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 Morbokai Nimakee

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Morbokai Nimakee
Morbokai Nimakee

Posts : 75
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PostSubject: Morbokai Nimakee   Morbokai Nimakee Icon_minitimeThu 13 Aug 2009, 7:01 am

Name: Morbokai Nimakee


Weight: 175
Height: 5'11
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Appearance:See avatar

Clan Name: Nimakee Clan

Kekei Genkai:Oakegan: genjutsu(3 stages have been noted in the clans history but there is a legend that 2 more exist. The possessors genjutsu is based on fear and elemental nature) 1st: Awakening Sight 2nd: Piercing Mind and 3rd: Heavens Vision

Awakening Sight: The possesors genjutsu ustilzes smaller portion of chakra and is enhanced. But most notably is one is able to gain premanitions of the opositions moves though only 50% accurate at this stage.

Piercing Mind: The possesors genjutsu uses more a great deal more chakra but also inflicts bodily wounds through genjutsu. the prior preminitions are enhanced 25% more and time seems at a slowed pace

Heavens Vision: At this state, the possessor can cast genjutsu on up to a hundred enemies at once for 10 min intervals. Determining the number of targets and time duration, the chakra consumption varies. All attributes from the previous two stages are also aplied as well as the priminitons accuracy increasing to upwards of 90%.

Clan Symbol:
Clan History: The nimakees are a middle class clan with extrodanary ability. The Founder of the clan, Gero Nimakee was know for his ruthless Genjustsu and was the first to posses the Oakegan. The Nimakees were and typically are hired as hidden gaurds for their stealth.As the founder and leader, Gero held overwelming pride but a gentle heart. He and his wife Nikko were very competitive and were known to at times split the clan into two seprate groups for sparring sessions. But on the third annual event, something amazing transpired. was so fierce, it'd awakend and pushed nikko's Oakegon into the second stage or the "piercing mind". Amongst this revalation, the format of the session turned to tournament style and occured once every 6 mon. The 3rd stage revealed in the tenth annual event, exactly one week after gave birth to their first child, Neirai. Rouge ninja attacked the clan under orders of a fuedel lords orders whom had gotten word of the the extent of the extent of the clans extraordinary kekkei genkei. The nimakees defended their territory and defeated all of the enemy...except one. Unknown to any of them, one ninja thought to be defeated because of the motionless body struck. Taking a kunai from the ground he bolted toward the infinte. Nikko saw him and gave up her body as well as her life to save her child. Amongst seeing the first drop of blood, the third stage, Heavens vision was awakened in Gero. Not only did Gero kill the ninja, he took on the task of finding the man respondsible and destroyed him and the shinobi who tried to protect him. Gero never married again and after his passing some 18 years later, his Neirai, assumed leadership of the clan. Under him the Nimakees have stayed on a low profile but were known throughout the land for they're abilities and were rarely challenged. Neirai still reins as leader some 20 years after his fathers passing and had 2 sons,now age 15 morbokai and a prodigy son named naizu,now age 18.

Rank Information:
Village: Grass

Skill Information:Excels in stealth and intelegence. In honor of his brother, Morbokai often uses cainine forms for basis of jutsu.

Skill Specialty: Main: Doujutsu Sub: Ninjutsu

Elemental Affinity: Main: Earth Sub: Wind

Special Characteristics:Kekkei Genkai, Can blend his body with the sky as well as having unbelivable speed. Having an affinity to earth,Morbokai can turn his body to fine dust and use other dirt around him to reform his body anywhere with in 30 meters. His wind affinity allows him to disapate with the wind going else where at the drop of a dime.Morbokai is learning to solidify his body at will currently.


Name: Dust
Description:Morbokai can turn his body to fine dust and use other dirt around him to reform his body anywhere with in 30 meters.

Name: Shifting Winds (Battle Version)
Description: His wind affinity allows him to disapate any part or all of his body with the wind giving the impression he is gone else where though he's in the same spot though fused with the wind. He will resolidify in the area of 10 ft circumfrence wise from the original spot. His body takes about 2 seconds to do this and can only happen once every 5 post. he can sustain the state of semi nothingness for 2 post.

Name: Shifting Winds (Rp only version)
Description: His wind affinity allows him to disapate with the wind going else where at the drop of a dime.

Description: An unseen force field is created around the caster. Anything that approaches within 20ft will be hit with a wind the force of an f-2 tornado. This last for 5 post.

Element:Wind and Earth
Description:Harsh gusts with chunks of dirt,dust and rocks are hurled at an opponent consistantly for 5 post

Name: Earth Hail
Element:Wind and earth
Description: Two large boulder size chunks of the ground are snatched from the earth with wind and separated into baseball sized chunks of earth that are massively densified with chakra and hurled at the opponent.

Name: Oakegon
Rank: Ranges from B-S depending on stage (awakening sight:B Piercing Mind:A Heavens Vision:S)
Description: Oakegan: genjutsu(3 stages have been noted in the clans history but there is a legend that 2 more exist. The possessors genjutsu is based on fear and elemental nature) 1st: Awakening Sight 2nd: Piercing Mind and 3rd: Heavens Vision

Awakening Sight: The possesors genjutsu ustilzes smaller portion of chakra and is enhanced. But most notably is one is able to gain premanitions of the opositions moves though only 50% accurate at this stage.

Piercing Mind: The possesors genjutsu uses more a great deal more chakra but also inflicts bodily wounds through genjutsu. the prior preminitions are enhanced 25% more and time seems at a slowed pace

Heavens Vision: At this state, the possessor can cast genjutsu on up to a hundred enemies at once for 10 min intervals. Determining the number of targets and time duration, the chakra consumption varies. All attributes from the previous two stages are also aplied as well as the priminitons accuracy increasing to upwards of 90%.

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:
Morbokai Nimakee is the younger sibling of the Naizu and aspires to be greater than him someday. Morbokai constanly asks to spar with his older brother to test his growth and track his brothers at the same time. Morbokai is smarter than most Jounin and consistantly looks to further that by remembering every possible scenerio for altercations with any and every type of affinity.

Academy arc: Like Naizu, Morbokai had high expectations from his peers and showed no affects of the pressure. He chose to stay in the accademy and graduate with his fellow class mates because he thought of it as an opportunity to gain as much info as possible about strategy. Morbokai became gennin with the highest honors and was actually asked to move up to genin sooner but turned it down respectfully.

Genin arc: As a genin, the younger sibling was able to lead his squad if his sensei wasn't around because of his ability to come up with strategy close to instantly, but upon seeing a comrade become in danger, his oakegan awoke for the first time and was able to hypothosize his opponents next moves. Upon doing this, he and his jounin leader were able to come up with sufficient strategy to defeat the enemy without further complications and refrained further danger from his fellow genin. Morbokai was the only one thought to be ready for the chuunin exams as they approached that year, so he held the team back from applying that year as he was in no rush to advance his shinobi rank. At the same time the next year, the entire team were considered ready to take on the exams of which proved to be a challenge for his squad. Morbokai expended a decent amount of energy to protect them from approaching teams trying to take their scroll, but at this point of time Morbokai had already awakened his second stage of his kekkei. He attained this during the clans annual tournament during mid fight after a long period of training and reached its awakening point as he went on the defensive. He was able to see the fellow clansmans moves at an decreasingly slowed pace. This stage (Piercing Mind) helped the team attain the required scrolls and keep them away from too much danger. Morbokai won all his matches and was selected to become chuunin after the exams commenced.

Chunnin Arc: Morbokai took great pride in all of his accomplishments and was considered by many to be the next Naizu. He never complained about being in his brothers shadow for he thought of the comparison to be an honor. One day however, news of Naizu's departure from the village had gotten to him and immediately set out to find his brother. Morbokai promised his father that he would find his brother and convince him to come back to the clan. He had his fathers approval to take off and did so just a day after his brother departed. Morbokai spent the better part of three years searching for his brother with only feint tracks to go by. One afternoon however he caught a trace of his brother that was fresh and was about to set off when a jounin rouge ninja came and interviened. The two engaged in a fierce battle that saw Morbokai fight valiently but was gradually loosing the battle. Morbokai was struck harshly and was sent into a nearby tree. Wincing greatly and holding his head, he saw another figure fighting the man and instantly reckognized it to be his brother. He saw the strength his brother had obtained and felt proud of his brother, yet useless as well. He witnessed the foe being torn appart without his brother touching him and was in shock asst the level of his brothers abilities. The man fell dead just moments after what ever jutsu Naizu did and afterwards the two talked for a good while. They exchanged stories and Naizu expressed how impressed he was with his brothers effort against the jounin. Eventually the inevitable question was asked, would Naizu return to his village with his brother? Naizu smile and promised he would, but not at the moment for he had a bit more training to do. He sent Morbokai back to the village of which held immediate hale from the clan for his efforts. Morbokai explained to his father the situation with Naizu and the father showed praise to his youngest son for what he had done. Sadly, just a week after, during the clans annual tournament, his father passed away of a heart attack. The news spread during Morbokais match and the pain he felt emotionally was so great, it awoke the third stage of his oakegan. The match was discontinued due to leaders passing and at the funeral,the youngest sibling vowed to make sure he did what it took to help protect the clan. From that point on, Morbokai pushed himself to the limit at every point he could and did exactly as he promised. A year later his brother return and assumed leadership of the clan helping Morbokai hone his skills in the process.

Rp Sample: "The enemy is closed so make sure you're all on gaurd. Nobody make any unnescisary actions and if you have any problems what so ever, let me know and I'll take care of it" Morbokai said. He was leading a squad into enemy territory to retrieve info of location of ninja. There had been word that the cloud would be under attack and that the enemey were advancing. "Hold your positions, I'll be right back" he said making a clone of himself to protect the team. He blew away with the wind and surfaced behind an enemey with a kunai to his throat. "Its info, or your life. You choose".

Last edited by deidia on Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:16 am; edited 2 times in total
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Join date : 2008-12-16
Age : 30
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Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Sunagakure

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PostSubject: Re: Morbokai Nimakee   Morbokai Nimakee Icon_minitimeThu 13 Aug 2009, 9:28 am

Name: Shifting Winds
Description: His wind affinity allows him to disapate with the wind going else where at the drop of a dime.

This jutsu can not be used in Battle because it Teleports you

Description: An unseen force field is created around the caster. Anything that approaches within 20ft will be hit with a wind the force of an f-2 tornado. This last for 10 post.

Cut the post time in half
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Village: Sunagakure

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PostSubject: Re: Morbokai Nimakee   Morbokai Nimakee Icon_minitimeThu 13 Aug 2009, 5:41 pm

Approved any problems dont bother me with them lmfao
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PostSubject: Re: Morbokai Nimakee   Morbokai Nimakee Icon_minitime

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