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 Naito Sousha Kumori

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PostSubject: Naito Sousha Kumori   Naito Sousha Kumori Icon_minitimeWed 17 Jun 2009, 12:54 pm

General Information:
Name: Naito Sousha Kumori

Nickname/Alias: Heavenly Ninja

Weight: 156

Height: 5"9

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Looks: Avatar

Personality: Naito is mosty an introvert, keeping to himself. He rarely speaks, opting more to just give the occasional 'Hn'. He can often be seen staring off into space, daydreaming as some call it. He seems to focus solely on the mission when he is on one, not going off course to save a civilian that is being harassed by thugs, saying, "There is no hero's among ninja's." In battle, he is ruthless, using any underhanded tricks he can to win. Some would say is what ninja's are suppose to be, unlike most ninja's who now believe in honor.

Most don't know it, but he opens up around children, becoming nicer, and even gaining some humor. He laughs and smiles, and does things most would never dream of him doing. This is due to his own childhood, where he rarely was happy at all, and he believes no children should be unhappy at this time in their lives.

Clan Information

Clan Name: Kumori

Kekei Genkai: Tenraigan

Clan Symbol: two snakes rapped around a sword

Clan History: The Kumori Clan was one of the first clans to reside in Kumogakure. During the early years of the village, the Kumori Clan was considered to be the most powerful clan in Kumogakure. The clan was superior to every other clan residing within the village in strength, as well as the amount living members. Unfortunately, as generations passed, the clan gradually lost its superiority. There were exactly fourteen living members of the clan once Ikazuchi was born, making Ikazuchi the last member to ever have been born into the clan.

When Kumogakure was still young, the clan owned a small residential district. As was needed for the clan, the district had many houses. However, as Kumogakure grew in population, the Kumori Clan was reducing in members. During the time of Sandaime Raikage, the clan downsized, selling off their district to Kumogakure, and used some of that money to build a residential building for the clan’s inhabitants.

Elder Hanjibo, who was Kazaharku’s father, was once the leader of the Kumori Clan. But when his son Kazaharku inherited Tenraigan, he stepped down, placing Kazaharku as the new leader of the clan. As his last decision before he passed on his authority, he ordered that no one was permitted to discuss Tenraigan, unless in a clan meeting, or with the current leader of the clan’s permission. This rule was created to protect the secrets of Tenraigan from becoming well known throughout the world. When Kazaharku died, Elder Hanjibo reclaimed authority of the clan. When Kiseido Yuto killed everyone in the clan, with the exceptions of Yasuto and Ikazuchi, Yasuto would become the new leader for the next two years until he also died. Now the last Kumori alive, Ikazuchi is recognized as the leader of the fallen clan.

According to legend, the Kumori Clan was chosen by, “Denkou no Tenshu” (Literally meaning, “God of Lightning”) to be the absolute masters above all at performing Raiton techniques. It is said that Denkou no Tenshu then transformed the chakra in every living member of the Kumori Clan into a much more godly force. The chakra seemed normal, but when performing Raiton techniques, instead of the generated electricity being the normal color of blue, it was a dark-purple color. Thus, they owned the Kekkei Genkai soon known as, “Nekurai” (Literally meaning, “Heavenly-Natured Lightning”). To insure that the Kumori Clan would be the masters of Raiton techniques, the chakra also gave them each an affinity for performing Raiton element techniques. It is said that Denkou no Tenshu made their generated electricity a white color instead of blue, to symbolize his presence among the Kumori Clan.

It is also said, that when a Kumori proves himself worthy to Denkou no Tenshu by becoming incredibly strong, he will bless that Kumori by granting him the powers of, “Tenraigan” (Literally meaning, “Havenly Eye”). This is the second, and an extremely rare Kekkei Genkai of the clan. Throughout history, only three Kumori Clan members have ever possessed it. Kumori Gendurai, who was the first to have this power, lived when Shodai Raikage served. He inherited these eyes at the age of Thirty-One years and mastered all of its abilities by age Thirty-Three. When he was the age of Thirty-Five years, he performed the “Rakurai” (Literally meaning, “Bolt of Lightning”) technique while in battle. It was a fatal mistake for him, because he had already used the same technique six days prior to that. It was later discovered, that “Rakurai” is forbidden to use but once every seven days. Instead of summoning a bolt of lightning sent by Denkou no Tenshu, Gendurai’s eyes were immediately vaporized, being instantly burned from his eye sockets. Because of this, he died a painful death shortly afterwards.

The second to ever inherit these eyes was Ikazuchi’s father, Kumori Kazaharku who lived when Sandaime Raikage and Yondaime Raikage served. He inherited these same eyes at the age of Twenty-Three years old. By age Twenty-Five, he mastered all of its abilities, including, “Rakurai.” Ikazuchi, who was the last to inherit these eyes, inherited them at the young age of Nineteen years. Ikazuchi had mastered all of Tenraigan’s abilities a year later at the age of Twenty years. Because of this, Ikazuchi is definitely the strongest Kumori to ever arise from the clan.

Rank Information:
Rank: Akatsuki

Village: Ex-Iwa

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty: Main-Ninjutsu Sub-Taijutsu

Elemental Affinity: Main-Ligthning Sub-Water

Special Characteristics: Kekkei Genkai- Becuse of his kekkei Genkai Naito is able to learn Ligthning Justs at a constant rate makeing his Ligthning Attacks a powerful deal. Naito is even able to learn A rank ligthning jutsu in only 2 days. Thanks to this Kekkei Gnekai Naito has a rough time with other jutus.

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story: Naito was born and raised in his current residence, Iwa. He grew up in a family of mostly non-ninja, meaning he he didn't get a lot of training. Naito didn't is true family routes, so he went with what ever his family told him. His family, the Sousha Kumori's were known throughout Iwa due to their new Kekkei genkai, which is becoming more common in the family. They control the heavens, which some say is making it's way into their hearts.

When Naito was of age, he was entered into Iwa's academy. He got good grades, but never seemed to socialize with the other children, opting to sit by himself near the back. Kid's started seeing him as weird, and never approached him. This greatly decreased his social interaction, making Naito not really care much for other people. Even among his own family he didn't get much interaction, mainly because they too had the same thing happen to them as children.

When he graduated the academy, he had to do what all genin in Iwa had to do at the time. Fight one of his classmate's to the death, sort of of like Kumo's graduation exams, but with their bare hands. Naito had no problem doing this. He felt no regrets at killing his classmate. He didn't enjoy it , but he didn't hate it, either.

He was put on a genin team with a sensei named Garu, Naju, and two other male genin by the name's of Huru, Hitsu and Gaaju, Namida. These people meant nothing to him, really. He had rarely ever spoke to Hitsu and Namida in the academy, and Hitsu hated his guts, though that was understandable, as the one Naito killed was his brother.

The first mission Naito and his team went on was actually a C-Rank, because Namida and Hitsu were both from well-known clans. It was to hunt down a small band of bandits. Their sensei was not able to accompany them. Once they made it to the place where the bandits were supposed to be camped, they were surprised. There was too many bandits for the three genin. Hitsu, thinking he could take on the bandits due to his lineage, jumped down to attack. As Namida tried to help, Naito held him back. They retreated with the sounds of battle at their backs. They never saw Hitsu again.

They decided they would go to the chuunin exams, which at the time were being held in Konoha. They got a new teammate by the name of Raigo. As soon as they got to Konoha, they knew they were not welcome. All the civilians looked down on them, whispering that scum like them should not be allowed in Konoha's exam. In Iwa, it would be the same for Konoha ninja, since their coddling of their genin disgusted most Iwa ninja. They had arrived late, and the chuunin exam would be commencing in about an hour, so they high-tailed it there.

Once they reached the room they had the first exam in, they had 5 minutes left. Naito took notice that they were the only Iwa team there. The first exam was a test, apparently. But the examiner talked too much, emphazizing cheating a little too much. He realized the point of the exam, and so did his teammates. Naito used his kekkei genkai to follow the movements of a persons pencil's. His teammates cheated their own way.

After the exam, there was to be a final question. It would decide his life as a shinobi. Namida didn't and almost raised his hand, till a look from Naito stopped him. Raigo didn't even think of raising his hand. They passed the first portion of the exam.

The second portion of the exam was a survival test. They had to wander a forest for five days, and get a scroll in the process. They received a earth scroll, which was kinda funny. They went to their gate, and when the exam started, they were off like shots. They first encountered a team from leaf. They quickly killed off these pest, though they all recieved injury, and were lucky to get a heaven scroll. They made it to the tower with little resistance, being able to hide from other groups.

The third part of the exams is what Naito hated. He first had to fight Raigo. If he won, and Namida won, they would have to fight each other in the second round. Kaibutsu sighed. They had purposely put the Iwa genin against each other. His fight with Raigo was first, so he jumped down into the arena.

Raigo was beaten by Kaibutsu, who had much more experience. Namida also won his match, meaning he would have to fight him as well. He watched the rest of the fights go by as if it was a blur, and in no time, he had to fight Namida. He once again jumped down into the arena.

He beat Namida, but lost his round to a kid who just wouldn't give the hell up. He had neon yellow hair and yelled how he was gonna be the Yondaime. The kid had too much speed, and too much stamina, and just kept getting back up. He was surprised when he got back to Iwa and recieved a chuunin vest.

One year later Naito started to despise his village. All he ever did was chump missinons and help civilans. One day Naito over heard a group of Jounin, Anbu, and Chuunin plotting aginst there kage and the village. Naito was digusted by there action, but join them eventually. They planned to sneck into the kage office still all the forbbiden scrolls and kill the kage. Their plan was a sucsess but at the cost of 15 ninja being slain by their actions. They all fled from the village, but Nito straied away from the group and decied to go on his own. A few months later he discovered a group by the name of the akatsuki and was quickly chossen because of his Kekkie Genkai.

Rp Sample: Kenzi got out of bed as he stood in his room he let out a most unhappy groan. Being a ninja wasn't easy it seemed easy to him before he started but now it's getting alot tougher. "So, I'v gotten up should I bunk off again or actulley go!" He thought to himself as he got dressed and left his house the day flew by and was quite exciting.

Kenzi threw a shurikan at a target going for a better aim than he did last time he got it in the target but nearly off. "Darn!" He moaned loudly as others watched laughing like every other day. "One day everyone will regret mocking me I will be hokage someday!" whispered Kenzi angrily. When he finished practicing he decided to walk home he began to pack up his stuff and then looked at the sky as rain started to fall.

In the evening Kenzi watched the stars in the sky, the rain finished falling and the stars were brighter than ever it was nice to see the stars like that as villages were destroying little Konoha day by day.
The stars were granting a wish for Kenzi he whispered what he wished it was this "I wish that I'd become strong enough to help konoha and become hokage,". Kenzi yawned loudly he realised he was exhausted from training and walking home today. He went up the stairs looked at the sky in his room and then got changed into his PJs and went to sleep warm and happily in bed.

Raindrops fell on to the ground the noise they made was peaceful and soft it was early morning the sun started to shine and break threw the clouds the sky looked like it was lit like a candle the bright sky and pain comes this way. Kenzi realised he was late for a inportent messege from the hokage so he changed quickly and rushed out on the way to the hokage.
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Titan Lee

Titan Lee

Posts : 1047
Points : 77
Join date : 2008-04-12
Age : 30
Location : Can't reveal, afraid you might show up

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: S rank
Village: Hidden Sand Villiage, Sunagakure

Naito Sousha Kumori Empty
PostSubject: Re: Naito Sousha Kumori   Naito Sousha Kumori Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009, 4:53 pm

Add some jutsu and you'll be fine
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