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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Open fight (off rpg)   Open fight (off rpg) Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2009, 9:23 pm

Maneki unsheathed his sword and waited for seph to show up.
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PostSubject: Re: Open fight (off rpg)   Open fight (off rpg) Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2009, 9:32 pm

Sephiroth was bored. Nothing was going on. he sighed and had anger in him by how his friend Art has left the Sand again. Sephiroth was most mad at Art because of the last time he was there. He did not tell him a thing that was going on. Sephiroth would ask him and he would say nothing. He looked at the sky and then heard that some genin wanted to fight him. Sephiroth said yes but he did not know why. Sephiroth would see what this kid could do. He knows of the chuunin exams and what he is guessing is that he's wanting to see how strong he is to people and he picked him. He did not care. He just wanted to get things over with.

Sephiroth walked down to the training grounds of the sand and found that kid there. He had on his ANBU mask and a black cloke over his body. He had two swords on his sides and a scythe on his back. "Well lets get this over with. My name is Sephiroth Akira. last of my clan. My rank is ANBU captain. What about you?" He said. "It show's respect to your opponent that you tell them your rank, name, and if you have a clan." Sephiroth said. He popped his neck and then his back. He looked at the kid. Sephiroth put his hand on his scythe and pulled it out seeing as how the kid had his blade out. Sephiroth waits for the kid to do something.
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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Re: Open fight (off rpg)   Open fight (off rpg) Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2009, 9:38 pm

"hello im maneki neko im a member of the mizu clan and a genin."He then said "well lets have fun with the fight."Maneki Took a scroll and placed it on the ground.Then he did a few hand signs and tapped his foot on to the scroll.A huge amount of water came out of the scroll.Now maneki was ready to fight.He began to charge at seph well swinging his sword from left to right very swiftly.The sword swings caused a tidal wave to form in front of maneki and head straight for seph well maneki kept swinging his sword.

Name:Clash of the Swallow
Description: Yamamoto slashes his sword from left to right at great speed to cause a tidal wave to appear in front of him as he slashes the tidal wave hits stuns them momentarily well the sword hits them..

Name:Water field
Description:The user opens a scroll and lays it on the ground.He then preforms the required hand seals and then taps his foot on the scroll ,Which summons up a large amount of water which,with the right timing can be used against lightning release attacks.
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PostSubject: Re: Open fight (off rpg)   Open fight (off rpg) Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2009, 9:45 pm

Sephiroth looked at him with his mask still on his face and he waited. Then he moved. Sephiroth was gone and showed up behind. Neko and with his scythe he went to cut off an Arm at a speed that kid was no were near. He moved again at a fast speed and was on a tree. he was not on the water and looked down at the kid. He jumped up in the air and swung his scythe in the air. Fire was all over the sky and he landed on another tree. Sephiroth. pointed at were the kid was and then he had the fire from the sky rain down on Neko. He waits for him to do something.
(Sorry for the short post.)

Name: Shinsoku (神速, God-speed )
Rank: Uknown Rank
Creator: Kostas
Known Users: Kostas (master lvl), Naizu Nimakee (expert lvl), Kabel (master lvl), Ryusaki Toketsu (unknown lvl), Sephiroth Akira (unknown lvl), Towashin (unknown lvl)
Description: A movement technique that allows the user to move at extreme speed, faster than the eye can follow.It can be used to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds, quickly overpower and dispatch opponents before they have time to react.Its superior to many high speed movements because the user can see what he is attacking and where.

Name: Fire rain
Rank: unknown
Element: Fire nin
Clan: Akira
Description: Sephiroth will use his fire powers to make fire in the air and it will start to look like a cloud. After that, Sephiroth will have the fire tern into a long needle sort of like senbon and rain down on the person from all points
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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Re: Open fight (off rpg)   Open fight (off rpg) Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2009, 9:57 pm

Before maneki knew what happened his arm was gone chopped off.THen he saw seph appear in the air and it started to rain fire.Maneki quickly stopped the bleeding with water.He then Began to consentrate water chakra into the sword and slashed at some of the incoming fire and then slashed at the ground causing water cover him like a cocoon he then placed his sword in front of himself and ducked down.Blocking all the incoming water attacks.

Name:Raging Rain
Description: Yamamoto lifts waves of water around him then ducks, putting his sword protectively in front protecting him from head high and frontward attack.

Name:water healing
Description: The user gathers a small supply of water that is able to heal minor injurys and able to mend bones and remove poison with enough time.
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PostSubject: Re: Open fight (off rpg)   Open fight (off rpg) Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2009, 10:12 pm

Sephiroth looked at the kid and he smiled. He liked this kid. Neko got his arm cut off and he did not say a word. He respcted that about this kid. He looke over at the dome of water. "This is something." He said. Sephiroth started to spin his blade realy fast and the blade turned bright red. Fire shot out of the blade and went to the dome. Sephiroth knows that seeing the power he had. Sephiroth looked at the kid named Neko. Sephiroth put his scythe on his shoulders and looked at him. He stabed his blade into the ground. The blade had fire all over it even the parts he had his hands on. the fire was gone and then under the kid the ground started to breack and fire shot out from it. He made it hard for this kid. If he was going to become a chuunin he was going to have to get out of hard spots. For some people this would look hard. being in a dome of water and fire shooting form your feet. But it was easy to get out of if you could think fast. He waits for the kid to die or find a way out of the fire.
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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Re: Open fight (off rpg)   Open fight (off rpg) Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2009, 10:24 pm

Maneki quickly noticed that the fire was coming from underground at him.He quickly covered him self in a layer of water.The water was stopped and a lot of steam appeared well the steam covered the area maneki made 2 water clones and then had them all charge at seph with their swords maneki stayed hidden in the steam and waited to see what would happen but juts in case he activated the first gate.

Name:water armor
Description:creates a layer of water around the user protecting them from harm from shurikens and light punches.

Name:Axle of Rain
Description: Yamamoto charges forward and attacks with a thrust with enough force to tear muscle.

Name:water clone jutsu
Description: creates one or more clones of the user out of water.

Name:Kaimon (Opening Gate)
Description: Releases the brains restraints allowing full power usage of the body's muscles. This is opened to prepare the body to use Omote Renge. This gate is located in the head. lasts 4 posts
side affect muscle become very strained
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PostSubject: Re: Open fight (off rpg)   Open fight (off rpg) Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2009, 10:35 pm

Sephiroth looked over at the kid. He had two of them. Sephiroth put the scythe in his mouth and pulled out his other two swords. Sephiroth ducked down and spun around with fire shooting out of him. the fire would hit the clones if they did not move and he could see that the man could make water. With steam and mist all around that could be bad for him. Sephiroth made fore shoot all over and it hit the steam. All the steam was gone and he sat down. He put the swords away and the scythe was back in his hands. He looked all around. He saw that the man was there. "Found you." He said. He walked up to the genin with one arm and smiled a crazy smile. He did some hand signs. then fire left his body and about six fire clones were made. Sephiroth pointed at the genin and they jumped into the air and was all around him. then the clones turned into fire and shot all around the kid. His little water around him would not save him. Sephiroth ran at him with power and speed. He put his scythe away and pulled out his blade. Sephiroth pulled it back. The ground that he was runing on was breaking and he swung it at his gut. If it hit the kid would be cut in half.

Name:fire clone
Element: fire
Requirements: none
Description: Much like the shadow clone jutsu, Riuku will make a clone of himself but it will have fire coming off of it's body and when hit, the clone will explode with fire shooting off of it from all points of it's body
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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Re: Open fight (off rpg)   Open fight (off rpg) Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2009, 10:41 pm

Maneki quickly slashed the in coming fire with water chakra from his sword and began to synchronize his breathings with sephs.Then seph moved then as he slashed at maneki he dodged.THen as he dodged with the little water he had left he made some mist around seph.

Name:Illusionary water


Element:water type genjutsu


Description:The members of the mizu clan are able to give illusionary properties to the water they control they can turn this water into mist and when their targets breth it in they start to hallucinate.The hallucination is of the person closest to you is attacking you and you kill them over and over again.

Name:May Wind, October Rain
Description: Yamamoto synchronizes with one's opponent's breathing to evade attacks. Called "a supreme evasive technique" by Squalo.
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PostSubject: Re: Open fight (off rpg)   Open fight (off rpg) Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2009, 10:51 pm

Sephiroth looked around. He breathed in the mist and then saw someone. He pointed his blade to him. Then the face came in. "F-father? Is that you?" He said Then, Another Sephiroth came and killed his father. Sephiroth's eyes widend as he saw his father being killed again. He looked at it and the killing was going on over and over again. He felt to the ground and a tear fell from his eyes. His mask covered that and then he looked back over at his father being killed. Sephiroth put his hands together and could tell that this was a genjutsu. He broke out of it and looked over at Neko. He pointed out his blade. "You, YOU...YOUR FUCKING DEAD!!!!" He said. Sephiroth had fire shoot out from all points of his body. His cloke was burned off and his mask was turned to ash. His face was showing and it looked like he was crying but the tears were turned to steam as they hit his face. He was about 21 now. He looked at the kid and pulled out his blade. He now had both of the blades out and then he pointed his blade at him. The one that was made for the akira clan.

Sephiroth was gone and the mist was gone by the heat he was making. Sephiroth used that same speed he was going at when he cut the kids arm to cut off his arm and his legs. Sephiroth then jumped into the air and was right above the kid. He put both of his blades next to one another and then fire was all around him he was covered by it and it was big. A dragon was formed. It shot down at the kid with a fast speed. So if Sephiroth missed with his blade the dragon would still go to the kid. He waits for this kid to die. If he did not die by this attack, he would go for a kill again.

Name: Dragons Fury
Rank: A
Element: Fire
Description: a giant ball of fire is ejected from the body. This is a living dragon to some degree in which it has some idea what it is doing. It will follow the target slowly until it collides at which point the dragon of flame will detonate.
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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Re: Open fight (off rpg)   Open fight (off rpg) Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2009, 11:00 pm

Maneki quickly use the 2ed gate.Not wanting to lose he made one more water clone and placed to explosive tags on the clone and the dragon crashed into it causing an explosion destroying the dragon THen since he doubted seph would have the time to move mid air to dodge he kicked his sword straight at sephs chest.And he summoned nutty and had him use his jutsu to make the sword go even faster.

Name:Last Minute Rain
Description: Yamamoto drops the katana kicking it with his foot to send it flying in a stab.

Name:water clone jutsu
Description: creates one or more clones of the user out of water.


Rank:levels as the user levels he is currently c


Personality:He is a very temperamental squirrel and is very kind.

Looks:He looks like a giant flying squirrel

Weight: 130 lb

Height: 5 feet tall


Family:he is a squirrel part of the rodent family

Description:Nutty has been in the mizu family for generations.The first member of the mizu clan found his summoning scroll in the middle if the forest.Ever since nutty has been a loyal part of the eldest child of the newest generation of mizu ninjas.At first nutty was reluctant to help in a fight when summoned but every time he was summoned he grew to love the summoner but when a new summoner is chosen it takes time for nutty to agree to help them.

Jutsu: name: Wind Release: Violent Wind Palm

rank: c

type:wind ninjutsu

A simple technique that sends a gust of concentrated wind at the opponent. The one time it is used in the series it propels a shuriken to increase its lethality.

Name:Kyuumon (Rest Gate)
Raises stamina and assists in recovery after being weakened. This gate is located in the head.lasts 4 posts
side affect extreme strain on muscle
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PostSubject: Re: Open fight (off rpg)   Open fight (off rpg) Icon_minitimeThu 10 Dec 2009, 7:18 pm

Sephiroth looked over at the kid. He looked at the blade shooting to him. He put his blade in to an 'x' form. The sword crashed into the blade. he knocked it away. He looked at the thing on the sword. He did not care about it.. Sephiroth smiled a crazy smile. He looked down to the ground as he hit the ground. Smoke went all around him. Inside the smoke you could hear someone laughing. The laugh got louder and louder. Then the smoke cleared and he looked at the kid. He popped his neck and sighed. Sephiroth walked slowly to the kid and then one of his swords hit the ground and the other one was pointing up. He flipped over his sword and with his other sword it shot out fire to him. He then went at a vary fast speed. faster then this kid could ever go. He was now in the air and threw seven kunai at him.
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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Re: Open fight (off rpg)   Open fight (off rpg) Icon_minitimeSun 13 Dec 2009, 9:14 pm

Maneki decided to take the hits since they would not be fatal.Then when he was hit he couldn't believe how painful it was.He quickly took out a kunai and said "come on seph."Then he coughed up blood.
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PostSubject: Re: Open fight (off rpg)   Open fight (off rpg) Icon_minitimeSat 19 Dec 2009, 1:31 pm

Sephiroth looked at him with a smile on his face. "Knowing that your near dead you still fight? I respect that." He said. Sephiroth looked at his battle armor and then looked back at him. He walked over to him. "I know that your in a gate right now. It's not to hard to see. But if you were smart you would not go over the gate your in now." He said. He pointed his blade at him. He stabbed the ground. Sephiroth looked at him and took his blade out of the ground. He walked up to him. He was in his face. "how you are now, i can kill you when ever i want to." he said. He looked at him with a smile. He put his hand to the kids face. He had a ball of fire in his hand. With that it turned blue. he shot the fire at him. Knowing that how the kid is now he would have a vary small chance of getting out of the attack. If it hit the kid would be killed.
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