki will form hand seals, then place his hand on the ground. This calls up two Jin-Kippan Kusakis (calls up four at A rank level). These plants are nearly twice the size of the average human and have large bulbous heads, with teeth lined mouths. By capturing opponents in these mouths, the Kusaki can easily execute them. To do this, they will either move towards their target (their roots pushing them along) or drag their targets towards them as they have vines hidden below their bulbs.

Kiseimei [Tree of Life]
Rank: B
Kiseimei is a unique plant that can be created by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Koujouton (plant release) techniques and most if not all of his chakra, Eki will form hand seals, then place his hands on the ground. This then starts a creation process, where a large cherry blossom tree will start growing over the course of the next few hours. When it is finished, the tree is easily forty feet tall, and has black flower petals. Over the course of it's life span (easily that of a normal tree), Kiseimei will gradually absorb natural energy, it's petals slowly turning into a bright glimmering gold. By carrying around one of it's blossoms, Eki can then have this tree convert it's natural energy into chakra, and send it to him over great distances. However, because even the blossoms sap chakra, Eki can only carry one at a time, so that it doesn't kill him. Additionally, he can only use the blossom once, and then it disappears. This means that Eki can only use the chakra restoring powers of the tree once per battle/trip, depending on whether he can actually visit the tree or not. Furthermore, not only does the tree help restore Eki's chakra, but it will drain the chakra of those that get too close to it without performing the proper hand seals, making it a powerful defensive measure as well. Currently, Eki has only created one of these trees, and it rests far out of harms way in the mountains near Kumogakure. It is thought that if Eki were to create more trees, he could connect them spiritually, multiplying their power.

Kakutasu [Thirsty Cactus]
Rank: C
Kakutasu is a unique plant that can be created by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Koujouton (plant release), Eki will form hand seals, then place his hand on the ground. This will cause a small (two to three feet high) spherical cactus to grow. This cactus then proceeds to absorb water from nearby sources through the soil (underground, rivers, water techniques). As it does this, it grows larger and larger, it's needles growing larger as well, until it reaches a diameter of roughly twenty five feet. At this point, the cactus can be cut open, where upon a tasty melon like fruit can be retrieved. This fruit replenishes thirst and hunger and will heal minor cuts and bruises. The bigger the cactus gets, the stronger the powers of the fruit and the more deadly it's needles can be. Because it absorbs water, it can easily defend against low ranking (C and under) water techniques and it is nearly immune to fire based attacks.

Kyousei Gyousei [Symbiotic Venus]
Rank: A
Kyousei Gyousei is a unique plant that can and was created by Eki Gisou. Using his ability to utilize Koujouton (plant release) techniques, Eki will form hand seals, then place his hand on the ground. As he does this, his chakra creates a single seed, which then branches off into vines, these vines tunneling their way into the targets feet. As they tunnel into the targets body, they bring the seed with them, the seed eventually implanting itself just behind the users brain stem. The Kyousei Gyousei then begins to grow into a symbiotic relationship with the target. After the process is over (extremely painful too), the Kyousei Gyousei feeds slowly on the chakra of the user. In return, the user may call upon the vines of the Kyousei Gyousei whenever he so chooses, having them protrude from his hands or feet. Additionally, the bulb of the Kyousei Gyousei may appear from one of these vines, and proceed to absorb chakra from anything it latches onto, feasting upon it and giving the excess absorbed chakra to the user.

Last edited by Eki Gisou on Thu 19 Feb 2009, 1:19 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS}   Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS} Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2009, 11:08 pm

Tell meh when your done
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS}   Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS} Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2009, 11:27 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS}   Eki Gisou Update~APPROVED~{AS} Icon_minitimeSat 14 Feb 2009, 11:17 am

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