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PostSubject: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 5:00 am

"I'll have a cold glass of cranberry juice please", Kamizara muttered to the barkeeper as she made a gesture towards the with red liquid filled bottles on the shelf behind him. As the old, chubby man turned around to fetch her some, Kamizara looked around the bar she was currently in and observed her surroundings carefully. With her left hand leaning on the barcounter, and her right hand resting on the pouch strapped to her right thigh, she made both a slacking as well as an alert impression. She second was true. Kamizara had always been fully aware of the fact she was a criminal on the run, and thus did everything she did with extra care. Danger lurked around the corner, pityful bountyhunters showed up everywhere. Not even drinken a glass of cranberry juice was to be considered a safe action. As she put more weight on the hard, oak surface of the counter, she closed her eyes for a second and tried to sense the chakra of those around her as accurate as possible. None of them posessed great amount of it, none of them seemed to have a developed chakra system. None of them was thus a ninja, aside from one hooded figure at the table in the back, who seemed to be playing cards with a blonde lady, he had chakra equivalent to that of a Genin. Not to be considered a threat, with that amount of chakra. Whoever he was, he was not dangerous. Cranberry juice could be consumed without fearing a sudden assassination.

Kamizara turned around, looking the barkeeper straight in the eye as she did so. Appearantly he had stood behind her for a couple of seconds already, holding her glass of juice, pondering about what was the best way to notify Kamizara he had her drink ready. She made a rather cold and unkind impression after all and, lets face it, old man barkeeper looked like a complete whussy. Appearantly he lacked to self confidence to start speaking to her. Nonetheless, when he noticed Kamizara spotted him, he simply put down the glass om the counter in front of her and went back to work, leaving the missing kunoichi alone with her lovely juice. She grabbed hold of the glass and took a sip of the juice as she thought through what she had done again, and tried to figure out what her next best step would be. She was currently in....what was it? A small village named Yorakure, that was its name. A small village right next to the edge of the mountains of the lighting country, existing only out of about 9 sturdy, wooden cabins and this bar. She had no particular reason for being here, aside from running from the world known to her and seeking some years of peace of quiet. So far, it seemed as if this goal would be reached. There were no shinobi around here, nor any other hostile figures. This seemed like it would be a quiet afternoon, but would it?
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 7:20 am

((I have to leave for school...but I'mma be posting as soon as I get back ^_^))
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 11:07 am

Kiun had taken up a job in a bar to gain some pocket change so that he could gamble freely in the village he had found himself in. The word village was a bit of an overstatement, as it was pathetically built of ten buildings. He was currently standing behind a large table-like object in the backroom of the bar he had taken up a job at. He stared at the vats of oil, bubbling as they deep fried some kind of octopus tentacle. Suddenly, a loud clang caught his attention. He turned to see the bus boy pouring silverware and metal mugs into a massive tub that acted like a sink. Realizing that this bus boy was different from the last, he figured it was time to change shifts. Taking off his apron he picked up a towel and walked out into the front room.

The chubby man who had just gotten ready to go in and ask if Kiun would change shifts now looked at him and hurried into the kitchen. The first day on the job the man tried to act tough, that wouldn't happen again. He ran the towel over the bar, swiping away empty shells and crumbs. As he moved methodically down the bar with a newly soaked towel and a fresh dry one, he happened upon a women he had heard of. She matched her description and he smiled. She sipped cranberry juice and watched the crowd cautiously. Nearing her, he put down the towel and took up a casual stance. "You know you got a bounty, right?" He asked in much the same tone one would use when asking about the weather.
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 12:54 pm

Kamizara took a sip of her juice as she suddently felt a new presence enter the room, different from the others. Unlike the crowd, this particular individual had a chakra pool equivalent to that of a Jounin. In addition, a second large amount of chakra which had something vile and corrupted over it seemed to be located on the same spot. Alerted by this sudden potential threat, Kamizara ripped her eyes of the crowd, turned around, and attempted to cover her forehead protector. It was to late to do so however, as she inmediatly found herself eye to eye with the source of the chakra, a young man, somewhat younger than herself, wearing rather silly clothes. "You know you got a bounty, right?", the man said on a calm tone as he lifted his towel from the counter and took on a casual pose. Appearantly this man worked here. In addition, his calm attitude made everything but an agressive impression. Also, he wore no forehead protector himself. Finally, he asked her if she was aware about her bounty instead of attempting to slay her by surpise. 4 good reasons for Kamizara to assume this partical individual was not hostile. Not yet, that was. Either way, he obviously knew about her bounty, and thus there was no reason to avoid the facts. Kamizara could speak up freely.

"Yeah, I'm aware of that. In fact, pesky bounty hunters are my main problem these days", she muttered at the young man as she lifted her glass of juice and took another sip. While she locked eyes with him and lowered her drink again, she talked on. "You dont think I'm coming to this godforsaken place for fun, do you? Its purely for practical reasons, avoiding the ninja world. It leads me to the question however: What is a shinobi like yourself doing here?". That was indeed an issue of concern to her. This young man has had a past of Ninjutsu, obviously. Also, he appeared to preform techniques on a regular basis. His chakra system was in great shape, she sensed it, he almost had to be a fanatic ninja. Finding a person like him in a godforsaken village like this, standing behind the counter of a shabby bar, therefor aroused some doubt in her mind. She was eager to hear his side of this odd meeting, as well as unsure wether this meeting would end up in a clash. Normally she would've engaged into combat with both regular ninjas as well as missing nins, depite their Jounin level, just to eliminate any potential threat and rid the world of one more problem. This young man however was different. She second, large amount of suspicious chakra inside of him caused concern, made her hesitate to strike. In addition, this young man had to be an exeption of some sort, or he wouldn't be in a place like this washing dishes. She would hold back for now, hold back all the time if necessary. She didn't come all the way here to continue her troublesome life of combat, she wanted some piece and quiet for now.
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 8:57 pm

((I almost don't want to fight you now xD
But it is under ninja battles, so it must be done.))

Kiun smirked as she asked the question, he posture showing that she had sized him up. He knew his clothing was odd, but he liked it. It made people not take him so seriously, he hated it when people took him seriously. Grabbing the towel he began to clean out a cup that a drunk had handed him, scrubbing at well as he could. When it seemed as clean as it would get he picked up a dry towel and began to wipe out the water. Turning to the drunk, he refilled the clean cup and handed it to him. He mumbled something like "Your last one.." before turning his attention once again to the kunoichi.

"I am a missing ninja and a bounty hunter. More than that I am a gambler. I was here to make small money to gamble with at the local poker game. But a bounty seems good enough." He said, taking a deck of cards out of his pocket. He placed it on the counter and began shuffling it with expert dexterity. "But before we fight how about you finish your juice and play a game of cards." He offered her, ceasing the shuffling. He tapped the top of the deck and raised his eyebrow at her. "Five card stud." He said with a grin. He had a "talent" for getting a royal flush every time.
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeWed 24 Jun 2009, 6:58 am

((you''re right, actually. I could remake this thread as a normal thread and do it all over again. That way, we would not be forced to fight. We could still continue this thread for a lovely, senseless fight. How about that?))

This guy is nuts, wanting to play a cardgame before attempting to kill me!, Kamizara thought to herself as she watched the young man with a rather confused stare. Appearantly he wasent as passive as she hoped he would be, he was a bounty hunter like the others. He was just a tad, extraordinary, thats it. A bit different from the others. Nonetheless, he would die like the others if he dared to strike at her. ''I`d be mad to play a card game with my attacker before fighting him off, whats the point of that?'', she said after she had been silent for a couple of confusing seconds. Having said these words, she reached for her glass of juice again and drank what was left of it in one, large sip. After putting her glass back on the wooden barcounter again, she continued. ''If you are really planning to take me out, get on with it. I have no time for this nonesense, honestly''. Her confused tone slowly changed into a more agitated one. Her opponents strangeness irritated her and slightly got on her nerves. Being as strict and intelligent as she was, she disliked the fact her opponent was appearantly playing around. If he truely wanted to fight her, he should get serious. Else, she figured, he would be in for a nasty surprise. Saying these words made Kamizara realise more and more that this meeting was likely to turn out in a clash between 2 ninjas, something she hoped to avoid at first. She knew her opponent was of a serious level of skills, she had sensed it ever since he entered the room, yet she was to stubborn to flee or ignore the young man. His casual stance and semi-humorous manner of speech taunted her in a certain way. She was now determined to strike this man down as much as he appearantly wanted to do the same to her.
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeWed 24 Jun 2009, 10:28 am

((That would rock ^=^))

"Soukou likes to play with his food. It's a trait I unfortunately picked up from him." He explained in an apologetic tone as he reached for the deck. His slim fingers wrapped around the thick stack of cards, pulling them into his vest pocket. When they were securely at the bottom of the small pocket, he closed the flap over them and buttoned it to avoid it falling out. He then sighed and rolled his eyes. "If you insist on a fight, a fight it shall be." He said; he had been hoping to just poison her and be done with it. Fighting would work just as well. Again, Kiun's slim fingers reached out over the counter. He grabbed the glass and began to clean it, as a man shouted something at him. Reaching behind him to a jar right next to the container of cranberry juice, he filled the newly cleaned glass in a bright red liquid. Possibly wine, or maybe another kind of juice. He slid it down the bar and gave the man a warning glance.

The man took the glance with professional subtlety, and drank the beverage down in one gulp. When he finished he set the glass on the bar and walked over to the farthest wall. There, he flipped a switch that must have activated some kind of mechanism. Suddenly, water came pouring from the ceiling like rain, coming from little sprouts that the mechanism had forced out of their hiding places. As the room became filled with the chaos of a few dozen yelling men, it also began to clear out. He didn't wait for the woman to react, before attacking her.

Kiun leaped over the bar with a minimum amount of exerted energy, using his right hand to hold himself up on the counter. As he did so, he began to spin on his right hand-using his left hand to guide him- and flinging out his right leg. The leg came toward the kunoichi in a blur of black, his firm muscles preparing for the impact. His kicks were strong enough to break some metals, so her face would be no problem. If the woman was lucky, this would kill her.
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeWed 24 Jun 2009, 12:39 pm

Kamizara remained surpisingly calm under the situation. As some sort of partner of the young man pulled a lever, activating a sprinkler installation, she simply folded her hand and put her chin on them, by means of resting her head comfortably. Not yet did she realise that such an amount of water might give her problems later on, when she would try to fall apart into a cloud of paper sheets. She did not yet realise the full consequences of all this moisture. As the crowd, shocked by the sudden downpour of waterdrops, started yelling and quickly left the bar, that left her with the young man and his older partner. Kamizara said nothing, she remained silent for a short moment, during which the sprinklers water supply seemed to run out and caused them to stop functioning any longer. Then, she started to comment her opponents ways. "For your information", she began, "I never actually "insisted" on a fight. It was you who wanted to attack me for the bounty on my head". She lifted her head again and pulled her hands away from eachother, placing them with their handpalms on the counter, placing her body in a more alert and active position. She opened her mouth to say another thing, the more heated part of her speech for which she took on the alert stance, yet was not given the chance to do so. Her mini-speech was interupted by the sudden assault by the opposing ninja, who had placed his hand on the counter and launched his leg at her in an agile yet powerful maneuvre. All she could do was cease her speech, cease talking at all, and focus on fighting and surviving from now on.

In a quick reflex, Kamizara ducked and let the leg soar over her. The kick made a humming sound as it sliced through the air right above her purple hair, indicating there was a lot of force and speed in it. In an instance, Kamizara realised she was dealing with someone who was familiar with close quarter combat, unlike herself, as Kamizara was specialized in medium to far ranged attacks. Someone who, unlike herself, packed quite a punch and was likely to have impressive stamina. The kick this young man preformed was skillful and destructive, likely to dent or break anything it hit. In an enclosed space such as this bar, he would have an obvious upperhand. It was necessary for her to stay out of his reach. One of these kicks hits and the "game", as she liked to think of it due her opponents playful attitude, would be over. She had to avoid close combat with this young man at all cost. Also, there was this "Soukou" he mentioned. A partner, perhaps. A sensei. A god or such. She would look it up in her book once she was given the chance. She did not have the opportunity to do that now, however. She had to act, had to retaliate. She already made up how to do so.

Once the leg had soared over the counter, Kamizara straightened up again and inmediatly jumped backwards, placing herself at the other side of the rather long barcounter. While doing so, she formed a handseal and channeled chakra into a pile of 5, thick paper beerpads lying just behind the counter next to a couple of kegs with beverage. Fortunately, the pads were lying on the second shelf from below, and thus the upper shelves had caught any incoming waterdrops. They were still dry and ready for use. Perfect, as this saved Kamizara some the chakra and energy to form the paper herself. Inmediatly, the beerpads started moving and folding themselves into bird-like shapes. By the time Kamizara landed and her feet contacted the wooden and wet floor again, they had already formed 5 beautiful, old-school paper shurikens that made their way towards the young man. Without any doubt, he would survive this attack. There was barely any chance an attack of this level could kill a person at all. Still, she hoped it would keep him busy. Perhaps, by the slightest chance, wound him a little. Nonetheless, she considered her action as a proper and smart move.

Technique used:
Name: Kami Shuriken no Jutsu - Paper Shuriken Technique
Rank: D
Element: Neutral
Description: Kami Shuriken is a Ninjutsu technique used by Kamizara. Using her high origami skills, Kamizara will form her paper into bird-like shapes. After throwing these at the target, they can fly through the air and cut through the victim. The technique can be preformed on a larger scale when Kamizara is controlling large amounts of paper sheets.
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeWed 24 Jun 2009, 12:53 pm

Kiun's temporary partner had exited the bar with the others shortly after Kiun launched his first attack. The door slammed shut and there was a noise that sounded like a massive log being pulled down in front of the bar. It was a bar that would take two men to move, and had been installed purely for the purpose of locking two people in. People in this village didn't want to get in the way of a bar fight. Kiun landed back on the counter as he noticed pieces of paper flying toward him. He seemed to reach into his vest, producing a set of tanto knives. With expert skill he cut through the center of each of the shuriken and continued to charge. Using the water to his advantage, he stopped himself when he neared her and allowed the water to carry him the rest of the way. This caused a wave of water to come at her with him, distracting her as he kicked off of the bar.

The tanto knives came right behind the wave of water, being thrown toward her. They flew straight and true, aiming for both of her shoulders. The blades were sharp enough to cut through bone, and would hopefully pin her to the wall. Reaching into his sleeve, he brushed his arm with the tips of his fingers. A surge of chakra escaped his sleeve as he released the tattoo of a skull that held one of his okatana. Drawing it from his sleeve, he took up a stance that would allow him to go on an all-out offensive. He launched himself from the edge of the bar and toward his opponent. The blade went directly from his left hip up to his right shoulder as he slashed out at the woman's chest.

Jutsu Used~
Kuchiyose Buki - Summon Weapon
Rank: A
Range: Close
Type: Supplementary
Kuchiyose-Buki is not actually a summoning technique. However, instead of sealing his weapons in scrolls- which would get very inconvenient- he seals them within the many tattoos that cover his body. These tattoos are actually seals, which can be activated with this technique to draw out one of his many weapons.
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeWed 24 Jun 2009, 2:02 pm

Kamizara spread hear arms in an attempt to fall apart into numerous paper sheets. In a split second however, she noticed the extreme humidity of her skin and clothing made this trick virtually impossible at this point. In an attempt to dodge the 2 incoming tantos, moved her body. She noticed however, she knew, that it was already to late. Trying to fall apart into papers had cost her that one valuable second usually used to dodge incoming projectiles. Now, the 2 tantos were no longer to be evaded. By twitching her body, the managed to prevent the tantos from hitting her flesh. Instead, the 2 knives drilled themselves a way through the black silk that covered her shoulders and pinned Kamizara, with her clothes, stuck to the wooden wall behind her. The thick wall shaked and trembled as her body was violently pulled towards it surface, causing the numerous small paintings of idyllic landscapes that the barkeeper had nailed onto it to generate a comforting atmosfere to shake up and down. It looked like she was stuck now, trapped, a sitting duck. But was she?

The young man she was fighting with had launched himself from the counter, clutching a large blade he had recently summoned and attempting to use it to slice straight through her chest. If she did not dodge now, this fight would be over. Fortunately, he managed to let the tantos drill only her clothing, and thus she would be capable of escaping with sufficient force. Throwing all her weight in, Kamizara pulled her body towards the ground, causing the clothing around her shoulders, which was pinned to the wooden wall, to rip off and once again grant her her freedom. As Kamizara remained low and quickly crept a feet or 2 sidewards, her opponent soared over her and slammed his blade violently into the wooden wall where she had just stood, causing 2 of the paintings to fall off the wall by the shockwave generated through the wall upon impact. As the hostile ninja inmediatly pulled his blade out of the wood again, Kamizara did another jump backwards, towards the entrance this time, to create some more distance between them 2. She realised she had to find a way to fight this guy now her ability to fall apart into paper was hampered, yet she did not inmediatly develop an incredible plan. She would stand here and ponder over her next move, attempt to figure out a tactic, as she kept a close eye on the young man. She didnt want to get caught by surpise, she wanted to observe him closely and learn from his movement.
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeWed 24 Jun 2009, 8:57 pm

Kiun's plan had failed, as his blade clashed with the wooden wall where the woman had been pinned. Paintings crashed around them, their glass flying everywhere and adding to the hazards of the battlefield. He cursed as he tugged on the blade, but it refused to leave its new home in the wall. Sighing, he abandoned the blade and turned to face the woman before him. She stood idly, though her eyes are alert. Thinking in battle...? He thought to himself quickly, realizing that he had just contradicted himself. He never thought in battle, it was a waste of time. Suddenly, his palms glowed. From the two tattoos of paws on his palms sprouted identical gauntlets. The gauntlets came equipped with five, blade-like, claws; one for each finger. He put them on with ease, strapping each finger to a blade with one hand. When they were equipped he charged.

Suddenly, Kiun's speed began to increase. He appeared before her in an instant, crouching like an animal. With claws on hand, he began to circle around her. He kept shifting his weight to either foot, seeming to dance as he circled her. When he saw an opening, he struck. All-in-all, he struck eight times. Twice to the small of her back, twice to her left kidney, once to her right kidney, and three times to her jugular vein. Each time the razor sharp blades contained a deadly poison. The poison was able to kill an opponent very quickly, and was produced within his body. Consequently, he was immune to it; there was no way for her to turn his poison around on him.

Jutsu used~
Doku Buki - Poison Weapon
Rank: B
Range: Close
Type: Supplementary
Doku Genkotsu is a technique that utilizes Kiun's poisonous abilities. He will form a poison out of his own chakra, running it through his veins and out into his pores. The poison can then be added to his claw weapons, or just kept on his palm. Kiun has mastered the use of three poisons. A tranquilizing poison, a poison that attacks the sense of sight, and a poison that kills its victims in eight posts.

Doku no Mai; Ichi - Dance of Poison; One
Rank: C
Range: Close
Type: Attack
Doku no Mai; Ichi, is the first of the Doku no Mai. In this dance, Kiun will use his claw weapons to increase the deadliness of his attacks. By forming poison in his veins, he will cause it to seep through his pores and onto the blades of his claws. After that, he will use his accuracy and agility to dance around the opponent. He will continue to make strikes at open spots as he does this, the dance lasting two posts.
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeThu 25 Jun 2009, 7:25 am

Kamizara watched carefully as the young man charged at her his with a new pair of weapons: 2 malicious claws. Suddenly, she had this one bright moment and knew exactly what to do. If her opponent had this advantage over her due the small battlefield, she just had to broaden the arena a bit. Fortunately, she knew exactly how to do this. She had 3 reasons to assume this particular bar had a basement. The first reason was the fact water seemed to seep through small crevices between the wooden planks that formed the bars floor. There was no way the ground would absorb this much water at once, thus the water was more likely to leak into an open space beneath this one. Her second clue to a basement was the sound of her footsteps. Both her footsteps as well as those of her opponent caused a loud, hollow sound as their feet hit the floor. Her final clue to a basement was a simple and practical one. The barkeeper only had a few bottles and kegs standing behind the bar and the only room behind this one was the kitchen out of which the hostile ninja had appeared holding a tower. He was likely to have a storage somewhere, probably a basement. Kamizara grinned as she held a single handseal and forced parts of the wooden floor in a circle around her to shape themselves into paper sheets. Then, after forming some additional handseals, she forced the sheets to emit a faint blue glow. "I'm going to take this fight to a whole new level", she joked while grinning widely as her opponent charged closer every second. Since her opponent was using humor, she figured she might as well do so herself. With this particular sentence, she referred to both uncovering the basement as well as taking the fight to a new dimension. A clever joke, she thought herself, yet in practice she was a lot less funny as she thought she was. Then, as she formed a new handseal, a large smile uncovered her teeth. Her opponent charged his direction, now using his impressive speed to circle around her. When he made himself ready to jump in and jab his claws into Kamizara however, she activated the sheets. "Katsu!"

The sheets exploded and, with a lot of noise, a circular part of the floor on which Kamizara and her opponent were standing cracked loose from the rest of the floor and dropped down. In a blur, Kamizara found herself lying on the floor in what indeed appeared to be a wine cellar. Well, wine cellar, the larger part of the basement seemed to be filled with beerkegs and other stored beverage. It was dark in there, and moisty. Extra moisty, now all the water had seeped down into the room. The water stood a couple of inches high on the cold, stone floor, through which it was unable to sink away into the dry ground of the Lightning Countries mountains. Rubbing her head to ease the slight pain she had taken during the fall, she looked around. She felt odd, slightly confused, yet all right. She seemed to have suffered no injuries and her chakra level was still OK. She had preformed these 2 techniques on a very small scale, after all. These had been a couple of confusing seconds. She had lost her sight of her opponent. Where would the younger shinobi be?

Techniques used:
Name: Kami Souken no Jutsu - Paper Creation Technique
Rank: B
Element: Neutral
Description: Kami Souken is a tactical technique used by the missing kunoichi Kamizara. While holding a handseal, it allows her to force nearby wooden object, in up to a 2 meter radius, to dissassemble into sheets of paper. This allows her to generate additional paper for an upcoming technique or refill her own stocks when parts of it were destroyed. The targeted wooden object is destroyed in the process, making the technique also fairly usefull for oblitherating wooden targets.

Name: Shikigami Bakuyaku no Jutsu - Paper Style Explosive Technique
Rank: A
Element: Neutral
Description: Shikigami Bakuyaku is a Ninjutsu technique used by Kamizara. While holding a handseal, she can transfer her chakra into paper sheets that are under her controll and make them into improvised explosive tags. The tags are equal in strength as regular ones, and can be preformed at a very large scale, making the technique incredibly destructive. The sheets do not change shape when made into an explosive. Nonetheless, chakra detecting eyes have an easy time spotting the explosive ones. Regular eyes can also, yet will have to pick out the explosive ones by their distingtive, faint blue glow. This technique requires a relatively large amount of chakra for a paper technique and should thus be used with caution.
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeThu 25 Jun 2009, 11:12 am

Kiun was shocked to find that the glowing sheets he had assumed she would use as a shield had exploded beneath him. He could hear the ringing in his ears still, caused by the explosion the multitude of apparent explosive tags had created. He now stood, crouching as he did before, in the basement of the bar. He had been down here several times, and he liked it a lot. While it was larger than he'd like, it was also cluttered and provided little room to maneuver. Unless the shinobi were okay with running on top of slippery kegs and barrels, they were stuck in one of two aisles that the multitude of drink containers created. He examined himself and found no real injuries on his body. His shirt sleeve was tattered, so he ripped his shirt and vest off. The tie still hung around his neck, but that was also soon removed and flung onto the spout of a keg.

Crouching in the darkness, with his chest bare and soaked, he searched for the woman. A life in the dark had provided him with expert night vision, making him even more bestial than the claws and stance would suggest. His impish gaze had turned blood thirsty and searching, that of a hunter's. He was beginning to be more and more like Soukou every day. Finally spotting his opponent on the ground, he began to sneak around her. He moved with absolute silence, moving with the shadows. The majority of his skin was black with ink, so it wasn't difficult to stay in with the shadows. His hat had been removed, and his wild black hair now hung in spikes all along his head. When he was to her far left, he pounced at her. His claws came down on her body with incredible speed.
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeThu 25 Jun 2009, 4:26 pm

In a moment of confusion, Kamizara shook her head and attempted to organize her thoughts again. Having done this, she finaly came to senses again and inmediatly sought to relocate her opponent. Her eyes wandered through the beverage-filled cellar as they narrowed in an attempt to catch the few light rays available. Being used to living and fighting in the great outdoors, such darkness formed a huge disadvantage to Kamizara. Her eyes needed time to adapt to her surroundings, to restore her sight. Once they did so however, she figured the basement was a tiny maze of beerkegs and that her opponent could be anywhere.

Suddenly she sensed it, the large vile chakra reserve that she felt before. It was large and prominent, so obvious that Kamizara herself was surprised that she did not sense its location before. Turning to her left, where the chakra seemed to be located, she inmediatly noticed her opponent leaping at her. Once again, like she did before, she attempted to dodge the stab with a quick sidestep. This time it was to late however. Though the mans claws did not pierce her chest, as they were suposed to, they badly scratched her left arm during the maneuvre. While the man was regaining ballance from his jump-attack, Kamizara did a couple of more steps backwards and grabbed her fresh wound. Crap, she thought to herself as she spread her fingers and looked carefully at the wound, as careful as her narrow eyes could do in such darkness. The wound itself appeared to be minor, 5 scratches of about only half an inch deep. What caused her concern however was a faintly purple collored liquid spreading and burning through the blood and flesh around the wound. As clever as she was, Kamizara inmediatly made the connection. I should've known it the moment I sensed his chakra. The chakra signature of the larger reserve felt the same as my wound does now. He has poisonous chakra of some sort, and now its running through my veins. I should've been more careful.

Regardless of the discomfort, the poison seemed to need a little more time to spread and trigger its complete effect. Kamizara would have a bit more time left before the true horrors of being poisoned would show themselves, and thus had time left for a counter attack. It was over now, she realised that. Her only hope would've been travelling to Kumogakure, attempting to fetch an antidote. Unfortunately, Kumogakure was quite a distance away and would have never helped a missing nin. In addition, her opponent was still stalking her and would've never let her go like that. The first idea that came into Kamizaras mind was her suicidal technique, the Shikigami Gyakusatsu no Jutsu. A technique with destructive powers beyond imagination at the cost of the users life. It would have allowed her to level this whole village, take her opponent and all other nearby civilians with her to the grave. She realised however that the Shikigami Gyakusatsu no Jutsu involves her body falling apart into as many sheets of paper as physically possible, something impossible at the moment due her soaked clothes and skin. This brought her to her second option: the Shikigami Yajuu no Jutsu. The Shikigami Yajuu was designed to have its paper supplied by nearby sources of wood, such as this whole bar. That made it an exelent option for the moment. The fact it verged so much chakra from the user that it wore the user out untill the point of exhaustion wouldn't matter. She was poisoned, with what poison she did not know. All she was sure of was that it was bad stuff. If the poison itself wouldn't prove fatal, its effect would definitely weaken her to such a degree that her opponent could finish her off easily. This would be her last stand, the moment she trained for. She had hoped to do more in this world, kill off more "flaws" in mankind. It seemed however that her death had been accelerated by this young man. If she'd go down, she would do so in style. She would take as many others down with her as she could. Now was the time, her grand finale!

"Fair enough, you got me", Kamizara muttered on the tone of someone bearing irritating pain. "This is not the end yet, though. Not only you, but I too still have aces up my sleeve. I could draw them, go down in style, perhaps take you down with me. Its either that, or you hand me the antidote and we let this rest. Either you play it safe or take the risk for the kill...lets call it a gamble. You liked gambling, didn't you? What will it be?". Aside from agony, also irony was mixed into Kamizaras voice. She did not fear death, nor did she regret all she had done in her life. She had no worries but making her end as spectaculair as possible. Either that, or avoiding it. Would the man give her an antidote, then she would be able to continue her crusade against all humans she considered rotten. If he didn't, this would definitely be a death worth having lived for. She would make that sure.
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeFri 26 Jun 2009, 10:39 am

Kiun was definitely getting into the hunt at this point. He launched a kunai at her from the shadows, hoping to distract her. As soon as the kunai hit the beer keg next to her he launched himself from the shadows. Tapping into his demon's chakra had opened up a small crack in its seal. His skin had an eerie, reptilian green glow to it. His left leg was tucked into his body, not doing anything at the time; his right extended to full length. His body shot through the air in a green blur, coming straight for his opponent's chest. Sticking out from his combat boot was a tanto blade. There must have been a tattoo on his foot, because there seemed to be no handle. It had been half-summoned, and its blade had an eerie purple glow to it. More poison. This poison was a tranquilizer, however, used to knock her out long enough for the other poison to do its duty.

Kiun hit the wall next to Kamizara, having stuck out his left leg at the last second to push off of it. As he did so, he launched his body toward Kamizara. Spinning mid-air, his right leg came around and toward her neck. Through the ripped pant leg a fourth tanto blade appeared. Six more...I hope to gods that this plan works...I can't go much longer before the crack in his seal widens. He thought to himself as he looked down at the blade. It was covered in the green and purple aura that was Soukou's chakra. This time the poison was not a tranquilizer, but just more of the extremely deadly poison that was already in her system. Let me take control, Soukou...You can't form any poisons but that one at this point.. He thought, hoping that Soukou would respond. Soukou had no control over the flow of the chakra, just the source of it. However, if he didn't give up control over the chakra completely Kiun wouldn't be able to morph it into a different poison. That poison is useless now...
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeFri 26 Jun 2009, 5:09 pm

Kamizara couldnt have hoped for a clearer answer. Rather than reply to her question, her opponent rocketed towards her, just to hit the wall next to her and spin his leg towards her head, foot-blade included. Fortunately for Kamizara, this was one of the more obvious and direct attacks her opponent had made this round. Despite her painful injury, she could easily predict her opponents move and simply dodge the feriocious kick by sidestepping it. "Fine then", she coughed as she did a couple of more steps away from her opponents to preserve a safe distance. "Youre going to have it the way you want it. Ignore my offer, I dont care. Youre going down with me!"

Holding the same handseal as before, Kamizara forced the wooden planks above her and wooden kegs around her to dissect themselves into numerous sheets of papers, causing tables and chairs to tumble down due the loss of their floor and beer to flow over the ground due the loss of its containers. In a rapid pace, paper was formed and swarmed directly towards its creator, Kamizara, where it wrapped itself around her soaked body. The first sheets seemed to absorb the moisture and be reduced to a paste, yet as more sheets joined in, the humidity of Kamizaras body seemed to drop and the sheets remained as they were. More and more sheets joined in as more and more of the bar was dissected into tons of paper sheets. And every single one of them flew directly towards Kamizara, around whose body they appeared to start to form some sort of outline. Some sort of paper statue, already looking slightly like a beast. It was like Kamizara, the paper kunoichi, was forming herself a paper exoskeleton. "You have no idea what you got yourself into, kid!", she roared in triumph from inside the rapidly growing bundle of sheets around her. She was getting exited, warmed up for her grande finale. The Shikigami Yajuu was a technique she rarely used, yet this was its time. It would form her finishing blow, it would be used to earn her a place in this wretched villages history. It was something to be exited about, obviously. All but an everyday action. Kamizara was eager to show the boy what she was made off. Despite her certain death, she would prove her power one last time.

Techniques used:
Name: Kami Souken no Jutsu - Paper Creation Technique
Rank: B
Element: Neutral
Description: Kami Souken is a tactical technique used by the missing kunoichi Kamizara. While holding a handseal, it allows her to force nearby wooden object, in up to a 2 meter radius, to dissassemble into sheets of paper. This allows her to generate additional paper for an upcoming technique or refill her own stocks when parts of it were destroyed. The targeted wooden object is destroyed in the process, making the technique also fairly usefull for oblitherating wooden targets.

Name: Shikigami Yajuu no Jutsu - Paper Style Monster Technique
Rank: S
Element: Neutral
Description: Shikigami Yajuu is an advanced origami Ninjutsu technique used by Kamizara. After forming a string of handseals, Kamizara uses a massive amount of paper sheets to form any desired creature of the size of a building. She puts in an impressive amount of chakra as well as a massive amount of paper, allowing the creature to wreak havoc upon her targets and launch certain paper style Ninjutsu techniques out of its paper body. The creation has the ability to regenerate its wounds with more paper sheets, making it hard to take down. Even fire will usually not work, as the creature can detach the burning sections of his body and regrow them. The amount of chakra used to form the creature is massive, yet not unusual. It wears Kamizara out extremely, yet will not prove fatal. The amount of paper however is usually supplied by turning nearby sources of wood into paper sheets. Supplying the required paper with her own body can cause massive damage to Kamizaras health. The creature lasts for about 30 minutes before its chakra pool runs out and it is reduced to a mere pile of sheets.
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeFri 26 Jun 2009, 5:39 pm

((Six posts, invisible monster, one guy, demon chakra....This should get entertaining...))

Kiun hopped back a few paces as the beast began to form. Not knowing what the hundreds of sheets of paper were for at first, he summoned up two katana and hacked at any sheet that came near him. Soon realizing that the sheets weren't harming him, he stopped to watch as the woman was covered in paper. She was already forming an outline when he looked at her, so at this point attacking would probably be useless. He stepped behind a stone pillar that was now attached to nothing, watching as the beer kegs around him exploded into paper. The beer soaked the ground, filling the air with its stench. Man I hate that shit... Kiun thought to himself, breathing through his mouth the whole time. When the paper stopped, he moved from behind the pillar to see what he was up against.

When he saw what was there he instinctively re-gripped the blades, holding them with white-knuckled tension. He took a few steps forward, his boots skating over the water and beer mixture. When he got near enough, he stopped and craned his neck to find the head of the beast. When he spotted it, he launched himself upward. In an instant he was on its neck, stabbing into it with his two katana. "Damn beast better die..." Kiun grunted as he held firmly to it with the chakra on his feet. His jaw was shut tight, to avoid biting his tongue, and now his body was completely enveloped in green and purple chakra. "Damn...Soukou, give me a little more time..."
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeSat 27 Jun 2009, 2:30 pm

(No complaints if I join?)
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeSun 28 Jun 2009, 2:13 pm

[[None at all ^-^]]
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeSun 28 Jun 2009, 10:41 pm

((Then here I come.))

Throughout the battle, a cloaked gentleman sat across the bar, staring down at the table before him. Appearing to be elderly in his hunched condition, he sat patiently, paying little attention to what occurred around him, that is, until the bijuu began to excrete it's presence. As it did, the man stood dramatically, his cloak floating off and around his shoulders to fall to the floor, revealing the red clouds beneath it. Saying nothing, he simply sprung into action, opening his cloak and allowing a compartment to open from what appeared to be his bare flesh. As a green scroll sprung out from it, it was snagged by his fingers, before being swiftly flipped so that it unrolled, the man's elderly facade having quickly disappeared as his booming voice rang out the name of his technique.

"Green Secret Technique: Five Descendants of the Forest!"

Five bursts of white smoke then flashed behind the akatsuki member, all of varying sizes. As the smoke cleared, it could be seen that five puppets had been summoned, all appearing to be in a relatively unconscious state. As Daedalus raised his right hand, fingers extended, all came to life, their eyes glowing with energy.


In response to his twitched digits, two of the puppets (puppets #5 and #2) leaped towards Kiun, one targetting the jinchuuriki with a beam in it's forehead, as to not lose track of him. As the smaller one tracking him folded out it's combat blades, the bigger one (puppet #5) simply appeared to flex it's muscles, leaping forward to attempt to grasp the jinchuuriki around the waist. Meanwhile, the other three puppets began a more complex attack pattern on the same target. One of them (puppet #3) slid most of it's body into the floor, a mask like device sliding along the wooden surface and moving it's way towards Kiun as well. If it could come into contact, it's mask would envelop his face, allowing the spirit of the puppet to enter and attempt to restrain the powers of the bijuu. The two remaining puppets (puppet #1 and #4) then combined right beside Daedalus, using a vacuum like technique to try and extract the hopefully strained bijuu and seal it within the largest puppets seal coated cavity. These were the five puppets of the forest, all designed for one purpose... Bringing down Bijuu.

Daedalus was far from forgetting his other opponent however, and having watched most of the battle, he believed he had found a weakness. After all there was no need for having her interfere. His free arm was then raised in her direction, a nozzle extending from the palm of his hand. With a twist of his wrist, a wide blast of water then emanated from the nozzle, coating the already moist floor in between him and Kamizara before it rushed in towards her position.

Techniques Used:
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PostSubject: Re: Papercut [Open]   Papercut [Open] Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jun 2009, 2:48 pm

((I'm ok with you joining, but I fear you're a little to late. As you see, my character only has a few posts left before dying, 5 posts now, to be exact.))

The moment Kiun lunged at Kamizara, the head of the beast fell apart into a cloud of sheets, letting the jinchuuriki fly straight through it. As the host soared through the air behind Kamizara, the cloud cluttered again and continued forming the beast it was initially trying to shape. By now, Kamizaras paper creation technique had consumed all of the floor, making the basement and the original bar one, large, open space. Putting this new space to good use, the paper monster grew even larger than before, now picturing what appeared to be some sort of winged tiger of a whopping 6 meters high. Ignoring the agony the poison caused her, and ignoring her inevitable death, Kamizara roared with pleasure as she watched her opponent soar through the sky. It did her good to see the tides change. Her opponent has had the upperhand for all of the battle after all. Now she had settled herself safely inside her paper monster however, this had changed. She could barely be harmed at this point, especially not by her opponents Taijutsu. At the same time, she was still capable of attacking him. Finally, the upperhand was hers.

It was this moment that Kamizara sensed a new presence. A new person had entered the battlefield, one with a chakra significant enough to asure Kamizara of the fact this person was a shinobi. By the time she turned around, she already had a wide beam of water coming at her. Suprised by the sudden attack, yet not overwhelmed, the paper beast flapped its large wings, causing paper sheets to scatter all over the place, and pushed its large body airborn for a short moment. Right after he did this, the powerful beam of water raged underneath him and hit a pile of beerkegs behind the spot where Kamizara and the paper beast originally stood, knocking them over and breaking them, pouring the beer they contained over the floor. Kamizara did not know who this new individual was, nor did she really care at this point. In the most direct way in existance, this man had made clear that he was not an ally. Thus, this man had to be eliminated like the other. Splashing the water as it hit the stone floor of the basement again, the paper beast rested its wings and returned to the ground. During the maneuvre, it opened its mouth and forced 12 paper sheets to launch themselves into the direction of the newcomer. These were no simple sheets, ofcourse. During their flight, they folded themselves into rather sharp and harmful projectiles. Should this new man be hit by one of these, he would be in quite some pain.

Having released this attack, Kamizara, from inside her paper creation, focussed her attention on the young man again. He however seemed to have his hands full dealing with 5 puppet the newcomer had unleashed into his direction. Obviously, her former opponent had the newcomers priority, and all the sudden Kamizara, with her impressive wits, realised what had been going on. The large amount of vile chakra, the newcomers Akatsuki robes, the Akatsukis priority for the young man. This man had to be a jinchuuriki, all was clear now. Having led Amegakures research team for many years, Kamizara knew all about both the bijuu as well as the Akatsuki organisation a humble researcher could possibly know. Akatsuki was after bijuus, and thus this mans appearance here could not be coincidence. Her initial opponent was a jinchuuriki, she had never even stood a chance against him.

Technique used:
Name: Kami Ame no Jutsu - Paper Rain Technique
Rank: C
Element: Neutral
Description: Kami Ame is a technique used while Kamizara is either controlling paper wings or large amounts of paper sheets. She launches a couple of paper sheets forwards which, while still airborn, will fold themselves into sharp, pointy triangles. By the time they have reached the opponent, they formed a deadly barrage of piercing projectiles. Due being paper however, and not metal, they rarely show capable of penetrating any form of defence.
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