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 Akatsuki operative Ejo

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Akatsuki operative Ejo Empty
PostSubject: Akatsuki operative Ejo   Akatsuki operative Ejo Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 5:18 pm

General Information:
Name: Ejo Taruhe.

Nickname/Alias: Unkillable onslaught, Invincible momentum, The three century ninja, The Faceless one.

Weight: 191 ilbs.

Height: 6' 1''.

Age: 312.

Gender: Male.

Looks: Akatsuki operative Ejo Fuucho10

His face is mostly handsome to look and pleasing to stare at for women, although behind that demeanor is a cruel murderer of unculpipable statistics. That man is Ejo. His face is perfectly shaven, yet pale. Hair is black and messy, a bit long but not shoulder length. His clothing is consisted through one way through and through; they're always black. It's just a perk Ejo likes, black is the new black in his dictionary. He wears a mask and an electronic thermal/night vision goggle to help'em look for anyone running through the night. Hidden all the time, he likes to blend in with his suit. Sometimes he wouldn't wear that mask of his, but that's just on formal occasions, and on those formal occasions, he'll still wear a part of his ninja suit.

Personality: Cocky, arrogant but quite the charmer. Ejo is an enigmatic person, his personality contradicting itself everytime. Sometimes he's a burly gentleman, other times, he's an asshole of a person. All of them making him looking look completely aloof and random, or serious and pessimistic. But one fact remains established through and through ever so thoroughly. He's a cold hearted killer with no remorse for those he slaughters in the name of Jashin. Those people he dislikes are mainly his targets, and so are those others who are put under death by the Akatsuki. So far, he doesn't mind people with Bijuu's in general. One thing though speaks for him the loudest; money. He'll look for anyways to make money, such as stealing some dead nin's equipment until stripped naked then sell it. Other ways include him having to kidnap people from their homes and selling them as slaves, being the greedy man he is.

When it comes to battles, he retains a small part of analytical abilities he used to have when he was a mortal. Often considering strategies best used to skewer opponents with a blatant disregard for his well being and strategy. Although he may be arrogant, he isn't an idiot, Ejo can find holes and loops in the strategies his opponent uses, often times the only thing he hates most are constraining jutsu's. They annoy the Hell out of him, not only does he not feel enjoyable pain, he also doesn't have the ability to move. Making him feel like a trapped rat, that's why he has a rather sordid dislike of closed spaces, but no fear of it, just a dislike.

Rank Information:
Rank: Akatsuki / Bijuu Hunter / S-class Missing-Nin / Ex-Jounin.

Village: Formerly from the Hidden village of the Mist.

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty: Main: Taijutsu.

Sub: Weaponry.

Elemental Affinity: Main: Lightning

Sub: Fire.

Special Characteristics: Jashinite. (Meaning immortality and regeneration) and large chakra reserves.

Name: Lightning strike.
Rank: S.
Element: Lightning.
Description: Through the spilling of a massive amount of blood along with a significant portion of chakra used through a long seal. Ejo can do a very devastating lightning storm where a group of clouds form, starting to rain at first due to perspiration, THEN a hail of lightning strikes will hit the entire area, electrocuting anything in that vicinity. The voltage would be high enough to stop a heart. The best way to avoid it is to maintain a large distance with this technique, which would be hard, as it can cover 1/4th of Konohagakure and incinerate the buildings there through fire and electricity. [Electricity can produce fire through sparks.]

Name: Jashinite rituals.
Rank: S.
Element: Curse.
Description: Using a weapon, Ejo would make every attempt to acquire an opponent's blood, where upon consuming it he would draw the Jashin symbol on the ground. This process somehow "linked" his body with his opponent's. Once this link was established, Ejo would take on a grim reaper-like appearance with black skin and white bone-like markings. In this state, he was essentially a living voodoo doll for his opponent; Any damage that was done to him was also inflicted on the opponent.
Despite its effectiveness, the curse had many requirements and could be a slow technique to employ. The link between Ejo's curse and his opponent could be broken prematurely if Ejo was removed from the symbol; however, Ejo would remain in his transformed state, allowing the curse to be easily re-established by him simply entering the symbol's borders once more.

Name: Kai - Release.
Rank: A.
Element: Anti-Genjutsu.
Description: Ejo has the ability to screw up any Genjutsu and erase it completely, even Kekkei Genkai, but that'll drain him a substantial level of his Reiatsu and make'em have a fatigue from it.

Name: Flash steps.
Rank: B.
Element: Lightning.
Description: Using his great agility and lightning proficiency. Ejo can cover a vast amount of distances in a matter of seconds, this being his own trademark speed that surprises people often and often again. Always leaving a spark of electricity in his wake.

Name: The thousand shocks.
Rank: B.
Element: Lightning.
Description: Using his inner electrical circuits within his body and acting as a conductor, Ejo would transfer that electricity out into the next thing he touches that's pretty electric friendly and shock anything that comes into contact with it. (ie: metals.)

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:

Days of bloodshed and toil:

Much of Ejo's existence is unknown, especially his childhood, it was known he was one of those "old school" ninjas who didn't have the benefits of the modern day applications the ninjas of today have. It was known he came from a time of great bloodshed and manslaughter. It was a violent existence, a time of strife and terror for all as there was always a cataclysmic battle between individual ninjas, those ninjas formed their own clan along with their own unique properties. Ejo wasn't one of them, rather, he was unique due to the fact that he had worshipped an evil entity that promised him salvation beyond that of the existence of typical mortals; this entity was Jashin. It was due to his unique nature, he accepted. Overtime, this isolated religion grew into a cult, with Ejo being the top blood priest, but not the head. Due to numerous experiments conducted on Ejo under the name of Jashin, he has evolved into an immortal, not under the touch of death in anyway.

Blissful existence and opium for the masses:

It would be decades that Ejo would serve the Jashin religion so loyally, killing without a second thought, especially those he loathes. It was due to this, that he's been wanted by so many 'regulators', that the very capture or death of Ejo would earn a man a lifetime of wealth that he can retire from. Of course, due to his unique nature, he's lived on and on, killing all those who pursue him. Earning more favour from Jashin, and becoming more powerful accordingly. Even having been given the gift of his own weapon from the Jashinite priests themselves. Having been made the honorary right hand of Jashin. It would be years later that he was ordered to go into a deep hibernation for the next mission, the last one, the divine journey, the order came from the jealous priest who has been falling out of favour. Having drugged him, Ejo remained hibernating for a long time under the false pretenses that he'll awaken for the divine journey.

Modern ages and virtues and valour:

It would be many years later, that sleeper agents from the Akatsuki, having heard legends from the texts of Ejo, have uncovered his body. The Akatsuki were enthusiastic on having an immortal ninja with decades of experience in the art of death, along with his knowledge of the earlier times that has been so lost by the dark ages that has plagued the world for a while now. Under the offer of killing people, Ejo definitely accepted, but not without question first of what happened in the modern day, and who were his enemies. He was satisfied with the answer of that everyone was his enemy, all villages, and that he'll be listed in the bingo books as an S-class missing nin, which will definitely attract bounty hunters to try to kill him. Although funny thing is that he thinks of this as his divine journey, and the Akatsuki as the agents from Jashin that they do not yet realize. An organization he'll honour, along with his special task of hunting out Bijuu's, a worthy fight all in the name of religion.

Rp Sample: [From a Bleach site I RP in. ¬___¬ ]

The vanity mirror reflected Franz's almost empty expression as he sat before it, running a brush through his short blonde hair. He was well-rested and he healthy, but there wasn’t much he could do about it at the moment. Now he felt the need to do something. Satisfied that his hair was properly brushed, Franz set the brush down and started to fix his hair. It was his nightly routine.

"I like it left down. You should know that." It was his mistress's voice in his ear, and Franz nodded, sliding his fingers through his hair again to fix it. The same hands that had stopped his routine led him to the window. The hands were oddly gentle as they caressed Franz's pale cheeks while his Mistress's mouth descended to his ear. "I have a job for you." His mistress purred before lowering to nip along his neck. Her hands were soft tonight as they moved over his now arm, playing his body like a finely tuned instrument. One he tuned himself. "There is a storm brewing up in Karakura. Aid them, and I will reward you handsomely."

The mistress was being oddly gentle tonight. Franz didn’t know if she was reluctant to let him go, worried about the mission, or if it was completely unrelated. Regardless of where his Mistress's sudden tenderness had come from, Franz wasn’t complaining. He just nodded, ever compliant to his Mistress, and let his mind wander as Helen used him as she pleased.

Karakura town. That was half way around the world. Franz hadn't been out of the country without his Mistress or a friend of his as an escort, and now he was being sent around the world alone. Did that mean she trusted him? Trust probably wasn't the right word. She probably just knew that Franz was bound to her. Where else would he go? What else could he do? She was all Franz knew, and it was true. Still, Franz was glad to go for more reasons that just to please his Mistress. It was different than this. Maybe better, maybe worse, but different was a good start. Maybe it would be a fresh start. All alone. Free. Maybe.

Last edited by Ejo on Tue 23 Jun 2009, 7:25 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Akatsuki operative Ejo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki operative Ejo   Akatsuki operative Ejo Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 6:59 pm

Regeneration., no regeneration abilities, especially without a large draw back
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Akatsuki operative Ejo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki operative Ejo   Akatsuki operative Ejo Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jun 2009, 7:02 pm

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