Name: Natsuin Nonkatsurou Raikou (Seal of Inescapable Lightning)
Rank: A
Element: Lightning, Kuraijutsu, Awaijutsu, Oblivion Essence
Description of Jutsu: Utilizing a combination of Oblivion Essence, and a series of Lightning, and Kuraijutsu reflected with Awaijutsu; Xarias is already capable of controlling lightning but this seal which is engraved on the backs of her hands will allow her to hold it; throw it back; or swing it as a massively large, or small paralysis weapon. Lightning will extend from the skies above, while Obilivion Essence will exert through the palms of Xarias; this will trigger a glowing phase inside of the engraved seal. The lightning will be controlled and channeled by Xarias aimed at the palm of her hand. Once the lightning makes a full infusation with the Oblivion Essence, the lightning will shift into a dark, blood red color; yet sound even louder then 2,000 chirping birds.