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Rouge vs Saruno Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jul 2021, 12:05 am by Nocturne

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Rouge vs Saruno Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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Rouge vs Saruno Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

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Rouge vs Saruno Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

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 Rouge vs Saruno

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Rouge vs Saruno Empty
PostSubject: Rouge vs Saruno   Rouge vs Saruno Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 5:39 pm

Rouge Stands in a forest looking around for the Raikage. "This will be a fun battle I have heard that he is very good." Rouge laughs then Says "Weapon" Then a thin but very long sword appears in his hand as he then rests it on his shoulder looking around then he jumps up in the air landing on a branch of a tree.
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PostSubject: Re: Rouge vs Saruno   Rouge vs Saruno Icon_minitimeSat 04 Jul 2009, 5:49 pm

Saruno was just lying against a tree, A large, 12 foot sword stabbed into the ground before him, a 9 foot sword just near it. He was asleep, his breath holding in a steady pace, his arms crossed before him and his head tilted down. It was seemingly like he slept against a tree for maybe, three or four hours, the ground around the swords saying that with the dirt being slightly more crusted around them. A blade of Chaos and Fate. Yuui and Another one. It would be an interesting battle indeed. If it ever took place. He was wearing his usual Raikage clothing, with his arm spike mechanisms just under the sleeves, seemingly like they weren't there.
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Rouge vs Saruno Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rouge vs Saruno   Rouge vs Saruno Icon_minitimeSun 05 Jul 2009, 2:00 pm

Rouge looked saw him and then hopped off the branch and walked over to the Raikage "Hello Saruno" Rpuge said in a calm but happy voice. Rouge looked at him as then looked at his swords. He thought to himself Hummm those swords will have to go away. Rouge then looked at him with a slight smile. "well are you ready to fight." Rouge stabs his sword in to the ground. "How about we don't use are swords in this battle "
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PostSubject: Re: Rouge vs Saruno   Rouge vs Saruno Icon_minitimeMon 06 Jul 2009, 11:23 pm

Saruno just kept on snoozing away, both his swords beginning to glow only once for a couple seconds, then dimmed down to nothing. It was like he was being protected, yet, it didn't seem that way. His breath was normal as he slept, not making so much as a noise. He was a calm sleeper, even if he was in danger or not. He slowly fell to his side, his consciousness being still asleep, his eyes shut, and his hair being black. He always slept with black hair, it was his nature.
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PostSubject: Re: Rouge vs Saruno   Rouge vs Saruno Icon_minitimeMon 06 Jul 2009, 11:29 pm

Rouge swung his sword at saruno with good speed. "Come on im not that bad of a fighter." rouge then looked at his swords. as he then increased the powers and speed of his swing. Rouge then shifted his stance. "Speed" then his sword and him picked up incredible speed and the blade zipped through the air so fast it was unseen as Rouge was to.
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PostSubject: Re: Rouge vs Saruno   Rouge vs Saruno Icon_minitimeTue 07 Jul 2009, 1:22 pm

The blade on his right, instantly burst up a massive field of defensive chakra, blocking the sword's attack, and deflecting it right back at the attacker. Saruno was still dead asleep, hearing only the slightest sound of the deflection. Having such powerful swords, meant that it would be a quick battle for him. Yuui was on his left side, protecting his left flank. His blade of fate on the other hand, was protecting his right flank. The only sounds from Saruno, was a few bits of his breath as he slept.
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PostSubject: Re: Rouge vs Saruno   Rouge vs Saruno Icon_minitimeThu 09 Jul 2009, 5:34 pm

The sword flew out of Rouges hands as he then looked at the swords. Ill have to kill his then get out of here quick then. Rouge then started to charge up a large attack and started to run up a tree then jumping towards saruno.
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PostSubject: Re: Rouge vs Saruno   Rouge vs Saruno Icon_minitime

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