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 Naizu vs. Aori

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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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PostSubject: Naizu vs. Aori   Naizu vs. Aori Icon_minitimeFri 28 Aug 2009, 7:51 pm

Naizu approached the field with his eyes already active in his oakegans third stage and awaiting someone that he wanted to test out there power. An individual from the leaf that had been making a lot of noise about the skills they possessed and he wanted to see for himself. He knew of the sharingans methods and byakugans methods but he hadn't fought either of them though he'd always wanted to do so. He has a shine to his eye and seemed a bit anxious for this was a fight that built up a good amount of excitement and anticipation of the bout for him as he laughed and thought amongst himself.

Description:(Only availible during piercing mind or higher oakegan) Almost as if a gloss were coated onto Naizus eyes, they become protecting mechanizms. Naizu's eyes reflect a genjutsu cast instantly but becomes blind for 1 post following. This can only be used once per 4 post

Kekei Genkai:Oakegan: genjutsu(3 stages have been noted in the clans history but there is a legend that 2 more exist. The possessors genjutsu is based on fear and elemental nature) 1st: Awakening Sight 2nd: Piercing Mind and 3rd: Heavens Vision

Awakening Sight: The possesors genjutsu ustilzes smaller portion of chakra and is enhanced. But most notably is one is able to gain premanitions of the opositions moves though only 50% accurate at this stage.

Piercing Mind: The possesors genjutsu uses more a great deal more chakra but also inflicts bodily wounds through genjutsu. the prior preminitions are enhanced 25% more and time seems at a slowed pace

Heavens Vision: At this state, the possessor can cast genjutsu on up to a hundred enemies at once for 10 min intervals. Determining the number of targets and time duration, the chakra consumption varies. All attributes from the previous two stages are also aplied as well as the priminitons accuracy increasing to upwards of 90%.
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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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Naizu vs. Aori Empty
PostSubject: Re: Naizu vs. Aori   Naizu vs. Aori Icon_minitimeSat 29 Aug 2009, 12:06 am

The grounds around them became enveloped in a dense mist, so that not even Naizu nor Aori could see. But, Aori had trained in this jutsu her entire life and was a master at the Silent Killing Technique. Using her superior sound - She drew out his placement by hearing his obvious laughter. She then used her Mist Kunai and sent them into the mist. Then, she threw 3 simple kunai, and ran in constant circles around Naizu from afar, making sure he couldn't see her, activating a hidden jutsu.


Last edited by Centella, Aori on Sat 29 Aug 2009, 5:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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PostSubject: Re: Naizu vs. Aori   Naizu vs. Aori Icon_minitimeSat 29 Aug 2009, 4:56 am

Naizu instantly noticed the mist began to emit steam from his feet in order to sense movement from the oponent as soon as they got there, then mistifying to higher grounds for caution. Amongst doing so, as his body was almost gone, three kunai shot by of which going through where Naizu's shoulder would have been. He resolidified on a branch and made a couple hand seals as a steam blended with the mist and made what little vision that was available lessen to a microscopic portion. Naizu then closed his eyes and activated a doujutsu that would allow him to see the cells of the enemy of which he spotted after few moments, slinging his arms together. Upon doing this, a large set of spikes came rushing towards the foe at a rapid pace looking to impale the foe from the left and right. Steam clones were running about as well and would attack if they encountered the enemy. The steam that was created was around 400 degrees to try to do the job of dehydrating the opposition as quick as possible .

Name: Mitify
Description: Naizu can turn his body to mist at will. This can only be used 10 times per battle.

Name:Light in darkness
Description:Using the Oakegan, Naizu can see cells in peoples bodies and the movement is still slowed to him. This was awakened due to Naizu trying to use a jutsu to show his senpai (Ki) memories of his and touched him on the forehead. Ki, being a Willow, forced immediate side effects and knocked him out cold. Though unconcious, Naizu was able to see his own cells in his body and was able to do the same around him and with others from there on. This feat only occurs during darkness and includes cells on anything one has touched though Naizu is able to distinguish whats being held and whats not.

Name: Iron Steam Spikes
Description:This is created with steam already in battle. The user can create 3 different types of dual spikes. Slinging their arms together, a set of squares holding 9 spikes will attempt to crush the opponent as they come from opposing directions, clashing together. Upon raising his arms in a curling manner, a large square holding 15 spikes (each 3 meters high and a meter in circumfrence) Shoot directly 3 consecutive times quickly. If they drive a fist to the ground a large square holding 15 spikes (each 3 meters high and a meter in circumfrence) slam into the ground from 5 ft above the opponent.

Name: Steam Style: Stealth Clone Jutsu
Description: Steam covers and heats the battle grounds and hot fogish like clones of Naizu lurk, and seek the enemy. Upon finding their target, they heat to upwards of 500 degrees, mistify and burn the target, as well as notify Naizu of the enimies location.
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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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Naizu vs. Aori Empty
PostSubject: Re: Naizu vs. Aori   Naizu vs. Aori Icon_minitimeSat 29 Aug 2009, 5:19 am

Aori quickly noticed the flying projectiles and charged an immediate detonate of electrical particles. Just before the spikes got to her, she allowed the charge to unleash, sending the spikes back at Naizu, but before the spikes left her reach, she activated a jutsu on the weapons. She then threw a shard into the air, and jumped into it - Making it to Naizu in little to no time at all. Then, she quickly blew a small fireball out of her mouth - And afterwards, quickly shooting a misted spray at Naizu. As the fireball was touched with the mist, the fake Aori dispersed and became a ball of smoke. The area was ignited in an extremely powerful explosion. Aori subsided the plan by extending a electromagnetic charge that extended 50 feet in an instant in all directions, and sent out lethal pure lightning shocks just in case Naizu turned into mist - Making the mist around them a major conductor. Meaning, he'd be hit regardless. With that, she nudged her head - Revealing her Mangekyou Sharingan. While the shock continued to electricute the area, she spoke. "Theres many factors you obviously did not look over or acknowledge. Among them.. Im a master of the Silent Killing Technique.. I can take you down just by sound alone.. The mist around us acts as a major conductor to the fact that I am a honed mastery inheritor of lightning manipulation.. This is my territory."
She smiled under her mask.
Name: Raikiri Mirrors - Electromagnetic Deflection
Rank: -
Element: Pure Lightning, Electricity, Kekkei Genkai
Description: By charging lightning particles directly in front, above, in back, or below her - Aori is capable of, once a wind, fire, lightning, water, or earth attack reaches her, use her lightning manipulation to volumize it to devastating results - Creating massive electromagnetic pulses which deflect the attack and send it back the way it came. Its able to deflect anything A-Rank and under.
mist waltz technique
rank B
a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does a string of hand seals and then proceeds to blow a large combustible mist at the target. When the mist hits flame, it will ignite in an explosion of fire.
lightning speed throw jutsu
rank A
allows a weapon to travel at near lightning speeds (lightning speed=lightning bolt) these weapons are inhanced in strength and not only speed. This requires a semi mastery of the lightning skill and chakra to spare inside of the weapons being thrown.
Name: Raikou Dansu: Erekutorikku Touza (Lightning Dance: Electric Current)
Rank: E-A
Element: Chakra Output, Lightning
Description: Depending on the capabilities of the ninjas Chakra Output, or, ability to exert chakra out of the users body - Determines how powerful this jutsu becomes. By channeling chakra into the core of the user (center chest) they can then send out a blowing "wave" of sorts that is completely invisible and unsensable, and will not take effect until it reaches its entire length. During the course of the wave it will travel exactly 50 feet and THEN become visible - During the time this wave extends, it cannot be effected by any outside force. It will appear as a blue-violet consortium charged wave which will strike anyone within the 50 feet with a powerful shock of pure lightning, depending on the defenses and special abilities of the enemies will determine how the shock effects them.
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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Naizu vs. Aori Empty
PostSubject: Re: Naizu vs. Aori   Naizu vs. Aori Icon_minitimeSat 29 Aug 2009, 5:47 am

Naizu seeing the way every thing was happening flared up into a distance out of site for Aori to see and far enough to avoid the explosion. Unfortunately, the distance also declined his vision of her cellular flow as he was unable to get a clear grip on where she was. He had an idea of her where abouts and decided to switch things up a bit. Figuring a good calculation of how much energy she had would be a must, the tempature may be hot but shinobi have a good deal of stamina so knowledge of how the steam was effecting her would need to be determined some how. Naizu increased his oakegan to one of the two legendary stages, Refined Perception. Around Aori, the sorroundings began to change as the trees began to turn into paws and the mist and steam seamed to be blown out of a the noses of massive canines that held the massive paws and legs. The branches looked to have turned to large dogs that were leaping at the girl. Above her, in her area in real time were two large clouds of steam which were opening up and letting loose a barrage of mist turned to pins going over her and around her. At this time, some of the clones attacked the special jounin of the leaf.

Description:Naizu can change his body to fire at will allowing objects to pass through him as well as burn a target if holding him. Naizu can also flare up in this state, disipating and re-solidifying elsewhere. This can only be used 10 times per battle.

Name:Refined Perception
Description:The fourth stage of the Oakegan thought to be but a legend. Its said to give the holder unfathomed wisdome and 3 fold over The Heavens Vision power.It is unknown how many jutsu this stage of the clans doujutsu hold but its said there are atleast two. Along with increasing the strength of the nin and genjutsus of the holder 3 fold its sad that the holders chakra is is Doubled

Name: Steam Style: Delusion Fog Jutsu
Element:Water/Fire (Genjutsu)
Description:(only availible during stealth clone jutsu) The steam creates an illusion Of the
land around the enemey becoming distorted and fellow alies become enemies in there mind

Name:Pin Drop
Description:Naizu creates a large steam high above the field that hovers for 5 posts and at will, can release a massive amount of mist and solidifies them into tiny pins aimed at the opposition. Naizu can also use this from falling rain, or produce rain or mist from natural storm clouds.
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Naizu Nimakee
Naizu Nimakee

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PostSubject: Re: Naizu vs. Aori   Naizu vs. Aori Icon_minitimeSun 30 Aug 2009, 6:38 am

((Because Aori is on Lock right now, this will be postponed))
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