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 Powers For Rouge

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PostSubject: Powers For Rouge   Powers For Rouge Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 1:01 pm

Name: Dissapear
Ability: allows rouge to make a object disappear but this can not be a human
Description: allows rouge to make a object disappear but this can not be a human

Name: Strength
ability:(Increases strength by X10)
Description:(Increases strength by X10)

Name: Speed
ability:(Increases speed by X10)
Description:(Increases speed by X10)

ability:(Makes a large wave of white energy shoot from the users mouth about the size and with of the leaf village building that destroys anything it hits
(This count as 3 powers if the user does this))
Description:(Makes a large wave of white energy shoot from the users mouth about the size and with of the leaf village building that destroys anything it hits
(This count as 3 powers if the user does this))

Name: Weakness
ability:(This power finds the opponents weakness then fires a very big ball of it at them of whatever it is)
Description:(This power finds the opponents weakness then fires a very big ball of it at them of whatever it is)

Name:Chakra drain
ability:This jutsu drains all the chakra in a half mile radius and forms in in to a ball in Rougs hand and then it shoots up in to space gone forever.
Description:This jutsu drains all the chakra in a half mile radius and forms in in to a ball in Rougs hand and then it shoots up in to space gone forever.

Last edited by Rouge Omoki on Sat 04 Jul 2009, 5:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 693
Points : 489
Join date : 2008-04-11
Age : 30
Location : Ontario, Canada. With Mitch. <3

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Thai Underworld .

Powers For Rouge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powers For Rouge   Powers For Rouge Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 5:01 pm

Rouge, maybe you could use a template, like this.

Rouge's Power's:


Just to make it more organized.
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Powers For Rouge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powers For Rouge   Powers For Rouge Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 5:03 pm

well they are not jutsu so i do not see a point in doing that
This is how I have been doing all my other powers
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Posts : 693
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Join date : 2008-04-11
Age : 30
Location : Ontario, Canada. With Mitch. <3

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Thai Underworld .

Powers For Rouge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powers For Rouge   Powers For Rouge Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 5:04 pm

Rouge, I know that they are not powers, but you need to be more descriptive. If you want me to show you the link to where I have made my bows to help you write more so people can understand, PM me, or message me on the chatbox when I'm availible.
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PostSubject: Re: Powers For Rouge   Powers For Rouge Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 5:10 pm

Ok there
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Posts : 693
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Join date : 2008-04-11
Age : 30
Location : Ontario, Canada. With Mitch. <3

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Thai Underworld .

Powers For Rouge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powers For Rouge   Powers For Rouge Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 5:18 pm

ability:(Makes a large wave of white energy shoot from the users mouth about the size and with of the leaf village building that destroys anything it hits
(This count as 3 powers if the user does this))
Description:(Makes a large wave of white energy shoot from the users mouth about the size and with of the leaf village building that destroys anything it hits
(This count as 3 powers if the user does this))

Either this one is taken away, or it needs to be edited. Right now, it's overpowered. Something from the user's mouth can't take down anything.

Name: Weakness
ability:(This power finds the opponents weakness then fires a very big ball of it at them of whatever it is)
Description:(This power finds the opponents weakness then fires a very big ball of it at them of whatever it is)

Uhm, no. To find the weakness is simple. Just attack the foe who is opposing you until they react the most to it.

Name:Chakra drain
ability:This jutsu drains all the chakra in a half mile radius and forms in in to a ball in Rougs hand and then it shoots up in to space gone forever.
Description:This jutsu drains all the chakra in a half mile radius and forms in in to a ball in Rougs hand and then it shoots up in to space gone forever.

By saying this, this jutsu takes your chakra, too. And forever? Can the foe regain the chakra afterwards? If no, then this one needs to be majorly edited.

Name: Speed
ability:(Increases speed by X10)
Description:(Increases speed by X10)

Exactly... How fast is this?

Name: Strength
ability:(Increases strength by X10)
Description:(Increases strength by X10)

How powerful exactly does Rouge get to be?
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Powers For Rouge Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powers For Rouge   Powers For Rouge Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 5:28 pm

ability:(Makes a large wave of white energy shoot from the users mouth about the size and with of the leaf village building that destroys or greatly damage anything it hits
(This count as 3 powers if the user does this))
Description:(Makes a large wave of white energy shoot from the users mouth about the size and with of the leaf village building that destroys of Greatly damages anything it hits
(This count as 3 powers if the user does this))

Either this one is taken away, or it needs to be edited. Right now, it's overpowered. Something from the user's mouth can't take down anything.

Name:Chakra drain
ability:This jutsu drains all the chakra in a half mile radius and forms in in to a ball in Rougs hand and then it shoots up in to space gone and they can gain there chakra back but by resting and now way they can do it in a battle.
Description:This jutsu drains all the chakra in a half mile radius and forms in in to a ball in Rougs hand and then it shoots up in to space gone and they can gain there chakra back but by resting and now way they can do it in the battle.

By saying this, this jutsu takes your chakra, too. And forever? Can the foe regain the chakra afterwards? If no, then this one needs to be majorly edited.

FIXED and yes it drains ALL chakra

Name: Speed
ability:(Increases speed by X10 so he could move st fast where the enemy could have to have sharingan to see it )
Description:(Increases speed by X10 so he could move st fast where the enemy could have to have sharingan to see it )

Exactly... How fast is this?


Name: Strength
ability:(Increases strength by X10 so they could Break through anything up to punching though a mountain as is ding the damage of a would do if a mountain hit someone )
Description:(Increases strength by X10 so they could Break through anything up to punching though a mountain as is ding the damage of a would do if a mountain hit someone

How powerful exactly does Rouge get to be?

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Posts : 693
Points : 489
Join date : 2008-04-11
Age : 30
Location : Ontario, Canada. With Mitch. <3

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Thai Underworld .

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PostSubject: Re: Powers For Rouge   Powers For Rouge Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 5:31 pm


Even though I said approved, you need to be careful with your Strength and Speed jutsus. Your chances are slim using them twice a battle, and the Chakra Drain, too.
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PostSubject: Re: Powers For Rouge   Powers For Rouge Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 5:35 pm

I know
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PostSubject: Re: Powers For Rouge   Powers For Rouge Icon_minitime

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